Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis 
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 172 Diseases   135 Trials   135 Trials   7089 News 

  • ||||||||||  Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    Coats´ disease adult woman onset () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_1181;    
    Even though more than 75% of Coats’ disease cases are seen in children and men, we must be aware of this fact and consider rare forms of presentation as in this case. We must take into account differences and similarities between typical and atypical Coats´disease presentation.It is also important to rule out other conditions that would cause abnormal vascular proliferation and exudates.
  • ||||||||||  Eylea (aflibercept intravitreal) / Bayer, Regeneron, Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    Aflibercept versus ranibizumab in diabetic macular edema associated with subretinal detachment () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_1177;    
    Both IVA and IVR was effective in regards to anatomical and functional outcomes of DME patients associated with SRD. Interestingly, IVA seemed more effective than IVR in the resolution of SRD at month 12.
  • ||||||||||  Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    Intravitreal ranibizumab in treatment of proliferative type 2 idiopathic juxtafoveal telangiectasia () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_1052;    
    Our study correlates with previous studies showing significant BCVA gains with use of these molecules. Anatomical response to IVR treatment in subretinal neovascularization secondary to type 2 juxtafoveal telangiectasia may be good but functional Results may not be as good as anatomical Results .
  • ||||||||||  Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    An unusual case of central serous chorioretinopathy and recurrence of polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy in postmenopausal women receiving hormone replacement therapy () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_1046;    
    Purpose: To describe a patient with central serous chorioretinopathy and recurrence of polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy after 1 month of hormone replacement therapy.Setting: A 57-year-old Woman presented with metamorphopsia and blurred vision in the left eye after administration of drospirenone/estradiol.Methods : In the past history, she received three injections of ranibizumab in the left eye for polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy, 5 years ago... Hormone replacement therapy can cause central serous chorioretinopathy and aggravation of polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy.
  • ||||||||||  Avastin (bevacizumab) / Roche, Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    Topical antibiotic prophylaxis role in preventing endophthalmitis after intravitreal injection () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_1001;    
    Besides, the incidence rate of endophthalmitis between the group with topical antibiotic prophylaxis after-IVI was similar to the group with no prophylaxis. Therefore, changing the current clinical practice to no antibiotic prophylaxis after IVI seems to be safe.
  • ||||||||||  Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    OCT-angiography and ultrasound doppler in assessment of ocular blood flow in diabetic macular edema () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_919;    
    Thus, using ultrasound Doppler and OCT-angiographyfor assessment of OBF we registered no negative effect of antiangiogenic therapy on microcirculation of the retina and retrobulbar circulation. During the follow-up period (1 month), there was an insignificant improvement in hemodynamics in the CRA, normalization of blood flow in OA, and absence of significant changes in the microvascular network and FAZ area, which may indicate improvement of hemodynamic parameters with the reabsorption of macular edema
  • ||||||||||  Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    Unusual complication of anti VEGF () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_918;    
    During the follow-up period (1 month), there was an insignificant improvement in hemodynamics in the CRA, normalization of blood flow in OA, and absence of significant changes in the microvascular network and FAZ area, which may indicate improvement of hemodynamic parameters with the reabsorption of macular edema RPE tear is unusual complication of Ranibizumab especially in type 1 CNV with RPE detachment .Increased height and irregularity of RPE detachment increase the risk of RPE tear after injection.
  • ||||||||||  Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    OCT biomarkers of response to intravitreal therapy in diabetic macular edema () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_848;    
    Disruption of outer plexiform was a good biomarker for not response to antiVEGF and byg cysts for steroids. The presence of hyper-reflective foci was a sign of worse response to both therapy the same as intraretinal hemorrhages.
  • ||||||||||  Avastin (bevacizumab) / Roche, Eylea (aflibercept intravitreal) / Bayer, Regeneron, Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    Aflibercept intravitreal injection for diabetic macular edema in vitrectomized eyes () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_846;    
    Vitrectomized eyes had characteristic of refractory persistent DME. These preliminary Results suggest that IAI may be beneficial in functional and anatomical outcome
  • ||||||||||  Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    The difficulty of treating recurrent diabetic macular edema that responds inconsistently to intravitreal treatment () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_832;    
    The multifactorial nature of the formation and recurrence of diabetic macular edema makes it difficult to know why the patient in this case has responded to three doses of intravitreal dexamethasone but not to one. This highlights the need to understand the inflammatory mediators involved in each case in order to predict the response to treatment.
  • ||||||||||  Avastin (bevacizumab) / Roche, Eylea (aflibercept intravitreal) / Bayer, Regeneron, Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    Intravitreal ranibizumab or aflibercept after bevacizumab in diabetic macular edema treatment () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_823;    
    In the aflibercept group, the anatomical response was not followed by an improvement on BCVA. The existence of a higher prevalence of DRIL in the aflibercept group could explain the functional efficacy differences between these drugs.
  • ||||||||||  Eylea (aflibercept intravitreal) / Bayer, Regeneron, Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    Two year follow up of treatment with Aflibercept in Diabetic Macular Oedema Previously Refractory to Ranibiumab Intravitreal Therapy and/or Intravitreal Dexamethasone Implant. Real Life data () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_820;    
    Purpose: To evaluate visual and anatomical outcomes of diabetic macular oedema patients in a tertiary centre following conversion to aflibercept having been refractory to previous treatment with ranibizumab and/or Intravitreal Dexamethasone Implant over two year follow up.Diabetic retinopathy is a leading cause of visual loss worldwide, with diabetic macular oedema (DMO) being the main cause of visual impairment... Switching to aflibercept in treatment-resistant DMO produces significant improvements in visual and anatomical outcomes, with maintenance of best corrected visual acuity levels.
  • ||||||||||  Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    Do red blood cells (RBCs) resist the response to anti-vascular endothelial growth factor agent (anti-VEGF) in diabetic retinopathy (DR) () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_811;    
    : Under the environment of hyperglycemia, abnormal lipid peroxidation, advanced glycation end products formation and increased oxidative stress generation, not only inflammatory pathways converge to the pathways of endothelial dysfunction and vaso occlusion, but also structural and functional alterations in rigid, rough and deformed red cells play the important role in localized tissue hypoxia at the retinal capillary beds. So amelioration of hyperglycemia-induced biochemical derangements is required to strengthen individual’s response to anti-VEGF therapy for diabetic macular edema.
  • ||||||||||  Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    Is choroidal thickness a predictive factor of response in DME patients? () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_810;    
    In our study choroid was thicker in patients considered non-responders compared to slow and good-responders but further studies are necessary to clarify this tendency before considering choroid as a potential predictive-response biomarker. Finally, CT should also be analyzed/correlate with other OCT biomarkers to avoid confounding imaging factors.
  • ||||||||||  Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    The effectiveness of internal limiting membrane peeling at proliferative diabetic retinopathy () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_785;    
    All patients 10 days before vitrectomy (VE) were injected with anti-VEGF preparation (ranibizumab)... ILM peeling during vitrectomy, regardless planned tamponade of the vitreous cavity in patients with PDR eliminates the risk of ERM formation in follow-up period to 6 months and contributes achievement to best morphofunctional parameters in comparison with group of patients who had a similar volume of surgery without peeling.
  • ||||||||||  Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    Intravitreal ranibizumab injections have no influence on retinal vascular caliber in patients with diabetic macular edema. () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_762;    
    Ranibizumab treatment was not associated with a significant change in retinal arteriolar or venular diameter in eyes with diabetic macular edema. The lack of an effect on the retinal vasculature despite improvement in DME in these patients, suggests that the mechanism by which ranibizumab reduces macular edema in the short term is not related to changes in retinal vascular caliber.
  • ||||||||||  Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    Intraocular vascular endothelial growth factor and cytokines in diabetic macular edema () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_754;    
    Ranibizumab is an anti-VEGF agent decreasing DME due to the reduction of vascular permeability. Nevertheless, various inflammatory cytokines also showed improvement in the intraocular environment after serial monthly injections.
  • ||||||||||  Eylea (aflibercept intravitreal) / Bayer, Regeneron, Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    Visual and anatomical outcomes for patients switched from Ranibizumab to Aflibercept intravitreal injections for Diabetic Macular Oedema () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_751;    
    We have noticed that there was a statistically significant improvement in CFT in the patients with better VA, meaning that early trends of VA and CFT in the initial anti-VEGF journey should provide an indication that a switch in treatment is indicated, avoiding further visual loss. The mean number of Aflibercept IVI compared to Ranibizumab IVI was lower, thus reducing the number of clinical visits.
  • ||||||||||  Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    Two-year outcomes of ranibizumab treatment for diabetic macular edema () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_746;    
    In this cohort from clinical practice favourable Results and improvement in visual acuity as well as reduction in central retinal thickness were achieved using intravitreal ranibizumab. Interestingly, eyes with prior macular laser therapy showed better visual and anatomical Results , despite receiving a similar number of ranibizumab injections and having similar baseline criteria.
  • ||||||||||  Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    Does panretinal laser therapy has an effect on macular edema treatment? Real life data () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_745;    
    The addition of laser therapy did not decrease the injection number of IVR in the first year and did not have an effect on IVDEX implantation timing. Although the follow up time was longer in the PDR group, both BCVA and CMT values were better in at the last visit and total injeciton number did not differ significantly, this is may be the effect of panretinal laser photocoagulation in long term.
  • ||||||||||  Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    Surgical treatment of subpigmental neovasuglyarization () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_732;    
    Hidden neovascular membrane with high detachment of retinal pigment epithelium causes a comprehensive approach to the therapy. Drainage of subretinal fluid with intraoperative administration of ranibizumab at high RPE detachment provides improvement of visual acuity, achievement of anatomical attachment of retina layers in the macula during the postoperative period.
  • ||||||||||  Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    8 years follow-up on naïve exudative age-related macular degeneration treated with intravitreal antiVEGF therapy in real life () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_694;    
    Approximately half of eyes have stable visual acuity, a quarter improve more than 3 lines and one fifth worsen more than 3 lines of vision. Most of patients develop contralateral eye affectation (88.9%) during the follow-up.It would be necessary to increase the sample size to be able to give more conclusive Results , hovewer our Results of real clinical practice are similiar to those obtained in the HORIZON and SEVEN UP study.
  • ||||||||||  Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    The risk of retinal pigment epithelium tear after anti-VEGF therapy in patients with wet AMD () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_690;    
    When treating patients with an exudative form of AMD and retinal detachment of the pigment epithelium, caution should be exercised due to the increased risk of rupture of RPE. Based on the data obtained in our study, we can conclude that the RPE detachment is associated with an increased risk of rupture of RPE.Despite the RPE tear, the fact remains that the treatment should be continued.
  • ||||||||||  Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    Pachychoroid neovasculopathy – comparative efficacy of anti-VEGF agents loading doses (short-term results) () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_689;    
    The greater efficacy of Aflibercept in the second group of patients may be explained by higher affinity of the molecule for the VEGF-A receptors, and additional blocking of the PIGF cytokine. Lower efficacy of Ranibizumab in pachychoroid neovasculopathy explain the importance of multimodal approach in visualization of the choroidal changes in order to verify PNV diagnosis and distinguish it from typical AMD.
  • ||||||||||  Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    The efficacy of Ranibizumab monotherapy in PCV patients with previous history of multiple PDTs () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_685;    
    This is the largest reported study in literature comparing these two drugs given using this treatment schedule. The ranibizumab monotherapy in recurrent or persistent PCV patients with previous history of multiple PDTs reduced patients' average central macular thickness and preserved the mean visual aquity.
  • ||||||||||  Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
    Wrinkled pigment epithelium detachment: a novel biomarker for better anatomic and functional outcomes () -  Sep 26, 2019 - Abstract #EURETINA2019EURETINA_683;    
    Although, the eyes in both study groups received approximately the same numbers of intravitreal shots, better anatomic and functional outcomes were found in eyes with wPED that required anti-VEGF treatment. According to our Results , a wrinkled appearance on RPE surface may be considered as a phenotypic SD-OCT biomarker for better anatomic and functional prognosis after intravitreal anti-VEGF treatment in eyes with PED.