AMG 579 / Amgen 
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 3 Diseases   0 Trials   0 Trials   8 News 
  • ||||||||||  AMG 579 / Amgen
    Effects of two PDE10A inhibitors on alcohol self-administration and striatal gene expression in naïve and post-dependent rats (Virtual Only) -  Dec 20, 2021 - Abstract #Neuroscience2021Neuroscience_850;    
    To test our hypothesis, we studied ethanol post-dependent male and female adult Wistar rats in operant fixed-ratio self-administration of ethanol vs. water after 1-hr pretreatment with either MR1916 or AMG579 (i.p., 0, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1 and 0.05 µ mol/kg) (n = 10/drug/sex), two PDE10A inhibitors, in a within-subject manner...Additionally, MR1916 dose-dependently reduced self-administration of alcohol by post-dependent male rats in relation to whether they were high (>0.6 g/kg) vs. low drinker rats. Collectively, our study sheds light on the neurobiological role of PDE10A in distinct striatal circuits on post-dependent drinking behaviors as well as the potential impact of novel translatable PDE10A inhibitors to treat AUD.; Grant Support: Triton Research & Experiential Learning Scholars; NIH grant P60 AA006420; Pearson Center for Alcoholism and Addiction Research; Drugs were donated by Mochida Pharmaceutical and Amgen; NIH grant R01 AA028879
  • ||||||||||  AMG 579 / Amgen
    Trial termination:  First-in-Human Study to Evaluate AMG 579 in Healthy Subjects and Patients With Stable Schizophrenia ( -  Oct 4, 2012   
    P1,  N=50, Terminated, 
    Collectively, our study sheds light on the neurobiological role of PDE10A in distinct striatal circuits on post-dependent drinking behaviors as well as the potential impact of novel translatable PDE10A inhibitors to treat AUD.; Grant Support: Triton Research & Experiential Learning Scholars; NIH grant P60 AA006420; Pearson Center for Alcoholism and Addiction Research; Drugs were donated by Mochida Pharmaceutical and Amgen; NIH grant R01 AA028879 Recruiting --> Terminated; Amgen decision (business)