octreotide acetate / Generic mfg. 
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 141 Diseases   27 Trials   27 Trials   1501 News 

  • ||||||||||  Sandostatin LAR Depot (octreotide acetate) / Novartis
    Thyrotrophynoma induced hyperthyroidism: what is the best management? () -  Oct 1, 2022 - Abstract #ENEA2022ENEA_208;    
    Therefore, medical management from the beginning is an alternative. Maintenance of euthyroidism depends on the use of medical therapy, such as somatostatin analogs.
  • ||||||||||  Somavert (pegvisomant) / Pfizer, Sandostatin LAR Depot (octreotide acetate) / Novartis
    Her medical records included type 2 diabetes mellitus treated with metformin and obesity...Treatment was started with octreotide LAR 20 mg per month...Given the poor control of acromegaly, the dose of octreotide was increased and pegvisomant was added, without normalizing the IGF-1level...The pathology report was compatible with a GH-secreting pituitary adenoma with Ki-67: 1% and p53 negative. After surgery, the IGF-1 level normalized Discussion - It is important to carefully evaluate structures surrounding the sella turcica when a pituitary adenoma is not initially found - Adenomatous pituitary tissue within the sphenoid sinus can be explained by a pituitary tumor that protrudes inferiorly or more rarely, from pituitary embryological remnants located in the sphenoid sinus.
  • ||||||||||  Somatuline Depot (lanreotide prolonged-release subcutaneous) / Ipsen, Teijin, Sandostatin LAR Depot (octreotide acetate) / Novartis
    Patterns of somatostatin receptor ligand dosage and titration in patients with acromegaly: a real-world evidence study (Forum 1) -  Oct 1, 2022 - Abstract #ENEA2022ENEA_116;    
    Few patients receiving LAN used EDIs, despite evidence that EDIs with LAN 120 mg provide similar biochemical control to standard dosing intervals for patients whose hormone levels are well-controlled.2,3 These results suggest EDIs may be underused in eligible patients, in whom they might reduce burden of injections and healthcare costs. Bibliography
  • ||||||||||  Sandostatin LAR Depot (octreotide acetate) / Novartis
    Journal:  IVIVC of Octreotide in PLGA-Glucose Microsphere Formulation, Sandostatin® LAR. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 28, 2022   
    By applying the in vitro release data to the model derived from the IVIVC analysis, pharmacokinetic parameters of SLD could be predicted with the prediction error of ± 10 ~ 15%. IVIVC analysis and pharmacokinetic prediction model of SLD in our study can be an efficient tool for the development of long-acting pharmaceutical dosage forms.
  • ||||||||||  Sandostatin LAR Depot (octreotide acetate) / Novartis
    Hope in ADPKD: Innovation in Therapeutics (Windermere Ballroom X, Hyatt Regency Orlando) -  Sep 7, 2022 - Abstract #KIDNEYWEEK2022KIDNEY_WEEK_536;    
    Support is provided by an educational grant from Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc. Learning Objective(s) Discuss ADPKD risk stratification and selecting patients for therapy Identify emerging and innovative therapies in ADPKD Identify therapies for polycystic liver disease
  • ||||||||||  Leukine (sargramostim) / Partner Therap, SurVaxM (SVN53-67/M57-KLH peptide vaccine) / MimiVax
    Enrollment change, Trial primary completion date, Metastases:  Survivin Long Peptide Vaccine in Treating Patients With Metastatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Aug 12, 2022   
    P1,  N=14, Recruiting, 
    In addition, adverse events related to octreotide LAR use were moderate and well tolerated by the patients. N=10 --> 14 | Trial primary completion date: Aug 2022 --> Aug 2023
  • ||||||||||  Somavert (pegvisomant) / Pfizer
    Trial completion:  Acromegaly Combination Treatment Study (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Aug 8, 2022   
    P=N/A,  N=76, Completed, 
    N=10 --> 14 | Trial primary completion date: Aug 2022 --> Aug 2023 Recruiting --> Completed
  • ||||||||||  Somatuline Depot (lanreotide prolonged-release subcutaneous) / Ipsen, Teijin, Signifor LAR (pasireotide long acting release) / Recordati, Sandostatin LAR Depot (octreotide acetate) / Novartis
    Journal:  Prescription patterns of somatostatin analogs in patients with acromegaly and neuroendocrine tumors. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 2, 2022   
    Patients with acromegaly and neuroendocrine tumors in Colombia are mainly women and are most frequently treated with lanreotide autogel for acromegaly and with octreotide LAR for neuroendocrine tumors. In addition, a high proportion are managed with maximum doses of long-acting somatostatin analogs.
  • ||||||||||  Octreosphere (octreotide extended release) / Xbrane, Somatuline Depot (lanreotide prolonged-release subcutaneous) / Ipsen, Teijin, Sandostatin LAR Depot (octreotide acetate) / Novartis
    Journal:  A prospective study on the efficacy of oral estrogen in female patients with acromegaly. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 9, 2022   
    In uncontrolled patients with acromegaly, a trial with oral estrogen can be an option for young women. Oral estrogen was well tolerated, but the somatotropinoma that presented ER-α expression was the only somatotropinoma that presented growth during treatment.
  • ||||||||||  Somatuline Depot (lanreotide prolonged-release subcutaneous) / Ipsen, Teijin, Sandostatin LAR Depot (octreotide acetate) / Novartis
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date, Metastases:  A Study to Evaluate Patient Experience in the Therapy of Neuroendocrine Tumors Treated With Octreotide Long Acting Release Versus Lanreotide (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Apr 21, 2022   
    P4,  N=53, Active, not recruiting, 
    Oral octreotide was non-inferior to iSRL treatment, and might be a favourable alternative to iSRLs for many patients with acromegaly. Trial completion date: Sep 2023 --> Sep 2024 | Trial primary completion date: Sep 2023 --> Sep 2024
  • ||||||||||  Sandostatin LAR Depot (octreotide acetate) / Novartis
    Journal:  Development and characterization of composition-equivalent formulations to the Sandostatin LAR® by the solvent evaporation method. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 9, 2022   
    Key formulation steps identified to maximize microsphere yield and minimize residual solvent and initial burst release included (a) addition of acetic acid to the peptide before preparation and (b) annealing the microspheres under vacuum after drying. Controlled release octreotide formulations prepared and investigated in this study could provide a better understanding of the effect of production variables on release performance and supply information useful for making progress in manufacturing of SLAR generic equivalents.
  • ||||||||||  Sandostatin LAR Depot (octreotide acetate) / Novartis
    Review, Journal:  Therapeutic advances in ADPKD: the future awaits. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 24, 2022   
    Thus, in a near future, tailored therapy could be the key to changing the natural history of ADPKD thanks to the vigorous efforts that are being made to implement clinical and preclinical studies in this field. Our review aimed to summarize the spectrum of drugs that are available in the clinical practice and the most promising molecules undergoing clinical, animal, and cultured cell studies.
  • ||||||||||  octreotide chloride FluidCrystal Injection depot (CAM2029) / Novartis, Signifor (pasireotide) / Recordati
    Clinical, Journal:  Combination of pasireotide and octreotide: effects on GH and IGF-I secretion and glucose metabolism in healthy volunteers. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 24, 2022   
    Our review aimed to summarize the spectrum of drugs that are available in the clinical practice and the most promising molecules undergoing clinical, animal, and cultured cell studies. Combined low doses of pasireotide LAR (5 mg) and octreotide LAR (10-30 mg) provided greater suppression of IGF-I than either single agent and did not increase blood glucose or incidence of AEs versus either agent alone.
  • ||||||||||  Sandostatin LAR Depot (octreotide acetate) / Novartis
    Trial completion, Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date, Combination therapy:  Tolvaptan-Octreotide LAR Combination in ADPKD (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Mar 10, 2022   
    P2,  N=20, Completed, 
    PRRT with 177Lu-DOTATATE was well tolerated and showed good outcomes in Japanese patients with unresectable NETs. Active, not recruiting --> Completed | Trial completion date: Sep 2022 --> Dec 2021 | Trial primary completion date: Sep 2022 --> Dec 2021