2aG4 / Avid Bioservices 
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  • ||||||||||  2aG4 / Avid Bioservices
    Journal:  Drugging MYCN oncogenic signalling through the MYCN-PA2G4 binding interface. (Pubmed Central) -  May 29, 2020   
    Here, we reveal the oncogenic role of a novel MYCN target and binding protein, proliferation-associated 2AG4 (PA2G4)...Treated tumors showed reduced levels of both MYCN and PA2G4. Our findings demonstrate a critical role for PA2G4 as cofactor in MYCN-driven neuroblastoma and highlight competitive inhibition of the PA2G4-MYCN protein binding as a novel therapeutic strategy in the disease.
  • ||||||||||  Tarvacin (bavituximab) / Oncologie, 2aG4 / Peregrine
    Activation of toll-like receptors via PS-targeting monoclonal antibodies (Prince George's Exhibition Halls AB) -  Oct 2, 2019 - Abstract #SITC2019SITC_703;    
    Overall these data support that one mechanism of innate immune activation induced by PS-targeting mAbs is through TLR2 stimulation on myeloid cells. Future studies are focused on validating these results in vivo using Tlr-deficient and b2gp1-deficient mice.