dimethyl fumarate / Generic mfg. 
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 27 Diseases   27 Trials   27 Trials   3795 News 

  • ||||||||||  Kesimpta (ofatumumab subcutaneous) / Novartis, Genmab, Mavenclad (cladribine) / EMD Serono, Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi
    Journal:  Drugs for multiple sclerosis. (Pubmed Central) -  May 25, 2021   
    Together, these findings demonstrate a potential role for DMF in the treatment of myocardial infarction. No abstract available
  • ||||||||||  dimethyl fumarate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Dimethyl Fumarate in Microglia via an Autophagy Dependent Pathway. (Pubmed Central) -  May 25, 2021   
    The anti-inflammatory effect of DMF in microglia was significantly reduced by pretreatment with autophagy inhibitors. These data suggest that DMF leads to the induction of autophagy in microglia and that its anti-inflammatory effects are partially mediated through an autophagy-dependent pathway.
  • ||||||||||  dimethyl fumarate / Generic mfg.
    Journal, IO biomarker:  Attenuation of High Glucose-Induced Damage in RPE Cells through p38 MAPK Signaling Pathway Inhibition. (Pubmed Central) -  May 25, 2021   
    Moreover, DMF reduced the VEGF levels elicited by HG, inhibiting p38 MAPK signaling pathway. The present study demonstrated that DMF provides a remarkable protection against high glucose-induced damage in RPE cells through p38 MAPK inhibition and the subsequent down-regulation of VEGF levels, suggesting that DMF is a small molecule that represents a good candidate for diabetic retinopathy treatment and warrants further in vivo and clinical evaluation.
  • ||||||||||  dimethyl fumarate / Generic mfg., teriflunomide / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Dimethyl fumarate vs Teriflunomide: an Italian time-to-event data analysis. (Pubmed Central) -  May 21, 2021   
    The present study demonstrated that DMF provides a remarkable protection against high glucose-induced damage in RPE cells through p38 MAPK inhibition and the subsequent down-regulation of VEGF levels, suggesting that DMF is a small molecule that represents a good candidate for diabetic retinopathy treatment and warrants further in vivo and clinical evaluation. Patients on DMF had higher relapse-free survival time than TRF group after the first 38 months on therapy.
  • ||||||||||  dimethyl fumarate / Generic mfg., memantine / Generic mfg.
    Review, Journal:  Attenuation of 7-ketocholesterol- and 7β-hydroxycholesterol-induced oxiapoptophagy by nutrients, synthetic molecules and oils: potential for the prevention of age-related diseases. (Pubmed Central) -  May 21, 2021   
    However, few synthetic molecules are able to prevent 7-ketocholesterol- and/or 7β-hydroxycholesterol-induced cytotoxicity: dimethyl fumarate, monomethyl fumarate, the tyrosine kinase inhibitor AG126, memantine, simvastatine, Trolox, dimethylsufoxide, mangafodipir and mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP) inhibitors. The effectiveness of these compounds, several of which are already in use in humans, makes it possible to consider using them for the treatment of certain age-related diseases associated with increased plasma and/or tissue levels of 7-ketocholesterol and/or 7β-hydroxycholesterol.
  • ||||||||||  Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi
    Review, Journal:  Economics of Multiple Sclerosis Disease-Modifying Therapies in the USA. (Pubmed Central) -  May 21, 2021   
    Although generic versions of glatiramer acetate and dimethyl fumarate have provided some lower cost options, the median annual price for branded products currently exceeds $90,000...Because of higher efficacy and lower net costs, ocrelizumab and alemtuzumab are considered the best value...DMTs provide clinical benefit for patients with MS; however, their high cost can be a financial burden and impede access. High DMT prices are the principal reason why cost-effectiveness studies have indicated the economic value of most DMTs is questionable.
  • ||||||||||  bardoxolone methyl (RTA 402) / Kyowa Kirin, Reata
    Journal:  Bardoxolone Methyl Displays Detrimental Effects on Endothelial Bioenergetics, Suppresses Endothelial ET-1 Release, and Increases Endothelial Permeability in Human Microvascular Endothelium. (Pubmed Central) -  May 20, 2021   
    In turn, endothelin-1 decreased permeability in endothelial cells in picomolar range, while bardoxolone methyl decreased ET-1 release and increased endothelial permeability even after short-term (3 hours) incubation. In conclusion, despite that all three Nrf2 activators exerted some beneficial effects on the endothelium, as evidenced by a decrease in ROS production, bardoxolone methyl, the most potent Nrf2 activator among the tested compounds, displayed a distinct endothelial profile of activity comprising detrimental effects on mitochondria and cellular viability and suppression of endothelial ET-1 release possibly interfering with ET-1-dependent local regulation of endothelial permeability.
  • ||||||||||  glatiramer acetate / Generic mfg., dimethyl fumarate / Generic mfg.
    Clinical, Journal:  Effectiveness and safety of dimethyl fumarate in progressive multiple sclerosis. (Pubmed Central) -  May 20, 2021   
    We used Cox proportional hazards models to compare the time to confirmed worsening and improvement on the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) and timed 25-foot walk (T25FW) between patients treated with DMF and glatiramer acetate (GA) for at least one year...Dimethyl fumarate showed a trend towards reduction in T25FW but no evidence of clinically significant impact on EDSS. The small sample precluded definitive determination.
  • ||||||||||  dimethyl fumarate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Dimethyl Fumarate Reduces Microglia Functional Response to Tissue Damage and Favors Brain Iron Homeostasis. (Pubmed Central) -  May 15, 2021   
    We found that DMF treatment reduces microglia motility, downregulating functional response to ATP, increases ferritin uptake and pushes microglia towards an anti-inflammatory phenotype, thus reducing its proinflammatory reactivity in response to tissue damage. These results highlight the effects of this compound on microglia functions and provide new insights on the mechanism of action of DMF in MS treatment.
  • ||||||||||  glatiramer acetate / Generic mfg., dimethyl fumarate / Generic mfg.
    Clinical, Journal:  First therapy choice in newly diagnosed Multiple Sclerosis patients: A multicenter Italian study. (Pubmed Central) -  May 15, 2021   
    These results highlight the effects of this compound on microglia functions and provide new insights on the mechanism of action of DMF in MS treatment. Many factors guided therapeutic decision for our Italian cohort of MS patients; they are mainly related to MS disease activity, baseline EDSS, disease duration and age.
  • ||||||||||  glatiramer acetate / Generic mfg., dimethyl fumarate / Generic mfg.
    Clinical, Journal, Real-world evidence, Patient reported outcomes:  A snapshot on patient-reported outcome measures of people with multiple sclerosis on first-line therapies in a real world setting. (Pubmed Central) -  May 15, 2021   
    The 2-year treatment with DMF was associated with slowing of cognitive impairment and with significant improvements in QoL and psychosocial function. Compared with INF-treated patients, pwMS on DMF and Teri reported the best treatment satisfaction, although DMF-treated pwMS reported higher side effects and those on Teri the worst QoL and fatigue; however, the older age, higher disability and depression, and worse cognitive performance of pwMS on Teri suggest to be careful in evaluating these results.
  • ||||||||||  dimethyl fumarate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Monomethyl fumarate has better gastrointestinal tolerability profile compared with dimethyl fumarate. (Pubmed Central) -  May 15, 2021   
    Compared with INF-treated patients, pwMS on DMF and Teri reported the best treatment satisfaction, although DMF-treated pwMS reported higher side effects and those on Teri the worst QoL and fatigue; however, the older age, higher disability and depression, and worse cognitive performance of pwMS on Teri suggest to be careful in evaluating these results. Bafiertam showed an improved gastrointestinal tolerability profile compared with Tecfidera, with less severe GI events and fewer days of self-assessed GI symptoms, fewer GI adverse events, and lower discontinuation rates because of GI adverse events.
  • ||||||||||  dimethyl fumarate / Generic mfg.
    Clinical, Journal:  Multiple sclerosis in a young woman with sickle cell disease. (Pubmed Central) -  May 15, 2021   
    The co-occurrence of inflammatory disorders, in this case MS and SCD, requires providers to appropriately manage each condition with consideration of the other. Future studies may generate shared avenues for treatment.
  • ||||||||||  dimethyl fumarate / Generic mfg.
    Clinical, Journal:  Alopecia areata treated with dimethyl fumarate: A case series. (Pubmed Central) -  May 15, 2021   
    During the treatment, 50% of patients (5 patients out of 10) had a slight improvement of hair regrowth; it was mainly as partial hair regrowth (ranging from 8% to 32%) and only one patient (10%) achieved > 50% terminal hair regrowth. Authors conclude that dimethyl fumarate is not advisable as a treatment of alopecia areata, also considering the risk of fumaric acid esters toxicity.
  • ||||||||||  glatiramer acetate / Generic mfg., dimethyl fumarate / Generic mfg.
    Clinical, Journal:  Tumefactive multiple sclerosis (TMS): A case series of this challenging variant of MS. (Pubmed Central) -  May 15, 2021   
    The demographic of the patients in this case series is no different than patients with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). However, based on our experience, the patients with TMS do respond to disease modifying agents such as Glatiramer acetate and Dimethyl fumarate with similar progression as of RRMS.
  • ||||||||||  dimethyl fumarate / Generic mfg.
    Clinical, Journal:  Cancer diagnosis in a Spanish cohort of multiple sclerosis patients under dimethylfumarate treatment. (Pubmed Central) -  May 15, 2021   
    A relationship between cancers and DMF is unlikely because the malignancy rate was similar to that of the age-and sex-matched general population, and because of the absence of specific tumour cell lines. Nevertheless, as with other immunosuppressive DMTs, clinicians treating MS should be aware of any potential cancer symptom and demand proper testing.
  • ||||||||||  glatiramer acetate / Generic mfg., dimethyl fumarate / Generic mfg.
    Biomarker, Journal:  β-endorphin and opioid growth factor as biomarkers of physical ability in multiple sclerosis. (Pubmed Central) -  May 15, 2021   
    Nevertheless, as with other immunosuppressive DMTs, clinicians treating MS should be aware of any potential cancer symptom and demand proper testing. Both regression and cohort data suggest that serum levels of OGF, β-endorphin, and vitamin D are potential biomarkers for physical disease status in MS.
  • ||||||||||  dimethyl fumarate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  The concurrence of multiple sclerosis and glioblastoma. (Pubmed Central) -  May 15, 2021   
    Both regression and cohort data suggest that serum levels of OGF, β-endorphin, and vitamin D are potential biomarkers for physical disease status in MS. Systematic reporting may help answer whether JC virus seropositivity and certain disease modifying therapies confer higher risk for glioblastoma in patients with multiple sclerosis.
  • ||||||||||  dimethyl fumarate / Generic mfg.
    Phase classification, Enrollment change, Trial completion date, Trial termination, Trial primary completion date:  124I-Metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) PET/CT Diagnostic Imaging and Dosimetry for Patients With Neuroblastoma: A Pilot Study (clinicaltrials.gov) -  May 14, 2021   
    P1,  N=10, Terminated, 
    Systematic reporting may help answer whether JC virus seropositivity and certain disease modifying therapies confer higher risk for glioblastoma in patients with multiple sclerosis. Phase classification: P=N/A --> P1 | N=20 --> 10 | Trial completion date: Jan 2022 --> Feb 2021 | Suspended --> Terminated | Trial primary completion date: Jan 2022 --> Feb 2021; Funding
  • ||||||||||  dimethyl fumarate / Generic mfg., fingolimod / Generic mfg., Eledon
    Retrospective data, Journal:  Dimethyl fumarate vs fingolimod following different pretreatments: A retrospective study. (Pubmed Central) -  May 7, 2021   
    DMF treatment was associated with higher clinical disease activity compared with FTY treatment. A subgroup analysis suggested beneficial effects of FTY in treatment-naive and patients pretreated with natalizumab.
  • ||||||||||  dimethyl fumarate / Generic mfg.
    [VIRTUAL] Efficacy of a novel non-covalent oral small molecule Nrf2 activator in a rat model of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Virtual Poster Exhibition) -  May 5, 2021 - Abstract #ECCOIBD2021ECCO_IBD_851;    
    Efficacy of C4X_6746 in the model correlated with the dose-dependent induction of NQO1 mRNA in the colon and blood as a biomarker for Nrf2 pathway activation. Conclusion The efficacy of C4X_6746 in the rat DSS model supports development of non-covalent oral Nrf2 activators to significantly reduce oxidative tissue damage and chronic inflammation in IBD.
  • ||||||||||  dimethyl fumarate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Atypical Multiple Sclerosis Lesions or Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy Lesions: That Is the Question. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 30, 2021   
    Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a serious infective disease of the central nervous system that may occur in case of severe immunosuppression or after some treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS) with natalizumab, dimethyl fumarate, and fingolimod...These case reports illustrate the diagnostic process in case of suspected PML, as both patients were diagnosed with suspected PML during a routine brain MRI control, and highlights the importance of providing a strict brain MRI follow-up during dimethyl fumarate treatment, although only a few cases of PML during this therapy have been detected, and during natalizumab suspension phase. In clinical practice, in case of a radiologically suspected case of PML, although not confirmed by the cerebrospinal fluid analysis, the best approach could be to perform a close radiological and clinical monitoring before starting a new MS therapy.
  • ||||||||||  dimethyl fumarate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Protective effect of dimethyl fumarate on oxidative damage and signaling in cardiomyocytes. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 27, 2021   
    In conclusion, the results of the present study suggested that DMF may exert protective effects against a myocardial I/R model, and further validated Nrf2 modulation as a primary mode of action. Thus suggesting that DMF may be a potential therapeutic agent for AKT/Nrf2 pathway activation in myocardial, and potentially systemic, diseases.
  • ||||||||||  dimethyl fumarate / Generic mfg.
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  TEC-ADHERE: Dimethyl Fumarate (DMF, Tecfidera (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Apr 25, 2021   
    P=N/A,  N=350, Recruiting, 
    Thus suggesting that DMF may be a potential therapeutic agent for AKT/Nrf2 pathway activation in myocardial, and potentially systemic, diseases. Trial completion date: Aug 2021 --> Feb 2022 | Trial primary completion date: Aug 2021 --> Feb 2022
  • ||||||||||  dimethyl fumarate / Generic mfg.
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  ARISE: Assessment of Tecfidera® in Radiologically Isolated Syndrome (RIS) (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Apr 23, 2021   
    P4,  N=90, Active, not recruiting, 
    Trial completion date: Aug 2021 --> Feb 2022 | Trial primary completion date: Aug 2021 --> Feb 2022 Trial completion date: Mar 2022 --> Dec 2021 | Trial primary completion date: Mar 2021 --> May 2021
  • ||||||||||  Mavenclad (cladribine) / EMD Serono
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  DELIVER-MS: Determining the Effectiveness of earLy Intensive Versus Escalation Approaches for RRMS (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Apr 22, 2021   
    P4,  N=800, Recruiting, 
    Trial completion date: Mar 2022 --> Dec 2021 | Trial primary completion date: Mar 2021 --> May 2021 Trial completion date: Sep 2023 --> Sep 2026 | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2022 --> Dec 2025