Lunsumio (mosunetuzumab-axgb) / Roche 
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  • ||||||||||  Lunsumio (mosunetuzumab) / Roche, Biogen
    Preclinical evaluation of mosunetuzumab for the treatment of relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia (Section 25; Poster Board #8) -  Mar 14, 2023 - Abstract #AACR2023AACR_4015;    
    Although single-agent Mosun treatment can activate T-cells in CLL patient samples and result in B-cell death, the response is suboptimal due to a number of factors, including deficient T cell activation and high B/T ratio. Ongoing work is focusing on evaluating drug partners to debulk CLL B cells or prime CLL T cells for better B-cell killing by Mosun.
  • ||||||||||  Lunsumio (mosunetuzumab) / Roche, Biogen
    mosunetuzumab (Twitter) -  Mar 9, 2023   
  • ||||||||||  Lunsumio (mosunetuzumab) / Roche, Biogen
    A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Mosunetuzumab for Treatment of Third- or Higher-Line Relapsed or Refractory (R/R) Follicular Lymphoma (FL) in the United States (US) () -  Mar 9, 2023 - Abstract #ISPOR2023ISPOR_2034;    
    A three-state (progression-free, progression, death) partitioned-survival model was developed to simulate the lifetime costs and outcomes of Mosun against 7 comparators: axicabtagene ciloleucel (axi-cel), tisagenlecleucel (tisa-cel), tazemetostat (taz, EZH2 wild-type only), rituximab in combination with lenalidomide (R-Len) or bendamustine (R-Benda), obinutuzumab in combination with bendamustine (O-Benda), and 3L+ FL treatments used in routine care by a retrospective real-world cohort (RW). Mosun is projected to be cost-effective compared with most approved regimens for the treatment of adults with 3L+ R/R FL.
  • ||||||||||  Lunsumio (mosunetuzumab) / Roche, Biogen
    Journal:  Mosunetuzumab (Lunsumio) for follicular lymphoma. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 7, 2023   
    Comparators were: axicabtagene ciloleucel (axi-cel), tisagenlecleucel (tisa-cel), tazemetostat (taz), rituximab + lenalidomide (R-Len), copanlisib (copan), and older therapies (rituximab or obinutuzumab No abstract available