MIV-711 / Medivir 
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  • ||||||||||  MIV-711 / Medivir
    Journal:  Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel Piperidine-3-Carboxamide Derivatives as Anti-Osteoporosis Agents Targeting Cathepsin K. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 14, 2024   
    Molecular docking studies revealed that H-9 formed several hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions with key active-site residues of cathepsin K. In vitro, H-9 demonstrated anti-bone resorption effects that were comparable to those of MIV-711, a cathepsin K inhibitor currently in phase 2a clinical trials for the treatment of bone metabolic disease...Moreover, in vivo experiments showed that H-9 increased the bone mineral density of OVX-induced osteoporosis mice. These results suggest that H-9 is a potent anti-bone resorption agent targeting cathepsin K and warrants further investigation for its potential anti-osteoporosis values.