pethidine / Samaritan Pharma 
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  • ||||||||||  pethidine / Samaritan
    Journal:  Preparation and Functional Identification of a Novel Conotoxin QcMNCL-XIII0.1 from Conus quercinus. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 24, 2022   
    With flow cytometry combined fluorescent probe Fluo-4 AM, we found that 10 ng/μL recombinant QcMNCL-XIII0.1 inhibited the fluorescence intensity by 31.07% in the 293T cell model transfected with Cav3.1, implying an interaction between α1G T-type calcium channel protein and recombinant QcMNCL-XIII0.1. This toxin could be an important drug in biomedical research and medicine for pain control.
  • ||||||||||  pethidine / Samaritan
    Preclinical, Journal:  Enhanced antinociceptive activity of Nigella sativa oil after its combined treatment with honey in rats. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 23, 2022   
    The tested animals were randomized into 5 groups: Group (1) Normal saline (0.2ml, p.o.); Group (2) N. sativa oil (1gm/kg, p.o.); Group (3) honey (1gm/kg, p.o.); Group (4) N. sativa oil (1gm/kg, p.o.) + honey (1gm/kg, p.o.): Group (5) pethidine (20mg/kg, S.C.) as positive standard...In addition, the antinociceptive effect of the combination reduced the time for onset of action as well as prolonged its duration of action. In conclusion, combined treatment of N. sativa oil with honey increased its antinociceptive activity, showed faster onset of action and prolonged its duration, the fact that can be utilized in the management of painful conditions in humans.
  • ||||||||||  pethidine / Samaritan
    Review, Journal:  The role of music in outpatient prostate biopsy: A comprehensive literature review. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 5, 2022   
    Patients had a combination of either local anesthetic gel or periprostatic nerve block or intravenous pethidine...It is likely to, therefore, increase procedural satisfaction, and willingness to undergo the procedure again considering repeated biopsy is sometimes needed in these patients. As music is simple, inexpensive, and easily accessible, it should be routinely offered to patients for outpatient and office-based urological procedures.
  • ||||||||||  pethidine / Samaritan
    Journal:  The Effect of the Preoperative Fasting Regimen on the Incidence of Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux in 90 Dogs. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 12, 2022   
    Reduction of the amount of the preoperative meal from half to a quarter of the daily RER did not reduce the incidence of GOR but resulted in a lower oesophageal pH (p = 0.003). The results of this study suggest that the administration of a meal 3 h before anaesthesia does not have any beneficial effect in the reduction of GOR incidence in dogs compared to the administration of a meal 12 h before anaesthesia.
  • ||||||||||  pethidine / Samaritan
    Clinical, Journal:  Entonox versus Pethidine in Labor Pain Relief: A Randomized Controlled Trial. (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 21, 2021   
    Both have comparable effectiveness, but Entonox has a higher satisfaction score. Entonox could be an alternative to pethidine for reducing labor pain, because of its efficacy, ease for self-adjustment for satisfaction, and no serious effects on the labor course and newborns.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Retrospective data, Review, Journal:  Subcutaneous fentanyl for labour analgesia: a retrospective case note review. (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 16, 2021   
    Entonox could be an alternative to pethidine for reducing labor pain, because of its efficacy, ease for self-adjustment for satisfaction, and no serious effects on the labor course and newborns. Subcutaneous fentanyl for labour analgesia appears effective and has a low incidence of adverse events.
  • ||||||||||  pethidine / Samaritan
    Intrathecal opioids plus abdominal wall nerve blocks for paracaval paraganglioma resection: a case report ([VIRTUAL]) -  Nov 25, 2021 - Abstract #Euroanaesthesia2021Euroanaesthesia_1004;    
    Before general anaesthesia (GA), a subarachnoid puncture was performed and 300 μg morphine, 20 μg fentany and 30 μg clonidine were given...He was given 50 mg pethidine IM and 1 gr paracetamol IV at 18h postoperative...When given without local anaesthetics, better haemodynamic stability can be reached. Moreover, nerve blocks of the anterior abdominal wall can further reduce postoperative pain.Learning points: Multimodal analgesia have to be tailored to every case Individually.
  • ||||||||||  pethidine / Samaritan
    Journal:  Evaluation of tumescent local anesthesia in cats undergoing unilateral mastectomy. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 12, 2021   
    Moreover, nerve blocks of the anterior abdominal wall can further reduce postoperative pain.Learning points: Multimodal analgesia have to be tailored to every case Individually. TLA can prevent sympathetic stimulation resulting from noxious stimuli during anesthesia, promoting good intraoperative conditions, proving to be a viable addition to analgesia in cats submitted to a total unilateral mastectomy.
  • ||||||||||  Dynastat (parecoxib) / Pfizer, pethidine / Samaritan
    Journal:  Postoperative Pain Scores After Open Inguinal Hernia Repair: Comparison of Three Postoperative Analgesic Regimens. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 15, 2021   
    In contrast, patients in group C (acetaminophen monotherapy) had higher NRS scores, compared to both patients in groups A (P-value<0.0001) and B (P-value<0.0001). The combinations of IV acetaminophen with either intramuscular pethidine or IV parecoxib are superior to IV acetaminophen monotherapy in achieving pain control in patients undergoing open inguinal hernia repair.
  • ||||||||||  pethidine / Samaritan
    Clinical, Journal:  Omission of Throat Anesthesia Using Jackson's Spray Prior to Bronchoscopy for Preventing Aerosol Generation: A Survey Through Patient Distress Questionnaire. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 21, 2021   
    Methods Group A patients received throat anesthesia with 5 mL of 4% lidocaine using Jackson's spray prior to bronchoscopy and were then administered pethidine hydrochloride and midazolam intravenously...In the questionnaire survey, the distress caused by pre-examination anesthesia in Group A was significantly higher than in Group B (3.03 ± 1.25 vs. 1.23 ± 0.62; p < 0.0001), and no significant differences were observed in the other questions during bronchoscopy. Conclusion This study demonstrates the tolerability of patients toward the omission of throat anesthesia using Jackson's spray prior to bronchoscopy, which is recommended for preventing infection, including COVID-19.
  • ||||||||||  pethidine / Samaritan Pharma
    Enrollment closed, Enrollment change:  CODEPAD (Collaborative Outcomes of DEpression and Pain Associated With Delivery) ( -  Sep 9, 2021   
    P2/3,  N=881, Active, not recruiting, 
    Interestingly the cases presented here and before (1,4) suggest that the incidence of this complication could be higher. Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting | N=1326 --> 881
  • ||||||||||  midazolam hydrochloride / Generic mfg.
    Clinical, Journal:  Assessment of pain between sedated and unsedated colonoscopy: Double-blind randomized clinical trail. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 7, 2021   
    The assessment of pain intensity during rectal examination may help to identify patients who can benefit from sedation during colonoscopy. Colonoscopy with sedation does not seem to have a negative impact on colonoscopy quality indicators, and may even reduce cecal intubation time and bloating following procedure.
  • ||||||||||  pethidine / Samaritan
    Journal:  Steroidal Alkaloids with a Potent Analgesic Effect Based on N-type Calcium Channel Inhibition. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 4, 2021   
    Two distinctive alkaloids with 6/6/6/5/6/6 fused rings, in which a previously unidentified linkage of C-12/23 generates a rigid skeleton, resulting in a new subtype of steroidal alkaloid, were isolated from Veratrum grandiflorum. Compounds 1 and 2 showed potent analgesic effects in vivo, superior to the well-known analgesic, pethidine (Dolantin), likely by inhibiting Ca2.2 voltage-gated calcium channels.