Mechanisms of Action
leucovorin calcium
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424 Diseases
809 Trials
809 Trials
14393 News
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Clinical, P3 data:
mFOLFOXIRI plus pani (mFOLFOXIRI/PAN) versus mFOLFOX6/PAN as initial treatment of patients with unresectable RAS and BRAF wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC): Results of the phase III TRIPLETE trial by GONO. Talk by Dr @ChiaraCrem1 #ASCO22 #CRCSM @OncoAlert
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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Is there a best treatment sequence in CRC? STRATEGIC-1 @ASCO did not meet primary endpoint Trend for better OS for FOLFIRI Cetuxi -> FOLFOX Bev
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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PhIII STRATEGIC-1 in #1L RAS/BRAF WT #mCRC (80% L-sided) sequence of (A) FOLFIRI-cmab->FOLFOX-bev vs (B) OPTIMOX-bev->FOLFIRI-bev->anti-EGFR mAb shows no sig diff in duration of disease control (primary endpt) and OS w/either seq (numerically higher w/arm A) @OncoAlert #ASCO22
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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#ASCO22 #ASCO2022 @ASCO #gioncology CRC oral abstract #5 GERCOR-PRODIGE RCT ph III France/Ireland/Israel arm 1: FOLFIRI/cetux-->FOLFOX/bev (both continuous) arm 2: optimox/bev (stop and go)-->folfiri/bev (continuous)-->anti-EGFR
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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(panitumumab) /
Amgen, Takeda
#ASCO2022 We just presented IMPROVE study results : Intermittent FOLFIRI/PANITUMUMAB in RAS/BRAF wt unresectable mCRC showed a mPFS on treatment of 17.1 vs 13.2 (20.2 vs 13 in left sided) months vs standard continous exposure, with less skin related toxicities #crcsm @AvalloneAnt
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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Dr. Chibaudel w/ STRATEGIC-1: GERCOR-PRODIGE P3 study of RAS/BRAF mCRC: FOLFIRI-cetux ➡️ FOLFOX-bev vs OPTIMOX-bev ➡️ FOLFIRI-bev ➡️ anti-EGFR +/- irinotecan. Primary endpoint was Duration of Dz Control (sum of PFS of each active sequence of tx) and was similar (HR 0.97). #ASCO22
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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PhII IMPROVE in RAS/BRAF WT #mCRC positive and shows #1L intermittent FOLFIRI-pmab (X8 cycles then resumption upon PD) having improved on-tx 1-yr PFS in L-sided tumors, better skin toxicity than continuous FOLFIRI-pmab OS data not mature #ASCO22 @OncoAlert
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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P2 data, P3 data:
IMPROVE Phase-II in RAS/BRAF WT CRC @ASco2022 8 cycle FOLFIRI/Pani -> Break until progression -> FOLFIRI/Pani vs continuous FOLFIRI/Pani similar treatment exposure, DCR 94% vs 90%, PFS 20.2 vs 13.2 left-sided, but 7.9 vs 10 re-sided Interesting for left sided CRC --> phase-3?
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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(panitumumab) /
Amgen, Takeda
Randomized intermittent or continuous panitumumab plus FOLFIRI (FOLFIRI/PANI) for first-line treatment of patients (pts) with RAS/BRAF wild-type (wt) metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC): The IMPROVE study. Talk by Dr. Antonio Avallone, MD #ASCO22 #CRCSM Very interesting..
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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SOC arm: FOLFIRI/pan till progression primary endpoint: PFS at 1 yr. all patients had pan RAS WT disease, ECOG 0-1 well balanced between arms disease control arm similar between arms PFS at 1 y: 61>52% in favor of intermittent Moreover: loooooong tail for intermittent arm
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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#ASCO22 #ASCO2022 @ASCO #gioncology CRC oral abstract #4: RCT: continuous versus intermittent FLOFIRI/pan in pan RAS WT mCRC. context: intermittent treatment might help avoid selective pressure toward RAS mutation. experimental arm: FOLFIRI/pan x 8 cycles-->break till progr.
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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Dr. Avallone w/ the IMPROVE study: Intermittent vs continuous FOLFIRI/pani for 1L RAS/BRAF wt mCRC. 83-85% L sided tumors. PFSOT (on treatment) was 12.6 vs 17.6 months with 1 year PFSOT of 51.7 vs 61.3%. Looks like L sided benefits, R does not. #ASCO22
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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(panitumumab) /
Amgen, Takeda
Randomized intermittent or continuous panitumumab plus FOLFIRI (FOLFIRI/PANI) for first-line treatment of patients (pts) with RAS/BRAF wild-type (wt) metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC): The IMPROVE study. Talk by Dr. Antonio Avallone, MD #ASCO22 #CRCSM
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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(panitumumab) /
Amgen, Takeda
Randomized intermittent or continuous panitumumab plus FOLFIRI (FOLFIRI/PANI) for first-line treatment of patients (pts) with RAS/BRAF wild-type (wt) metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC): The IMPROVE study. Talk by Dr. Antonio Avallone, MD #ASCO22 #CRCSM
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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(panitumumab) /
Amgen, Takeda
Randomized intermittent or continuous panitumumab plus FOLFIRI (FOLFIRI/PANI) for first-line treatment of patients (pts) with RAS/BRAF wild-type (wt) metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC): The IMPROVE study. Talk by Antonio Avallone, MD #ASCO22 #CRCSM
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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Once data from @FASinicropeMD @ALLIANCE_org ATOMIC trial reads out with FOLFOX➕Immuno, the bigger future❓s would be if we really need the FOLFOX part. Or can we get away with IO alone like @AndreaCercek’s provocative data. #ASCO22 @marklewismd Esp. Elderly MSI⬆️StageIII.
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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PhIII OPTICAL study in local adv #crcsm (>12 cm from verge) of periop FOLFOX/CAPOX vs upfront surgery->adj chemo (SOC), in periop arm: 62% finished all planned chemo, 7% pCR rate, no sig diff in surgical outcomes. No sig diff in 3-yr DFS but longer OS w/periop arm #ASCO22
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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Clinical, P3 data:
Oral abstract session Perioperative chemotherapy with mFOLFOX6 or CAPOX for patients with locally advanced colon cancer (OPTICAL): A multicenter, randomized, phase 3 trial. talk by Dr Huabin Hu, MD #ASCO22 #CRCSM
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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Neoadjuvant Therapy with mFOLFOX6/CAPOX in local CRC @ASCO 3-year DFS 78% vs 76%, ns 3-year OS 95% vs 88%, p=0.01 FOXTROTT revisited -> feasible, but not practice changing.
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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Clinical, P3 data, Adverse events:
Oral abstract session Perioperative chemotherapy with mFOLFOX6 or CAPOX for patients with locally advanced colon cancer (OPTICAL): A multicenter, randomized, phase 3 trial. talk by Dr Huabin Hu, MD #ASCO22 #CRCSM I missed the slide on side effects, I think?
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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Dr. Hu presents OPTICAL: Periop FOLFOX/CAPOX for LA colon cancer: 3m of chemo before/after vs upfront surgery then adjuvant chemo in T3/4 colon cancer. No change in 3 year DFS. 7% pCR rate. 3 year OS data: 94.9 vs 88.5% (HR 0.47, P=0.012) #ASCO22
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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Clinical, P3 data:
Oral abstract session Perioperative chemotherapy with mFOLFOX6 or CAPOX for patients with locally advanced colon cancer (OPTICAL): A multicenter, randomized, phase 3 trial. talk by Dr Huabin Hu, MD
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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Clinical, P3 data:
Poster session Perioperative chemotherapy with mFOLFOX6 or CAPOX for patients with locally advanced colon cancer (OPTICAL): A multicenter, randomized, phase 3 trial. talk by Dr Huabin Hu, MD
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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Clinical, P3 data:
Oral abstract session Perioperative chemotherapy with mFOLFOX6 or CAPOX for patients with locally advanced colon cancer (OPTICAL): A multicenter, randomized, phase 3 trial. talk by Dr Huabin Hu, MD
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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Clinical, P3 data:
Poster session Perioperative chemotherapy with mFOLFOX6 or CAPOX for patients with locally advanced colon cancer (OPTICAL): A multicenter, randomized, phase 3 trial. talk by Dr Huabin Hu, MD
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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I’m still not over the fact that neither FOLFIRINOX (metastatic or adjuvant) panc study got a plenary but this did?
(Twitter) - Jun 6, 2022
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PARADIGM試験、左側でPANIがBevで良かった点に注目が集まりがちだけど、これそもそもORRが超すごくない?85%!FOLFOX、お前ほんとうにFOLFOXなのか? #ASCO22
(Twitter) - Jun 5, 2022
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There are a couple of papers that show that 5FU-based chemo can even cause progression for ppl with MSI-H CRC. I know of a st 3 MSI-H rectal patient recently who couldn't handle FOLFOX, but is doing very well on IO now.
(Twitter) - Jun 5, 2022
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So my current practice with dMMR stage 3 colon cancer is 1) enroll in trial with immunotherapy component, or 2) give FOLFOX (with uncertainty about net benefit)
(Twitter) - Jun 5, 2022
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There is evidence that FOLFOX is better than 5-FU in adjuvant treatment of MSI-high stage 3 colon cancer https://t.co/lc4WPY7wGT
(Twitter) - Jun 5, 2022
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FOLFOX does have an effect in dMMR, hate to omit this without data in curative intent tx @CathyEngMD @gabe_a_brooks
(Twitter) - Jun 5, 2022
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Well done #myeloma RT @OncBrothers: #ASCO22 #PlenarySession summary 1. #DESTINYBreast04: TDXd in low HER2 mBC 2. #PARADIGM: Pan + mFOLFOX6 vs Bev + mF… https://t.co/wEJztP3tig
(Twitter) - Jun 5, 2022
The use of panitumumab (Vectibix®) plus mFOLFOX6 significantly improved overall survival in patients with RAS... https://t.co/IEKYiSdJ4n
(Twitter) - Jun 5, 2022
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Agree @GIcancerDoc especially with the conflicting data with FOLFOX use in met PDAC. Can we get the same benefit from fluoropyrmidine monotherapy or what about 5-FU/onyvide as the switch therapy
(Twitter) - Jun 5, 2022
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P3 data:
#ASCO2022 The story is closed ? in left sided colorectal tumors anti-EGFR plus doublet chemotherapy (FOLFOX) is superior for OS (median 37.9 months) vs Beva Plus Chemo results of phase3 PARADIGM trial #crcsm
(Twitter) - Jun 5, 2022
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We are a far cry from FOLFOX for everyone… Congratulations to Dr Yoshino ! Kudos for advancement in #CRC !! #Oncology #ASCO2022
(Twitter) - Jun 5, 2022
We start with the plenary session. Thanks, MD. Takayuki Yoshino for sharing the result of the study with us. " Panitumumab plus mFOLFOX6 versus bevacizumab plus mFOLFOX6 as first-line treatment in patients with RAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer @ASCO. 👏
(Twitter) - Jun 5, 2022
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31% of FOLFOX-pani patients received subsequent anti-EGFR, so does earlier treatment with anti-EGFR allow for rechallenge later and therefore another line of therapy? One theory as to why curves cross late. #ASCO22
(Twitter) - Jun 5, 2022
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Clinical, P3 data:
Phase 3 PARADIGM in Japan enrolled 800+ patients in 2 years!! 👏🏻 specific for Left sided RAS WT for FOLFOX +PMab. We need to encourage more patients to enroll in #clinicaltrials in the US so we can make farther advances! #Cancer #CancerResearch #CRCSM #patientcare
(Twitter) - Jun 5, 2022
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Dr. Yoshino, PARADIGM trial as the first plenary session abstract: Pani + FOLFOX vs bev + FOLFOX as 1L RAS wt mCRC. OS in left-sided population, HR 0.82 (p=.031) #ASCO22
(Twitter) - Jun 5, 2022
P3 data:
Intriguing results from DANTE trial in gastric/GEJ adeno showing atezo➕️FLOT improves pCR and pathologic regression vs. FLOT alone. ❔️s remain: 1. Confirmation in phase 3 2. FOLFOX/RT vs. FLOT 3. Excited for EA2174 looking at ipi/nivo in this setting #ASCO22 #gicsm
(Twitter) - Jun 5, 2022
👀Check our poster by Ale Boccaccino at #ASCO22! 👉🏻IO score by Oncocyte applied to AtezoTRIBE trial to predict benefit from the addition of atezo to FOLFOXIRI/bev in mCRC. 🎯Promising result for pMMR IO+ @ChiaraCrem1
(Twitter) - Jun 5, 2022
#ASCO2022 Sequential nab-paclitaxel/gemcitabine followed by modified FOLFOX increase survival compared to standatd nab/gem for first-line metastatic pancreatic cancer : SEQUENCE trial by @AlfredoCarrato and spanish collaborators
(Twitter) - Jun 5, 2022
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Last - what if we "SEQUENCED" Q2week gem-nab-pac with FOLFOX 🤔Better tolerated, and equally effective? @GIcancerDoc @the_danielahn BTW - awesome job (what else!) by @KReissMD on the discussion
(Twitter) - Jun 5, 2022
Applaud invest. of SEQUENCE trial showing better survival with gem/abrax->FOLFOX compared to control but head scratcher that data presented w/o one of the most important toxicity Endpoints: NEUROPATHY. IMHO Feel this should be presented together not at later date #ASCO22
(Twitter) - Jun 5, 2022
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Can we SEQUENCE when we have a limited toolbox?? Gem/nab-P followed by FOLFOX for the win?? Hard sell? @GIcancerDoc @mkatzmd @SyedAAhmad5 @KReissMD @EileenMOReilly @ASCO @PanCAN #ASCO22
(Twitter) - Jun 5, 2022
Intriguing data on sequential gem/abrax with FOLFOX vs G/A alone in 1L #PancreaticCancer with impr in mOS and 12m OS. Question is whether better cntrl would’ve been FOLFIRINOX. Also more tx delays in seq arm though would consider q2wk G/A & no 5-FU bolus in practice. #ASCO22
(Twitter) - Jun 5, 2022
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Dr. Carrato presents the SEQUENCE trial, gem/nab-P followed by FOLFOX vs gem/nab-P for PDAC. PFS 7.9 vs 5.2 months (HR 0.51) and OS 13.2 vs 9.7 months (HR 0.676). 12m OS rate (primary endpoint) 55.3 vs 35.4%. #ASCO22
(Twitter) - Jun 5, 2022
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(fam-trastuzumab deruxtecan-nxki) /
Daiichi Sankyo, AstraZeneca
Dr. Ohba sets the stage by showing that second line FOLFOX Response Rate is 5% in cholangio T-DXd in Her2+ cholangio RR 36.4% 👀 #Asco22
(Twitter) - Jun 5, 2022
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(nivolumab) /
Ono Pharma, BMS
Also interesting: pac/nivo was safe, which is of note and could be used as safety data for those who for whatever reasons have not received IO in the first line setting (eg c/ FOLFOX).
(Twitter) - Jun 5, 2022