Zelcom (lactulosa) / AC Farma 
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  • ||||||||||  Xifaxan (rifaximin) / Alfa Wassermann, Bausch Health, Norgine, ASKA Pharma
    Clinical, Review, Journal:  Efficacy of rifaximin in the different clinical scenarios of hepatic encephalopathy. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 1, 2021   
    Even though many of them have been shown to be effective to greater or lesser degrees, it is important to understand the differences between them, so that every patient receives individualized treatment and the best option is chosen, in accordance with the different clinical scenarios. Thus, the aim of the present study was to analyze the evidence on the advantages and disadvantages of the individual or combined use of the 3 main treatments for hepatic encephalopathy, specifically taking into consideration their different degrees of efficacy, their impact on quality of life, prophylaxis, and cost reduction.