zelminemab (AMG 301) / Amgen, Novartis 
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  • ||||||||||  zelminemab (AMG 301) / Amgen, Novartis, Lu AG09222 / Lundbeck
    Review, Journal:  From CGRP to PACAP, VIP, and Beyond: Unraveling the Next Chapters in Migraine Treatment. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 28, 2023   
    In light of recent advances in PACAP research, we emphasize the potential of PACAP as a promising target for migraine treatment, highlighting the significance of exploring PACAP as a member of the antimigraine armamentarium, especially for patients who do not respond to or contraindicated to anti-CGRP therapies. By updating our knowledge of PACAP and its unique contribution to migraine pathophysiology, we can pave the way for reinforcing PACAP and other secretin peptides, including VIP, as a novel treatment option for migraines.
  • ||||||||||  zelminemab (AMG 301) / Amgen, Novartis
    Trial completion:  Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of AMG 301 in Migraine Prevention (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Feb 6, 2019   
    P2a,  N=343, Completed, 
    There are still knowledge gaps in the role of PACAP in migraine and the risk/benefit ratio of anti-PACAP antibodies must be carefully studied. Active, not recruiting --> Completed