- |||||||||| Amichlor (amitriptyline/chlordiazepoxide) / Orchid
Journal: Ramichloridium endophyticum sp. nov., a novel species of endophytic fungus from Potamogeton pectinatus. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 8, 2020 Phylogenetic analysis of the combined sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) and the translation elongation factor 1-alpha gene (tef1-α) confirmed that the isolated strain represents a member of the genus Ramichloridium. A full description, illustrations and a phylogenetic tree showing the position of R. endophyticum are provided.
- |||||||||| Amichlor (amitriptyline/chlordiazepoxide) / Orchid
Journal: Genera of phytopathogenic fungi: GOPHY 3. (Pubmed Central) - Oct 23, 2019 This third paper in the GOPHY series treats 21 genera of phytopathogenic fungi and their relatives including: Allophoma, Alternaria, Brunneosphaerella, Elsinoe, Exserohilum, Neosetophoma, Neostagonospora, Nothophoma, Parastagonospora, Phaeosphaeriopsis, Pleiocarpon, Pyrenophora, Ramichloridium, Seifertia, Seiridium, Septoriella, Setophoma, Stagonosporopsis, Stemphylium, Tubakia and Zasmidium. This study includes three new genera, 42 new species, 23 new combinations, four new names, and three typifications of older names.