nimodipine / Generic mfg. 
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 49 Diseases   11 Trials   11 Trials   798 News 

  • ||||||||||  nimodipine / Generic mfg.
    Clinical, Journal:  Nimodipine in Clinical Practice: A Pharmacological Update. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 13, 2022   
    Clinical impact of dose or dosing frequency changes has also been much debated based on risk of hypotension with currently approved dosing regimens. This review article addresses factors to consider for dosing and administration, pharmacokinetic and pharmacogenetic impact on nimodipine, and, finally, drug interaction considerations to assess as patients are initiated on enteral nimodipine for aSAH.
  • ||||||||||  verapamil / Generic mfg.
    Review, Journal:  Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome: a comprehensive systematic review. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 7, 2022   
    In our systematic review, vasoactive substances were the most frequent triggers for RCVS, which was most commonly accompanied by angiographic findings of multifocal stenotic lesions. Patients with RCVS precipitated by trauma or surgical procedures and those with focal cortical deficits had a higher risk of residual neurological deficits, and these patients should closely be monitored.
  • ||||||||||  nimodipine / Generic mfg.
    Preclinical, Journal, IO biomarker:  Effect of moxibustion on cognitive function and proteins related with apoptosis of hippocampal neurons in rats with vascular dementia (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 24, 2021   
    Patients with RCVS precipitated by trauma or surgical procedures and those with focal cortical deficits had a higher risk of residual neurological deficits, and these patients should closely be monitored. Moxibustion could improve the cognitive function of VD rats, which may be related to reducing the expression of Bax, cytC, Tom20 and PUMA protein in hippocampal CA1 area, promoting the release of Bcl-2 and inhibiting the apoptosis of hippocampal neurons.
  • ||||||||||  nimodipine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Newer Non-ionic A2B2 Type Enzyme Responsive Amphiphiles for Drug Delivery Applications. (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 23, 2021   
    The nano-transport potential of the amphiphiles was studied for model hydrophobic guests, i.e. a dye Nile red and a drug Nimodipine by using UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy. Evaluation of cell viability of amphiphile treated A549 cells showed them to be well tolerated up to the concentrations studied.
  • ||||||||||  nimodipine / Generic mfg.
    Clinical, Review, Journal:  Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome: A narrative review for emergency clinicians. (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 22, 2021   
    Treatment focuses on avoiding or removing the offending agent, administration of calcium channel blockers such as nimodipine, and reversing anticoagulation if bleeding is present...Diagnosis and appropriate management of RCVS can be aided by understanding key aspects of the history and examination. The emergency clinician can then obtain indicated imaging, confirming the diagnosis and allowing for appropriate management.
  • ||||||||||  nimodipine / Generic mfg.
    The role of L-type calcium channels in age-associated memory decline (Virtual Only) -  Dec 20, 2021 - Abstract #Neuroscience2021Neuroscience_3180;    
    In an odor-associative learning task, both intraperitoneal (i.p.) and local infusions of nimodipine into the PC (5.5mg/kg for i.p; and 1-100uM 0.5uL/side infused) prevented the ability of young Sprague-Dawley rats (6-9 months) to learn that a positive odor contained a food reward...In contrast, Cav1.3 expression was lower, and Cav1.2 expression was unchanged in the soma of the aged PC neurons. Altogether our data suggests that LTCCs have increased hippocampal expression with age and play a significant role in age-related mechanisms of reduced synaptic plasticity and overall cognitive decline.; Grant Support: ARC-NL Research Grant; NSERC Grant RGPIN-2018-04401
  • ||||||||||  isradipine / Generic mfg., nimodipine / Generic mfg.
    Loss of the L-type calcium channel Cav1.2 in microglia is protective in the MPTP model of Parkinson’s disease (Virtual Only) -  Dec 20, 2021 - Abstract #Neuroscience2021Neuroscience_1765;    
    Overall, these data demonstrate that microglia express the LTCCs Cav1.2 and Cav1.3, that LTCC antagonists directly reduce microglia activation in vitro , and that Cav1.2 contributes to microglia activation in vivo . This suggests that the neuroprotective action of LTCC antagonists may be at least in part via direct modulation of microglia phenotype via action of LTCCs such as Cav1.2 and Cav1.3.; Grant Support: UTHSCSA Center for Biomedical Neuroscience; NIA K01 AG066747; NARSAD Young Investigator Award; Ruby and Perry Stevens Parkinson’s Disease Center of Excellence
  • ||||||||||  isradipine / Generic mfg., nimodipine / Generic mfg.
    R and T-type Ca2+ channels underlie persistent firing in LEC III pyramidal neurons (Virtual Only) -  Dec 20, 2021 - Abstract #Neuroscience2021Neuroscience_1313;    
    Application of nimodipine (blocker of L-type Cav1.2 channels) and isradipine (blocker of L-type Cav1.3 channels), however, had no effect on the ADP or persistent firing. Future experiments will continue to determine the specific contributions of R vs. T-type channels and the overall role that these channels play in eliciting persistent firing.; Grant Support: R37AG008796
  • ||||||||||  nimodipine / Generic mfg.
    Preclinical, Journal:  Orexin-A differentially modulates inhibitory and excitatory synaptic transmission in rat inner retina. (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 16, 2021   
    We conclude that orexin-A increases presynaptic glutamate release onto GCs by activating L-type Ca channels in bipolar cells, a process that is mediated by an OXR/PI-PLC/PKC signaling pathway. However, orexin-A decreases presynaptic GABA release onto GCs by inhibiting L-type Ca channels in amacrine cells, a process that is mediated by an OXR/cAMP-PKA signaling pathway.
  • ||||||||||  nimodipine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Glia-driven neuroinflammation and systemic inflammation in Alzheimer's disease. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 29, 2021   
    We identify L-type calcium channel blocker, nimodipine, as a candidate drug for AD, which potentially targets both astrocytes and microglia...Several chronic systemic inflammatory diseases, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and periodontitis, can cause immune priming or adverse activation of glia thus exacerbating neuroinflammation and increasing risk or facilitating progression of AD. Therefore, reducing peripheral inflammation is a potentially effective strategy for lowering AD prevalence.
  • ||||||||||  milrinone / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome in a Background of Eclampsia Responding to Milrinone Infusion. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 24, 2021   
    She was initially started on nimodipine, which is usually the first-line management of RCVS, as well as magnesium sulfate and levetiracetam; however, she only achieved full recovery after starting intravenous milrinone. CONCLUSIONS Milrinone is one of the emerging drugs for treatment of RCVS, and this case report delineates the potential of using the drug, especially in cases refractory to standard therapy.
  • ||||||||||  nimodipine / Generic mfg., piracetam / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Therapeutic effect of piracetam with nimodipine on vascular dementia after cerebral infarction. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 21, 2021   
    After treatment, the quality of life scores was significantly higher than the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). For patients with vascular dementia after cerebral infarction, piracetam combined with nimodipine can improve the cognitive function, improve the quality of life, and have a significant clinical effect.
  • ||||||||||  nimodipine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Facile synthesis of PEI-based crystalline templated mesoporous silica with molecular chirality for improved oral delivery of the poorly water-soluble drug. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 17, 2021   
    Then PEIs@TA-CMS was employed as nimodipine (NMP) carrier and compared with the drug carry ability of MCM41...It could incorporate NMP with high efficiency, and the dissolution-promoting effect of PEIs@TA-CMS was more obvious because of the unique interconnected curved pore channels. Meanwhile, PEIs@TA-CMS could significantly improve the oral adsorption of NMP to a satisfactory level, which showed approximately 3.26-fold higher in bioavailability, and could effectively prolong the survival time of mice on cerebral anoxia from 10.98 to 17.33 min.
  • ||||||||||  dextromethorphan / Generic mfg.
    Clinical, Journal:  TMS-EEG signatures of glutamatergic neurotransmission in human cortex. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 12, 2021   
    In contrast, AMPA receptor-mediated glutamatergic neurotransmission contributes to propagated activity reflected in the P60 potential and midline parietal induced oscillations. This pharmacological characterization of TMS-EEG responses will be informative for interpreting TMS-EEG abnormalities in neuropsychiatric disorders with pathological excitation-inhibition balance.
  • ||||||||||  nimodipine / Generic mfg.
    Clinical, Review, Journal:  Critical care management of patients with spontaneous subarachnoid haemorrhage - a review (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 4, 2021   
    Management requires intensive care with emphasis on accurate blood pressure control, maintaining normal fluid and electrolyte balance and monitoring the level of consciousness. All patients should be treated with the calcium channel blocker nimodipine to reduce the risk of vasospasm and delayed cerebral ischemia which are among the most serious complications of subarachnoid haemorrhage.
  • ||||||||||  nimodipine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Effect of dihydropyridine enrichment in the microstructure of the palisade layer on the stability of fat nano-emulsions. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 30, 2021   
    Herein, fat nano-emulsions containing dihydropyridine drugs were prepared and the microstructure of their palisade layers were investigated.The prepared 1.0 mg/mL nimodipine nano-emulsion was found to contain 65.50% drug in the palisade layer...H NMR characterizations of the liposomes showed a similar profile to that of nano-emulsions. These results demonstrated that the increasing drug concentration could cause a rearrangement of lecithin in the palisade layer, thus affecting emulsion stability.
  • ||||||||||  nimodipine / Generic mfg., dantrolene / Generic mfg.
    Preclinical, Journal:  The combination of dantrolene and nimodipine effectively reduces 5-HT-induced vasospasms in diabetic rats. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 27, 2021   
    These results suggest that simultaneous administration of dantrolene and nimodipine has a synergistic effect in reducing 5-HT-induced vascular contraction under both diabetic and non-diabetic conditions. If our findings with rats are applicable to humans, concomitant administration of these drugs may represent a promising alternative for the management of CVSP in both diabetics and non-diabetics.
  • ||||||||||  nimodipine / Generic mfg.
    Trial completion date, Trial suspension, Trial primary completion date:  Cognitive Effects of Nimodipine in Patients With Schizophrenia ( -  Oct 12, 2021   
    P1,  N=30, Suspended, 
    Our study provides implications for future studies that, the combination of two or more drugs with relative safety and potential benefits (e.g., nimodipine and cilostazol) may improve the clinical outcome of patients more effectively. Trial completion date: Oct 2021 --> Jan 2023 | Recruiting --> Suspended | Trial primary completion date: Oct 2021 --> Jan 2023
  • ||||||||||  nimodipine / Generic mfg.
    Preclinical, Journal:  Nimodipine Promotes Functional Recovery After Spinal Cord Injury in Rats. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 2, 2021   
    NMD-treated rats also showed improvements in gliosis, CGRP fiber sprouting in the lumbar spinal cord, and KCC2 expression in lumbar motor neurons. Together, these results indicate that long-term treatment with NMD improves functional recovery after SCI, which may provide a potential therapeutic strategy for the treatment of SCI.
  • ||||||||||  nimodipine / Generic mfg., clonidine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Taking advantage of fear generalization-associated destabilization to attenuate the underlying memory via reconsolidation intervention. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 25, 2021   
    Next, we attempted to impair the reconsolidation phase by administering clonidine (CLO) immediately after exposure to cxt-A, cxt-B, or a third context C (cxt-C) neither conditioned nor generalized...A 6-h-delay in CLO treatment post-cxt-B exposures produced no effects, and nimodipine administered pre-cxt-B exposures precluded the CLO action...We found that these factors interact to modulate this memory destabilization-reconsolidation mechanism in the basolateral amygdala but not the dorsal CA1 hippocampus. Altogether, memory destabilization can accompany generalized fear expression; thus, we may exploit it to potentiate reconsolidation blockers' action.
  • ||||||||||  nimodipine / Generic mfg., paracetamol / Generic mfg.
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  SYNAPSE: Measuring Blood Flow in the Brain After Epileptic Activity ( -  Sep 16, 2021   
    P2,  N=33, Recruiting, 
    The treatment is safe and effective, so it is worthy of clinical promotion. Trial completion date: Oct 2021 --> Oct 2022 | Trial primary completion date: Oct 2021 --> Oct 2022