somatropin / Generic mfg. 
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 44 Diseases   3 Trials   3 Trials   52 News 
  • ||||||||||  Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  Pancreatic Clamp in NAFLD ( -  Sep 19, 2024   
    P1,  N=42, Recruiting, 
    Trial completion date: Jan 2025 --> May 2025 | Trial primary completion date: Aug 2024 --> Mar 2025
  • ||||||||||  Enrollment change:  Pancreatic Clamp in NAFLD ( -  Mar 19, 2024   
    P1,  N=42, Recruiting, 
    Trial completion date: Jan 2025 --> May 2025 | Trial primary completion date: Aug 2024 --> Mar 2025 N=20 --> 42
  • ||||||||||  Norditropin (somatropin) / Novo Nordisk
    Enrollment open, Enrollment change:  Growth Hormone Replacement in Veterans With GWI and AGHD (GWIT) ( -  Jan 16, 2024   
    P2,  N=20, Recruiting, 
    N=20 --> 42 Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting | N=36 --> 20
  • ||||||||||  Enrollment open:  Pancreatic Clamp in NAFLD ( -  Jul 7, 2023   
    P1,  N=20, Recruiting, 
    N=30 --> 5 Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting
  • ||||||||||  Enrollment open, Trial initiation date:  Pancreatic Clamp in NAFLD ( -  Mar 16, 2023   
    P1,  N=20, Recruiting, 
    Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting | Initiation date: Feb 2023 --> Jun 2023
  • ||||||||||  Norditropin (somatropin) / Novo Nordisk
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  Growth Hormone Replacement in Veterans With GWI and AGHD (GWIT) ( -  Feb 16, 2023   
    P2,  N=36, Not yet recruiting, 
    Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting | Initiation date: Feb 2023 --> Jun 2023 Trial completion date: Sep 2024 --> Sep 2025 | Trial primary completion date: May 2024 --> May 2025
  • ||||||||||  New P1 trial:  Pancreatic Clamp in NAFLD ( -  Feb 13, 2023   
    P1,  N=20, Recruiting, 
  • ||||||||||  Norditropin (somatropin) / Novo Nordisk
    Trial initiation date:  Growth Hormone Replacement in Veterans With GWI and AGHD (GWIT) ( -  Feb 8, 2023   
    P2,  N=36, Not yet recruiting, 
    Trial completion date: Sep 2024 --> Sep 2025 | Trial primary completion date: May 2024 --> May 2025 Initiation date: Aug 2022 --> Jun 2023
  • ||||||||||  Nutropin AQ (somatropin) / Ipsen, Roche
    Trial completion:  STARFISH: Study of Testosterone and rHGH in FSHD ( -  Jun 9, 2022   
    P1,  N=20, Completed, 
    Initiation date: Aug 2022 --> Jun 2023 Active, not recruiting --> Completed
  • ||||||||||  Nutropin AQ (somatropin) / Ipsen, Roche
    Enrollment closed:  STARFISH: Study of Testosterone and rHGH in FSHD ( -  Sep 9, 2021   
    P1,  N=20, Active, not recruiting, 
    No abstract available Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting
  • ||||||||||  Humatrope (somatropin) / BMS, Eli Lilly, Omnitrope (somatotropin) / Novartis
    [VIRTUAL] The efficacy and safety of recombinant biosimilar growth hormone treatment in children with GHD and SGA: a Czech retrospective national longitudinal study () -  Aug 27, 2021 - Abstract #ESPE2021ESPE_889;    
    The aim of our study is to assess height gain and safety of therapy with biosimilar rhGH (Omnitrope®, Sandoz) in Czech children with GHD and SGA over the first three years of treatment and to compare our data with longitudinal international study GeNeSIS Italian Cohort (Humatrope®, Eli Lilly). Our data confirm significant improvement of growth parameters and safety of therapy with biosimilar rhGH Omnitrope® in Czech children with GHD and SGA which is consistent with results from international database GeNeSIS study.
  • ||||||||||  Nutropin AQ (somatropin) / Ipsen, Roche
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  STARFISH: Study of Testosterone and rHGH in FSHD ( -  May 10, 2021   
    P1,  N=20, Recruiting, 
    Our data confirm significant improvement of growth parameters and safety of therapy with biosimilar rhGH Omnitrope® in Czech children with GHD and SGA which is consistent with results from international database GeNeSIS study. Trial completion date: Apr 2021 --> Apr 2022 | Trial primary completion date: Apr 2021 --> Apr 2022
  • ||||||||||  Nutropin AQ (somatropin) / Ipsen, Roche
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  STARFISH: Study of Testosterone and rHGH in FSHD ( -  Apr 27, 2020   
    P1,  N=20, Recruiting, 
    Completed --> Terminated Trial completion date: Jul 2020 --> Apr 2021 | Trial primary completion date: Jul 2020 --> Apr 2021
  • ||||||||||  Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  Human Growth Hormone Pre-treatment for 6 Weeks Prior to Ovulation Induction for IVF ( -  Feb 18, 2020   
    P1/2,  N=30, Enrolling by invitation, 
    Trial completion date: Jul 2020 --> Apr 2021 | Trial primary completion date: Jul 2020 --> Apr 2021 Trial completion date: Jun 2019 --> Jun 2022 | Trial primary completion date: Jun 2018 --> Jun 2021
  • ||||||||||  Nutropin AQ (somatropin) / Ipsen, Roche
    Trial initiation date:  STARFISH: Study of Testosterone and rHGH in FSHD ( -  Jan 9, 2018   
    P1,  N=20, Recruiting, 
    We are unable to submit the results-data. Initiation date: Sep 2017 --> Dec 2017
  • ||||||||||  Nutropin AQ (somatropin) / Ipsen, Roche
    Enrollment open:  STARFISH: Study of Testosterone and rHGH in FSHD ( -  Aug 21, 2017   
    P1,  N=20, Recruiting, 
    Initiation date: Sep 2017 --> Dec 2017 Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting
  • ||||||||||  somatropin / Generic mfg.
    Trial completion:  Growth Hormone Therapy in Osteogenesis Imperfecta ( -  May 23, 2017   
    P3,  N=52, Completed, 
    Trial primary completion date: Sep 2017 --> Sep 2018 Active, not recruiting --> Completed
  • ||||||||||  somatropin / Generic mfg.
    Trial primary completion date:  Growth Hormone Therapy in Osteogenesis Imperfecta ( -  Jul 19, 2016   
    P3,  N=52, Active, not recruiting, 
    Active, not recruiting --> Completed Trial primary completion date: Jun 2016 --> Mar 2017
  • ||||||||||  somatropin / Generic mfg.
    Trial completion, Trial primary completion date:  Growth Hormone and GnRH Agonist in Adolescents With Acquired Hypothyroidism ( -  Sep 23, 2015   
    P4,  N=21, Completed, 
    Recruiting --> Completed | N=88 --> 69 Recruiting --> Completed | Trial primary completion date: Mar 2012 --> Sep 2011
  • ||||||||||  somatropin / Generic mfg.
    Trial primary completion date:  Growth Hormone Therapy in Osteogenesis Imperfecta ( -  Jul 9, 2015   
    P3,  N=52, Active, not recruiting, 
    Active, not recruiting --> Completed Trial primary completion date: Jun 2015 --> Jun 2016
  • ||||||||||  somatropin / Generic mfg.
    Trial primary completion date:  Growth Hormone Therapy in Osteogenesis Imperfecta ( -  Mar 7, 2015   
    P3,  N=52, Active, not recruiting, 
    Not yet recruiting --> Enrolling by invitation Trial primary completion date: Mar 2014 --> Jun 2015
  • ||||||||||  somatropin / Generic mfg.
    Enrollment closed:  Growth Hormone Therapy in Osteogenesis Imperfecta ( -  Jul 15, 2013   
    P3,  N=52, Active, not recruiting, 
    Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting