doxycycline / Generic mfg. 
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 114 Diseases   151 Trials   151 Trials   5480 News 

  • ||||||||||  triamcinolone acetonide / Generic mfg., doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    A case report of Syphilitic Balanitis of Follmann () -  Jul 3, 2023 - Abstract #WCD2023WCD_7056;    
    Considering the fact that benzathine penicilin was not available in our country at the time of the diagnosis, the patient was treated with oral doxycycline (100 mg twice a day for 14 days), with complete resolution of the genital eruption. KEY MESSAGE: Syphilitic balanitis of Follmann represents a challenge diagnosis that shoud be kept in mind everytime facing a case of non-specific balanitis, especially in patients at risk of sexually transmited infections
  • ||||||||||  progesterone / Generic mfg.
    Autoimmune progesterone dermatitis - report of 2 cases () -  Jul 3, 2023 - Abstract #WCD2023WCD_6684;    
    OBSERVATION: Case 1: 27 year Female with itchy erythematous maculopapular rash over all over the body for the past 3 days following intake of C. Doxycycline 100mg bd...She was subjected to Intradermal progesterone test and was found to be positive Patient was started on T. Danazol 100 mg one od and is symptomatically better now...Patients are not aware that their skin lesions are associated with menstrual cycle unless enquired with a leading question. These cases emphasize that dermatologists should consider AIPD in the differential diagnosis when female patients complain of recurrent cyclic urticaria or maculopapular rash
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Late-onset Incontinentia pigmenti () -  Jul 3, 2023 - Abstract #WCD2023WCD_6421;    
    Long term doxycycline was associated with resolution of pseudo and vesicular lesions, and flattening of nodular lesions...Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with immune deficiency (HED-ID), is known to have NEMO mutations and is allelic to IP. Although immunodeficiency is not commonly seen with IP, this common allele can explain the reason why some IP patients have increased susceptibility to infections, as in our patient.
  • ||||||||||  Dupixent (dupilumab) / Sanofi, Regeneron
    Dupilumab as a treatment for X-linked ichthyosis () -  Jul 3, 2023 - Abstract #WCD2023WCD_6369;    
    He was treated by his pediatrician with oral prednisone with some improvement, and also recently started on oral antifungals...The patient was started on ketoconazole shampoo, triamcinolone ointment, and doxycycline...He is no longer requiring topical corticosteroids, though improving areas of keratotic papules remain on the thighs and legs. KEY MESSAGE: Dupilumab may serve as a novel, safe, systemic therapy for patients with X-linked ichthyosis, and may highlight critical cytokine pathways involved in the treatment of congenital ichthyosis.
  • ||||||||||  prednisone / Generic mfg., doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Panniculitis Revealing Alpha 1 Anti-Trypsin Deficiency () -  Jul 3, 2023 - Abstract #WCD2023WCD_5520;    
    AAT substitution therapy would be ideal, but it is expensive and not available in Algeria. Our case is original for its early age of occurrence, its extensive involvement and its good response to the triple therapy of corticosteroids, disulone and doxycycline
  • ||||||||||  Dupixent (dupilumab) / Sanofi, Regeneron
    Treatment of recalcitrant bullous pemphigoid in a young adult with dupilumab: A case report (Level 6 - Hall 602) -  Jul 3, 2023 - Abstract #WCD2023WCD_5100;    
    Her prednisolone was tapered off 4 months after dupilumab initiation and she is currently in remission. KEY MESSAGE: The present case highlights the successful off label use of dupilumab in the management of recalcitrant bullous pemphigoid
  • ||||||||||  dapsone / Generic mfg., doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Linear IgA disease- case series () -  Jul 3, 2023 - Abstract #WCD2023WCD_5067;    
    Though dapsone is considered the drug of choice, the dosage should be individualized to the patient considering baseline health and laboratory evaluation and regular monitoring of the patient is warranted especially in children. Low dose dapsone was effective in children in our study
  • ||||||||||  hydroxychloroquine / Generic mfg., prednisone / Generic mfg., doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Vitamin E is a beauty vitamin unless it is misused! () -  Jul 3, 2023 - Abstract #WCD2023WCD_4846;    
    Irrational use of aesthetic procedures can lead to serious and sometimes irreversible complications. Therefore, the use and handling of some cosmetic products and beauty devices should be limited to health care practitioners who hold a certification in this field.
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg., ivermectin topical / Generic mfg.
    Unilateral Rosacea Of The Nose - Case Report () -  Jul 3, 2023 - Abstract #WCD2023WCD_4609;    
    Treatment with oral doxycycline and local treatment with metronidazole and ivermectine suppressed the dermatitis and the improvement was quite satisfying...KEY MESSAGE: From clinical point of view, a vascular tumour was the most appropriate differential diagnosis. The importance of histopathology diagnosis is once again confirmed and is the basis of correct and fast treatment that allows a rapid improvement of the lesion and a less altered quality of life for the patient (photos before and after and pathology are available)
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg., tetracycline / Generic mfg., isotretinoin oral / Generic mfg.
    Ten-Ten pulse therapy in treatment of Acne Vulgaris () -  Jul 3, 2023 - Abstract #WCD2023WCD_4586;    
    BACKGROUND: Tetracycline group of drugs have been the principal oral therapy for acne vulgaris for many years...Oral isotretinoin is recommended for severe nodulocystic acne which is usually associated with higher incidence of adverse effects... Doxycycline and isotretenoin are the good old drugs for the management of moderate, severe and very severe acne but can
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Subantibiotic Doxycycline In Rosacea: Focus On Patient Reported Outcomes () -  Jul 3, 2023 - Abstract #WCD2023WCD_4580;    
    Doxycycline and isotretenoin are the good old drugs for the management of moderate, severe and very severe acne but can After 12 weeks of treatment with SDD40, most patients had improvements in VAS, PGA, PSA for redness, and RosaQOL scores; in addition, therapy was overall well tolerated
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg., isotretinoin oral / Generic mfg.
    Elaioconiosis: hydrocarbon acne () -  Jul 3, 2023 - Abstract #WCD2023WCD_4508;    
    An adequate clinical history and the characteristics of the lesions are what lead us to the diagnosis. Preventive measures must be disclosed in the population at risk since this is usually difficult to manage
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg., tetracycline / Generic mfg., isotretinoin oral / Generic mfg.
    Clinical Characteristics and Treatment Outcomes in Acne Necrotica () -  Jul 3, 2023 - Abstract #WCD2023WCD_4487;    
    Our results show that Acne necrotica typically affects older females, with lesions most commonly occurring on the scalp and face. Diagnosis is often made clinically and confirmed histologically.
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Aberrant amino acid metabolism promotes neurovascular reactivity in rosacea () -  Jul 3, 2023 - Abstract #WCD2023WCD_4460;    
    Diagnosis is often made clinically and confirmed histologically. These findings reveal that abnormal amino acid metabolism promotes neurovascular reactivity in rosacea, and raise the possibility of targeting dysregulated metabolism as a promising strategy for clinical treatment.
  • ||||||||||  piperacillin sodium/tazobactam sodium / Generic mfg., clindamycin phosphate / Generic mfg., doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    A Face to Remember: A Case Report on Necrotizing Fasciitis of the Head and Neck Region () -  Jul 3, 2023 - Abstract #WCD2023WCD_4349;    
    KEY MESSAGE: Necrotizing fasciitis is a lethal disease with a very high mortality rate if left untreated. Early recognition, prompt antibiotic therapy initiation, and aggressive necrotic tissue debridement with reconstruction saved this young man's life
  • ||||||||||  Treatment of Pediatric Ocular Rosacea: A Systematic Review () -  Jul 3, 2023 - Abstract #WCD2023WCD_4189;    
    Systemic antibiotics, led by doxycycline, were the most commonly reported treatment modality in pediatric ocular rosacea. Where combination oral antibiotics and topical regimens were used, they most commonly involved a combined topical steroid/antibiotic
  • ||||||||||  apremilast / Generic mfg.
    Apremilast In Recalcitrant Dissecting Cellulitis Of Scalp  () -  Jul 3, 2023 - Abstract #WCD2023WCD_4136;    
    Thus Apremilast is a promising drug that can be used as definitive treatment in such recalcitrant cases along with adjuvant treatment with systemic corticosteroids. To our knowledge, this is the first case of recalcitrant dissecting cellulitis of scalp treated with Apremilast
  • ||||||||||  Cubicin (daptomycin) / Merck (MSD)
    A Case Of Sdrife () -  Jul 3, 2023 - Abstract #WCD2023WCD_3916;    
    To our knowledge, this is the first case of recalcitrant dissecting cellulitis of scalp treated with Apremilast She has known allergies to doxycycline, vancomycin and penicillins, although the reaction to these drugs is unclear...She was started on ceftriaxone and clindamycin for broad-spectrum antimicrobial coverage...Ceftriaxone was discontinued and daptomycin was started...Onset is usually 5
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Clinical And Epidemiological Profile Of Patients With Hidradenitis Suppurativa Treated At Dermatology Outpatient Clinic Of A University Hospital () -  Jul 3, 2023 - Abstract #WCD2023WCD_3781;    
    She has known allergies to doxycycline, vancomycin and penicillins, although the reaction to these drugs is unclear...She was started on ceftriaxone and clindamycin for broad-spectrum antimicrobial coverage...Ceftriaxone was discontinued and daptomycin was started...Onset is usually 5 The epidemiological profile of the 36 patients is in accordance with the literature data: higher prevalence in women, association with arterial hypertension and depression, as draws attention to high levels of absenteeism at work or study due to HS, with probable relevant social and economic impairment for these patients; nevertheless, we did not observe statistical significance related to obesity and smoking, parameters that were also evaluated
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Q fever represented as multiple pulmonary nodules: a case report. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 29, 2023   
    Here, a case of Q fever in a 53-year-old male patient, which was diagnosed by next generation sequencing and exhibited a distinct computed tomographic feature, is reported, with the aim of improving clinical knowledge of this disease. Following diagnosis, the patient was treated with 0.1?g doxycycline, orally, twice daily, and 0.5?g chloramphenicol, orally, three times daily, leading to improvement of symptoms and discharge from hospital.
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Morbihan Disease: A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenge. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 29, 2023   
    Following diagnosis, the patient was treated with 0.1?g doxycycline, orally, twice daily, and 0.5?g chloramphenicol, orally, three times daily, leading to improvement of symptoms and discharge from hospital. No abstract available
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg., tetracycline / Generic mfg., minocycline / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Structure-Activity Relationship Studies of Indolglyoxyl-Polyamine Conjugates as Antimicrobials and Antibiotic Potentiators. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 28, 2023   
    Different molecular attributes were required for antibiotic enhancing properties, with one example identified, a 5-methoxy-substitiuted analogue (19a), as being a non-toxic, non-hemolytic enhancer of the action of two tetracycline antibiotics, doxycycline and minocycline, towards P. aeruginosa. These results provide further stimulation for the search for novel antimicrobials and antibiotic enhancers amongst marine natural products and related synthetic analogues.
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Preclinical, Journal:  TRIM16 Overexpression in HEK293T Cells Results in Cell Line-Specific Antiviral Activity. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 28, 2023   
    To this end, we utilized constitutive or doxycycline-inducible systems to overexpress TRIM16 in HEK293T epithelial cells and then tested for its ability to inhibit growth by a range of RNA and DNA viruses...Thus, while initial overexpression in HEK293T cells suggested that TRIM16 was a host cell restriction factor, alternative approaches did not validate these findings. These studies highlight the importance of multiple complementary experimental approaches, including overexpression analysis in multiple cell lines and investigation of the endogenous protein, when defining host cell restriction factors with novel antiviral activity.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Antimicrobial Susceptibility and Resistance Mechanisms in Mannheimia haemolytica Isolates from Sheep at Slaughter. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 28, 2023   
    No mutations associated with macrolide resistance were identified in 23 rDNA sequences, suggesting that the M. haemolytica phenotypic results for tylosin should be interpreted with care in the absence of well-established epidemiological and clinical breakpoints. The identification of strains phenotypically resistant to tetracycline and of several resistance genes, some of which were present in plasmids, highlights the need for continuous monitoring of susceptibility patterns in Pasteurellaceae isolates from livestock.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Whole Genome Sequencing and Phenotypic Analysis of Antibiotic Resistance in Filifactor alocis Isolates. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 28, 2023   
    The genetic surroundings of the detected genes suggested their inclusion in mobile genetic elements that might be transferrable to other bacteria. These findings suggest that, despite showing high susceptibility to several antibiotics, F. alocis might obtain new antimicrobial resistance traits due to its acceptance of mobile genetic elements with antibiotic resistance genes in their genome.