memantine / Generic mfg. 
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 111 Diseases   73 Trials   73 Trials   1509 News 

  • ||||||||||  galantamine hydrobromide / Generic mfg., memantine / Generic mfg.
    Preclinical, Journal:  Myricetin improves pathological changes in 3 (Pubmed Central) -  May 7, 2023   
    Our results revealed the therapeutic efficacy of Myr in experimental AD, and implied that the associated mechanism is possibly associated with inhibiting tmitochondrial dysfunction, activating NLRP3 inflammasome, and neuroinflammation which was mediated by P38 MAPK pathway. Myr is the drug candidate in AD therapy via targeting P38 MAPK pathway.
  • ||||||||||  memantine / Generic mfg.
    Trial completion, Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date, Adverse events, Compliance:  MONANTI: Monitoring Anti-Dementia Drugs by Serum Levels ( -  Apr 18, 2023   
    P4,  N=132, Completed, 
    This study aimed at investigating the role of chronic memantine (20 Unknown status --> Completed | Trial completion date: Nov 2021 --> Feb 2023 | Trial primary completion date: Nov 2021 --> Feb 2023
  • ||||||||||  bryostatin 1 (NSC 339555) / Synaptogenix
    Trial completion:  Bryostatin Treatment of Moderately Severe Alzheimer's Disease ( -  Mar 27, 2023   
    P2,  N=117, Completed, 
    Trial completion date: Jun 2023 --> Jun 2024 | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2022 --> Dec 2023 Active, not recruiting --> Completed
  • ||||||||||  memantine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Ethanol Metabolite, Acetate, Increases Excitability of the Central Nucleus of Amygdala Neurons through Activation of NMDA Receptors. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 25, 2023   
    N-Methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) antagonists suppressed the acetate-induced increase in CeA-RVLM neuronal excitability and memantine suppressed the direct activation of NMDAR-dependent inward currents by acetate in brain slices...Computational modeling of acetic acid at NMDAR/NR1 glutamatergic and glycinergic sites suggests potential active site interactions. These findings suggest that within the CeA, acetate is excitatory at least partially through activation of NMDAR, which may underlie the impact of ethanol consumption on autonomic circuitry.
  • ||||||||||  memantine / Generic mfg.
    Geographic Variation of Antidementia Medication Use Among U.S. Nursing Home Residents with Dementia () -  Mar 9, 2023 - Abstract #ISPOR2023ISPOR_1652;    
    Geographic variation in antipsychotic and antidementia medication use in nursing homes suggests the need for evidence-based protocols to guide appropriate use. Understanding the nursing home factors that may prevent the implementation of evidence-based protocols for the appropriate use of these medications would be useful.
  • ||||||||||  clonazepam / Generic mfg., memantine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Generalized vestibular hyporeflexia and chronic upbeat nystagmus due to thiamine deficiency. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 2, 2023   
    No abstract available This report shows a novel combination of central and peripheral vestibular findings, of relevance for diagnosis and treatment, in addition to the development of a coherent hypothesis on the ocular motor and vestibular findings in WTD.
  • ||||||||||  memantine / Generic mfg.
    Screening of a library of memantine analogs to test for bioactivity and antiproliferative effects (Hall F-H (Indiana Convention Center)) -  Feb 14, 2023 - Abstract #ACSSp2023ACS_SP_4719;    
    In order to determine the antiproliferative activity, the compounds were screened against a variety of different mammalian cell lines including U-87 (glioblastoma), A549 (lung cancer), and MCF10A (non-cancerous lung cells) using commercially available CellTiter-Glo and CellTiter-Blue assays. A comparison of the assays and the results from the screening of the compound library will be presented and discussed.
  • ||||||||||  galantamine hydrobromide / Generic mfg., memantine / Generic mfg., rivastigmine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Investigation of Cannabis sativa Phytochemicals as Anti-Alzheimer's Agents: An In Silico Study. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 11, 2023   
    On the other hand, Cannabinol C2 (BA = -9.2 kcal/mol, Ki = 4.32 mM) significantly inhibits Butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) in comparison to Memantine (BA = -6.8 kcal/mol, Ki = 0.54 mM). This study sheds new light and opens new avenues for elucidating the role of bioactive compounds present in Cannabis sativa in treating Alzheimer's disease.
  • ||||||||||  Daliresp (roflumilast) / AstraZeneca, Takeda, AbbVie
    Phase classification:  Evaluating the Neurophysiologic and Clinical Effects of Single Dose Drug Challenge ( -  Feb 8, 2023   
    P2,  N=45, Recruiting, 
    This study sheds new light and opens new avenues for elucidating the role of bioactive compounds present in Cannabis sativa in treating Alzheimer's disease. Phase classification: P1 --> P2
  • ||||||||||  memantine / Generic mfg.
    Preclinical, Review, Journal:  Memantine as a neuroprotective agent in ischemic stroke: Preclinical and clinical analysis. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 7, 2023   
    Even so, current studies show promising results that should serve as a basis to promote future research to conclusively determine if memantine does improve the outcomes of patients' post-ischemic stroke. We anticipate that future trials will fill current gaps in knowledge, and these latter results will broaden the therapeutic arsenal for clinicians looking to improve the prognosis of patients poststroke.
  • ||||||||||  Lodonal (naltrexone low dose oral) / Immune Therap, Statera BioPharma
    Pharmacology in Pain Management Workshop () -  Feb 3, 2023 - Abstract #APS2023APS_76;    
    We will explore the complex interplay of genetic variation in pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic pathways affecting opioid efficacy, and discuss the challenges opioid weaning and appropriate strategies through opioid substitution.We will also take a fascinating look at how food can be medicine and where dietitians play a vital role in pain management and its application in clinical practice. There will be opportunities for questions and networking with peers, so that current evidence-based knowledge can be optimised and translated in everyday practice.
  • ||||||||||  memantine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Development and Evaluation of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles for the Clearance of Aβ in Alzheimer's Disease. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 22, 2023   
    The present study evaluates the Memantine Hydrochloride (MeHCl) and Tramiprosate (TMPS) loaded solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) for the clearance of Aβ on SHSY5Y cells in rat hippocampus...Furthermore, the levels of Aβ decreased in AlCl-induced AD. Thus, all these noted results established that the M + T SLNs provide enhanced neuroprotective effects when compared to pure and individual drugs and can be a promising therapeutic strategy for the management of AD.
  • ||||||||||  memantine / Generic mfg.
    Enrollment closed, Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  Memantine for the Reduction of Cognitive Impairment After Radiation Therapy in Pediatric Patients With Central Nervous System Tumors ( -  Jan 18, 2023   
    P1,  N=18, Active, not recruiting, 
    Thus, all these noted results established that the M + T SLNs provide enhanced neuroprotective effects when compared to pure and individual drugs and can be a promising therapeutic strategy for the management of AD. Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting | Trial completion date: Dec 2022 --> Jun 2023 | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2022 --> Jun 2023
  • ||||||||||  trazodone ER / Generic mfg., memantine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Statistical analysis plan for the motor neuron disease systematic multi-arm adaptive randomised trial (MND-SMART). (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 17, 2023   
    In developing the statistical analysis plan, we had to carefully consider several issues such as multiple testing, estimand specification, interim analyses, and statistical analysis of the repeated measurements of ALS-FRS-R. This analysis plan attempts to balance multiple factors, including minimisation of bias, maximising power and precision, and deriving clinically interpretable summaries of treatment effects.
  • ||||||||||  memantine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  The role of ethnicity, biological sex, and psychotropic agents in early and late onset Alzheimer's disease. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 10, 2023   
    In the adjusted analysis for males, patients that were administered memantine [odd ratio (OR) = 1.588, 95% CI, 1.175-2.145, p = 0.003], and buspirone [OR = 1.971, 95% CI, 1.221-3.183, p = 0.006] were more likely to be associated with EOAD, while increasing age [OR = 0.816, 95% CI, 0.799-0.834, p < 0.001] was associated with LOAD...Our findings identified specific demographic and pharmacological factors associated with males and females with LOAD and EOAD. These findings suggest the need to develop strategies to eliminate disparity in the care of LOAD or EOAD patients.
  • ||||||||||  memantine / Generic mfg.
    Preclinical, Journal:  Neuroprotective Effect of Quercetin and Memantine against AlCl-Induced Neurotoxicity in Albino Wistar Rats. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 9, 2023   
    Immunohistochemistry showed that quercetin with memantine treatment also improved the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and inhibited amyloid-β plaque formation. The present study results demonstrated protective effects of treatment of quercetin with memantine in the neurotoxicity linked to aluminum chloride in albino Wistar rats.