timbetasin intravenous (RGN-352) / RegeneRx 
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  • ||||||||||  timbetasin intravenous (RGN-352) / RegeneRx
    Preclinical, Journal:  Thymosin beta 4 prevents systemic lipopolysaccharide-induced plaque load in middle-age APP/PS1 mice. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 4, 2023   
    It prevented LPS-induced amyloid burden in APP/PS1 mice but increased astrocytic and microglial proliferation in the hippocampus of LPS-treated WT mice. These data show that T?4 can alleviate the adverse effects of systemic LPS in the brain by preventing exacerbation of amyloid deposition in AD mice and by inducing reactive microgliosis in aging WT mice.
  • ||||||||||  timbetasin intravenous (RGN-352) / RegeneRx
    Journal:  Thymosin beta-4 denotes new directions towards developing prosperous anti-aging regenerative therapies. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 9, 2023   
    Moreover, we discovered TB4 is capable of epicardial progenitor activation, and revealed the effect is independent of hypoxic injury. By observing the above results, we believe, further discoveries and consequential postnatal administration of developmentally relevant candidate molecules such as TB4 may likely result in reversing aging processes and accelerate organ regeneration in the human body.
  • ||||||||||  timbetasin intravenous (RGN-352) / REGENXBIO
    Enhancing cardiac regenerative therapies by reminding the adult heart on its embryonic state (ePoster station 6) -  Mar 12, 2022 - Abstract #HEARTFAILURE2022HEART_FAILURE_390;    
    Observing the broad capacity of TB4 we believe it is not the only molecule which nature conceals to our benefits. Hence, the discovery and postnatal administration of developmentally relevant agents along with other approaches may even result in reversing aging processes.
  • ||||||||||  timbetasin intravenous (RGN-352) / REGENXBIO
    [VIRTUAL] Oxytocin Mediates Neuroendocrine Reprogramming of the Epicardium in Heart Regeneration () -  Jul 26, 2020 - Abstract #BCVS2020BCVS_250;    
    Future studies will aim to further reveal the physiological contribution of OT to heart regeneration in vivo and determine its molecular mechanism of action. Our findings have the potential to uncover a novel mechanism of neuroendocrine reprogramming of the injured heart and yield significant translational advances in the treatment of CVD.
  • ||||||||||  timbetasin intravenous (RGN-352) / REGENXBIO
    Preclinical, Journal:  Protective Effect of Thymosin β4 against Abdominal Aortic Ischemia-Reperfusion-Induced Acute Lung Injury in Rats. (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 20, 2019   
    Tβ4 reverted these parameters in both Tβ4-treated groups compared to the untreated IR group. Since there is no statistical difference between the prescribed results of both Tβ4-treated groups, our study demonstrates that Tβ4 reduced lung oxidative stress and inflammation following IR and prevented lung tissue injury regardless of timing of administration.
  • ||||||||||  timbetasin intravenous (RGN-352) / RegeneRx
    Enrollment change, Trial withdrawal, Trial primary completion date:  A Phase 1 Safety Study of the Intravenous Administration of Thymosin Beta in Healthy Volunteers (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Apr 17, 2017   
    P1,  N=0, Withdrawn, 
    Since there is no statistical difference between the prescribed results of both Tβ4-treated groups, our study demonstrates that Tβ4 reduced lung oxidative stress and inflammation following IR and prevented lung tissue injury regardless of timing of administration. N=60 --> 0 | Completed --> Withdrawn | Trial primary completion date: Oct 2009 --> Jan 2017