doxycycline / Generic mfg. 
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 114 Diseases   151 Trials   151 Trials   5480 News 

  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg., erythromycin / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Investigation of Naphthyl-Polyamine Conjugates as Antimicrobials and Antibiotic Enhancers. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 28, 2023   
    Two analogues (19a and 20c) were of note, exhibiting greater than 32-fold enhancement in activity. This latter result suggests that ?,?-disubstituted polyamines bearing 1-naphthyl- and 2-naphthyl-capping groups are worthy of further investigation and optimization as non-toxic antibiotic enhancers.
  • ||||||||||  cephalexin / Generic mfg., doxycycline / Generic mfg., cefadroxil / Generic mfg.
    Enrollment status, Enrollment change:  Antibiotic Prophylaxis in High-Risk Arthroplasty Patients ( -  Jun 28, 2023   
    P4,  N=4618, Enrolling by invitation, 
    We found no evidence for genomic resistance in this large, clinically relevant dataset. Recruiting --> Enrolling by invitation | N=956 --> 4618
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Enrollment open, Phase classification, Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  Doxycycline Intervention for Bacterial STI ChemoprOphylaxis (DISCO) ( -  Jun 28, 2023   
    P4,  N=560, Recruiting, 
    Recruiting --> Enrolling by invitation | N=956 --> 4618 Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting | Phase classification: P2/3 --> P4 | Trial completion date: Mar 2025 --> Jun 2027 | Trial primary completion date: Mar 2025 --> Dec 2026
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Investigation of the Real-Time Release of Doxycycline from PLA-Based Nanofibers. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 27, 2023   
    The kinetics of the release profiles were compared using model-dependent and model-independent analyses. The diffusion-controlled mechanism of Doxy release from both types of fibers was confirmed by a good fit to the Korsmeyer-Peppas model.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Antimicrobial susceptibility of Rhodococcus equi strains isolated from foals in Chile. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 26, 2023   
    The aim of the present study is to determine the susceptibility profile of fourteen strains of R. equi isolated from foals in Chile to several antibiotics of the macrolide group including azithromycin, amikacin, tildipirosin and gamithromycin as well as others such as rifampicin, doxycycline and ceftiofur. Current macrolides have been evaluated in order to consider alternative treatment options in a context of emerging resistance to classic macrolides and rifampicin, obtaining better results with gamithromycin (MIC range of 0.125 to 128
  • ||||||||||  Review, Journal:  The Future of Lymphedema: Potential Therapeutic Targets for Treatment. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 26, 2023   
    Many potential treatment options for lymphedema have been explored throughout the past two decades including systemic agents and topical approaches to decrease the potential toxicity of systemic treatment. Treatment strategies including lymphangiogenic factors, anti-inflammatory agents, and anti-fibrotic therapies may be used independently or in conjunction with surgical approaches.
  • ||||||||||  levofloxacin / Generic mfg., doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Journal, Pleural effusion:  Pleural effusion-related Nocardia otitidiscaviarum, Anaplasma platys and Ehrlichia canis coinfection in a dog. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 23, 2023   
    Therapy of N. otitidiscaviarum isolate using levofloxacin (supported by a previous in vitro susceptibility testing) and doxycycline for E. canis and A. platys resulted in complete resolution of the clinical picture. Here, we report for the first time a triple coinfection by Nocardia otitidiscaviarum, A. platys, and E. canis in a dog with pleural effusion, where debilitating or immunosuppressive conditions induced by A. platys and E. canis coinfection probably contributed to the opportunistic behavior of N. otitidiscaviarum.
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date, HEOR:  QoLyme: Impact on the Quality of Life and Persistent Symptoms of Patients Away From Diagnosed and Treated Neuroborreliosis ( -  Jun 22, 2023   
    P=N/A,  N=180, Recruiting, 
    Here, we report for the first time a triple coinfection by Nocardia otitidiscaviarum, A. platys, and E. canis in a dog with pleural effusion, where debilitating or immunosuppressive conditions induced by A. platys and E. canis coinfection probably contributed to the opportunistic behavior of N. otitidiscaviarum. Trial completion date: Apr 2023 --> Sep 2023 | Trial primary completion date: Apr 2023 --> Aug 2023
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Journal, Combination therapy:  Assessment of CD200R Activation in Combination with Doxycycline in a Model of Melioidosis. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 19, 2023   
    Here, we show that a layered defense approach, where an immunomodulatory compound is combined with an antibiotic, is better than an antibiotic combined with a relevant isotype control following infection with the biothreat agent Burkholderia pseudomallei. This approach has the potential to be truly broad spectrum and since the strategy includes manipulation of the host response it's application could be used in the treatment of a wide range of diseases.
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Journal, Gram negative:  Baicalein Resensitizes Multidrug-Resistant Gram-Negative Pathogens to Doxycycline. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 19, 2023   
    In this study, it was found that baicalein potentiates doxycycline against multidrug-resistant Gram-negative pathogens in vitro and in vivo. Due to its low cytotoxicity and resistance, the combination of baicalein and doxycycline provides a valuable clinical reference for selecting more effective therapeutic strategies for treating infections caused by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative clinical isolates.
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  BCR-ABL promotes hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell formation in embryonic stem cells. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 18, 2023   
    We showed in unique site-directed knock-in ESC model, that BCR-ABL expression tightly regulated by doxycycline (dox) controls the formation and the maintenance of immature hematopoietic progenitors...LTC-IC assay confirmed their self-renewal capacities albeit with a differentiation bias towards erythroid and myeloid cells. Collectively, our novel Tet-ON system represents a unique in vitro model to shed lights on ESC-derived hematopoiesis, CML initiation and maintenance.
  • ||||||||||  tamoxifen / Generic mfg., doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Targeting TFEB and TFE3 in Renal Tumorigenesis (Live; Virtual) -  Jun 16, 2023 - Abstract #KCRS2023KCRS_31;    
    In Aim 2, we will perform an siRNA screen to identify genes that inhibit TFEB-driven luciferase activity, using a novel system in which an mCherry GPNMB luciferase reporter is expressed in cells with CRISPR/Cas9 knockout of TSC2 or FLCN and GFP-TFEB expression is induced with doxycycline...Innovation: This proposal addresses innovative hypotheses, utilizes novel preclinical mouse models, and includes a state-of-the-art high throughput small molecule screen. Impact: Our ultimate goal is to achieve clinical impact by identifying targeted therapies for RCC associated with hyperactivation of TFEB and TFE3.
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Distribution Characteristics and Risk Assessment of PPCPs in Surface Water and Sediments of Lakes in the Lower Reaches of the Huaihe River (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 13, 2023   
    The concentrations of lincomycin (LIN) in surface water and doxycycline (DOX) in sediment were the highest, and antibiotics were the main components...The distribution characteristics of typical PPCPs in the study area showed that typical PPCPs tended to stay in the water phase, and there was a significant correlation between lg K and lg K, indicating that total organic carbon (TOC) played an important role in the distribution of typical PPCPs in the water/sediment system. The ecological risk assessment results showed that the ecological risk of PPCPs to algae in surface water and sediment was significantly higher than that of fleas and fish, the ecological risk value of PPCPs in surface water was higher than that in sediment, and the ecological risk of Hongze Lake was higher than that of Gaoyou Lake.
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg., minocycline / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Evaluation of renal values during treatment for heartworm disease in 27 client-owned dogs. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 12, 2023   
    The ecological risk assessment results showed that the ecological risk of PPCPs to algae in surface water and sediment was significantly higher than that of fleas and fish, the ecological risk value of PPCPs in surface water was higher than that in sediment, and the ecological risk of Hongze Lake was higher than that of Gaoyou Lake. The results suggest that the current AHS protocol may not have a substantial impact on renal function.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Isolation, identification, and drug resistance of a partially isolated bacterium from the gill of Siniperca chuatsi. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 12, 2023   
    The antibiotic sensitivity test showed that the strain was sensitive to piperacillin, carbenicillin, cefoperazone, cefazolin, ofloxacin, gentamicin, kanamycin, amikacin, neomycin, erythromycin, minocycline, doxycycline, polymyxin B, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, and other drugs. However, it was resistant to penicillin, ampicillin, oxacillin, ceftriaxone, cefradine, cefalexin, cefuroxime sodium, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, vancomycin, compound sulfamethoxazole, clindamycin, medimycin, and furazolidone.
  • ||||||||||  Mycobutin (rifabutin) / Pfizer, Lupin, Lamprene (clofazimine) / Novartis, Sirturo (bedaquiline) / J&J, Pharmstandard
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  FORMaT: Finding the Optimal Regimen for Mycobacterium Abscessus Treatment ( -  Jun 12, 2023   
    P2/3,  N=300, Recruiting, 
    However, it was resistant to penicillin, ampicillin, oxacillin, ceftriaxone, cefradine, cefalexin, cefuroxime sodium, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, vancomycin, compound sulfamethoxazole, clindamycin, medimycin, and furazolidone. Trial completion date: Aug 2023 --> Aug 2024 | Trial primary completion date: Jun 2023 --> Jun 2024
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg., azithromycin / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Intravenous Doxycycline, Azithromycin, or Both for Severe Scrub Typhus. Reply. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 11, 2023   
    High levels of intracellular endotrophin-mediated autophagic flux impairment in adipocyte contribute to metabolic dysfunction such as apoptosis, inflammation, and insulin resistance in obesity. No abstract available
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg., ivermectin topical / Generic mfg.
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  Analysis of the Microbiome in Rosacea ( -  Jun 9, 2023   
    P1,  N=150, Recruiting, 
    Therefore, restriction on the sale of antimicrobial drugs by community pharmacies without a prescription, hospital antimicrobial stewardship and awareness about the dangers of extensive use of antibiotics are recommended. Trial completion date: Sep 2023 --> Sep 2024 | Trial primary completion date: Sep 2023 --> Sep 2024
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Enrollment open:  DOXY-PEP: Doxy-Post-exposure Prophylaxis ( -  Jun 9, 2023   
    P4,  N=40, Recruiting, 
    Trial completion date: Sep 2023 --> Sep 2024 | Trial primary completion date: Sep 2023 --> Sep 2024 Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  The effect of manure-borne doxycycline combined with different types of oversized microplastic contamination layers on carbon and nitrogen metabolism in sandy loam. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 9, 2023   
    The genera Chryseolinea and Ohtaekwangia were key microbes involved in C and N cycling in the surface layer and regulated carbon fixation in photosynthetic organisms (K00134), carbon fixation pathways in prokaryotes (K00031), methane metabolism (K11212 and K14941), assimilatory nitrate reduction (K00367), and denitrification (K00376 and K04561). The present study is the first to reveal the potential microbial mechanism of C and N cycling under OMP combined with DOX in different layers, mainly the OMP contamination layer and its upper layer, and the OMP shape plays an important role in this process.
  • ||||||||||  ceftriaxone / Generic mfg., rifampicin / Generic mfg., doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Biomarker, Journal, Next-generation sequencing:  Next-generation sequencing in the diagnosis of neurobrucellosis: a case series of eight consecutive patients. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 7, 2023   
    Young cisgender women using HIV PrEP in Kenya and enrolled in a trial of doxycycline postexposure prophylaxis had a high prevalence of curable STIs and represent a target population for an STI prevention intervention. NGS of CSF provides a powerful tool in detection of Brucella in a prompt and specific manner, and can be considered for first-line diagnostic use in practice.