STING agonist / Nimbus Therap 
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  • ||||||||||  STING agonist / Nimbus Therap
    Journal:  Inter-organelle cross-talk supports acetyl-coenzyme A homeostasis and lipogenesis under metabolic stress. (Pubmed Central) -  May 7, 2023   
    Knockout of both ACLY and ACSS2 (DKO) severely stunted but did not entirely block proliferation, suggesting that alternate pathways can support acetyl-CoA homeostasis. Metabolic tracing and PEX5 knockout studies link peroxisomal oxidation of exogenous lipids as a major source of acetyl-CoA for lipogenesis and histone acetylation in cells lacking ACLY, highlighting a role for inter-organelle cross-talk in supporting cell survival in response to nutrient fluctuations.