lisinopril / Generic mfg. 
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 124 Diseases   24 Trials   24 Trials   2082 News 

  • ||||||||||  lisinopril / Generic mfg., cholestyramine / Generic mfg., dicyclomine / Generic mfg.
    Often Reported, Rarely Considered: A Case of ACEI-Induced Mesenteric Angioedema (Crown Ballroom) -  Sep 4, 2022 - Abstract #ACG2022ACG_2345;    
    Trials of low FODMAP and lactose free diets as well as fiber, cholestyramine, dicyclomine, doxepin, steroids, mesalamine and antibiotics were all ineffective...Extensive chart review led to a trial of holding the patient’s lisinopril...This was a case of a Caucasian male who had an extensive workup, including exploratory surgery, before the ACEi was held. Although this diagnosis is well reported, it is rare, and must be considered to avoid unnecessary tests and procedures.
  • ||||||||||  Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir and ritonavir) / Pfizer
    Nirmatrelvir/ritonavir - A New Culprit of Acute Pancreatitis (Crown Ballroom) -  Sep 4, 2022 - Abstract #ACG2022ACG_2301;    
    Given the negative findings stated above and the recent initiation of a new medication, nirmatrelvir/ritonavir was the likely cause of acute pancreatitis. Lamb YN, Nirmatrelvir Plus Ritonavir: First Approval, 2022, 585-591 Badalov N et al, Drug-induced acute pancreatitis: an evidence-based review, 2007, 648-661 Babajide OI et al, COVID-19 and acute pancreatitis: a systematic review, 2022, 231-235
  • ||||||||||  prednisone / Generic mfg., lisinopril / Generic mfg.
    A Challenging Case of Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis! (Crown Ballroom) -  Sep 4, 2022 - Abstract #ACG2022ACG_571;    
    Medications consisted of lisinopril and felodipine...The patient was discharged home with a prednisone taper over 8 weeks...Recurrence of symptoms is commonly reported requiring long-term treatment. Figure: Panel A - CT Abdomen and pelvis showing wall thickening of stomach and small intestine Panel B - Upper endoscopy showing erythema and nodularity of the gastric and duodenal mucosa Panel C- Biopsy of the duodenal mucosa showing up to 100 eosinophils per high power field (Hematoxylin and eosin, original magnification 20 x)
  • ||||||||||  hydrochlorothiazide / Generic mfg., lisinopril / Generic mfg.
    Preclinical, Journal:  Compensatory depression of arterial pressure and reversal of ECG abnormalities by Annona muricata and Curcuma longa in hypertensive Wistar rats. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 3, 2022   
    Figure: Panel A - CT Abdomen and pelvis showing wall thickening of stomach and small intestine Panel B - Upper endoscopy showing erythema and nodularity of the gastric and duodenal mucosa Panel C- Biopsy of the duodenal mucosa showing up to 100 eosinophils per high power field (Hematoxylin and eosin, original magnification 20 x) In conclusion, A. muricata and C. longa have cardioprotective effect with reversal of derangements in haemogram and urinalysis associated with hypertension.
  • ||||||||||  lisinopril / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Exposure of fexofenadine, but not pseudoephedrine, is markedly decreased by green tea extract in healthy volunteers. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 24, 2022   
    Green tea (GT) alters the disposition of a number of drugs, such as nadolol and lisinopril...On the contrary, the concomitant administration of GTE did not influence the pharmacokinetics of pseudoephedrine. These results suggest that intake of GT may result in a markedly reduced exposure of fexofenadine, but not of pseudoephedrine, putatively by inhibiting OATP1A2-mediated intestinal absorption.
  • ||||||||||  NONISCHEMIC CARDIOMYOPATHY AND CARDIAC ARREST ATTRIBUTABLE TO ANABOLIC-ANDROGENIC STEROIDS (Convention Center Exhibit Hall: Poster Area) -  Aug 16, 2022 - Abstract #CHEST2022CHEST_2582;    
    On Day 7, he was discharged home on aspirin, carvedilol, rosuvastatin, lisinopril, and amiodarone. AAS-induced cardiomyopathy should be considered in the differential diagnosis for AAS users who present with cardiac arrest and/or LV dysfunction.
  • ||||||||||  carvedilol / Generic mfg., lisinopril / Generic mfg., spironolactone / Generic mfg.
    BRASH: A VICIOUS CYCLE PROVOKED BY SALT SUBSTITUTES AND MEDICATIONS (Convention Center Exhibit Hall: Poster Area) -  Aug 16, 2022 - Abstract #CHEST2022CHEST_2543;    
    Seemingly benign interventions such as salt substitutes can provoke this condition. Early recognition, aggressive resuscitation, and discontinuing the offending AV nodal blocking agents may prevent potentially fatal outcomes.
  • ||||||||||  Activase (alteplase) / Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Kyowa Kirin, Mitsubishi Tanabe
    Asymmetric Contralateral Angioedema After Alteplase Administration For Ischemic Stroke (Hall C) -  Aug 15, 2022 - Abstract #ASA2022ASA_2381;    
    Asymmetric angioedema is a rare but potentially life-threatening complication of tPA administration associated with prior ACE inhibitor therapy. While cases usually respond to more conservative measures, some patients may require more urgent airway intervention in rare instances.
  • ||||||||||  Population biomarkers in wastewater: Validation with census and mobile device data (Water Tower B (Marriott Marquis Chicago)) -  Aug 9, 2022 - Abstract #ACSFall2022ACS_Fall_2615;    
    This lack of daily precision may be attributed to either or both the counting of devices and/or the method precision of biomarker determination. Census, mobile device, and population biomarker results will be presented.
  • ||||||||||  Avastin (bevacizumab) / Roche
    Journal:  Inhibition of Angiogenesis and Extracellular Matrix Remodeling: Synergistic Effect of Renin-Angiotensin System Inhibitors and Bevacizumab. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 20, 2022   
    Our results showed that the addition of Lis did not interfere with the vascular normalization effect promoted by Bev, but also inhibited collagen and hyaluronic acid (HA) deposition and significantly downregulated the expression of TGF-β1 and downstream SMAD signaling components which were enhanced by Bev, ultimately remodeling primary extracellular matrix components. In conclusion, RASIs and Bev have synergistic effect in the treatment of colorectal cancer and RASIs might be an optimal choice for the treatment of Bev-induced HT.
  • ||||||||||  Jardiance (empagliflozin) / Eli Lilly, Boehringer Ingelheim
    Journal:  Renoprotective effects of empagliflozin in type 1 and type 2 models of diabetic nephropathy superimposed with hypertension. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 30, 2022   
    RBF was not altered in any of the treatment groups, and GFR was elevated in empagliflozin-treated hypertensive T2DN rats. These results indicate that empagliflozin is highly effective in controlling blood glucose levels and slows the progression of renal injury in both hypertensive type 1 and type 2 diabetic rats, especially when given in combination with lisinopril to lower blood pressure.
  • ||||||||||  serratiopeptidase / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Novel serratiopeptidase exhibits different affinities to the substrates and inhibitors. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 23, 2022   
    As revealed by in-vitro studies, T344 [8-339ss] displayed the highest number of hydrogen bond formation in docking with Bradykinin and remarkable decrement in the binding affinity for EDTA. This was the first report on the design of novel serratiopeptidase with higher activity to Bradykinin and improved resistance to EDTA as an inhibitor.
  • ||||||||||  Jardiance (empagliflozin) / Eli Lilly, Boehringer Ingelheim
    Psychiatric associations in bullous pemphigoid: reviewand case report () -  Jun 23, 2022 - Abstract #BAD2022BAD_422;    
    Her medications included adcal-D3, alendronate, chlorphenamine, citalopram, lansoprazole, lisinopril, paliperidone, levothyroxine; lercanidipine...She was treated with Dermovate® ointment under paste bandaging to the trunk; limbs; Eumovate® ointment for the face, alongside doxycycline 100 mg; prednisolone 40 mg for a week, reducing by 5 mg per week over 8 weeks...At the onset of symptoms, she was established on paliperidone injections, an atypical antipsychotic,; had recently started empagliflozin...Her BP was resistant to conventional treatment but responded to dapsone. This case highlights the psychodermatological issues associated with managing some cases of BP.
  • ||||||||||  Tavegil (clemastine) / GSK
    Postoperative ​​​​ACE inhibitor-induced angioedema (Poster eBoard 2) -  Jun 17, 2022 - Abstract #Euroanaesthesia2022Euroanaesthesia_1084;    
    Ibuprofen and lisinopril were discontinued...It may be triggered by anesthesia/surgery, typically occurring within 1-8 hours. It is the most likely diagnosis.In anaesthesia/surgery, there are several possible triggers for ACEI induced angioedema, such as trauma, airway irritation and surgical stress.
  • ||||||||||  lisinopril / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Lepidium meyenii (Maca) Roots: UPLC-HRMS, Molecular Docking, and Molecular Dynamics. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 4, 2022   
    Glucotropaeolin, β-carboline alkaloids, succinic acid, and 2,4-dihydroxy-3,5-cyclopentyl dienoic acid showed the highest affinity to target the ACE with high docking scores (S ranging from -35.32 to -22.51 kcal mol) compared to lisinopril (S = -36.64 kcal mol)...Additionally, the computational ADMET study predicted that the compounds attaining promising docking results had proper pharmacokinetics, drug-likeness characteristics, and safe toxicological profiles. Ultimately, our findings revealed that Maca roots could be considered a promising candidate as an antihypertensive drug.
  • ||||||||||  Repatha (evolocumab) / Amgen, Astellas
    Worsening Bilateral Proximal Lower Extremity Pain And Weakness (Exhibit Hall F) -  Jun 2, 2022 - Abstract #ACSM2022ACSM_1563;    
    Facet arthropathy noted throughout the lumbar spine and mild narrowing noted at L1-L2 and L2-L3. No evidence of acute fracture; 3.CMP: WNL aside from AST/ALT of 206/300 respectively4.CK: 74225.PT/INR, Alpha 1 antitrypisin, ANA, Automimmune hepatitis panel, IgA, Ceruloplasman, ferritin, Anemia Panel, Microsomal Antibody, Anti-mitochondrial Ab, Anti-smooth muscle Ab, Tissue Transglutaminase, CBC, HgA1c all WNL6.Myositis Panel including antibodies to Jo-1, PL-7, PL-12, EJ, OJ, SRP, MI-2 Alpha, MI-2 Beta, MDA-5, TIF-1Y, NXP-2 WNL7.Aldolase elevated to 10.88.Anti-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A Reductase Antibody Elevated to 82FINAL/WORKING DIAGNOSIS: Statin-Induced Necrotizing Autoimmune Myopathy (SINAM) TREATMENT AND OUTCOMES: Atorvastatin was discontinued and the patient was started on a prednisone taper.
  • ||||||||||  lisinopril / Generic mfg.
    Preclinical, Journal:  Ameliorative Effect of Morinda Lucida on L-nitro Arginine Methyl Ester (L-name) Induced Hypertension in Male Wistar Rats. (Pubmed Central) -  May 14, 2022   
    The animals were dosed for six weeks with group A being the control group (normotensive) given feed and water ad libitun; Group B animals were administered L-NAME only, 40 mg/kg (hypertensive); Groups C, D and E were simultaneously treated with L-NAME (40 mg/kg) and Morinda lucida extract in increasing doses of 100 mg/kg, 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg, respectively, while Group F were given lisinopril at 20 mg/kg for a period of 6 weeks...The co-treatment of hypertensive rats with Morinda lucida extract caused reduction in markers of oxidative stress and inflammation and normalized blood pressure parameters. The findings from this study suggest the possibility of using Morinda lucida extract as a novel antihypertensive agent.
  • ||||||||||  nifedipine immediate release / Generic mfg., lisinopril / Generic mfg., epinephrine / Generic mfg.
    In PV, the presence of HTN was associated with decreased serum free epinephrine and aldosterone levels, reduced retinal microperfusion, elevated kidney arteries resistance, JAK2-V617F mutation and high-risk PV...In terms of treatment options for patients with HTN and MPNs, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI), e.g., lisinopril, and calcium-channel blockers (CCB - nifedipine for hypertensive emergencies) have been successfully used...Screening for HTN in MPNs is urgently needed. Accurate management strategies based on the use ACEI and CCB need further exploration in MPNs with associated HTN.
  • ||||||||||  avoralstat (BCX4161) / BioCryst
    Microvesicles from Stored Platelets Promote High Molecular Weight Kininogen Cleavage Leading to Bradykinin Generation. (Exhibition) -  May 13, 2022 - Abstract #ISTH2022ISTH_1368;    
    However, the addition of PK further increased HK cleavage and bradykinin generation, both of which were inhibited by avoralstat (Fig 1C&D), suggesting the contribution of PKa formed by the activation of PK by sPLT-MVs. Separately, the concentration of exogenously added bradykinin decreased following incubation with sPLT-MVs, which was inhibited by the presence of lisinopril (Fig 1E), indicating the presence of angiotensin-converting enzyme activity associated with sPLT-MVs.
  • ||||||||||  levetiracetam / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  A Case of Possible Levetiracetam Induced Aseptic Meningitis vs Viral Meningitis. (Pubmed Central) -  May 5, 2022   
    Applying the Naranjo Scale yields a score of 4, which indicates possible levetiracetam-induced meningitis in this adult patient. Providers should be cognizant when prescribing antiepileptics to assess and monitor for aseptic meningitis that may appear with atypical symptoms.
  • ||||||||||  Herceptin (trastuzumab) / Roche
    Poster Tour: Cardiovascular Disorders (In-person) -  Apr 21, 2022 - Abstract #ISPOR2022ISPOR_1887;    
    His chest pain resolved following initiation of aspirin, tylenol, colchicine, lisinopril, and metoprolol. Posters featured in this tour: CO13: The Effect of Preoperative Chest Physiotherapy on Oxygenation and Lung Functions Among Cardiac Surgery Patients: A Randomized Controlled Study EE199: Cost-Effectiveness of Lisinopril and Carvedilol for Prevention of Trastuzumab-Induced Cardiotoxicity in US Adults with Early-Stage Breast Cancer EE310: Cost-Effectiveness of Initiating Antihypertensive Therapy with Single-Pill Combinations Versus Monotherapy in US Adults HSD119: Persistence to Treatment with Initially Prescribed Antiplatelet Agents for the Onset of Acute Coronary Syndrome MT3: Completeness and Concordance between Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Submitted Insurance Claims in German Hospitals Utilizing Percutaneous Left Ventricular Assist Devices (PLVADS): Considerations for Outcomes Research SA45: The Effect of Team-Based Care Strategies on Systolic Blood Pressure at Six Months: A Meta-Analysis
  • ||||||||||  lisinopril / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Pharmacological ACE-inhibition Mitigates Radiation-Induced Pneumonitis by Suppressing ACE-expressing Lung Myeloid Cells. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 20, 2022   
    These data demonstrate radiation-induced ACE activation within the immune compartment promotes the pathogenesis of radiation pneumonitis, while ACE inhibition suppresses activation of proinflammatory immune cell subsets. Mechanistically, our in vitro data demonstrate radiation directly activates the ACE/type 1 angiotensin receptor pathway in immune cells and promotes generation of ROS via NADPH oxidase 2.