doxycycline / Generic mfg. 
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 114 Diseases   151 Trials   151 Trials   5480 News 

  • ||||||||||  Human Monocytic Ehrlichiosis Induced Secondary Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis With an Excellent Outcome (San Diego Convention Center, Area E (Hall A-B2, Ground Level)) -  Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_3464;    
    This patient's nonspecific symptoms and markedly elevated inflammatory markers prompted HLH consideration, revealing ehrlichiosis, which is a rare but known cause of secondary HLH, as the possible trigger. Prompt identification, and treatment of the underlying cause, with concomitant chemotherapy, when the diagnosis is suspected, is essential to a good prognosis as illustrated in this case.
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Fibrosis in Precision Cut Lung Slices From TGF-?1 Overexpressing Mice (San Diego Convention Center, Room 31A-C (Upper Level)) -  Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_3188;    
    Prompt identification, and treatment of the underlying cause, with concomitant chemotherapy, when the diagnosis is suspected, is essential to a good prognosis as illustrated in this case. Mouse PCLS from transgenic mice (TGM) were cultured for 24 hours before exposure to treatments: FC or TGF-?1-only (exogenous TGF-?1), doxycycline (DOX; to induce endogenous expression of TGF-?1)
  • ||||||||||  morphine sulphate / Generic mfg., doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    A Crystal Clear Diagnosis in a Patient With a Lung Mass (San Diego Convention Center, Area G (Hall A-B2, Ground Level)) -  Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_2221;    
    This report underscores the importance of considering both malignant and nonmalignant differentials in the evaluation of pulmonary nodules. Clinicians must consider the side effects of intrapleural talc in addition to nonmedicinal talc exposures as potential etiologies for lung nodules.
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    The Effect of GRB2 Deletion in Cx3Cr1+Cells on TGF?1 Induced Mouse Lung Fibrosis (San Diego Convention Center, Area E (Hall A-B2, Ground Level)) -  Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_2065;    
    This effect is potentially mediated through the upregulation of Mif and Il-6 which promoted the inflammation sensitivity of lung tissues and amplified the impact of TGF?1. Further research will be essential to elucidate myeloid-derived Grb2-dependent mechanism(s) that contribute to collagen deposition in lung fibrosis.
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Trick or Spirochete: Leptospira Infection With Negative Serology (San Diego Convention Center, Area I (Hall H, Ground Level)) -  Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_2001;    
    Given this exposure, a Leptospira IgM assay was sent on hospital day 2 (8 days from symptoms onset) and doxycycline was added...The sensitivity of such assays hinges on phase of infection, as leptospiral antibodies develop 3-10 days after symptom onset2. As such, negative serologies in early disease don't rule out infection, and guidelines suggest combined molecular and serological approach in early infection, with repeat testing on a convalescent sample, as performed here3.
  • ||||||||||  Winning the Wrong Powerball - A Rare Case of Actinomyces Odontolyticus Pneumonia in an Immunocompetent Host (San Diego Convention Center, Area I (Hall H, Ground Level)) -  Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_1996;    
    She had already completed two short courses of Doxycycline as empiric therapy for presumed community acquired pneumonia...One month prior she completed a two-week course of Clindamycin for periodontal infection after undergoing a root canal...In cases of penicillin allergy, erythromycin or tetracyclines are effective alternatives. This case highlights that Actinomyces Odontolyticus is not just a potential cause of thoracopulmonary infections in the immunocompromised but those who are immunocompetent with periodontal disease as well.
  • ||||||||||  Mending Fences: A Rare Case of Cavitary Pneumonia Due to Raoutella Planticola in an Immunocompetent Individual (San Diego Convention Center, Area I (Hall H, Ground Level)) -  Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_1990;    
    Our patient responded poorly to an initial brief course of ampicillin-sulbactam, but he ultimately improved with a prolonged course of therapy combined with a tetracycline. Beyond opportunistic infections, our case demonstrates that this emerging pathogen can cause pulmonary infection in more varied ways than previously described and highlights the importance of adequate treatment duration and regimen for proper management.
  • ||||||||||  ciprofloxacin oral / Generic mfg., doxycycline / Generic mfg., gentamicin sulfate / Generic mfg.
    Under the Radar: A Case Report of Nearly Overlooked Pneumonic Tularemia (San Diego Convention Center, Area I (Hall H, Ground Level)) -  Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_1988;    
    The case report underscores the potential of advanced diagnostic methods, such as the Karius Test, in revolutionizing the diagnostic process by swiftly detecting microbial DNA in the bloodstream. This led to the precise identification of Francisella tularensis, facilitating a more effective antibiotic regimen and improving the patient's clinical condition.
  • ||||||||||  Culture Negative Infective Endocarditis Secondary to Septic Emboli of Lung (San Diego Convention Center, Area I (Hall H, Ground Level)) -  Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_1982;    
    Case:32-year-old female with underlying DM, HTN,hypothyroidism, IVDU, polysubstance abuse, chronic smoker,medication non-compliance presenting to the ED for right sided chest pain since overdosed on fentanyl 1...UDS: + Amphetamine...The ID team initially recommended Ceftriaxone, metronidazole, vancomycin, Amphotericin B, then switched to Doxycycline and fluconazole...Patients with suspected lung abscess from aspiration, empiric antibiotics that penetrate the lung parenchyma and target both strict anaerobes and facultatively anaerobic streptococci: beta-lactam/beta-lactamase inhibitor for most patients or a carbapenem because of rising penicillin resistance rates among anaerobes, For patients who cannot use beta-lactams, monotherapy with clindamycin, moxifloxacin, or combination therapy with levofloxacin plus metronidazole are reasonable alternatives...Illicit drugs are widely consumed by an increasing number of persons, correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment planning in the presence of respiratory manifestations require familiarity with the wide spectrum of morbidities and pulmonary dangers associated with their abuse. Aspiration pneumonia and CAP probably represent the most common complications
  • ||||||||||  A Rare Case of Bordetella Bronchiseptica Pneumonia in a Viral-Suppressed Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Patient With a Normal CD4 Count (San Diego Convention Center, Area I (Hall H, Ground Level)) -  Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_1971;    
    While Bordetella bronchiseptica is commonly observed in immunocompromised individuals, cases of pulmonary infection in immunocompetent patients highlight the diagnostic challenges, treatment approach, and clinical outcome if not recognized early. Given the significant morbidity and mortality with unrecognized infections, our case highlights the importance of considering this zoonotic respiratory pathogen in susceptible patients with a history of exposure.
  • ||||||||||  Cresemba (isavuconazonium sulfate) / Astellas, Basilea
    Coccidioidomycosis, The Great Impersonator (San Diego Convention Center, Area I (Hall H, Ground Level)) -  Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_1958;    
    Case presentationAn 82-year-old caucasian female with a history of breast cancer on hormone replacement therapy developed altered mental status and a cough shortly after being diagnosed with bronchitis and starting Doxycycline...Since the patient was on a Diltiazem drip, she was treated with IV Isavuconazole, later switched to Fluconazole 400 mg daily, for treatment of probable pulmonary Coccidioides cavitary pneumonia...(5) A single case report linked coccidioidomycosis to SIADH. (6) In summary, our case reiterates the truly chameleon-like nature of coccidioidomycosis and underlines the importance of keeping the diagnosis at the forefront, especially in endemic areas.
  • ||||||||||  Venclexta (venetoclax) / Roche, AbbVie, Gazyva (obinutuzumab) / Roche, Biogen
    Pulmonary Nodules in Immunosuppressed Patient (San Diego Convention Center, Area I (Hall H, Ground Level)) -  Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_1952;    
    Pulmonary nodules in immunocompromised patients have a wide differential. It is important to rule out CNS involvement in cases of disseminated cryptococcal infections as the treatment is different.
  • ||||||||||  Laryngeal Blastomycosis: A Rare Cause of Dysphonia (San Diego Convention Center, Area I (Hall H, Ground Level)) -  Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_1935;    
    Chest x-ray showed left lower lobe consolidation concerning for pneumonia and he was discharged with Amoxicillin...He was discharged with cefuroxime and doxycycline for pneumonia refractory to initial treatment...7 Our patient symptomatically and clinically improved within one month of initiating Itraconazole and will complete a 6 month course for treatment. Considering a broad range of extra-pulmonary complications and manifestations of blastomycosis is fundamental to ensuring adequate treatment duration.
  • ||||||||||  thyroxine / Generic mfg., doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Sudden Death of a Patient With Pleuroparenchymal Fibroelastosis (San Diego Convention Center, Area C (Hall A-B2, Ground Level)) -  Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_1648;    
    He took levothyroxine for hypothyroidism and iron supplementation alongside a microcytic anaemia...The patient was treated for a pneumonia with co-amoxiclav and doxycycline following local guidance...The team has speculated that this might have been an acute cardiac syndrome. His PPFE contributed significantly to frailty and weight loss though the cause of his dysphagia and hypoglycaemia has not been established.
  • ||||||||||  Cubicin (daptomycin) / Merck (MSD)
    A Rare Presentation of Daptomycin-induced Eosinophilic Pneumonia in a Patient With Klinefelter's Syndrome (San Diego Convention Center, Area A (Hall A-B2, Ground Level)) -  Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_1602;    
    INTRODUCTION: Daptomycin is a cyclic lipopeptide that is effective against gram-positive bacteria like methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis...He was treated with azithromycin and ceftriaxone for community-acquired pneumonia, and daptomycin was continued to treat osteomyelitis...Daptomycin was switched to doxycycline and steroids were administered with clinical and radiographic improvement...Corticosteroids accelerate eosinophilic intracellular signaling that induces apoptosis and therefore are beneficial in AEP. Rhee et al suggest IV methylprednisone 60-125mg every six hours with oral prednisone 40mg taper over 2-6 weeks.
  • ||||||||||  minocycline / Generic mfg.
    Minocycline Induced Parenchymal Lung Disease with Peripheral Eosinophilia (San Diego Convention Center, Area A (Hall A-B2, Ground Level)) -  Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_1571;    
    Notably, he was concurrently on an extended treatment of a lower extremity cellulitis for which he was switched from doxycycline to minocycline based on recent wound cultures, which was continued on admission given reported marked improvement in his cellulitis...He was broadened to piperacillin-tazobactam and vancomycin without clinical improvement...Variants of minocycline induced lung injury include pneumonitis with effusions, organizing pneumonia, and eosinophilic pneumonia. This case report exemplifies the importance of the cell count differential in narrowing a diagnosis, reviewing medications, and considering less common etiologies when there is a lack of expected clinical improvement.
  • ||||||||||  cefepime hydrochloride / Generic mfg., vancomycin / Generic mfg., doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    From Cryptic Peritonitis to Disseminated Cryptococcal Disease and Multiple-Species Fungemia in an Immunocompetent Host (San Diego Convention Center, Area K (Hall H, Ground Level)) -  Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_1257;    
    Intensivists should maintain a high index of suspicion for cryptococcal peritonitis in patients with severe septic shock and liver cirrhosis even if initial ascitic fluid analysis is not consistent. Additionally, this is the first known case of three different fungal species causing mixed fungemia
  • ||||||||||  Lemierre Syndrome - Forgotten but Fatal (San Diego Convention Center, Area K (Hall H, Ground Level)) -  Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_1249;    
    Clindamycin or metronidazole can serve as alternative options for individuals with allergies. Surgery may be required for abscesses, pulmonary thrombosis, or metastatic complications.
  • ||||||||||  cefepime hydrochloride / Generic mfg., doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Yellow Fin and Vibio: Fishing Misadventures on the Alabama Gulf Coast (San Diego Convention Center, Area K (Hall H, Ground Level)) -  Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_1248;    
    This bacterium is associated with sepsis, multiple organ system failure and a mortality rate over 50%. This case illustrates the rapid progression of this infection and emphasizes why early recognition and treatment with appropriate antibiotics and surgical debridement are key to survival.
  • ||||||||||  vancomycin / Generic mfg., doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    A Day on the Beach, a Risk for Vibrio Vulnificus Septicemia (San Diego Convention Center, Area K (Hall H, Ground Level)) -  Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_1246;    
    The mortality rates for high-risk patients are approximately 50%. For this reason, early antibiotic and surgical intervention are key to improving survival as the infection can have an aggressive clinical course.
  • ||||||||||  Cubicin (daptomycin) / Merck (MSD)
    Guillain-Barr (San Diego Convention Center, Area K (Hall H, Ground Level)) -  Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_1222;    
    In our case the coexistence of suspected GBS and confirmed ICD endocarditis created a layered clinical scenario requiring a multifaceted diagnostic and therapeutic approach. The patient's overall management underscored the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in addressing such complex clinical presentations.
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    A Rare Case of Septic Shock: The Weil-D Side of Leptospirosis (San Diego Convention Center, Area K (Hall H, Ground Level)) -  Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_1209;    
    He was started on empiric doxycycline with improvement in pressor requirements...Though uncommon, this patient may have been at risk due to prior work in construction. Clinicians should consider Leptospira in a patient with refractory septic shock without an alternative etiology, even without classic risk factors.
  • ||||||||||  vancomycin / Generic mfg., ceftriaxone / Generic mfg., doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Weil's Disease Manifesting as Possible Cholangiocarcinoma With Shock and Cardiac Complications (San Diego Convention Center, Area K (Hall H, Ground Level)) -  Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_1164;    
    ICU admission was initiated for sepsis treatment with vancomycin and ceftriaxone, however, infectious workup including imaging and labs were negative (Table 1)...Leptospirosis IgM obtained on admission resulted positive 1 week after transfer, where it was confirmed he received doxycycline at the center with slow improvement...Myocarditis and ventricular arrhythmias are rare, yet, most worrisome given their high mortality rate, even after infection is appropriately treated. No treatment guideline exists particularly for myocarditis apart from sepsis treatment and supportive care, necessitating keen clinical acumen.
  • ||||||||||  Rivelin Clobetasol patch (clobetasol propionate oral) / AFYX Therap
    Retrospective data, Journal, Combination therapy:  Analysis of a Combination Therapy Protocol for the Treatment of Oral Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid: A Retrospective Case Series Study. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 16, 2024   
    Seven patients (53.8%) had a complete response to treatment; four patients (30.8%) had a partial response to treatment; and, finally, two patients (15.4%) had no benefit from therapy. Dental management of patients presenting solely with oral manifestations of MMP may involve the use of topical corticosteroids, doxycycline, vitamin supplements, and probiotics and associating professional oral hygiene procedures.
  • ||||||||||  Actemra IV (tocilizumab) / Roche, JW Pharma
    Biomarker, Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  LUSZ_CTS_COVID: LUSZ Treatment Efficacy in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients ( -  Feb 15, 2024   
    P1,  N=1000, Recruiting, 
    Dental management of patients presenting solely with oral manifestations of MMP may involve the use of topical corticosteroids, doxycycline, vitamin supplements, and probiotics and associating professional oral hygiene procedures. Trial completion date: Dec 2023 --> Dec 2025 | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2023 --> Dec 2024
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Bullous Pemphigoid Causing Successive Emergency Department Visits. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 14, 2024   
    Bullous pemphigoid may also be drug-related with atypical symptoms. Diagnosis of BP should be based on immunopathology, and initial treatment of BP is through corticosteroid or doxycycline.
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Trial completion, Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date, Surgery:  MMMMODCS: Modulation of Microbiota Metabolism in Cardiac Surgery Patients ( -  Feb 14, 2024   
    P=N/A,  N=60, Completed, 
    Diagnosis of BP should be based on immunopathology, and initial treatment of BP is through corticosteroid or doxycycline. Recruiting --> Completed | Trial completion date: May 2023 --> Jul 2023 | Trial primary completion date: Nov 2022 --> Jul 2023
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Investigating the Efficacy of Zinc and Vitamin A in Treating Pediatric Community-Acquired Pneumonia. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 13, 2024   
    Both interventions significantly reduced the duration of hospitalization (2.39 days for vitamin A and 3.17 days for zinc) and pneumonic effusion compared to the control group. These findings highlight the potential of zinc and vitamin A as valuable additions to standard CAP treatment regimens, potentially leading to improved clinical outcomes and reduced healthcare burdens.
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Lymphogranuloma venereum: an unusual cause of rectal stenosis. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 12, 2024   
    The primary treatment for LGV continues to be doxycycline. In cases of complications, such as fistulas, abscesses, or stenosis, surgical interventions, drainage, or pneumatic dilations may be necessary.
  • ||||||||||  Xiidra (lifitegrast) / Bausch Health
    Review, Journal:  LipiFlow for the treatment of dry eye disease. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 9, 2024   
    The best available evidence was deemed to have a high level of bias, leading to low or very low certainty evidence. Additional research with adequate masking, a standardized testing methodology, and a sample representative of the MGD population is therefore needed before any firm conclusions can be drawn regarding comparative benefits and harms.
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  The impact of doxycycline on human contextual fear memory. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 9, 2024   
    Our results suggest that doxycycline does not substantially attenuate contextual fear memory. This might limit its potential for clinical application.
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Filling in the Gaps: Updates on Doxycycline Prophylaxis for Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infections. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 9, 2024   
    In this review, we address updates about the evidence on doxycycline post-exposure prophylaxis (doxy-PEP) for prevention of bacterial STIs, including efficacy, safety, antimicrobial resistance (AMR), acceptability, modeling population impact, and evolving guidelines for use. Equitable implementation of doxy-PEP will require evaluation of who is offered and initiates it, understanding patterns of use and longer-term STI incidence and AMR, provider training, and tailored community education.
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory characteristics of human granulocytic anaplasmosis in North India. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 8, 2024   
    The HGA patients without severe complications had excellent treatment responses to doxycycline...The results suggest the possibility of underdiagnosis of HGA in this geographical area. One of the HGA patients developed secondary invasive opportunistic Aspergillus fumigatus and Acinetobacter baumanii infection during the illness, which resulted in a fatal infection.
  • ||||||||||  prednisone / Generic mfg., doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Lyme Disease: an Emerging Mimic of Giant Cell Arteritis () -  Feb 8, 2024 - Abstract #CRAAHPA2024CRA_AHPA_127;    
    This is an important entity for clinicians to recognize when formulating a differential diagnosis for older adults who present with headache, general malaise, and elevated inflammatory markers. As its incidence rises, rheumatologists must be aware of Lyme disease as a potential disease mimic in patients referred for suspected GCA.
  • ||||||||||  cephalexin / Generic mfg., doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Doxycycline versus cephalexin treatment of presumed streptococcal skin and soft tissue infection among adults presenting to the emergency department. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 8, 2024   
    Among 100 propensity score-matched emergency department patients receiving ?14 days doxycycline versus cephalexin monotherapy for outpatient treatment of nonpurulent (presumed streptococcal) skin and soft tissue infection, a low rate of 14-day clinical failure was observed [6% each group; odds ratio (OR), 1.34 (0.21-8.69); P = 0.745], defined as hospital admission, i.v. antibiotic therapy, or change in oral antibiotic. Doxycycline may represent a reasonable therapeutic alternative for this indication in regions with low tetracycline resistance.
  • ||||||||||  amikacin sulfate / Generic mfg., doxycycline / Generic mfg., azithromycin / Generic mfg.
    Journal, Nontuberculous mycobacteria:  The role of vestibular function tests in nontuberculous mycobacterial otomastoiditis: A case report. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 6, 2024   
    Doxycycline may represent a reasonable therapeutic alternative for this indication in regions with low tetracycline resistance. The clinical condition of NTM otomastoiditis may be evaluated using vestibular tests if patients have symptoms of dizziness.
  • ||||||||||  Primaxin (cilastatin/imipenem) / Abbott
    Journal:  Extra-abdominal infections caused by Comamonas kerstersii: Case report. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 6, 2024   
    Except for intra-abdominal infections with good prognosis, we verified that C Kerstersii could also cause extra-abdominal infections, such as the first pneumonia case and urinary infection. It could promote patient death; actual infections were underestimated due to identification difficulties, posing a health threat due to the presence of extensive drug resistance.
  • ||||||||||  Germanin (suramin) / Optimum Therap
    Journal, Metastases:  A Landscape on Lymphatic Filariasis with its Effects and Recent Advanced Treatments. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 6, 2024   
    Different synthetic drugs such as Ivermectin, Doxycycline, Albendazole, and Suramin are used in the treatment...Due to these restrictions, it has been crucial to create new anti-filarial medications, which motivates researchers to find novel pharmaceuticals with anti-filarial action. In this article, we examine the latest achievements in the anti-filarial area, including the many forms of filariasis and their historical contexts, elimination programmes, various therapeutic classes (both synthetic and natural), investigated product-derived targets as well as clinical investigations.
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg., tetracycline / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Pentachlorophenol affects doxycycline and tetracycline resistance genes in soil by altering microbial structure. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 5, 2024   
    These findings have significant implications in understanding the combined pollution of veterinary antibiotics and OCPs. By shedding light on the interactions between these compounds and their impact on microbial communities, this study provides a theoretical basis for developing strategies to manage and mitigate their environmental impact, and may give some information regarding the sustainable use of antibiotics and pesticides to ensure the long-term health and productivity of agricultural systems.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  A six years trend analysis of systemic antibiotic consumption in Northwest Ethiopia. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 4, 2024   
    However, a shortage of access to important medicines can compromise the quality of treatment and patient outcomes. A prospective study is needed to evaluate the balance of patient outcomes and reduce AMR by optimizing the community consumption of systemic antibiotics.
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    ME210 - Post-exposure prevention of STIs with antibiotics: pros and cons (Hall J) -  Feb 1, 2024 - Abstract #ECCMID2024ECCMID_1225;    
    Sponsored By Euroguidelines in Central and Eastern Europe (ECEE) Network Group The post-exposure prophylaxis of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is a new concept of using a single dose doxycycline to prevent STI...The impact of this approach on antimicrobial resistance is yet unknown but remains an important concern for both future STI therapeutic options and antibiotic stewardship. Experts in the field will present pros and cons on the topic.