- |||||||||| Lucentis Port Delivery System (ranibizumab port delivery system) / Roche, Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
The Port Delivery System With Ranibizumab: A New Paradigm for Long-Acting Retinal Drug Delivery (Morial Convention Center; 255-257) - Oct 20, 2021 - Abstract #AAO2021AAO_1481; P3 Conclusion The PDS continuously and reproducibly delivers RBZ over a period of months while maintaining potency. Archway Phase 3 trial (NCT03677934) results support the efficacy of the PDS.
- |||||||||| Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
Journal: Photodynamic therapy combined with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy for pachychoroid neovasculopathy. (Pubmed Central) - Oct 15, 2021 A total of 42 eyes of 42 patients with treatment-naïve PNV who were treated with PDT combined with intravitreal injections of an anti-VEGF agent (ranibizumab or aflibercept) for 1 year...Of 20 eyes without polypoidal lesions, only 1 eye (5.0%) needed additional treatments. PNV, especially without polypoidal lesions, can be treated effectively with PDT combined with anti-VEGF therapy with few sessions.
- |||||||||| Avastin (bevacizumab) / Roche
Journal: Anti-VEGF Treatment in Corneal Diseases. (Pubmed Central) - Oct 9, 2021 IVR could reduce the EPO level, but not enough to the normal level. The efficacy and safety of anti-VEGF agents support their adoption into the daily clinical practice for the management of CN.
- |||||||||| Avastin (bevacizumab) / Roche
Journal: Use Of Anti-Vegf Drugs In Retinal Vein Occlusions. (Pubmed Central) - Oct 9, 2021 Antivascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) injections have demonstrated better results than other previous options including observation or laser therapy. This narrative review aims to analyze the current aspects related to these drugs.
- |||||||||| Avastin (bevacizumab) / Roche
Review, Journal: Current and Future Anti-VEGF Agents for Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration. (Pubmed Central) - Oct 8, 2021 Newer and future anti-VEGF therapies aim to decrease injection frequency through eitherlonger half life or port-delivery systems (brolucizumab, conbercept, KSI-301, ranibizumab). This review outlines current anti-VEGF treatments and ways by which their duration might be extended.
- |||||||||| Eylea (aflibercept intravitreal) / Bayer, Regeneron
Review, Journal: Pipeline therapies for neovascular age related macular degeneration. (Pubmed Central) - Oct 3, 2021 Those in the pipeline of VEGF targets include abicipar pegol (Abicipar; Allergan, Coolock, Dublin), OPT-302 (Opthea; OPTHEA limited; Victoria, Melbourne), conbercept (Lumitin; Chengdu Kanghong Pharmaceutical Group, Chengdu, Sichuan), and KSI-301 (Kodiak Sciences, Palo Alto, CA)...Gene therapy present possible longer treatments options as well and are reviewed here. This paper will highlight the past approved medications as well as pipeline therapies for neovascular AMD.
- |||||||||| Axpaxli (intravitreal axitinib implant) / Ocular Therap
Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date: CLN-0046: Treatment of AMD Subjects With OTX-TKI (clinicaltrials.gov) - Sep 21, 2021 P1, N=26, Recruiting, Integrity of ELM at baseline predicted BCVA gain at 5 years and the potential for TER exit due to success. Trial completion date: Nov 2021 --> Dec 2022 | Trial primary completion date: Nov 2021 --> Dec 2022
- |||||||||| Lucentis (ranibizumab) / Roche, Novartis
Journal: Anti-VEGF Therapy Reduces Inflammation in Diabetic Macular Edema. (Pubmed Central) - Sep 8, 2021 These findings suggest that IRI reduces subclinical inflammation and that the aqueous flare value is influenced by inflammatory factors/cytokines. In addition, the change in the aqueous flare value may be an indicator of the response of CMT to IRI in patients with DME.