- |||||||||| irinotecan / Generic mfg.
TARGETING DNA REPAIR PROTEIN, BARD1, IN PANCREATIC DUCTAL ADENOCARCINOMA ([VIRTUAL]) - Dec 17, 2021 - Abstract #APCM2021APCM_14; In this study, we found that targeting BARD1 provides an exciting therapeutic opportunity with the potential to greatly benefit PDAC patient outcomes. Future studies are aimed to explore the effects of targeting BARD1 in a relevant mouse model of PDAC.
- |||||||||| 5-fluorouracil / Generic mfg., leucovorin calcium / Generic mfg.
Journal: GATA6 expression distinguishes classical and basal-like subtypes in advanced pancreatic cancer. (Pubmed Central) - Dec 16, 2021 However, treatments cannot be continued indefinitely, and achieving a ≥50% decline in CA19-9 with neoadjuvant chemotherapy may be a clinically important threshold. The basal-like subtype is chemoresistant and can be distinguished from classical PDAC by GATA6 expression.
- |||||||||| Avastin (bevacizumab) / Roche
Clinical, Journal, Real-world evidence: Effectiveness of Combining Bevacizumab With First-Line Chemotherapy Regimens for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer in Real-World Practice. (Pubmed Central) - Dec 16, 2021 In mice, our MR findings indicate that translation of collagen molecular MRI with CM-101 to humans might provide a novel imaging technique to monitor fibrotic response to therapy in order to assist with prognostication and disease management. The addition of bevacizumab to a first-line chemotherapeutic regimen provides survival benefits in a real-world setting for mCRC patients who cannot undergo curative-intent local treatment for metastatic lesions.
- |||||||||| 5-fluorouracil / Generic mfg., leucovorin calcium / Generic mfg., probenecid / Generic mfg.
Review, Journal: Desirable drug-drug interactions or when a matter of concern becomes a renewed therapeutic strategy. (Pubmed Central) - Dec 16, 2021 More recently, some drug-drug combinations have been integrated in modern drug design strategies, aiming to enhance the efficiency of already marketed drugs with new compounds acting not only as synergistic associations, but also as real boosters of activity. In this review, we provide an update of examples of such strategies, with a special focus on microbiology and oncology.
- |||||||||| leucovorin calcium / Generic mfg.
Journal: Formate test for bedside diagnosis of methanol poisoning. (Pubmed Central) - Dec 16, 2021 The diagnosis was some hours later confirmed by GC-MS, showing a methanol concentration of 62 mmol/L (200 mg/dL) and a formate concentration of 19 mmol/L. Implementation of this technology into routine clinical use can potentially offer an opportunity for a step-change in the management of methanol poisoning.
- |||||||||| irinotecan / Generic mfg.
Clinical, Journal: Induction chemotherapy followed by chemoradiotherapy versus chemoradiotherapy alone as neoadjuvant treatment for locally recurrent rectal cancer: study protocol of a multicentre, open-label, parallel-arms, randomized controlled study (PelvEx II). (Pubmed Central) - Dec 16, 2021 This trial protocol describes the PelvEx II study. PelvEx II, designed as a multicentre, open-label, phase III, parallel-arms study, is the first randomized study to compare induction chemotherapy followed by neoadjuvant chemo(re)irradiation and surgery with neoadjuvant chemo(re)irradiation and surgery alone in patients with locally recurrent rectal cancer, with the aim of improving the number of R0 resections.
- |||||||||| Erbitux (cetuximab) / Eli Lilly, EMD Serono, Braftovi (encorafenib) / Ono Pharma, Pierre Fabre, Pfizer
Journal, HEOR: Cost-effectiveness of encorafenib plus cetuximab in BRAF V600E-mutated colorectal cancer. (Pubmed Central) - Dec 16, 2021 Differences in costs between the two arms (encorafenib plus cetuximab vs FOLFIRI plus cetuximab) was 59 501 €, with a cost of 17 500 € per month of overall survival-gain. Combining pharmacological costs of drugs with the measure of efficacy represented by overall survival, at the actual prize encorafenib cannot be considered cost-effectiveness for second-line treatment of BRAFV600-mutated metastatic colorectal cancer.
- |||||||||| 5-fluorouracil / Generic mfg., leucovorin calcium / Generic mfg.
Journal: Pancreatic cancer (Pubmed Central) - Dec 16, 2021 Neoadjuvant chemotherapy regimens, such as FOLFIRINOX, represent a valid option in order to achieve complete surgical tumor resection in more advanced cases. However, the overall uptake of this promising concept is very low.
- |||||||||| 5-fluorouracil / Generic mfg., leucovorin calcium / Generic mfg.
Clinicopathologic Features of Adenocarcinoma Arising in Low-Grade Appendiceal Mucinous Neoplasm (Poster Board Number: 96; LACC West Exhibit Hall A) - Dec 13, 2021 - Abstract #USCAP2022USCAP_627; Adenocarcinoma arising in LAMN is a rare entity with unique clinicopathologic features and important implications for clinical treatment. Further studies are needed to characterize its histologic features, molecular genetic profile, and clinical behavior in comparison to conventional LAMN.
- |||||||||| Enrollment closed, Trial primary completion date: Total Therapy for Infants With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) I (clinicaltrials.gov) - Dec 13, 2021
P1/2, N=50, Active, not recruiting, Further studies are needed to characterize its histologic features, molecular genetic profile, and clinical behavior in comparison to conventional LAMN. Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting | Trial primary completion date: Oct 2022 --> Apr 2022
- |||||||||| leucovorin calcium / Generic mfg.
Hemiparesis in a Patient with FOLR1-Related Cerebral Folate Deficiency () - Dec 12, 2021 - Abstract #AES2021AES_641; Early initiation of treatment with folinic acid is of paramount importance in CFD... Patient 1’s presentation may expand the clinical spectrum of FOLR1-related CFD to include stroke-like episodes.
- |||||||||| leucovorin calcium / Generic mfg.
Standardizing education and competency for oncology nurses reduces errors with high-dose methotrexate administration. (Anaheim Convention Center - Room 157/159) - Dec 9, 2021 - Abstract #ONS2022ONS_120; The errors centered on, improper parameter management prior to administration of drug, incorrect timing of serum methotrexate levels, and delayed or missing RN interventions related to dosing and administration of leucovorin for cell rescue...A comprehensive education program and standardized approach is effective in reducing nursing errors and improving outcomes for patients receiving HDMTX. Insight from multiple disciplines is key to identifying barriers and providing best practices to reduce errors and improve outcomes for patients.