sevoflurane / Generic mfg. 
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  • ||||||||||  sevoflurane / Generic mfg.
    Preclinical, Journal:  Maresin 1 alleviates sevoflurane-induced neuroinflammation in neonatal rats via JAK2/STAT3/IL-6 pathways. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 23, 2022   
    Furthermore, it confirmed by dual luciferase reporter assay that there existed a STAT3's binding motif on the promoter sequence of IL-6. These results suggest that the protective effect of MaR1 against developmental neurotoxicity is mediated through the JAK2/STAT3/IL-6 signaling pathway and provide an experimental basis for clinical guidance on the use of sevoflurane.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg., ketamine / Generic mfg., sevoflurane / Generic mfg.
    Respiratory effects of commonly used anesthesia regimes in rats (TP-4 in thematic poster area) -  Jun 22, 2022 - Abstract #ERS2022ERS_3054;    
    The clinically relevant bronchodilating effect of sevoflurane was not confirmed, probably due to the lack of an elevated bronchial smooth muscle tone. The ketamine-xylazine induced AH should be considered while designing experiments with this anesthesia regime.
  • ||||||||||  sevoflurane / Generic mfg.
    Preclinical, Journal:  Evaluation of pimobendan effect on sublingual microcirculation in an experimental pharmacology induced hypotension porcine model. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 19, 2022   
    Hypotension was induced by sevoflurane overdose until a mean arterial pressure between 40 and 45 mmHg was reached...A significant increase in proportion of perfused vessels for all vessels (+8%, [2; 14], P = 0.01) and small vessels (+8% [1; 14], P = 0.03), in microvascular flow index (+0.31 AU, [0.04; 0,58], P = 0.03) were noticed, as well as a decrease in heterogeneity index (-0.34 [-0.66; -0.03], P = 0.04) and De Backer score for all vessels (-1.04, [-1.82; -0.25], P = 0.02). In conclusion, in a simple model of pharmacologically induced hypotension, pimobendan was associated with an improvement in several microcirculatory parameters.
  • ||||||||||  sevoflurane / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Development of a New Integrated System for Vital Sign Monitoring in Small Animals. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 19, 2022   
    For this purpose, a system based on a set of devices (piezoelectric sensor, optical module and thermistor) able to detect the heart rate, respiratory rate, body temperature and arterial blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) in mice anesthetized with sevoflurane was implemented...The results compare favorably to the ones established in the literature, proving the reliability of the proposed system. The ECG measurements show its potential for mice heart monitoring during imaging acquisitions and thus for integration into the developed system.
  • ||||||||||  Combined ultrasound-guided femoral nerve block and direct view sciatic nerve block as analgesic approach for above knee amputation (Poster eBoard 4) -  Jun 17, 2022 - Abstract #Euroanaesthesia2022Euroanaesthesia_1607;    
    Intraoperatively after femoral bone sawing and detachment of the limb, sciatic nerve trunk was visualized behind the bone stump and 75 mg of ropivacaine were injected perineurally...Then we discontinued sevoflurane and we administered atropine/neostigmine for neuromuscular blockade reversal...In order to sufficiently cover the analgesic needs of the patient we used the combination of blocks with the aforementioned modification, reducing the risk of hemorrhage compared to standard technique.Learning points: Combined femoral sciatic nerve block is an effective approach for amputation pain management. The direct visualization sciatic nerve blockade is a useful alternative in cases where the patient is fully anticoagulated or there is lack of experience in ultrasound guided sciatic nerve blockade.
  • ||||||||||  Bridion (sugammadex) / Merck (MSD)
    The challenging airway management in head and neck cancer patients: delayed extubation as a safe alternative to elective tracheostomy (Poster eBoard 2) -  Jun 17, 2022 - Abstract #Euroanaesthesia2022Euroanaesthesia_1597;    
    At the end of surgery, reversal of neuromuscular block was achieved with sugammadex...There are scoring systems on which to perform an elective TT but only small cohort studies attempted to identify factors associated with the safety of DE. The increasing development of airway management equipment and the growing number of centers performing DE in selected patients should burst interest and further studies with larger cohorts to identify patients in which DE should be the standard approach.
  • ||||||||||  sevoflurane / Generic mfg., naltrexone / Generic mfg.
    Bilateral superficial cervical plexus block for thyroid surgery for opioid addict (Poster eBoard 1) -  Jun 17, 2022 - Abstract #Euroanaesthesia2022Euroanaesthesia_1592;    
    Then the introduction is approached with the inhalation anesthetic Sevoran®(Sevofluran), with a dose of Atracurium of 40 mg (0.5 mg / kg), ventilation with 100% oxygen over a mask for 3 min followed by oral endotracheal intubation , placed on Sevoflurane 2.2%, a mixture of oxygen and air (45% to 55%). If patients are addicted to opiates and are on an elective program, it is necessary to process the patient's electrolyte and protein status in detail,detailed psychiatric examination, titrate drugs preoperatively. The best choice of anesthesia is regional anesthesia if it is feasible and depending on the type of surgery.Patients should be instructed to take their usual oral dose opioid on the morning of surgery.
  • ||||||||||  pethidine / Samaritan
    Brugada syndrome, a challenging condition for all (Poster eBoard 1) -  Jun 17, 2022 - Abstract #Euroanaesthesia2022Euroanaesthesia_1454;    
    The patient remained hemodynamically stable and no complications were found during the surgical act nor the remaining 2 hours in the post anesthesia care unit. With this report we aim to alert health professionals to this rare syndrome and to important implications in the approach to these patients, being possible to undergo invasive procedures with caution to patient’s monitorization and to choose the safest possible drugs to administer.
  • ||||||||||  Anaesthetic management of a kidney transplantation in an adult with multiple drug allergy syndrome (Poster eBoard 1) -  Jun 17, 2022 - Abstract #Euroanaesthesia2022Euroanaesthesia_1449;    
    Haemodynamic and oxygenation stability was attained throughout the surgery and diuresis occurred spontaneously after ureterovesical anastomosis and administration of furosemide 80mg...Prophylactic treatments with corticosteroids and H1 antagonists are still debated, albeit they seem to be beneficial. Implementation of preventive measures (allergens avoidance), vigilance for allergic reactions recognition and readiness to deal with them are the cornerstones that contribute to an optimal outcome, as in our case.
  • ||||||||||  remifentanil / Generic mfg., sevoflurane / Generic mfg., isoflurane / Generic mfg.
    The maintenance anaesthetic affects EEG based indices during emergence (Poster eBoard 2) -  Jun 17, 2022 - Abstract #Euroanaesthesia2022Euroanaesthesia_1302;    
    Here we investigated possible, substance related differences in EEG indices during anaesthesia emergence.Materials and We used the EEG of 45 patients (15 per group) recorded with a BIS A-1000 monitor during anaesthesia emergence from maintenance with sevoflurane (+sufentanil), isoflurane (+sufentanil), or propofol (+remifentanil). Before results from EEG-based indices influence clinical decision making, the interpretation of processed EEG signals should consider both - the underlying anaesthetic regimen (volatile vs. intravenous) and the EEG monitor used - as there are significant systematically differences in the processed EEG during emergence.
  • ||||||||||  A case of acute severe liver failure following posterior correction and fixation for scoliosis (Poster eBoard 3) -  Jun 17, 2022 - Abstract #Euroanaesthesia2022Euroanaesthesia_833;    
    The device of prone position body-fixation compressed the liver or deteriorated the hepatic blood circulation due to increased thoracic pressure.3 Spine alignment correction reflected to the vessel tension and aggravated the blood supply to the liver. In the correction of scoliosis, anesthesia management should be performed in consideration of possibility of causing liver damage.
  • ||||||||||  sevoflurane / Generic mfg.
    Craniofacial abnormalities and orthognathic surgery: do you know the (air)way? (Virtual Platform - Poster section) -  Jun 17, 2022 - Abstract #Euroanaesthesia2022Euroanaesthesia_645;    
    After this episode,inhalational induction was restarted with sevoflurane/O2.Nasal fiberoptic intubation was achieved,using a reinforced size 6 endotracheal tube and anesthesia maintained with intravenous agents.Surgery was uneventful, and extubation successful after confirming neuromuscular block reversal and spontaneous ventilation.Discussion/Learning points: Craniofacial abnormalities present real challenges in airway management.Fortunately,most difficult airways in children are anticipated.The key to success is evaluating the airway,defining a strategy and being prepared for the unforeseen.Anesthetic records should be read carefully and critically,since airway dynamics and dimensions may change significantly over time.A golden rule in difficult airway management was carried out-maintainance of spontaneous ventilation. Preoperative briefing with the whole team about the airway plan and cricothyroid membrane signaling were also crucial. 
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg., sevoflurane / Generic mfg., ropivacaine / Generic mfg.
    The agreement between passive leg rising and fluid challenge test after off-pump coronary surgery (Virtual Platform - Poster section) -  Jun 17, 2022 - Abstract #Euroanaesthesia2022Euroanaesthesia_586;    
    An epidural catheter was inserted at Th2-5level with administration of 0.5 % ropivacaine 1 mg·kg-1before surgery and continuous infusion of ropivacaine 0.2 % and fentanyl 2 µg·mL-1 at a rate of 3-8 mL·h-1 postoperatively...There was a significant correlation between increments of CI after PLR and FCT (rho = 0.4, p < 0.01). According to a Bland–Altman analysis, the mean bias in CI changes between the PLR and FCT tests was - 0.1 l·min-1·m-2 with limits of agreement of ± 1.19 l·min-1·m-2.Conclusion(s): During HTEA after coronary surgery, PLR and FCT demonstrate acceptable agreement and can be used for prediction of fluid responsiveness and guiding fluid therapy.
  • ||||||||||  sevoflurane / Generic mfg.
    Volatile anesthetics and oxidative stress in endovascular aortic repair. Clinical trial (Virtual Platform - Poster section) -  Jun 17, 2022 - Abstract #Euroanaesthesia2022Euroanaesthesia_579;    
    There were no statistically significant differences between the individual biomarkers of the two groups at either time point. Sevoflurane and desflurane do not differ with respect inducing or reducing oxidative stress during EVAR.
  • ||||||||||  sevoflurane / Generic mfg.
    Pre-operative hippocampal volume measured using magnetic resonance imaging: a novel predictor of delayed extubation after sevoflurane anaesthesia in neurosurgeries (Virtual Platform - Poster section) -  Jun 17, 2022 - Abstract #Euroanaesthesia2022Euroanaesthesia_557;    
    MRI guided anatomical volumes in neurosurgical patientsVariables(n=125) Median (IQR)Total Brain Volume (Cm3)1264 (1173 - 1370)Average of Standardized Hippocampal volume(mm3)2249.16 (1593.55 – 2652.465)Dominant side Hippocampal volume (mm3)2058.64 (1537.33 – 2718.13)Conclusion(s):In patients undergoing elective neurosurgical procedures those with average standardized HV < 2097mm3could lead to delayed extubation after sevoflurne anaestheisa. Thus measuring pre-operative HV in such patients would assist to anticipate the duration of extubation after sevoflurane anaesthesia.Hence smaller HV could be considered as one of the causes for delayed extubation in neurosugeries.This study mandates further analysis to look for correlations between HV and emergence in non neurosurgical procedures.
  • ||||||||||  Tonic-clonic seizure in pregnancy – a differential diagnosis regarding a case report (Virtual Platform - Poster section) -  Jun 17, 2022 - Abstract #Euroanaesthesia2022Euroanaesthesia_525;    
    Rapid sequence induction with propofol and rocuronium, followed by endotracheal intubation was performed and anaesthetic maintenance was ensured with sevoflurane...As such, despite presenting with a tonic-clonic seizure, when taken into account all clinical signs and diagnostic exams, renewed intracranial bleed and eclampsia were unlikely diagnosis.As no obvious diagnosis was apparent, a more detailed clinical history as ascertained, at which time the patient revealed she had elected to stop all medication 48h prior, including levetiracetam 500mg twice daily.This case highlights the importance of an adequate differential even when an obvious diagnosis is apparent. This is true for all patients but particularly so in the most complex ones.
  • ||||||||||  Opioid sparing effect of transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block in open ventral hernia repair: case series (Virtual Platform - Poster section) -  Jun 17, 2022 - Abstract #Euroanaesthesia2022Euroanaesthesia_492;    
    Total opioid consumption during surgery in all patients was 150 µgr fentanyl and none of the patients received opioids in the postoperative period. Pain in open ventral hernia repair operations is from somatic origin and can lead to high pain scores in the postoperative period, bigger opioid consumption and prolonged stay in hospital.1Bilateral TAP block is ideal for treatment of somatic pain and given together with dexamethasone can prolong analgesia in first 48 hours after surgery.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg., sevoflurane / Generic mfg., rocuronium / Generic mfg.
    General anaesthesia in a patient with a pulmonar carcinoid tumor: a case report (Virtual Platform - Poster section) -  Jun 17, 2022 - Abstract #Euroanaesthesia2022Euroanaesthesia_477;    
    The literature is scarce and contradictory regarding the efficacy and ideal dose. However, due to its low cost and high safety profile, octreotide continues to be used by many anaesthesiologists3.
  • ||||||||||  Total hip arthroplasty in sickle cell disease: a case report (Virtual Platform - Poster section) -  Jun 17, 2022 - Abstract #Euroanaesthesia2022Euroanaesthesia_476;    
    Assessment by a multidisciplinary team and a timely preoperative optimization of SCD patients is crucial to prevent perioperative complications. The anesthetic management of these patients must take into account specificities related to sickle cell disease1.
  • ||||||||||  Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia: a challenge for the anaesthesiologist (Virtual Platform - Poster section) -  Jun 17, 2022 - Abstract #Euroanaesthesia2022Euroanaesthesia_475;    
    The right radial artery was catheterized for monitoring, and as prophylactic measure tranexamic acid was administered...In the presence of pulmonary arteriovenous malformations, the patient may present with hypoxemia and invasive mechanical ventilation may exacerbate the right-left shunt. In the presence of brain malformations, adequate blood pressure values must be maintained in order to not increase the intracranial pressure.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg., sevoflurane / Generic mfg.
    Anaesthetic management of a patient with congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis: a case report (Virtual Platform - Poster section) -  Jun 17, 2022 - Abstract #Euroanaesthesia2022Euroanaesthesia_460;    
    For maintenance we used sevoflurane...CIPA patients lack pain sensation, but may have tactile hyperesthesia, which may produce unpleasant sensations during surgical manipulation, rendering it impossible to be submitted to surgery without sedation/anaesthesia3. Reports even suggest that these patients should be submitted to a longer period of sedation in the post operative period to augment the surgery success – given the lack of notion of the range of motion adequate to recover.
  • ||||||||||  remifentanil / Generic mfg., sevoflurane / Generic mfg.
    The effect of anaesthetics propofol and sevoflurane in combination with remifentanil on the expression of endothelial adhesion molecules after TNF-α stimulation (Virtual Platform - Poster section) -  Jun 17, 2022 - Abstract #Euroanaesthesia2022Euroanaesthesia_453;    
    Addition of Remifentanil to Sevoflurane did not change mRNA or protein expression of adhesion molecules or inflammatory cytokines in TNF-α stimulated HUVEC compared to Sevoflurane alone.Conclusion(s): Sevoflurane inhibited the endothelial response to TNF-α, where Propofol or Remifentanil, did not. The choice of anaesthetics may influence the inflammatory response by endothelial cells during major surgeryFigure 1.Effects of Propofol, Sevoflurane, and Remifentanil exposure on adhesion molecule expression and mRNA levels of inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, and Ang2) in TNFα-stimulated HUVEC
  • ||||||||||  Opioid free anaesthesia in oncologic gynaecological surgery. Is there any benefit? Retrospective observational study (Virtual Platform - Poster section) -  Jun 17, 2022 - Abstract #Euroanaesthesia2022Euroanaesthesia_451;    
    Patients in both groups received a regional block when possible, dexamethasone 8 mg at induction and paracetamol 1g plus dexketoprofen 50mg at the end of surgery...No significant differences were found for postoperative SIRS (C- Reactive Protein (P=0.116)), total hospitalization time (Control: 4.9+ 6.0 days; OFA: 5.4+5.7 days, P=0.145), disease progression at 6 months (Control: 19.7%; OFA: 16.7%, P=0.822) and 12 months (Control:28.8%; OFA: 28.8%, P=1) and mortality at 12 months between groups (Control: 4.5%; OFA:4.5%, P=1).Conclusion(s): Patients receiving OFA for MGOS may develop less postoperative infections than others undergoing anesthesia including opioids. No effect was observed for hospital stay, disease progression after 6 and 12 months and 1 year mortality.
  • ||||||||||  sevoflurane / Generic mfg., rocuronium / Generic mfg.
    Airway management of a child with giant nasoethmoidal encephalocele (Poster eBoard 1) -  Jun 17, 2022 - Abstract #Euroanaesthesia2022Euroanaesthesia_296;    
    No direct pressure was applied to the globes. After we confirmed the ability to ventilate the patient, muscle relaxation was achieved using rocuronium 1mg/Kg and we proceeded to an uneventful videolaryngoscopy. Frontoethmoidal and frontonasal encephaloceles may be difficult to bag mask ventilate in up to 19% of patients and therefore represent an anesthetic challenge requiring careful and imaginative solutions when planning the airway approach.