leucovorin calcium / Generic mfg. 
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 424 Diseases   808 Trials   808 Trials   14431 News 

  • ||||||||||  5-fluorouracil / Generic mfg., leucovorin calcium / Generic mfg., irinotecan / Generic mfg.
    New P1 trial, Metastases:  Phase I Trial of Combination of FOLFIRI and SOM 230 (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Sep 12, 2011   
    P1,  N=30, Recruiting, 
  • ||||||||||  EGFR bi-armed autologous activated T cells / Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute
    Enrollment open, IO biomarker, Metastases:  Anti-CD3 x Anti-Erbitux (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Sep 1, 2011   
    P1,  N=30, Recruiting, 
    Active, not recruiting --> Completed Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting
  • ||||||||||  Avastin (bevacizumab) / Roche
    New P2 trial:  DCE-MRI PET Bevacizumab Study in Rectal Cancer (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Aug 29, 2011   
    P2,  N=30, Recruiting, 
  • ||||||||||  EGFR bi-armed autologous activated T cells / Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute
    New P1 trial, IO biomarker, Metastases:  Anti-CD3 x Anti-Erbitux (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Aug 18, 2011   
    P1,  N=30, Recruiting,