Alhemo (concizumab) / Novo Nordisk 
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 14 Diseases   6 Trials   6 Trials   245 News 

  • ||||||||||  sildenafil / Generic mfg.
    [VIRTUAL] GENEration Next: Gene Therapy and Non-Factor Therapeutics for Hemophilia () -  Mar 9, 2021 - Abstract #HOPA2021HOPA_41;    
    During this session, both FDA-approved and investigational non-factor therapeutics will be explored along with the fundamentals of gene therapy as it relates to hemophilia. Hematology/oncology pharmacists should be able to walk away from this session with an enhanced understanding of the next generation of therapeutics for hemophilia.
  • ||||||||||  Hemlibra (emicizumab-kxwh) / Roche, concizumab (NN7415) / Novo Nordisk, fitusiran (ALN-AT3) / Sanofi, Alnylam
    Journal:  The availability of new drugs for hemophilia treatment. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 29, 2021   
    Great attention must be paid to the dangerous synergy of APCC and emicizumab, responsible for some fatal events during the clinical trials and compassionate use of this drug. So far, replacement therapy should be the standard of care for hemophilia patients without inhibitors or difficulties in venous access.
  • ||||||||||  concizumab (NN7415) / Novo Nordisk, NovoSeven (eptacog alfa) / Novo Nordisk, Feiba (human plasma derived anti-inhibitor coagulant complex) / Takeda
    The effect of in vitro spiking of rFVIIa (Novoseven), aPCC (Feiba) and anti‐TFPI (clone mAb2021, Creative Biolabs) were assessed by thromboelastometry (ROTEM) and Calibrated Automated Thrombogram (CAT). TFPI inhibition seemed to produce a procoagulant effect in FVII deficient samples opening the idea of its usage as an alternative treatment for patients with FVII deficiency with inhibitors.
  • ||||||||||  concizumab (NN7415) / Novo Nordisk
    TFPI inhibition seemed to produce a procoagulant effect in FVII deficient samples opening the idea of its usage as an alternative treatment for patients with FVII deficiency with inhibitors. After assessing all available data, Novo Nordisk defined strategies for risk mitigation and made amendments to the phase 3 explorer trial protocols, allowing the re‐initiation of the explorer7 and explorer8 trials.
  • ||||||||||  concizumab (NN7415) / Novo Nordisk
    Rurioctocog alfa pegol (Adynovate®) 20 IU/kg was administered one hour before surgery and was repeated at 24 and 48 hours, maintaining the daily prophylaxis with concizumab. Our data indicate that concizumab combined with low‐dose FVIII is effective and has a good safety profile for controlling bleeding in patients with severe hemophilia A without inhibitor receiving prophylaxis with concizumab and undergoing minor surgery.
  • ||||||||||  concizumab (NN7415) / Novo Nordisk
    Results from the combined main and extension parts of explorer5 support the clinical proof of concept established in the main part of the trial and provided details of the longer‐term efficacy and safety of subcutaneous prophylactic treatment with concizumab in HA patients without inhibitors. ROTEM analysis of HA‐like blood using diluted r ex‐tem® reagent resulted in concentration‐dependent responses between 200–4000 ng/mL concizumab, a range corresponding to the target exposure in the ongoing phase 3 clinical trials.
  • ||||||||||  Hemlibra (emicizumab-kxwh) / Roche, concizumab (NN7415) / Novo Nordisk
    Journal:  Investigational drugs to treat hemophilia. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 27, 2020   
    The anti-tissue factor pathway inhibitor antibody concizumab is the most innovative and interesting agent among non-clotting factor products. If the results of ongoing trials confirm the preliminary positive results, these promising agents will provide further improvements in the management and quality of life of patients with hemophilia.
  • ||||||||||  concizumab (NN7415) / Novo Nordisk
    [VIRTUAL] A Population Pharmacokinetic Model for Concizumab Based on Phase 1 and Phase 2 Trial Data (Poster Hall (Virtual Meeting)) -  Nov 5, 2020 - Abstract #ASH2020ASH_3499;    
    Structure of the final concizumab PK model for SC and IV dosing with target-mediated drug disposition via the endothelial TFPI. CL, clearance; doseiv, intravenous dose; dosesc, subcutaneous dose; IV, intravenous; ka, absorption rate constant; kcom, elimination rate constant of the concizumab-TFPI complex; kon and koff, rate constants for binding of concizumab to the endothelial TFPI; ktr, rate constant from the transit compartment; Q, inter-compartmental clearance; Rtot, amount of endothelial TFPI available for concizumab binding; SC, subcutaneous; TFPI, tissue factor pathway inhibitor; V, volume.
  • ||||||||||  concizumab (NN7415) / Novo Nordisk
    [VIRTUAL] Risk Mitigation Strategy for Concizumab Clinical Trials after Pause Due to Non-Fatal Thrombotic Events (Poster Hall (Virtual Meeting)) -  Nov 5, 2020 - Abstract #ASH2020ASH_2259;    
    Based on these analyses, risk mitigation plans were developed, including guidelines for the concomitant use of hemostatic agents in the management of bleeding episodes while on concizumab prophylaxis and updates to the concizumab dosing regimen. Conclusion Novo Nordisk has assessed all available data and defined risk mitigation strategies and changes to the explorer trial protocols.
  • ||||||||||  Hemlibra (emicizumab-kxwh) / Roche, concizumab (NN7415) / Novo Nordisk, fitusiran (ALN-AT3) / Sanofi, Alnylam
    Review, Journal:  Paradigm shift for the treatment of hereditary haemophilia: Towards precision medicine. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 25, 2020   
    As individual outcomes will be improved and the risk of adverse events minimized, non-factor products will come into wider use within the haemophilia community, and patients will hopefully have no more risks of breakthrough bleeds. The risks of a normal life for a "former haemophilia patient" is likely to change the treatment landscape and the structure of haemophilia Centers.
  • ||||||||||  Alhemo (concizumab) / Novo Nordisk
    Enrollment closed, Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  explorer7: Research Study to Look at How Well the Drug Concizumab Works in Your Body if You Have Haemophilia With Inhibitors ( -  Aug 23, 2020   
    P3,  N=136, Active, not recruiting, 
    The risks of a normal life for a "former haemophilia patient" is likely to change the treatment landscape and the structure of haemophilia Centers. Suspended --> Active, not recruiting | Trial completion date: Mar 2023 --> Jun 2024 | Trial primary completion date: Oct 2020 --> Nov 2021
  • ||||||||||  Alhemo (concizumab) / Novo Nordisk
    Trial completion:  explorer ( -  Jun 11, 2020   
    P2,  N=36, Completed, 
    Trial completion date: Mar 2023 --> Jun 2024 Suspended --> Completed
  • ||||||||||  Hemlibra (emicizumab-kxwh) / Roche, concizumab (NN7415) / Novo Nordisk, fitusiran (ALN-AT3) / Sanofi, Alnylam
    Review, Journal:  Hemophilia in a Changing Treatment Landscape. (Pubmed Central) -  May 27, 2020   
    These include the development of extended half-life factors that require less frequent infusions and the development of various novel agents that can be given subcutaneously and infrequently, including FVIII-mimetic antibody and downregulators of natural anticoagulants. Finally, gene therapy is set to offer patients a possibility for a cure.
  • ||||||||||  concizumab (NN7415) / Novo Nordisk
    [VIRTUAL] In vitro Effect of Concizumab on Protein C Activation and Antithrombin Activity (Virtual Meeting Room 6) -  May 14, 2020 - Abstract #ISTH2020ISTH_801;    
    Concizumab did not affect protein C activation or antithrombin activity in an in vitro set-up, consistent with its specificity for TFPI. The data suggest that the function of these downstream major coagulation inhibitors may be maintained in patients with hemophilia receiving concizumab prophylaxis.
  • ||||||||||  Alhemo (concizumab) / Novo Nordisk
    Trial suspension:  explorer ( -  Mar 31, 2020   
    P2,  N=36, Suspended, 
    These results support a clinical evaluation of rFVIIa at standard dose (90 μg/kg) to treat break-through bleeds in concizumab clinical trials. Active, not recruiting --> Suspended
  • ||||||||||  Alhemo (concizumab) / Novo Nordisk
    Trial completion:  explorer ( -  Feb 10, 2020   
    P2,  N=26, Completed, 
    These results support further development of concizumab as a daily prophylactic treatment in all hemophilia patients. Active, not recruiting --> Completed
  • ||||||||||  concizumab (NN7415) / Novo Nordisk
    Successful laser refractive eye surgery during treatment with concizumab in a patient with severe haemophilia A with an inhibitor () -  Feb 4, 2020 - Abstract #EAHAD2020EAHAD_303;    
    As the role of non‐factor replacement therapies in haemophilia increases, greater clinical experience is required to determine optimal peri‐procedural management of haemostasis in this context. However, this case indicates that laser eye surgery may be offered to this patient group and demonstrates the efficacy of single agent concizumab in minor surgery in a patient with a severe bleeding phenotype.
  • ||||||||||  concizumab (NN7415) / Novo Nordisk
    Clinical, P1 data, PK/PD data, Journal:  Safety, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of concizumab in people with hemophilia A: a phase 1b, randomized trial. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 24, 2019   
    However, this case indicates that laser eye surgery may be offered to this patient group and demonstrates the efficacy of single agent concizumab in minor surgery in a patient with a severe bleeding phenotype. explorer 3 data support further clinical development of concizumab for use in people with hemophilia, with or without inhibitors.
  • ||||||||||  Hemlibra (emicizumab-kxwh) / Roche, concizumab (NN7415) / Novo Nordisk, fitusiran (ALN-AT3) / Sanofi, Alnylam
    Review, Journal:  Advances in the Treatment of Hemophilia: Implications for Laboratory Testing. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 23, 2019   
    Although no definitive conclusions can presently be drawn, chromogenic assays are probably more suitable than one-stage clotting. (c) Novel drugs not based on coagulation factors such as emicizumab, fitusiran, or concizumab that are entering the market do require alternative methods that are not yet well established.
  • ||||||||||  Hemlibra (emicizumab-kxwh) / Roche, concizumab (NN7415) / Novo Nordisk, fitusiran (ALN-AT3) / Sanofi, Alnylam
    Clinical, Journal:  New therapies using non-factor products for patients with hemophilia and inhibitors. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 8, 2019   
    Moreover, reliable techniques to monitor hemostatic function in patients received non-factor products with concomitant BPA or FVIII/FIX therapies require further assessment. These novel therapeutic agents have promising hemostatic properties, although wider experience in hemophilia centers is warranted to establish appropriate therapeutic strategies.
  • ||||||||||  Hemlibra (emicizumab-kxwh) / Roche, concizumab (NN7415) / Novo Nordisk, fitusiran (ALN-AT3) / Sanofi, Alnylam
    Clinical, Review, Journal:  Attempting to remedy sub-optimal medication adherence in haemophilia: The rationale for repeated ultrasound visualisations of the patient's joint status. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 28, 2019   
    Furthermore, in patients with haemophilia undergoing prophylaxis with an extended half-life product for a ≈ 2.8 year period, a significant continued improvement in joint health is detected at the physical examination. This provides the rationale for studies on repeated ultrasound examinations of joint status to attempt to remedy sub-optimal medication adherence and help identify which approach is most suited on which occasion and for which patient.