lisinopril / Generic mfg. 
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 124 Diseases   24 Trials   24 Trials   2082 News 

  • ||||||||||  lisinopril / Generic mfg.
    Trial initiation date:  Optimal Management of HIV Infected Adults at Risk for Kidney Complications in Nigeria ( -  Dec 14, 2017   
    P2,  N=200, Not yet recruiting, 
    Compared with chlorthalidone, treatment with lisinopril is not associated with a meaningful reduction in incident AF or AFL among older adults with a history of hypertension. Initiation date: Nov 2017 --> Feb 2018
  • ||||||||||  atorvastatin / Generic mfg., lisinopril / Generic mfg.
    Trial primary completion date, Surgery:  OPTMIZE-OS: Risk Factor Control Before Orthopedic Surgery ( -  Dec 6, 2017   
    P4,  N=198, Terminated, 
    Initiation date: Nov 2017 --> Feb 2018 Trial primary completion date: Dec 2017 --> May 2017
  • ||||||||||  lisinopril / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Incidence, Severity, and Outcomes of AKI Associated with Dual Renin-Angiotensin System Blockade. (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 3, 2017   
    Trial primary completion date: Dec 2017 --> Jul 2018 Dual renin-angiotensin system blockade was associated with an increased risk of AKI compared with monotherapy, but AKI in the setting of monotherapy was associated with lower rates of recovery of kidney function, higher mortality, and higher risk of progression of kidney disease.
  • ||||||||||  lisinopril / Generic mfg.
    Trial primary completion date:  Endpoint Calibration for a Phase 2 Study of Lisinopril in Multiple Sclerosis ( -  Oct 12, 2017   
    P2a,  N=20, Recruiting, 
    Dual renin-angiotensin system blockade was associated with an increased risk of AKI compared with monotherapy, but AKI in the setting of monotherapy was associated with lower rates of recovery of kidney function, higher mortality, and higher risk of progression of kidney disease. Trial primary completion date: Mar 2017 --> Jun 2018
  • ||||||||||  candesartan cilexetil / Generic mfg., lisinopril / Generic mfg.
    Enrollment closed, Enrollment change, Trial primary completion date:  CALIBREX: CAndesartan vs LIsinopril Effects on the BRain ( -  Oct 4, 2017   
    P3,  N=168, Active, not recruiting, 
    Trial primary completion date: Mar 2017 --> Jun 2018 Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting | N=140 --> 168 | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2017 --> Nov 2018
  • ||||||||||  Phase classification:  COACH: Reducing Total Cardiovascular Risk in an Urban Community ( -  Sep 15, 2017   
    P4,  N=525, Completed, 
    Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting | N=140 --> 168 | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2017 --> Nov 2018 Phase classification: P=N/A --> P4
  • ||||||||||  lisinopril / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Heterogeneity in Early Responses in ALLHAT (Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial). (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 26, 2017   
    Compared with those randomized to chlorthalidone, participants randomized to amlodipine (odds ratio, 1.20; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.10-1.31), lisinopril (odds ratio, 1.88; 95% CI, 1.73-2.03), and doxazosin (odds ratio, 1.65; 95% CI, 1.52-1.78) had higher adjusted odds ratios associated with being a nonimmediate responder (versus immediate responder)...The SBP response trajectories provided superior discrimination for predicting downstream adverse cardiovascular events than classification based on difference in SBP between the first 2 measurements, SBP at 6 months, and average SBP during the first 6 months. Our findings demonstrate heterogeneity in response to antihypertensive therapies and show that chlorthalidone is associated with more favorable initial response than the other medications.
  • ||||||||||  lisinopril / Generic mfg., carvedilol controlled-release / Generic mfg.
    Enrollment change:  Evaluation of Potential for Orthostatic Hypotension in Elderly Hypertensives ( -  Aug 9, 2017   
    P1,  N=62, Completed, 
    Our findings demonstrate heterogeneity in response to antihypertensive therapies and show that chlorthalidone is associated with more favorable initial response than the other medications. N=40 --> 62
  • ||||||||||  Trial primary completion date:  The Use of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitors to Assess Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors ( -  May 25, 2017   
    P1,  N=20, Recruiting, 
    In summary, by combining lisinopril (FDA-approved for other indications) with hydration and antibiotics, acute and delayed radiation injuries in multiple organs were mitigated. Trial primary completion date: Apr 2016 --> Apr 2018
  • ||||||||||  lisinopril / Generic mfg.
    Phase classification, Trial primary completion date:  Endpoint Calibration for a Phase 2 Study of Lisinopril in Multiple Sclerosis ( -  Oct 25, 2016   
    P2a,  N=20, Recruiting, 
    Completed --> Terminated Phase classification: P2 --> P2a | Trial primary completion date: Nov 2015 --> Mar 2017
  • ||||||||||  atorvastatin / Generic mfg., lisinopril / Generic mfg.
    Enrollment change, Trial termination, Surgery:  OPTMIZE-OS: Risk Factor Control Before Orthopedic Surgery ( -  Jun 11, 2016   
    P4,  N=198, Terminated, 
    N=23 --> 32 N=550 --> 198 | Recruiting --> Terminated; Low recruitment / DSMB approval to halt recruitment
  • ||||||||||  lisinopril / Generic mfg.
    Enrollment open:  ACE-inhibitors in Extracapillary Glomerulonephritis ( -  May 19, 2016   
    P2,  N=22, Recruiting, 
    Trial primary completion date: Apr 2016 --> Nov 2016 Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting
  • ||||||||||  candesartan cilexetil / Generic mfg., lisinopril / Generic mfg.
    New P4 trial:  PHYSIC: The Precision Hypertension Care Study ( -  May 18, 2016   
    P4,  N=300, Not yet recruiting, 
  • ||||||||||  atorvastatin / Generic mfg., lisinopril / Generic mfg.
    Trial primary completion date, Surgery:  OPTMIZE-OS: Risk Factor Control Before Orthopedic Surgery ( -  Mar 30, 2016   
    P4,  N=550, Recruiting, 
    Trial primary completion date: Feb 2016 --> Jul 2016 Trial primary completion date: Jan 2016 --> Dec 2017
  • ||||||||||  Hygroton (chlortalidone) / Alliance, NN1213 / Novo Nordisk
    Trial completion:  Genetics of Hypertension Associated Treatments (GenHAT) ( -  Feb 27, 2016   
    P=N/A,  N=0, Completed, 
    Recruiting --> Completed No longer recruiting --> Completed
  • ||||||||||  lisinopril / Generic mfg.
    Enrollment open, Trial primary completion date:  Clinical Trial of Coenzyme Q10 and Lisinopril in Muscular Dystrophies ( -  Feb 3, 2016   
    P2/3,  N=120, Enrolling by invitation, 
    Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting Active, not recruiting --> Enrolling by invitation | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2016 --> Dec 2017