sevoflurane / Generic mfg. 
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  • ||||||||||  sevoflurane / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Inhalation anesthesia without any intravenous management for pediatric proton beam therapy. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 1, 2023   
    Inhalation anesthesia is reliable and safe for pediatric patients undergoing radiation therapy. Inhalation anesthesia without any intravenous management for pediatric proton therapy is, in our experience, an effective technique with a complication rate similar to other anesthetic approaches.
  • ||||||||||  sevoflurane / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  CO Stunning in Pigs: Physiological Deviations at Onset of Excitatory Behaviour. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 29, 2023   
    A tracheostomy tube, venous and arterial cannulae were placed under sevoflurane anaesthesia...At the onset of behaviours categorised as "vigorous movement extremities", "opisthotonos" and "agonal gasping" pH values (range) were: 6.74-7.34; 6.66-6.96 and 6.65-6.87, while PaCO (kPa) was 4.6-42.2, 24.4-51.4 and 29.1-47.6. Based upon these values, we conclude that the pigs were probably unconscious at the onset of "opisthotonos" and "agonal gasping", but some were probably conscious at the onset of "vigorous movements".
  • ||||||||||  sevoflurane / Generic mfg.
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  ICHOR: Individual Cerebral Hemodynamic Oxygenation Relationships ( -  Jul 28, 2023   
    P4,  N=30, Recruiting, 
    Based upon these values, we conclude that the pigs were probably unconscious at the onset of "opisthotonos" and "agonal gasping", but some were probably conscious at the onset of "vigorous movements". Trial completion date: Jun 2025 --> Sep 2026 | Trial primary completion date: Jun 2025 --> Sep 2026
  • ||||||||||  sevoflurane / Generic mfg.
    Clinical, Journal:  Comparison of the effects of 5 and 10 L/minute fresh gas flow on emergence from sevoflurane anesthesia: A randomized clinical trial. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 25, 2023   
    Inhalation anesthesia with sevoflurane is more effective than intravenous anesthesia in trigeminal neuralgia patients treated with trigeminal nerve balloon avulsion, boasting satisfactory safety, less impact on hemodynamics, and shorter recovery time of consciousness. Emergence time, time to self-movement, and time to eye opening were not significantly different between fresh gas flow rates of 5?L/minute and 10?L/minute in transurethral resection of bladder tumor, thus suggesting that fresh gas flow of 5?L/minute is sufficient for emergence from sevoflurane anesthesia.
  • ||||||||||  sevoflurane / Generic mfg., midazolam hydrochloride / Generic mfg.
    Enrollment open, Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  Preoperative Anxiolysis With Intravenous Midazolam on Intraoperative Sevoflurane Gas Consumption ( -  Jul 25, 2023   
    P4,  N=80, Recruiting, 
    Emergence time, time to self-movement, and time to eye opening were not significantly different between fresh gas flow rates of 5?L/minute and 10?L/minute in transurethral resection of bladder tumor, thus suggesting that fresh gas flow of 5?L/minute is sufficient for emergence from sevoflurane anesthesia. Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting | Trial completion date: Sep 2022 --> Aug 2023 | Trial primary completion date: Sep 2022 --> Aug 2023
  • ||||||||||  sevoflurane / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Modulatory dynamics mark the transition between anesthetic states of unconsciousness. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 23, 2023   
    Unconsciousness maintained by GABAergic anesthetics, such as propofol and sevoflurane, is characterized by slow-delta oscillations (0.3 to 4 Hz) and alpha oscillations (8 to 14 Hz) that are readily visible in the electroencephalogram...Our biophysical model reveals that these dynamics track the combined evolution of the neurophysiological and metabolic effects of a GABAergic anesthetic on brain circuits. Our characterization of the modulatory dynamics mediated by GABAergic anesthetics offers insights into the mechanisms of these agents and strategies for monitoring and precisely controlling the level of unconsciousness in patients under general anesthesia.
  • ||||||||||  sevoflurane / Generic mfg., isoflurane / Generic mfg.
    Clinical, Retrospective data, Review, Journal, Relative risk:  Systematic review with meta-analysis of relative risk of prolonged times to tracheal extubation with desflurane versus sevoflurane or isoflurane. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 23, 2023   
    In conclusion, when emergence from general anesthesia with different drugs are compared with sevoflurane or isoflurane, suitable benchmarks quantifying rapidity of emergence are reductions in the incidence of prolonged extubation achieved by desflurane, approximately 65% and 78%, respectively. These estimates give realistic context for interpretation of results of future studies that compare new anesthetic agents to current anesthetics.
  • ||||||||||  sevoflurane / Generic mfg.
    Bis (Hall D-11) -  Jul 20, 2023 - Abstract #ASA2023ASA_3171;    
    Exclusion criteria included ASA physical status >III, planned use of regional anesthesia, planned use of dexmedetomidine, and ongoing pharmacologic therapy for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The use of a BIS
  • ||||||||||  Betadine (povidone iodine) / Egis
    Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Perioperative Allergic Reactions Before It's Too Late (South: Hall D-7) -  Jul 20, 2023 - Abstract #ASA2023ASA_3132;    
    Maintenance included sevoflurane...Circulation was restored with ephedrine, phenylephrine, epinephrine and 2 liters of rapidly administered fluid...Preoperatively, betadine skin prep was used, and he was pretreated with corticosteroids and antihistamines...An awake arterial line was placed, and he was then induced with dexmedetomidine, etomidate, and methadone...Table 1 summarizes the anesthetics used and the tryptase levels. What is the significance of these results?
  • ||||||||||  Some Kids That  (South: Hall D-7) -  Jul 20, 2023 - Abstract #ASA2023ASA_2916;    
    Two weeks earlier, the patient had been seen by his primary care physician who prescribed amoxicillin, albuterol, and oral prednisolone for a respiratory tract infection (RTI) with croup...Empirically, the patient received an epinephrine nebulizer and oral prednisolone without improvement of his stridor...Another midazolam 1mg IV dose is administered with good effect.What are your goals for airway management?...Because you wish to maintain spontaneous ventilation, Sevoflurane 2% is started...Rocuronium was administered prior to advancing the ETT with a flexible bronchoscope; rapid return to SpO2 95% and normalization of the heart rate ensued.Could this code event have been prevented?...Pathology revealed poorly differentiated neuroblastoma. The patient was extubated after 7 weeks and discharged home 4 months after arriving in the ED.
  • ||||||||||  sevoflurane / Generic mfg., isoflurane / Generic mfg.
    The Effects Of Anesthetic Agents On Cognitive Decline: A Scoping Review (Exhibit Hall) -  Jul 20, 2023 - Abstract #ASA2023ASA_2863;    
    A study that had healthy volunteers undergo anesthesia without surgery showed that anesthesia had no long-term cognitive impacts. This study shows that surgery with or without chronic health conditions may play a role in this long-term cognitive decline.
  • ||||||||||  sevoflurane / Generic mfg., isoflurane / Generic mfg.
    The environmental impact of volatile anesthetics at Fundaci (Exhibit Hall) -  Jul 20, 2023 - Abstract #ASA2023ASA_2311;    
    for the sake of comparison, the reader must know that 1 kg of CO2 is equivalent to a 13-kilometer subway ride or leaving a lightbulb on for 282 hours. Thus, the use of inhalational anesthetics alone at the Fundaci
  • ||||||||||  sevoflurane / Generic mfg.
    CO2absorbents containing the hygroscopic agent CaCl2inhibit the Compound A production from sevoflurane. (Exhibit Hall) -  Jul 20, 2023 - Abstract #ASA2023ASA_2286;    
    It is thought that the hygroscopic properties of CaCl2 by deliquescence, rather than hygroscopicity due to physical adsorption like silica, contribute remarkably to the inhibitory effect of compound A production. CO2 absorbents that does not contain strong alkalis and has CaCl2 like YL-f or AP would be essential to safely perform sevoflurane low-flow anesthesia.
  • ||||||||||  remifentanil / Generic mfg., sevoflurane / Generic mfg.
    The Pharmacokinetics of Propofol in Severely Obese Surgical Patients (Hall D-11) -  Jul 20, 2023 - Abstract #ASA2023ASA_2112;    
    Remifentanil was dosed from the start according to clinical need... We have developed a PK model of propofol for adult normal-weight to severely obese patients based on a high number of very obese patients, which may perform better in this patient population than present models.
  • ||||||||||  sevoflurane / Generic mfg.
    Tag! You're It! Pierre Robin Neonate In The Nicu.. (South: Hall D-7) -  Jul 20, 2023 - Abstract #ASA2023ASA_2094;    
    With your ENT and plastics colleagues present you perform a sevoflurane induction via his existing oral 3.5cuffless endotrachealtube, maintaining spontaneous ventilation...He does require one additional anesthetic for a gastrostomy tube placement for poor PO intake, which is uneventful. He is finally discharged to home at a little over 2 months of age.
  • ||||||||||  Considerations In The Management Of An Adolescent Fontan Presenting With An Acute Abdomen (South: Hall D-7) -  Jul 20, 2023 - Abstract #ASA2023ASA_2092;    
    He was most recently seen by cardiology as an inpatient 2 weeks before presentation; at that time, he was admitted so that he could be transitioned from atenolol to sotalol to better control his supraventricular tachycardia (SVT)...Operative course continued: The patient undergoes induction with 1 mg of midazolam, 50 mcg of fentanyl, 70 mg of propofol, and 80 mg of succinylcholine...Initial arterial line blood pressure is 68/40 on 0.6 MAC of sevoflurane...Post-operative course: The patient is given 150 mcg of fentanyl, 2 mg of morphine, acetaminophen, ketorolac, and bilateral TAP blocks...He still fits SIRS criteria and his vital signs are Temp: 38.4, HR, 94, BP: 92/45, RR: 22, Pox: 93% on 4L face mask. Question: What would be your post-op disposition for this patient?
  • ||||||||||  Anesthetic Induction For Pyloric Stenosis. A Functioning Peripheral Intravenous Catheter: Olive You But Do I Need You? (South: Hall D-7) -  Jul 20, 2023 - Abstract #ASA2023ASA_2088;    
    Discuss the risks and benefits of each.You plan to induce anesthesia with propofol and rocuronium...Would you perform a spinal anesthetic?You decide to proceed with an inhalational induction with 100% Oxygen and 8% Sevoflurane. Intubation is facilitated with topical atomized lidocaine...Upon further investigation, you discover that during the operation, your resident gave morphine 0.1 mg/kgIV...The infant
  • ||||||||||  sevoflurane / Generic mfg.
    The Mechanism Of Kir4.1 Channels In Paraventricular Thalamus Accelerates Arousal From Sevoflurane Induced Anesthesia In Mice (Exhibit Hall) -  Jul 20, 2023 - Abstract #ASA2023ASA_1957;    
    Previous studies proved that isoflurane inhibited the Kir4.1 channels, reduced K+ buffer capacity and improved the excitability of adjacent neurons.Paraventricular thalamus (PVT) is the central nuclei involved in promoting and maintaining arousal. Sevoflurane inhibited Kir4.1 in astrocytes, by which to maintain neural activity of PVT and promote anesthesia recovery from sevoflurane anesthesia.
  • ||||||||||  sevoflurane / Generic mfg.
    Projection From Nucleus Accumbens Neurons Expressing Dopamine D2 Receptors To Ventral Pallidum Mediate Sevoflurane Anesthesia In Mice (Exhibit Hall) -  Jul 20, 2023 - Abstract #ASA2023ASA_1956;    
    Sevoflurane inhibited Kir4.1 in astrocytes, by which to maintain neural activity of PVT and promote anesthesia recovery from sevoflurane anesthesia. NAcD2R neurons can regulate sevoflurane anesthesia induction and recovery process, and can regulate sevoflurane anesthesia induction process through the NacD2R-VP pathway.Keywords: Nucleus accumbens, Ventral pallidum,Sevoflurane, Dopamine, Calcium fiber photometry recording, OptogeneticsFigure 1.NAcD2R activity and neural dynamics in response to sevoflurane.Figure 2.Optogenetic modulation of NAcD2R neurons regulates the sevoflurane anesthesia processFigure 3.Optogenetic modulation of NAcD2R-VP pathway can regulate sevoflurane induction process
  • ||||||||||  Inhaled Anesthesia versus TIVA and Glioma Survival (Exhibit Hall) -  Jul 20, 2023 - Abstract #ASA2023ASA_1950;    
    Propofol either at induction or by infusion was administered in 97.5% of these surgeries, while other anesthetics such as isoflurane (53.4%), dexmedetomidine (37.7%), sevoflurane (31.0%), desflurane (14.3%), and nitrous oxide (4.9%) were used less frequently. The median survival for the "No inhaled meds" group was estimated at 16.3 months (95% CI 12.1-18.6), based on 26 cases (24 deaths).
  • ||||||||||  Some Kids That  (South: Hall D-7) -  Jul 20, 2023 - Abstract #ASA2023ASA_1846;    
    Two weeks earlier, the patient had been seen by his primary care physician who prescribed amoxicillin, albuterol, and oral prednisolone for a respiratory tract infection (RTI) with croup...Empirically, the patient received an epinephrine nebulizer and oral prednisolone without improvement of his stridor...Another midazolam 1mg IV dose is administered with good effect.What are your goals for airway management?...Because you wish to maintain spontaneous ventilation, Sevoflurane 2% is started...Rocuronium was administered prior to advancing the ETT with a flexible bronchoscope; rapid return to SpO2 95% and normalization of the heart rate ensued.Could this code event have been prevented?...Pathology revealed poorly differentiated neuroblastoma. The patient was extubated after 7 weeks and discharged home 4 months after arriving in the ED.
  • ||||||||||  Betadine (povidone iodine) / Egis
    Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Perioperative Allergic Reactions Before It's Too Late (South: Hall D-7) -  Jul 20, 2023 - Abstract #ASA2023ASA_1834;    
    Maintenance included sevoflurane...Circulation was restored with ephedrine, phenylephrine, epinephrine and 2 liters of rapidly administered fluid...Preoperatively, betadine skin prep was used, and he was pretreated with corticosteroids and antihistamines...An awake arterial line was placed, and he was then induced with dexmedetomidine, etomidate, and methadone...Table 1 summarizes the anesthetics used and the tryptase levels. What is the significance of these results?
  • ||||||||||  Chirocaine (levobupivacaine) / Purdue, AbbVie
    M-tapa Vs. Rectus Sheath Block: A Prospective Study Verifying Analgesic Effect In Pediatric Lpec (South: Hall F) -  Jul 20, 2023 - Abstract #ASA2023ASA_1632;    
    Anesthetic mentenance was sevoflurane, remifentanil and fentanyl...After surgery, the RSB and TAPA groups received 0.2 ml/kg of levobupivacaine on each side...The two groups likely have no significant difference because the wounds caused by the fine forceps outside the umbilicus are minor. The TAPA block, which has a more excellent range of analgesia than the rectus sheath block, could benefit laparotomy cases.
  • ||||||||||  sevoflurane / Generic mfg.
    High Flow Nasal Oxygen In Anesthesia For Cleft Lip And Palate Surgery (South: Hall F) -  Jul 20, 2023 - Abstract #ASA2023ASA_1630;    
    The TAPA block, which has a more excellent range of analgesia than the rectus sheath block, could benefit laparotomy cases. Before 2023 the anesthesia protocol included monitoring, face mask sevoflurane up to 6 vol%, FiO2 =1, peripheral veinous access, sufentanil 0.2-0.5