- |||||||||| lorecivivint (SM04690) / Biosplice Therap, Samil Pharma
Trial completion, Enrollment change: A Study of the Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetics of SM04690 Injectable Suspension Following Single Intradiscal Injection in Subjects With Degenerative Disc Disease (clinicaltrials.gov) - Apr 19, 2019 P1, N=6, Completed, Completed --> Terminated; Study stopped due to business reasons, following full enrollment of the first dose cohort. Active, not recruiting --> Completed | N=18 --> 6
- |||||||||| lorecivivint (SM04690) / Biosplice Therap, Samil Pharma
Enrollment closed, Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date: A Study of the Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetics of SM04690 Injectable Suspension Following Single Intradiscal Injection in Subjects With Degenerative Disc Disease (clinicaltrials.gov) - Aug 6, 2018 P1, N=18, Active, not recruiting, Active, not recruiting --> Completed Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting | Trial completion date: Jul 2018 --> Nov 2018 | Trial primary completion date: Jul 2018 --> Nov 2018
- |||||||||| lorecivivint (SM04690) / Biosplice Therap, Samil Pharma
Enrollment closed, Trial primary completion date: A Study Evaluating the Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of SM04690 Injected in the Target Knee Joint of Moderately to Severely Symptomatic Osteoarthritis Subjects (clinicaltrials.gov) - Apr 27, 2016 P2, N=445, Active, not recruiting, Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2016 --> Apr 2017
- |||||||||| lorecivivint (SM04690) / Biosplice Therap, Samil Pharma
Trial completion: Phase 1, Dose Escalation Study Evaluating the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of SM04690 in Moderate to Severe Knee Osteoarthritis (OA) (clinicaltrials.gov) - Dec 11, 2015 P1, N=61, Completed, Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2016 --> Apr 2017 Active, not recruiting --> Completed
- |||||||||| lorecivivint (SM04690) / Biosplice Therap, Samil Pharma
Enrollment closed: Phase 1, Dose Escalation Study Evaluating the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of SM04690 in Moderate to Severe Knee Osteoarthritis (OA) (clinicaltrials.gov) - Apr 17, 2015 P1, N=60, Active, not recruiting, Active, not recruiting --> Completed Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting