- |||||||||| Lonhala Magnair (glycopyrrolate) / Sumitomo Dainippon, Pari
Clinical, Review, Journal: Impact of baseline clinical features on outcomes of nebulized glycopyrrolate therapy in COPD. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 30, 2022 These secondary analyses and real-world data complement the primary results with nebulized GLY from Phase III studies and support the need for the inclusion of patients representative of real-world clinical practice in RCTs. In addition, these data suggest that RCTs for COPD therapies should be complemented with real-world observational studies.
- |||||||||| Lonhala Magnair (glycopyrrolate) / Sumitomo Dainippon, Pari
Clinical, Journal: Efficacy of Nebulized Glycopyrrolate on Lung Hyperinflation in Patients with COPD. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 8, 2021 P4 Nebulized GLY resulted in marked improvements in RV up to 6 h post-treatment, compared with placebo. Improvements were also observed with GLY in spirometric and plethysmographic parameters of lung function.
- |||||||||| Lonhala Magnair (glycopyrrolate) / Sumitomo Dainippon, Pari
Join course directors Dr. Mark Estes & @narrowQRS along with faculty @ed_gerst, @krishkancharla, @bradleyknight, @drgregmichaud, @mrobinsonep, @zo_ep2, Dr. Asirvatham, @SilviaPriori1, Dr. Barrett & Dr. Jackman for #EP101: https://t.co/3za26vD6jQ (Twitter) - Jun 3, 2021