Lybalvi (olanzapine/samidorphan) / Alkermes 
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  • ||||||||||  Lybalvi (olanzapine/samidorphan) / Alkermes
    New P4 trial:  Exercise and Olanzapine-samidorphan ( -  Dec 18, 2024   
    P4,  N=30, Not yet recruiting, 
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Drugs for bipolar disorder. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 9, 2024   
    No abstract available No abstract available
  • ||||||||||  Lybalvi (olanzapine/samidorphan) / Alkermes
    Retrospective data, Review, Journal:  Olanzapine-Samidorphan for Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 25, 2024   
    Drug discontinuation incidence was higher in the OLZSAM group: RR = 1.22; 95% CI = 0.84-1.79; p = 0.30. The combination OLZSAM showed comparable efficacy to olanzapine alone in schizophrenia patients, with relatively less incidence of weight gain and adverse events; however, the drug discontinuation due to adverse events was more in the OLZSAM group.
  • ||||||||||  Lybalvi (olanzapine/samidorphan) / Alkermes
    Trial completion, Enrollment change, Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  Phase 1 Study of OLZ/SAM in Pediatric Subjects With Bipolar I Disorder ( -  Nov 22, 2023   
    P1,  N=7, Completed, 
    We identified a need for research addressing OATs' behavioral and humanistic outcomes and evaluating the impact of product switching in adults with schizophrenia in the United States, which could assist clinicians in promoting patient-centered care and help payers understand the total value of new antipsychotic drugs. Recruiting --> Completed | N=12 --> 7 | Trial completion date: Jun 2024 --> Aug 2023 | Trial primary completion date: Jun 2024 --> Aug 2023
  • ||||||||||  NaBen (sodium benzoate) / SyneuRx, Lybalvi (olanzapine/samidorphan) / Alkermes, ulotaront (SEP-363856) / Sumitomo Pharma, Otsuka, PsychoGenics
    A Quest for Treatment Discovery in Children and Adolescents With Schizophrenia: Investigational Drugs in Pipeline (Sutton North (New York Hilton Midtown); In-person) -  Sep 30, 2023 - Abstract #AACAP2023AACAP_772;    
    Conclusions New drug development in schizophrenia is on the horizon. The clinicians are excited and optimistic with the treatment advances, and this presentation will make them familiar with the molecules in development.
  • ||||||||||  The Drug Hunt: An Exploration of New Medications for Treatment of Schizophrenia in Children and Adolescents (Sutton North (New York Hilton Midtown); In-person) -  Sep 30, 2023 - Abstract #AACAP2023AACAP_771;    
    An update on cutting-edge evidence on treatment developments in schizophrenia is vital to inform the pediatric prescription practices. The scope of the ongoing studies to bring novel pharmacological evidence to clinical practice will serve to be beneficial for clinicians treating children and adolescents with schizophrenia.
  • ||||||||||  Lybalvi (olanzapine/samidorphan) / Alkermes
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  Study to Evaluate the Long-term Safety, Tolerability, and Durability of Treatment Effect of ALKS 3831 ( -  Sep 14, 2023   
    P3,  N=500, Active, not recruiting, 
    This presentation will review the cutting-edge evidence on novel investigational agents and offer insight into the upcoming psychopharmacological evidence for treatment of schizophrenia in pediatric population. Trial completion date: Dec 2023 --> Sep 2023 | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2023 --> Sep 2023
  • ||||||||||  Lybalvi (olanzapine/samidorphan) / Alkermes
    Olanzapine/Samidorphan Effects on Weight Gain: A Pooled Analysis of Phase 2 and 3 Randomized, Double-Blind Studies (Salon 4) -  Apr 15, 2023 - Abstract #ASCP2023ASCP_212;    
    P2, P3
    Baseline mean (SD) age was 35.2 (10.7), 308 (29%) were female, 440 (41.4%) were White, and mean (SD) body mass index (BMI) was 24.8 (3.3) kg/m2. At week 12, OLZ/SAM treatment was associated with a lower least-square mean (LSM) percent change in body weight from baseline (3.68%) vs olanzapine (5.43%) (LSM [SE] difference=-1.75% [0.41]; 95% CI=-2.55, -0.94).
  • ||||||||||  Lybalvi (olanzapine/samidorphan) / Alkermes
    Trial completion, Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  Study of the Breast Milk Pharmacokinetics of Olanzapine and Samidorphan ( -  Feb 10, 2023   
    P1,  N=12, Completed, 
    No abstract available Recruiting --> Completed | Trial completion date: Jul 2023 --> Nov 2022 | Trial primary completion date: Jul 2023 --> Nov 2022
  • ||||||||||  Lybalvi (olanzapine/samidorphan) / Alkermes, samidorphan (ALKS 33) / Alkermes
    Clinical, Journal:  Olanzapine/samidorphan combination consistently mitigates weight gain across various subgroups of patients. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 14, 2022   
    Treatment with OLZ/SAM mitigated weight gain vs olanzapine in early-in-illness patients with schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, or BD-I. In these exploratory subgroup analyses from the ENLIGHTEN-2 study, weight-mitigating effects of OLZ/SAM vs olanzapine were observed consistently across patient subgroups and were in line with results from the overall study population.
  • ||||||||||  Lybalvi (olanzapine/samidorphan) / Alkermes
    Enrollment open:  Study of the Breast Milk Pharmacokinetics of Olanzapine and Samidorphan ( -  Oct 10, 2022   
    P1,  N=12, Recruiting, 
    In these exploratory subgroup analyses from the ENLIGHTEN-2 study, weight-mitigating effects of OLZ/SAM vs olanzapine were observed consistently across patient subgroups and were in line with results from the overall study population. Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting
  • ||||||||||  Novel Antipsychotics and Risk of Drug-Induced Movement Disorders and Tardive Syndromes (Poster Station: 21) -  Sep 22, 2022 - Abstract #MDSCongress2022MDR_Congress_501;    
    Compared to oral paliperidone, the LAI may decrease risk of DIMDs while LAI risperidone and aripiprazole have equal risk compared to oral formulations. Furthermore, new experimental drug targets that do not use dopamine receptor blockade show promise in reducing incidence of DIMDs.
  • ||||||||||  Lybalvi (olanzapine/samidorphan) / Alkermes
    Clinical, Review, Journal:  Olanzapine/Samidorphan: A New Option for the Treatment of Adults With Schizophrenia or Bipolar I Disorder. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 3, 2022   
    Advantages of this drug combination include once-daily dosing, favorable tolerability, and most importantly, mitigation of weight gain, which may encourage adherence, when compared with OLZ alone. The new combination treatment of OLZ/SAM is a unique antipsychotic formulation to provide the recognized efficacious treatment of OLZ, while mitigating the weight gain and possibly the weight-related adverse effects secondary to OLZ monotherapy.
  • ||||||||||  Lybalvi (olanzapine/samidorphan) / Alkermes
    Journal:  Olanzapine/Samidorphan: New Drug Approved for Treating Bipolar I Disorder and Schizophrenia. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 28, 2022   
    When treating complex patients with schizophrenia, the olanzapine/samidorphan combination has limited effect on medication-induced weight gain often associated with antipsychotic olanzapine monotherapy. Additional studies are needed to further define the role of olanzapine/samidorphan in bipolar I disorder and clinical practice.
  • ||||||||||  Lybalvi (olanzapine/samidorphan) / Alkermes, Caplyta (lumateperone) - Intra / Cellular Therapies
    8211: Clinical Update on Managing Schizophrenia: Drugs and Other Treatments ([VIRTUAL]) -  May 5, 2022 - Abstract #APA2022APA_1136;    
    The clinical implications of new research on non-pharmacologic somatic treatments including aerobic exercise, transcranial magnetic stimulation, and electroconvulsive therapy will be discussed. Finally, there will be a discussion of new drugs for schizophrenia that are in Phase 3 trials.
  • ||||||||||  Review, Journal:  Existing and emerging pharmacological approaches to the treatment of mania: A critical overview. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 26, 2022   
    As for the emerging experimental antipsychotic, some of them (including KarXT, SEP-363856, RO6889450, ALKS3831) have demonstrated good antipsychotic efficacy and a favorable safety profile, but little is known about their use in patients with bipolar disorder and specifically designed trials are needed. Lastly, some benefits for the treatment of mania could be expected to come in the next future from non-mood stabilizers/non-antipsychotic agents (especially PKC inhibitors like Endoxifen): long-term trials are needed to confirm positive results in terms of long-term efficacy and safety.