- |||||||||| Avastin (bevacizumab) / Roche, Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
Clinical, Journal: Yearly Treatment Patterns for Patients with Recently Diagnosed Diabetic Macular Edema. (Pubmed Central) - Jan 18, 2020 Year of diagnosis and being seen by a retina specialist were important predictors of receiving anti-VEGF therapy, and after one received such therapy, the number of additional injections was smaller for those with government-provided insurance. Anti-VEGF therapy has become a mainstay in DME treatment, with PPP, although relatively low, also increasing.
- |||||||||| Avastin (bevacizumab) / Roche, Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
Review, Journal: Vascular endothelial growth factor inhibition and proliferative diabetic retinopathy, a changing treatment paradigm? (Pubmed Central) - Jan 18, 2020 Randomized clinical trials comparing ranibizumab to PRP and aflibercept to PRP have shown that VEGF inhibitors cause regression of intraocular neovascularization but need to be given on a fairly regular basis...Patients with PDR that are treated solely with anti-VEGF drugs and somehow interrupt their treatment are at a high risk of developing irreversible blindness. Combination treatment of PRP plus an anti-VEGF drug may be the treatment of choice for PDR.
- |||||||||| Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
Clinical, Journal: Genetic association with intravitreal ranibizumab response for neovascular age-related macular degeneration in Hispanic population. (Pubmed Central) - Jan 18, 2020 This study suggests that the response to intravitreal antiangiogenic therapy with ranibizumab was not associated to main polymorphisms from genes HTRA1 and ARMS2. However, it was found that the response to treatment differed according to CFH genotype, suggesting that further investigations are needed to establish if patients with the CC and TC genotype may need to be monitored more closely for disease recurrence than the TT genotype.
- |||||||||| Avastin (bevacizumab) / Roche, Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
Clinical, Observational data, Journal, Real-World Evidence: Real-world outcomes of intravitreal antivascular endothelial growth factors for neovascular age-related macular degeneration in Taiwan: A 4-year longitudinal study. (Pubmed Central) - Jan 18, 2020 P=N/A However, it was found that the response to treatment differed according to CFH genotype, suggesting that further investigations are needed to establish if patients with the CC and TC genotype may need to be monitored more closely for disease recurrence than the TT genotype. Under a loose treat and extend protocol and rescue therapy of aflibercept, BCVA improvement was maintained for 4 years in patients with nAMD, especially in the older population (Registration Number: NCT03324542).
- |||||||||| Avastin (bevacizumab) / Roche, Eylea (aflibercept intravitreal) / Bayer, Regeneron, Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
Journal: Effects of Switching to Aflibercept in Treatment Resistant Macular Edema Secondary to Retinal Vein Occlusion. (Pubmed Central) - Jan 11, 2020 2019;50:437-443.]. In our small retrospective study, eyes switched to intravitreal aflibercept for persistent cystoid macular edema (CME) due to RVO improved vision and macular thickness; however, larger prospective studies are required to validate our findings.
- |||||||||| Avastin (bevacizumab) / Roche, Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
Journal: Effectiveness of monthly and fortnightly anti-VEGF treatments for age-related macular degeneration. (Pubmed Central) - Jan 11, 2020 In our small retrospective study, eyes switched to intravitreal aflibercept for persistent cystoid macular edema (CME) due to RVO improved vision and macular thickness; however, larger prospective studies are required to validate our findings. The bi-weekly follow-up was effective and we found no significant differences in efficacy or safety between the treatments with ranibizumab and bevacizumab.
- |||||||||| Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
OCT- Angiography guided photodynamic therapy of extrafoveal choroidal neovascularisation () - Jan 5, 2020 - Abstract #AIOC2020AIOC_942; Patient was initially treated with intravitreal ranibizumab followed by OCT-A guided photodynamic therapy (PDT)...PDT is done using the spot size calculated from fluorescein angiography (FA) or indocyanine green angiography (ICGA). This is the first case report in which OCTA guided PDT has been used for the treatment of neovascular AMD.
- |||||||||| Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
Clinical, Retrospective data, Journal: The association of exudation pattern with anatomical and functional outcomes in patients with Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration. (Pubmed Central) - Jan 1, 2020 Abbreviations. AMD = Age-related macular degeneration, VEGF = Vascular endothelial growth factor, IRC = intraretinal cystoid fluid, PED = pigment epithelial detachment, SRF = subretinal fluid, SD-OCT = spectral-domain ocular coherence tomography, IVR = intravitreal ranibizumab, BCVA = best-corrected visual acuity, FFA = fundus fluorescein angiography, CMT = central macular thickness, CMV = central macular volume.
- |||||||||| Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
Clinical, Journal: Pretreatment neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio predicts prognosis in patients with diabetic macular edema treated with ranibizumab. (Pubmed Central) - Dec 29, 2019 AMD = Age-related macular degeneration, VEGF = Vascular endothelial growth factor, IRC = intraretinal cystoid fluid, PED = pigment epithelial detachment, SRF = subretinal fluid, SD-OCT = spectral-domain ocular coherence tomography, IVR = intravitreal ranibizumab, BCVA = best-corrected visual acuity, FFA = fundus fluorescein angiography, CMT = central macular thickness, CMV = central macular volume. Pretreatment NLR is independently associated with the BCVA in DME patients treated with IVR, and higher pretreatment NLR may contribute to inferior BCVA outcomes.
- |||||||||| Avastin (bevacizumab) / Roche, Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
Journal: The management of glaucoma and macular degeneration. (Pubmed Central) - Dec 25, 2019 Comparing aflibercept and ranibizumab, the effect appears to be similar in both drugs, in terms of reduction of CMT. No abstract available
- |||||||||| Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
Intravitreal anti‐vascular endothelial growth factor therapy for acute ROP: our management of ten eyes () - Dec 24, 2019 - Abstract #EVER2019EVER_288; Among the 122 premature infants, five (ten eyes), affected by zone 1‐2 type 1 ROP stage II‐III, were selected and treated with an intravitreal injection of Ranibizumab (0.25 mg/0.025 ml)...Conclusions We experienced that anti‐VEGF treatment allows retinal vascularisation to further progress towards the peripheral retina, so that less laser treatment in the case of ROP progression or reoccurrence is needed. Anti‐VEGF is effective therapy to reach anatomical and functional outcomes, in zone 1‐2 type 1 ROP cases.
- |||||||||| Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
Journal: Long-term results of photodynamic therapy or ranibizumab for polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy in LAPTOP study. (Pubmed Central) - Dec 24, 2019 This study provides evidence that treatment with antidepressant medication increases the anti-VEGF retreatment requirement in patients with nAMD, possibly through the interplay of antidepressant medication, depression status and VEGF levels. The better VA in the initial ranibizumab group compared with the PDT group at 2 years was retained at the 5-year follow-up.
- |||||||||| Review, Journal: Drugs for common eye disorders. (Pubmed Central) - Dec 22, 2019
Systematic review registration number: CRD42016034076. No abstract available
- |||||||||| Avastin (bevacizumab) / Roche, Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
Review, Journal: A Multinational Comparison of Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Use: The United States, the United Kingdom, and Asia-Pacific. (Pubmed Central) - Dec 20, 2019 Outside of the United States, many nations are using a majority of more expensive anti-VEGF medications, which may lead to increased costs and decreased access. Increasing the availability of safely compounded anti-VEGF medications will likely improve access, create patient/provider choice, and decrease relative healthcare costs for the growing burden of retinal diseases globally.
- |||||||||| Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
Journal: Adding a Corticosteroid or Switching to Another Anti-VEGF in Insufficiently Responsive Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration. (Pubmed Central) - Dec 13, 2019 This retrospective, interventional case series involved 43 pseudophakic eyes with eAMD and persistent intraretinal fluid on anti-VEGF treatment that switched treatment to a combination of Ozurdex or Triamcinolone and anti-VEGF therapy (group 1) or to another anti-VEGF agent (group 2)...In eyes with eAMD with persistent intraretinal fluid on anti-VEGF monotherapy despite frequent re-injections, corticosteroids achieved a similar functional and morphological outcome over 12 months as switching to another anti-VEGF therapy, but with a reduced injection burden. In selected cases, corticosteroid treatment may thus be an option for third-line therapy in refractory exudative AMD.
- |||||||||| JNJ-1887 / J&J
Trial completion date: AAVCAGsCD59 for the Treatment of Wet AMD (clinicaltrials.gov) - Dec 4, 2019 P1, N=25, Recruiting, Ranibizumab showed stronger effects on NV leakage and area reduction while offering better visual acuity results than PRP alone. Trial completion date: Feb 2020 --> Feb 2021
- |||||||||| Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
Clinical, Journal: Combined central retinal artery and vein occlusion; first manifestation of lupus in a pediatric patient. (Pubmed Central) - Nov 30, 2019 Afterwards, vitrectomy and retinal endophotocoagulation were performed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first presentation of a male, paediatric with SLE and combined occlusion to be published in the literature, and is also the first case treated with antiangiogenic agents that has not developed NVG at 12 months of follow-up.
- |||||||||| Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
Clinical, Journal: Modern view on the treatment of wet-AMD patients (Pubmed Central) - Nov 29, 2019 Proactive dosage regimens such as 'Treat and Extend' are aimed at preventing the recurrence of disease activity and promoting significant improvement of visual functions, as well as maintaining the achieved treatment results while reducing the required number of injections. Based on the results of ALTAIR study assessing the efficacy of aflibercept in T&E regimen, this drug can be considered suitable for T&E regimen starting from the first year of treatment.