Activase (alteplase) / Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Kyowa Kirin, Mitsubishi Tanabe 
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  • ||||||||||  Activase (alteplase) / Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Kyowa Kirin, Mitsubishi Tanabe
    Enrollment closed:  Alteplase in Elderly Acute Ischemic Stroke (AIS) Patients During Hospitalization ( -  Dec 23, 2022   
    P=N/A,  N=4000, Active, not recruiting, 
    Current evidence does not support treatment with tenecteplase in patients selected with non-contrast CT. Not yet recruiting --> Active, not recruiting
  • ||||||||||  Activase (alteplase) / Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Kyowa Kirin, Mitsubishi Tanabe
    Journal, Real-world evidence:  DWI-FLAIR mismatch guided thrombolysis in patients without large-vessel occlusion: real-world data from a comprehensive stroke centre. (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 13, 2022   
    Outcomes were compared between thrombolysed patients and those who did not receive alteplase due to lack of DWI-FLAIR mismatch or other contraindications...Our real-world data demonstrate that thrombolysis based on DWI-FLAIR mismatch in patients without LVO has an early beneficial effect. The rate of intracerebral haemorrhage was similar to this complication reported in large thrombolysis trials with known onset times.
  • ||||||||||  Activase (alteplase) / Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Kyowa Kirin, Mitsubishi Tanabe
    Journal:  Timing of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage after endovascular stroke treatment. (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 9, 2022   
    SICHs primarily occur in the first hours after EVT, and less frequently beyond 24 h. Guidelines that recommend to perform frequent neurological assessments for at least 24 h after intravenous alteplase treatment can be applied to ischemic stroke patients treated with EVT.
  • ||||||||||  Activase (alteplase) / Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Kyowa Kirin, Mitsubishi Tanabe
    Journal:  A comparative study between direct mechanical thrombectomy and bridging therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation associated anterior circulation large vessel occlusion stroke (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 9, 2022   
    The rate of 90 d good prognosis in dMT and BT groups was 36.5% (19/52) and 35.7% (15/42), respectively, and the difference was not statistically significant(OR=1.45, 95%CI: 0.39-3.37, P=0.805). The number of stent passes[2(1,3) vs 1(1,2)] and the vessel recanalization time [(81±41)min vs (57±29)min] in the BT subgroup of middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion were longer than those in the dMT group (both P<0.05).Therefore, direct thrombectomy has similar efficacy and safety as bridging therapy in the treatment of AF related anterior circulation large vessel occlusive stroke, which is worthy of further research and verification.
  • ||||||||||  Ventavis (iloprost) / Bayer, J&J, University of Copenhagen, Activase (alteplase) / Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Kyowa Kirin, Mitsubishi Tanabe
    Journal:  Livid Fingers after Respiratory Infection (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 8, 2022   
    In addition to short-term lysis therapy with alteplase, the patient was therapeutically anticoagulated and received aspirin. An ilomedin (iloprost) therapy was carried out.
  • ||||||||||  Activase (alteplase) / Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Kyowa Kirin, Mitsubishi Tanabe
    Retrospective data, Journal:  Intravenous thrombolysis before thrombectomy in acute ischemic stroke: a dual centre retrospective cohort study. (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 7, 2022   
    A dual-center retrospective cohort study enrolled 201 patients with AIS of anterior circulation and was divided into a bridging therapy (BT) group of 150 patients who received alteplase preceding thrombectomy, and a direct mechanical thrombectomy (dMT) group of 51 patients...BT might have better early outcome than dMT but no difference as regards 90-day favorable outcomes, mortality, sICH, FPE, recanalization rate and procedure time. It might be reasonable to go directly to mechanical thrombectomy without IVT for AIS with large vessel occlusion.
  • ||||||||||  Activase (alteplase) / Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Kyowa Kirin, Mitsubishi Tanabe
    Journal:  Trends in stroke thrombolysis rate in Bosnia and Herzegovina: a hospital-based observation study. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 28, 2022   
    Results Out of the total of 3100 ischaemic stroke patients, alteplase was given to 130 patients giving a thrombolysis rate of 4.2%...Conclusion Although the hospital thrombolysis rate more than quadrupled, there is still a low proportion of acute ischaemic stroke patients who received intravenous thrombolysis therapy. Education and interventions indicating the importance of recognition and treatment of acute ischemic stoke are necessary for all physicians.
  • ||||||||||  TNKASE (tenecteplase) / Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim
    Journal, HEOR:  Tenecteplase in managing acute ischemic stroke: a long-term cost-utility analysis in Iran. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 25, 2022   
    Moreover, the base case results were strongly confirmed by deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analysis. Base-case and sensitivity analysis showed that TNK is the dominant strategy compared to ALT for the management of AIS patients.
  • ||||||||||  Activase (alteplase) / Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Kyowa Kirin, Mitsubishi Tanabe
    Review, Journal:  A Brief Review of Thrombolytics for Venous Interventions. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 22, 2022   
    In the last two decades, there has been a significant increase in catheter-based therapies with and without ultrasound, where lower doses of thrombolytic agents are utilized, potentially reducing the risk for major bleeding events and improving the odds of reducing the thrombus burden. In this article, we provide an overview of several thrombolytic therapies, including delivery methods, doses, and outcomes.
  • ||||||||||  Activase (alteplase) / Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Kyowa Kirin, Mitsubishi Tanabe
    Retrospective data, Review, Journal:  Safety and efficacy of low-cost alternative urokinase in acute ischemic stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 22, 2022   
    In this article, we provide an overview of several thrombolytic therapies, including delivery methods, doses, and outcomes. Our meta-analysis found that intravenous UK is not inferior to alteplase in terms of safety and efficacy and can be a viable alternative for IVT in AIS patients in LMICs.
  • ||||||||||  Activase (alteplase) / Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Kyowa Kirin, Mitsubishi Tanabe
    Once daily fibrinolytic therapy in the management of pleural infection (Westminster, 4th floor) -  Nov 15, 2022 - Abstract #BTSWM2022BTS_WM_417;    
    We explored the feasibility and outcomes of an alternative, reduced cost, once-daily dosing strategy.Methods We completed a prospective observational study of concurrent dosing with once-daily Alteplase and DNase (Deoxyribonuclease) in adult patients with pleural infection, in a single district general hospital...Table 1 also summarises other outcomes.View this table:View inline P134 Table 1 Conclusions This study shows that a cheaper and less onerous once-daily fibrinolytic regime is feasible and achieved acceptable outcomes similar to those expected from standard regimes. Further studies are needed to confirm this.
  • ||||||||||  TNKASE (tenecteplase) / Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Activase (alteplase) / Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Kyowa Kirin, Mitsubishi Tanabe
    TPA or TNK: Making the Choice when Time Is Brain (Mandalay Bay South Convention Center, Oceanside C, Level 2) -  Nov 12, 2022 - Abstract #ASHP2022ASHP_199;    
    Contrast alteplase and tenecteplase as therapeutic options in ischemic stroke management. Compose an organizational transition from alteplase to tenecteplase.
  • ||||||||||  TNKASE (tenecteplase) / Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Activase (alteplase) / Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Kyowa Kirin, Mitsubishi Tanabe
    Roundtable and Poster Session: Critical Care (Mandalay Bay South Convention Center, Bayside B, Level 1) -  Nov 12, 2022 - Abstract #ASHP2022ASHP_71;    
    Compose an organizational transition from alteplase to tenecteplase. Hosted by the Section of Clinical Specialists and Scientists Discussion Topics: Barbiturates vs. Benzodiazepines for alcohol withdrawal Alteplase vs. tenecteplase for acute ischemic stroke Things that don’t really cause AKI: Vanco + piperacillin and tazobactam injection, IV contrast Balancing rounding (clinical work) with administrative responsibilities
  • ||||||||||  TNKASE (tenecteplase) / Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Activase (alteplase) / Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Kyowa Kirin, Mitsubishi Tanabe
    tPA vs. TNK, Amp-C and SGLT2 inhibitors! An Alphabet Soup of Therapeutic Updates (Mandalay Bay South Convention Center, South Seas F, Level 3) -  Nov 12, 2022 - Abstract #ASHP2022ASHP_24;    
    Cite the recent updates regarding the use of SGLT2 inhibitors for the management of heart failure. Summarize the 2021 guideline on the treatment of AmpC β-lactamase producing Enterobacterales.
  • ||||||||||  Activase (alteplase) / Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Kyowa Kirin, Mitsubishi Tanabe
    Journal:  Sex differences in imaging and clinical characteristics of patients from the WAKE-UP trial. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 10, 2022   
    As in many other stroke trials, more men than women were included in the WAKE-UP trial, but the presence of a visual DWI-FLAIR mismatch and the relative FLAIR signal intensity did not differ between sexes. The treatment effect of alteplase was not modified by sex.
  • ||||||||||  Activase (alteplase) / Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Kyowa Kirin, Mitsubishi Tanabe
    Journal:  Safety of early antiplatelet administration in patients with acute ischemic stroke treated with alteplase (SEAPT-24). (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 9, 2022   
    In our retrospective analysis, early administration of antiplatelet therapy (< 24 h post-alteplase) did not increase the risk of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage, gastrointestinal bleeding, or unfavorable outcomes in patients who received alteplase alone for management of acute ischemic stroke. Prospective studies are needed to validate these findings.
  • ||||||||||  Activase (alteplase) / Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Kyowa Kirin, Mitsubishi Tanabe
    A 16 years old right hand-dominant gentleman presented with sudden onset of headache upon waking up associated with slurring of speech and body weakness.He denied any fitting, fever or altered consciousness.Patient’s Glasgow Coma Scale(GCS) was 14/15(E3, V5, M6) with right gaze preference, left dense hemiplegia with neglect.Initial National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale(NIHSS) score was 15.Computed Tomography(CT) brain was done which showed right temporoparietal hypodensity with ASPECT score of 7.CTA brain showed no large vessel occlusion with right middle cerebral artery infarct.CT perfusion showed mismatched deficit at right Middle Cerebral Artery(MCA) region.A decision was made for reperfusion therapy using alteplase... Young patient with atypical presentation of stroke can be challenging to clinicians.Advanced imaging studies definitely aid in clinicians’ decision for repercussion therapy.Nonetheless, bedside clinical acumen remains crucial in indentifying possible etiologies of stroke especially in resource limited setting.
  • ||||||||||  Aggrastat (tirofiban) / Correvio, Medicure
    Background and Aims: The only evidence based therapies for Lacunar strokes are Intra Venous thrombolysis with Alteplase / Tenecteplase upto 4 ½ hrs and oral aspirin within 48 hrs. IV Tirofiban is safe and effective in patients with lacunar strokes presenting beyond window period for IVT, however RCT with large number of patients is required.
  • ||||||||||  Activase (alteplase) / Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Kyowa Kirin, Mitsubishi Tanabe
    Presence of a DWI-FLAIR match should not absolutely prevent potential candidates from receiving alteplase. The authors recommend that additional studies be done to evaluate the benefits of thrombolysis in select patients with DWI-FLAIR match, with the hopes of establishing an extended criteria for thrombolytic eligibility possibly taking into account the volume of infarct and severity of symptoms.