Mucosta oral (rebamipide oral) / Otsuka, Kubota, Dongkwang 
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 38 Diseases   10 Trials   10 Trials   381 News 

  • ||||||||||  Mucosta oral (rebamipide oral) / Otsuka, Acucela
    Review, Journal:  Effect of N-acetylcysteine on mucosal immunity of respiratory tract. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 19, 2019   
    The outcome of diseases accompanied or caused by mucostasis depends both on the restoration of drainage function of the airways and on the effectiveness of immune mechanisms against pathogens...There was no convincing evidence that NAC is able to suppress any component of mucosal immunity. For final conclusions on this subject, further research are required.
  • ||||||||||  Mucosta oral (rebamipide oral) / Otsuka, Acucela
    Journal:  Tracheobronchomalacia and Excessive Dynamic Airway Collapse: Medical and Surgical Treatment. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 15, 2019   
    Excessive central airway collapse (ECAC) is characterized by excessive narrowing of the airway lumen during exhalation leading to dyspnea, cough, mucostasis, recurrent respiratory infections, and poor quality of life...A short-term stent trial in selected patients with severe symptomatic ECAC is needed to assess whether patients will have improvement in symptoms and thus identify patients who will benefit from surgical central airway stabilization. A multidisciplinary airway team in highly specialized centers with experience in the evaluation and treatment of this patient population is essential for optimal outcomes.
  • ||||||||||  Mucosta oral (rebamipide oral) / Otsuka, Acucela
    Journal:  BST-104, a Water Extract of Lonicera japonica, Has a Gastroprotective Effect via Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Activities. (Pubmed Central) -  May 24, 2019   
    ...After orally administering BST-104, chlorogenic acid, rebamipide (positive control), or vehicle to each animal model, gastric lesion sizes, gastric mucus statuses, proinflammatory cytokine levels, and oxidative stress were measured...In addition, BST-104 significantly suppressed proinflammatory cytokine (tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin [IL]-6, and IL-1β) increases, and real-time PCR showed that BST-104 significantly downregulated NF-κB expression. In summary, BST-104 and its active component, chlorogenic acid, were found to have gastroprotective effects by virtue of their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties through downregulation of NF-κB expression.
  • ||||||||||  Mucosta oral (rebamipide oral) / Otsuka, Acucela
    Journal:  Medical Treatment for Dry Eye in Japan. (Pubmed Central) -  May 18, 2019   
    Moreover, Diquas has also been launched in other Asian countries, such as Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam. This report summarizes the efficacy and characteristics of these two eye drops to improve our understanding of dry eye.
  • ||||||||||  Mucosta oral (rebamipide oral) / Otsuka, Acucela
    Journal:  Secreted Mucins on the Ocular Surface. (Pubmed Central) -  May 18, 2019   
    However, it is unknown whether changes in mucin expression on the ocular surface cause or result from dry eye. Further study is needed to determine the true mechanism of dry eye disease.
  • ||||||||||  Mucosta oral (rebamipide oral) / Otsuka, Acucela
    Journal:  Characterization of Amorphous Solid Dispersion of Pharmaceutical Compound with pH-Dependent Solubility Prepared by Continuous-Spray Granulator. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 18, 2019   
    ...Rebamipide (RBM), a biopharmaceutical classification system class IV drug, that has low solubility or permeability in the stomach, was selected as a model compound...The carboxy group of RBM was ionized in the granules and interactions appeared between RBM and PVP-VA, with the formation of an ASD confirmed and the solubility was enhanced compared with bulk RBM crystals. The SGR methodology has the possibility of contributing to process development in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • ||||||||||  Mucosta oral (rebamipide oral) / Otsuka, Acucela
    Journal:  NSAIDs and the small bowel. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 3, 2019   
    If NSAID cessation is not possible, COX-2 inhibition without PPI therapy should be considered in patients with upper gastrointestinal risk factors. Mucoprotective agents such as misoprostol and rebamipide show promise and probiotics may have a future role.
  • ||||||||||  Mucosta oral (rebamipide oral) / Otsuka, Kubota, Dongkwang
    Trial completion:  Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of CKD-495 Tablet ( -  Oct 31, 2018   
    P2,  N=250, Completed, 
    Mucoprotective agents such as misoprostol and rebamipide show promise and probiotics may have a future role. Active, not recruiting --> Completed
  • ||||||||||  Mucosta oral (rebamipide oral) / Otsuka, Kubota, Dongkwang
    Enrollment closed:  Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of CKD-495 Tablet ( -  Oct 9, 2018   
    P2,  N=250, Active, not recruiting, 
    Active, not recruiting --> Completed Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting
  • ||||||||||  Mucosta oral (rebamipide oral) / Otsuka, Kubota, Dongkwang
    Journal:  Oxidative stress from reflux esophagitis to esophageal cancer; the alleviation with antioxidants. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 27, 2017   
    Also, since there is great interest in complete healing of reflux esophagitis and chemoprevention to prevent or slow malignant transformation, the contribution of antioxidants or antioxidative agents, which was delivered during SFRR-Asia 2015 (Chiangmai, Thailand), will be described. Also, the molecular mechanisms how the antioxidative drugs, rebamipide, ecabet sodium, and pantoprazole exerted significant protection from acids or bile acids-associated esophagitis are included.
  • ||||||||||  Mucosta oral (rebamipide oral) / Otsuka, Kubota, Dongkwang
    Trial completion:  A Drug Interaction Study of Mosapride and Rebamipide ( -  Apr 2, 2014   
    P1,  N=40, Completed, 
    Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting Not yet recruiting --> Completed