smart insulin (MK-2640) / Merck (MSD) 
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  • ||||||||||  smart insulin (MK-2640) / Merck (MSD)
    KEYNOTE: The Risks and Rewards of Bootstrapping a Biotechnology Company (In-person; Gravier A Ballroom (New Orleans Marriott Warehouse Arts District)) -  Mar 12, 2024 - Abstract #ACSSp2024ACS_Sp_2569;    
    This firsthand account delves into a CEO's journey employing these principles at SmartCells, Inc., a company built on MIT-licensed technology striving to pioneer the world's first glucose-responsive insulin for diabetes...Emphasis is placed on distinguishing frugality from miserliness, emphasizing that a company's fate hinges on judicious spending for maximum impact. The talk also underscores the significance of pivoting and highlights the resilience achieved during macro-environmental downturns, exemplified by SmartCells weathering the 2008-2009 financial crisis and Akston's adaptability in the post-Covid landscape.
  • ||||||||||  smart insulin (MK-2640) / Merck (MSD)
    Clinical, Journal:  Clinical Evaluation of MK-2640: An Insulin Analog with Glucose-Responsive Properties. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 19, 2019   
    In a randomized, 2-period crossover trial in 16 subjects with type 1 diabetes mellitus to evaluate glucose-responsiveness of i.v. administered MK-2640, we were unable to demonstrate a glucose-dependent change in MK-2640 clearance, though a significant glucose-dependent augmentation of glucose infusion rate was observed. These PK and PD data provide crucial insights into next steps for developing an insulin saccharide conjugate as a clinically effective glucose-responsive insulin analog.