leuprolide acetate for depot suspension / Generic mfg. 
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 138 Diseases   94 Trials   94 Trials   2090 News 

  • ||||||||||  Xtandi (enzalutamide capsule) / Pfizer, Astellas
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  Trial of Radiotherapy With Leuprolide and Enzalutamide in High Risk Prostate Cancer (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Jul 16, 2020   
    P2,  N=11, Active, not recruiting, 
    Trial primary completion date: Feb 2021 --> Jun 2021 Trial completion date: Jun 2020 --> Aug 2020 | Trial primary completion date: Jun 2020 --> Aug 2020
  • ||||||||||  Lupron Depot (leuprorelin depot) / AbbVie, Takeda
    [VIRTUAL] Recurrent Pneumothorax in a Young Female (ATS 2020 Virtual) -  Jul 6, 2020 - Abstract #ATSI2020ATS-I_6569;    
    She was then started on Lupron depot...This case showcases the difficulty of diagnosis even though there was clinical suspicion and highlights the need for aggressive hormonal suppression to effectively treat this condition. Many patients do not have classic presentation and there is no definitive lab or tissue confirmation, so often this is a diagnosis of exclusion.
  • ||||||||||  Lupron Depot (leuprorelin depot) / AbbVie, Takeda, Cubicin (daptomycin) / Merck (MSD), minocycline / Generic mfg.
    [VIRTUAL] A Case of Drug-Induced Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia (ATS 2020 Virtual) -  Jul 6, 2020 - Abstract #ATSI2020ATS-I_5302;    
    Case Report: A 78-year-old male with a history of prostate cancer on lupron presented with dyspnea for three days...There are numerous drugs known to cause AEP, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants, antipsychotics and antimicrobials which include nitrofurantoin, minocycline or daptomycin...To the best of our knowledge, there have only been 37 cases that had diagnostic procedures which confirmed daptomycin as a cause of AEP. Although this is a rare disease, if it is promptly identified and treated, the outcome is excellent with low recurrence rate.
  • ||||||||||  acetazolamide / Generic mfg., Lupron Depot (leuprorelin depot) / AbbVie, Takeda, Eligard (leuprolide acetate) / TOLMAR, Astellas, Sanofi
    [VIRTUAL] A Rare Endocrine Cause of Pseudotumor Cerebri () -  Jun 20, 2020 - Abstract #ENDOI2020ENDO-I_1561;    
    He received Lupron DepotĀ® 7.5 mg intramuscularly for 4 doses, then 22.5 mg intramuscular every 13 weeks thereafter... This case highlights that patients on GnRH agonist therapy are at risk for pseudotumor cerebri, and we recommend periodic ophthalmologic surveillance.
  • ||||||||||  leuprolide acetate for depot suspension / Generic mfg.
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  A Study to Evaluate Leuprolide Acetate 45 mg 6-Month Formulation in Children With Central Precocious Puberty (CPP) (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Jun 19, 2020   
    P3,  N=40, Recruiting, 
    This case highlights that patients on GnRH agonist therapy are at risk for pseudotumor cerebri, and we recommend periodic ophthalmologic surveillance. Trial completion date: Sep 2023 --> Feb 2024 | Trial primary completion date: Sep 2020 --> Aug 2021
  • ||||||||||  Sutent (sunitinib) / Pfizer
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  Sunitinib Malate With Hormonal Ablation for Patients Who Will Have Prostatectomy (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Jun 5, 2020   
    P2,  N=64, Active, not recruiting, 
    Trial completion date: Nov 2026 --> Feb 2027 | Initiation date: May 2020 --> Aug 2020 | Trial primary completion date: May 2026 --> Aug 2026 Trial completion date: Dec 2019 --> Dec 2021 | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2019 --> Dec 2020
  • ||||||||||  leuprolide acetate for depot suspension / Generic mfg., docetaxel / Generic mfg.
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  A Registry for Patients Treated on the Clinical Trial TAX 3503 (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Jun 4, 2020   
    P3,  N=52, Active, not recruiting, 
    Trial completion date: Dec 2019 --> Dec 2021 | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2019 --> Dec 2020 Trial completion date: Mar 2020 --> Mar 2021 | Trial primary completion date: Mar 2020 --> Mar 2021
  • ||||||||||  leuprolide acetate for depot suspension / Generic mfg.
    Trial completion, Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  Leuprorelin Acetate DPS (Leuplin DPS) Treatment Quarterly in Patients With Central Precocious Puberty (clinicaltrials.gov) -  May 31, 2020   
    P4,  N=58, Completed, 
    Trial completion date: Mar 2020 --> Mar 2021 | Trial primary completion date: Mar 2020 --> Mar 2021 Recruiting --> Completed | Trial completion date: Apr 2019 --> Dec 2019 | Trial primary completion date: Apr 2018 --> Aug 2019
  • ||||||||||  Firmagon (degarelix) / Astellas, Ferring
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date, Monotherapy:  High-Dose Brachytherapy in Treating Patients With Prostate Cancer (clinicaltrials.gov) -  May 27, 2020   
    P1/2,  N=163, Recruiting, 
    Recruiting --> Completed | Trial completion date: Apr 2019 --> Dec 2019 | Trial primary completion date: Apr 2018 --> Aug 2019 Trial completion date: Jan 2025 --> Dec 2026 | Trial primary completion date: Feb 2020 --> Dec 2021
  • ||||||||||  Erleada (apalutamide) / J&J
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  Apalutamide and Leuprolide in Intermediate and High-risk Prostate Cancer (clinicaltrials.gov) -  May 6, 2020   
    P2,  N=57, Recruiting, 
    Completed --> Active, not recruiting | Trial completion date: Nov 2019 --> May 2021 Trial completion date: Apr 2020 --> Oct 2020 | Trial primary completion date: Apr 2020 --> Oct 2020