- |||||||||| Luminate (risuteganib) / Allegro Ophthalmics
Journal: Crystal structure of AlPCl8. (Pubmed Central) - Feb 5, 2025 The crystal structure of aluminium phospho-rus chloride (systematic name: phospho-rus tetra-chloride tetra-chloridoa-luminate), (PCl4)[AlCl4] or AlPCl8, was determined and refined using single-crystal X-ray diffraction data...The asymmetric unit comprises one Al atom, one P atom, and five Cl atoms. The structure is characterized by isolated AlCl4 and PCl4 tetra-hedra, isostructural with FePCl8 and GaPCl8.
- |||||||||| Luminate (risuteganib) / Allegro Ophthalmics
Journal: Systemic Dendrimer-Peptide Therapies for Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration. (Pubmed Central) - Oct 28, 2023 Imaging data suggested that the difference in efficacy may be due to more D-ALG remaining in the target area than ALG-1001 after administration. The results presented here offer a clinically relevant route for peptide therapeutics by addressing the major obstacles that these therapies face in delivery.
- |||||||||| Luminate (risuteganib) / Allegro Ophthalmics
Journal: Comparative life cycle assessment of conventional and novel microalgae production systems and environmental impact mitigation in urban-industrial symbiosis. (Pubmed Central) - Sep 7, 2022 The present study uses Life Cycle Assessment approach to compare the environmental performance of conventional reactors and the proposed internally luminated novel closed reactor design, expressing impacts per kg biostimulant for the Scenedesmus almeriensis harvest from such units...This highlights that such closed and internally illuminated photobioreactors can be competitive with conventional reactors, and have potential to harness photosynthesis to reduce environmental burdens in an urban-industrial symbiosis setting. Possible economies of scale and the associated potential gains in efficiencies are further discussed.
- |||||||||| Luminate (risuteganib) / Allegro Ophthalmics
Cellular Uptake of Risuteganib via Endocytosis in Cultured Human RPE Cells ([Virtual]) - Apr 29, 2022 - Abstract #ARVO2022ARVO_1667; Experiments at temperatures that permit and inhibit endocytosis suggest that cultured RPE cells take up RSG via endocytosis. Co-localization of RSG with cell organelles may be involved in RSG’s protection against HQ-induced cell damage.
- |||||||||| pegcetacoplan intravitreal (APL-2 intravitreal) / Apellis
Journal: Emerging Therapies in Nonexudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration in 2020. (Pubmed Central) - Oct 31, 2021 Six upcoming agents have shown results at least in the 2A phase. This includes intravitreal agents that are inhibitors of integrin (Risuteganib), intravitreal agents that disrupt the complement pathway (Zimura, APL-2), neuroprotective implants (Brimonidine DDS), a subcutaneous injectable (Elamipretide), and photobiomodulation (Valeda Light Delivery System).
- |||||||||| Luminate (risuteganib) / Allegro Ophthalmics
Prospective, Randomized, Double-Masked, Vehicle-Controlled, Safety and Efficacy Study of Topical Risuteganib in Treating Dry Eye Disease (MBCR - Level 2, Surf EF) - Jul 19, 2021 - Abstract #ASCRSASOA2021ASCRS_ASOA_670; There were no reported drug-related adverse events or serious adverse events.ConclusionIn conclusion, 0.60% RSG and 0.60% RSG + 0.125% SH solutions demonstrated statistically significant superior improvement of signs and symptoms compared to control solutions in subjects with DED. Both active solutions demonstrated excellent safety profile and were well tolerated with no reported blurring of vision or ocular irritation.
- |||||||||| Avastin (bevacizumab) / Roche, Luminate (risuteganib) / Allegro Ophthalmics
Journal: Differential effects of risuteganib and bevacizumab on AMD cybrid cells. (Pubmed Central) - Apr 24, 2021 RSG modulated multiple transcription factors involved in oxidant injury pathways, supporting a multifunctional role of RSG on RPE cells against oxidative stress. These data suggest that the mechanism(s) of action of RSG, an integrin regulator, and Bmab, a recombinant monoclonal antibody, affect the AMD RPE cybrid cells differently, with the former having more anti-apoptosis properties, which may be desirable in treating degenerative ocular diseases.
- |||||||||| Journal: Anti-Integrin therapy for retinovascular diseases. (Pubmed Central) - Feb 3, 2021
Preclinical candidates include SB-267268, AXT-107, JNJ-26076713, Cilengitide and Lebecetin, which exhibit a decrease in retinal permeability, angiogenesis and/or choroidal neovascularization (CNV)...Anti-integrin agents tackle the multi-factorial nature of DR and AMD and show promise as injectable and topical agents in preclinical and early clinical studies. Integrin inhibition has potential to serve as primary therapy, adjunctive therapy to anti-vascular endothelial growth factor agents, or secondary therapy in refractory cases.
- |||||||||| Luminate (risuteganib) / Allegro Ophthalmics
Journal: Risuteganib - a novel integrin inhibitor for the treatment of non-exudative (dry) age-related macular degeneration and diabetic macular edema. (Pubmed Central) - Jan 28, 2021 The data from initial Phase 1 and Phase 2 risuteganib clinical trials is discussed in the latter part of the paper.Expert opinionWhile there are currently limited treatment options for dry AMD, more data is needed before we can truly evaluate the benefits of adopting risuteganib into the clinic. Conversely, several effective treatment options exist for DME; hence risuteganib must show that it can add to these results, especially in those with refractory disease, before retina specialists adopt risuteganib into their treatment regimens.
- |||||||||| Luminate (risuteganib) / Allegro Ophthalmics
Journal: Risuteganib Protects against Hydroquinone-induced Injury in Human RPE Cells. (Pubmed Central) - Jan 7, 2021 RSG cotreatment significantly protected against HQ-induced necrosis and apoptosis, prevented HQ-reduced mitochondrial bioenergetics, decreased HQ-induced reactive oxygen species production, improved HQ-disrupted mitochondrial membrane potential, reduced F-actin aggregates, decreased phosphorylation of P38 and heat shock protein 27, and further upregulated HQ-induced heme oxygenase-1 protein levels. RSG has no detectable adverse effects on healthy RPE cells, whereas RSG cotreatment protects against HQ-induced injury, mitochondrial dysfunction, and actin reorganization, suggesting a potential role for RSG therapy to treat retinal diseases such as AMD.