Lantus (insulin glargine) / Sanofi |
2008-002117-46: Veränderungen der endogenen Insulin- und Glukagonsekretion während einer basalen Insulin-Substitution |
| Ongoing | 4 | 20 | Europe | Solution for injection, Lantus | Medizinische Klinik I, St. Josef-Hospital, Ruhr-Universität Bochum | Diabetes mellitus Typ 2 | | | | |
2014-004418-27: Can good blood glucose control be reached with a decision support system in patients who underwent stemm cell transplantation |
| Ongoing | 4 | 10 | Europe | Lantus, Solution for injection in pre-filled pen, Novorapid, Lantus | Medizinische Universität Graz, Universitätsklinik für Innere Medizin, Klin. Abt. f. Endokrinologie und Stoffwechsel, European Commission | Hyperglycaemic patients Patienten mit erhöhten Blutzuckerwerten, Patients with high blood glucose Patienten mit erhöhten Blutzuckerwerten, Diseases [C] - Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases [C18] | | | | |
2004-003887-31: \"Farmakodynamiske egenskaber af to langtidsvirkende insulinanaloger i sammenligning med NPH insulin\" |
| Ongoing | 4 | 12 | Europe | insulin glargine, insulin detemir, insulin human (rDNa), HOE901, NN304, Lantus®, Levemir®, Insulatard®, Lantus®, Levemir®, Insulatard® | Klinisk Farmakologisk Center og Med. Afd. M, Århus Sygehus, NBG | Healthy subjects. | | | | |
2006-002047-92: A multicentre, open-label, randomized comparison of once daily insulin detemir given pre-breakfast or bedtime, according to need, with bedtime insulin glargine in people with type 2 diabetes characterized by an asymmetric insulin requirement between the day and night. |
| Ongoing | 4 | 74 | Europe | Levemir FlexPen, Lantus OptiSet, Levemir FlexPen, Lantus OptiSet | Newcastle Primary Care Trust | Diabetes Mellitus | | | | |
2006-005817-36: Ensayo Clínico en fase IV para la comparación entre dos pautas de tratamiento (insulina humana vs análogos de insulina) respecto al riesgo de hipoglicemia y la variabilidad del control glicémico en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1: impacto sobre el HYPO score y el LI (lability index). |
| Ongoing | 4 | 70 | Europe | Novorapid Flexpen, Lantus Optiset, Innolet Insulatard, Innolet Actrapid, Novorapid Flexpen, Lantus Optiset, Innolet Insulatard, Innolet Actrapid, Novorapid Flexpen, Lantus Optiset, Innolet Insulatard, Innolet Actrapid | Dr Manuel Pérez Maraver.Servicio de Endocrinologia. Hospital de Bellvitge | Diabetes mellitus tipo 1. Variabilidad del control glicémico y riesgo de hipoglicemia con una pauta de insulina basada en analogos respecto a una con insulina humana. | | | | |
2007-004144-74: A comparison of the effects of insulin Detemir with insulin Glargine on weight gain in female adolescents and young adults with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) on a basal bolus regime |
| Ongoing | 4 | 125 | Europe | Levemir Flexpen, Lantus 100 U/ml OptiSet solution for injection, Lantus 100u/ml solution for injection in Solostar prefilled pen, Levemir Flexpen, Lantus 100 U/ml OptiSet solution for injection, Lantus 100u/ml solution for injection in Solostar prefilled pen | Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | Type 1 diabetes | | | | |
2007-005212-41: ESTUDIO COMPARATIVO DEL TRATAMIENTO CON BOMBA DE INSULINA SUBCUTANEA, INSULINA GLARGINA E INSULINA NPH EN NIÑOS DIABÉTICOS DE 0 A 6 AÑOS DE EDADComparative study between treatment with insulin pump, insulin gragina and insulin NPH in diabetic children from 0 to 6 years old. |
| Ongoing | 4 | 30 | Europe | LANTUS, HUMULINA NPH, HUMALOG, LANTUS, HUMULINA NPH, HUMALOG | HOSPITAL SANT JOAN DE DÉU | ESTUDIO COMPARATIVO DEL TRATAMIENTO CON BOMBA DE INSULINA SUBCUTANEA, INSULINA GLARGINA E INSULINA NPH EN NIÑOS DIABÉTICOS DE 0 A 6 AÑOS DE EDAD.Comparative study between treatment with insulin pump, insulin gragina and insulin NPH in diabetic children from 0 to 6 years old. | | | | |
2011-006179-20: Comparative randomized clinical trial between insulin analogues and human insulin in hospitalized patients treated with artificial tube feeding and who present high blood glucose levels. INSULINE study. Ensayo clínico aleatorizado comparativo entre análogos de insulina e insulina humana en pacientes hospitalizados tratados con alimentación artificial por sonda y que presentan niveles elevados de glucosa en sangre. Estudio INSULINE. |
| Ongoing | 4 | 100 | Europe | Apidra SoloStar, Lantus SoloStar, Actrapid Innolet, Insulatard FlexPen, Apidra SoloStar, Lantus SoloStar, Actrapid Innolet, Insulatard FlexPen | Endocrinology and Nutrition Unit. Hospital Universitari Bellvitge., Endocrinology and Nutrition Unit. Hospital Universitari Bellvitge. | Pacients receiving enteral nutrition and who present hyperglycemia. Pacientes tratados con nutrición enteral y que presenten hiperglicemia. | | | | |
BEYOND III/FPG GOAL, ChiCTR-IPR-15006894: Titration target for Chinese type 2 diabetes mellitus patients using insulin glargine to achieve glycaemic goals: an assessment of three different fasting plasma glucose targets |
| Completed | 4 | 934 | | Insulin glargine (Lantus) treatment ;Insulin glargine (Lantus) treatment ;Insulin glargine (Lantus) treatment | China-Japan Friendship Hospital; Sanofi (Beijing) Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd, Sanofi (Beijing) Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd | Type 2 diabetes mellitus | | | | |
2013-004737-33: A prospective, multicenter, randomized, open-label study of 12 week duration to evaluate the effect of VILDagliptin added to insulin on glycaemic control in haemoDIALyzed patients with type 2 diabetes: probe analysis of CGM Etude prospective randomisée multicentrique d’évaluation de la VILDagliptine associée à l’insuline sur le contrôle glycémique chez les patients hémoDIALysés diabétiques de type 2 : étude VILDDIAL |
| Not yet recruiting | 4 | 70 | Europe | Vildagliptine, Tablet, Solution for injection, Suspension for injection, Galvus, LANTUS 100 unités/ml solution injectable, LANTUS 100 unités/ml solution injectable en cartouche, LANTUS 100 unités/ml solution injectable en cartouche pour OptiClik, Lantus OptiSet 100 unités/ml solution injectable en stylo prérempli, Lantus SoloStar 100 unités/ml solution injectable en stylo prérempli, Levemir 100 U/ml, solution injectable en cartouche, Levemir 100 U/ml, solution injectable en stylo prérempli, Levemir InnoLet 100 U/ml, solution injectable en stylo prérempli, Levemir FlexTouch 100 U/ml, solution injectable en stylo prérempli, Apidra 100 unités/ml solution injectable en flacon, Apidra 100 unités/ml solution injectable en cartouche, Apidra 100 unités/ml solution injectable en cartouche pour OptiClik, Apidra 100 unités/ml solution injectable en stylo prérempli, Apidra SoloStar 100 unités/ml solution injectable en stylo prérempli, Humalog 100 UI/ml, solution injectable en flacon, Humalog 100 UI/ml, solution injectable en cartouche, Humalog Mix25 100 UI/ml suspension injectable en flacon, Humalog Mix25 100 UI/ml suspension injectable en cartouche, Humalog Mix50 100 UI/ml suspension injectable en flacon, Humalog Mix50 100 UI/ml suspension injectable en cartouche, Humalog BASAL 100 UI/ml suspension injectable en cartouche, Humalog Pen 100 UI/ml, solution injectable, Humalog Mix25 100 UI/ml Pen, suspension injectable, Humalog Mix50 100 UI/ml Pen, suspension injectable, Humalog BASAL 100 UI/ml Pen, suspension injectable, Humalog 100 UI/ml KwikPen, solution injectable, Humalog Mix25 100 UI/ml KwikPen, suspension injectable, Humalog Mix50 100 UI/ml KwikPen, suspension injectable, Humalog BASAL 100 UI/ml KwikPen, suspension injectable, NovoRapid 100 U/ml, solution injectable, NovoRapid Penfill 100 U/ml, solution injectable en cartouche, NovoRapid FlexPen 100 U/ml, solution injectable en stylo prérempli, NovoRapid InnoLet 100 U/ml, solution injectable en stylo prérempli, NovoRapid FlexTouch 100 U/ml, solution injectable en stylo prérempli | Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, HÔPITAUX UNIVERSITAIRES DE STRASBOURG, NOVARTIS PHARMASAS | haemodialyzed patients with type 2 diabetes patients hémodialysés et présentant un diabète de type 2, haemodialyzed patients with type 2 diabetes patients hémodialysés et présentant un diabète de type 2, Diseases [C] - Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases [C18] | | | | |
2017-003296-60: Empagliflozin effect on glucose toxicity in type 2 diabetes patients - a randomized, open-label, controlled, parallel group, exploratory study |
| Not yet recruiting | 4 | 50 | Europe | Empagliflozin, Insulin glargin*, Film-coated tablet, Solution for injection, Jardiance, Lantus | University Hospital Tuebingen, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG | Patients with T2DM aged 40 to 70 years (including), Patients with Diabetes type 2 aged 40 to 70 years (including), Diseases [C] - Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases [C18] | | | | |
2017-004454-42: An interventional study to arrest the progression of cognitive decline in diabetic patients at high risk of developing Alzheimer's disease by reducinghypoglycemic events (low blood glucose). Estudio de intervención para detener o frenar la progresión del deteriorocognitivo en pacientes diabéticos con alto riesgo de desarrollar enfermedadde Alzheimer mediante la disminución de las hipoglucemias (niveles deazúcar bajos). |
| Ongoing | 4 | 188 | Europe | GLARGINE, NPH, LANTUS, INSULATARD, Solution for injection in pre-filled pen, Tresiba, Levemir, Lantus, Insulatard | Vall d'Hebron Research Institute, Vall d'Hebron Research Institute | Cognitive decline in patients affected with mild cognitive impairment Se investiga la progresión del deterioro cognitivo en pacientes con deterioro cognitivo incipiente, The progression of a condition named mild cognitive impairment (which antedates dementia) is investigated. Se investiga la progresión del deterioro cognitivo incipiente, que es una condición que antecede a la demencia., Diseases [C] - Nervous System Diseases [C10] | | | | |
| Recruiting | 4 | 880 | | Insulin glargine (Lantus) treatmen ;Insulin glargine (Lantus) treatmen | Peking University People's Hospital; Sanofi (Beijing)Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Sanofi (Beijing) Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd | Type 2 diabetes mellitus | | | | |
2019-004080-43: Effect of Suliqua® (iGlarLixi) on glycemic targets by using continuous glucose monitoring in participants uncontrolled on basal insulin Suliqua® (iGlarLixi) hatása bázisinzulinnal nem kontrollált résztvevőknél a glikémiás cél elérésére, melyet folyamatos glükózmonitorozással határoznak meg |
| Ongoing | 4 | 50 | Europe | Insulin glargine and lixisenatide in fixed ratio combination, HOE901/AVE0010, Solution for injection in pre-filled pen, Suliqua | sanofi-aventis Private Co. Ltd., sanofi-aventis Private Co. Ltd. | Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 2-es típusú cukorbetegség, Patients with Type 2 Diabetes 2-es típusú cukorbetegség, Diseases [C] - Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases [C18] | | | | |
2018-003557-21: Effect of insulin glargine and lixisenatide versus insulin glargine on brain insulin sensitivity in patients with type 2 diabetes |
| Not yet recruiting | 4 | 40 | Europe | Lantus, Actrapid, Solution for injection in pre-filled pen, Nasal spray, Suliqua®, Lantus® | University Hospital Tuebingen, Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH | Female and male subjects with type 2 diabetes, Body processes [G] - Metabolic Phenomena [G03] | | | | |
NCT03087032: Liraglutide-bolus vs Glargine-bolus Therapy in Overweight/Obese Type 2 Diabetes Patients (LiraGooD) |
| Recruiting | 4 | 164 | RoW | Liraglutide, Victozaa, Liraglutid, Liroglutide, Liraglutidum, Liraglutide Acetate, insulin glargine, Lantus | The First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University | Type 2 Diabetes Patients, Overweight and Obesity, Hyperglycaemia (Diabetic) | 01/25 | 02/25 | | |
2021-005353-82: Toujeo in Type 2 Diabetes patients with renal impairment Toujeo® en pacientes con DM2 e insuficiencia renal |
| Not yet recruiting | 4 | 125 | Europe | Insulina glargina, HOE901 - U300, Solution for injection in pre-filled pen, Toujeo® 300 U/ml (solución inyectable) | Sanofi-Aventis S.A, Sanofi-Aventis | Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 (DM2), Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 (DM2), Diseases [C] - Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases [C18] | | | | |
GLIDING, NCT04623086: Comparison of Glargine to Degludec Insulin Transition With or Without a Bridging Glargine Dose |
| Completed | 4 | 59 | US | Insulin Degludec, Tresiba, Insulin Glargine, Lantus, Placebo | University of Washington | Type 1 Diabetes | 09/22 | 12/23 | | |
| Withdrawn | 4 | 50 | Europe | Empagliflozin (Jardiance®), Insulin Glargine (Lantus®) | University Hospital Tuebingen, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG | Type2 Diabetes Mellitus | 05/23 | 05/23 | | |
INITIATION, NCT05002933: A Clinical Efficacy and Safety Study of Insulin Glargine U300 in Chinese Adult Patients With Uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus With a 3-month Extension Period |
| Completed | 4 | 570 | RoW | Insulin glargine 300 U/ml, HOE901 Toujeo | Sanofi | Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus | 02/23 | 02/23 | | |
| Terminated | 4 | 62 | Europe, US, RoW | Insulin glargine 300 U/mL, Toujeo, HOE901-U300, Insulin degludec 100 U/mL, Tresiba | Sanofi, Sanofi-Aventis Recherche & Développement | Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Renal Impairment | 07/23 | 08/23 | | |
| Completed | 4 | 76 | RoW | Sitagliptin 100mg, Januvia, Glargine, Lantus, Lispro, Humalog | Hospital de Especialidades, Centro Medico Nacional "La Raza", Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico | Type 2 Diabetes | 08/23 | 08/23 | | |
| Recruiting | 4 | 678 | RoW | iGlarLixi (insulin glargine/lixisenatide), SOLIQUA®, Gla-100 (insulin glargine), LANTUS® | Sanofi | Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) | 09/26 | 09/26 | | |
2006-000247-26: A Phase 3, Open-Label, Three-Group Parallel Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Human Insulin Inhalation Powder (HIIP) in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Treated with Once-Daily Insulin Glargine |
| | 3 | 60 | Europe | Human Insulin Inhalation Powder (HIIP), LY041001, Lantus 100I.U/ml solution for injection in a vial, Lantus 100I.U/ml solution for injection in a cartridge, Lantus 100I.U/ml solution for injection in a cartridge for OptiClik, Lantus 100I.U/ml OptiSet solution for injection, Lantus 100I.U/ml solution for injection in a vial, Lantus 100I.U/ml solution for injection in a cartridge, Lantus 100I.U/ml solution for injection in a cartridge for OptiClik, Lantus 100I.U/ml OptiSet solution for injection | Eli Lilly and Company Ltd, Lilly S.A. | Male or female nonsmoking patients 18 years of age or older; have had type 2 diabetes mellitus for at least 6 months at study entry and have been treated with one or more oral antihyperglycemic medications on a stable dose for at least 6 weeks (3 months for thiazolidinediones [TZDs]) and once-daily insulin glargine for at least 4 months, have FEV1 and DLCO >70% predicted, and have an HbA1c between 7.5% and 9.5% at screening. | | 05/08 | | |
2006-000305-35: A Prospective, Multi-Center, Open-Label, Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial Comparing the Efficacy and Safety in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes Receiving Subcutaneous Basal Insulin and Prandial Inhalation of Technosphere®/Insulin Versus Subcutaneous Premixed Insulin Therapy Over a 52-Week Treatment Period and a 4-Week Follow-up |
| Ongoing | 3 | 55 | Europe | Technosphere®/Insulin, Lantus 100 IU/ml, NovoMix 30 Penfill 100 U/ml, Lantus 100 IU/ml, NovoMix Penfill 100 U/ml, Lantus 100 IU/ml, NovoMix Penfill 100 U/ml | MannKind Corporation | Diabetes mellitus type II | | | | |
2006-000306-23: A Prospective, Multi-Center, Open-Label, Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial Comparing the Efficacy and Safety in Subjects With Type 1 Diabetes Receiving Subcutaneous Basal Insulin and Prandial Inhalation of Technosphere®/Insulin Versus Subcutaneous Basal Insulin and Prandial Insulin Over a 52-Week Treatment Period and a 4-Week Follow-up |
| Ongoing | 3 | 30 | Europe | Technosphere®/Insulin, Lantus 100 IU/ml, NovoRapid 100 U/ml, Lantus 100 IU/ml, NovoRapid 100 U/ml, Lantus 100 IU/ml, NovoRapid 100 U/ml | MannKind Corporation | Diabetes mellitus type I | | | | |
2010-023792-25: A randomised controlled trial of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion(CSII) compared to multiple daily injection(MDI) regimens on insulin in children and young people at diagnosis of type I diabetes mellitus (TIDM). |
| Ongoing | 3 | 316 | Europe | Insulin Glargine, Insulin Aspart, Lantus 100 units/ml solution for injection in a cartridge Lantus 100 units/ml solution for injection in a pre-filled pen(optiset), NovoRapid 100 U/ml solution for injection in vial. NovoRapid Penfill 100 U/ml solution for injection in cartridge. NovoRapid Flexpen 100 U/ml solution for injection in prefilled pen., Lantus 100 units/ml solution for injection in a cartridge Lantus 100 units/ml solution for injection in a pre-filled pen(optiset), NovoRapid 100 U/ml solution for injection in vial. NovoRapid Penfill 100 U/ml solution for injection in cartridge. NovoRapid Flexpen 100 U/ml solution for injection in prefilled pen. | Alder Hey Children\'s NHS Foundation Trust | Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus | | | | |
| Ongoing | 3 | 80 | Europe | liraglutide, glargine insulin, VICTOZA, LANTUS, VICTOZA, LANTUS | Instituto de Investigación La Fe, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe | TYPE 2 DIABETIC HOSPITALIZED PATIENTS WITH ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME. PACIENTE DIABÉTICO TIPO 2 HOSPITALIZADO CON SÍNDROME CORONARIO AGUDO. | | | | |
2015-002135-17: Clinical efficay, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, and intra-subject variability of insulin Glargine U-300 vs Glargine U-100 in type 1 diabetes. Efficacia clinica, farmacocinetica, farmacodinamica e variabilit¿ intra-soggetto dell¿analogo dell¿insulina ad azione ritardo Glargine U300 vs Glargine U100 nel Diabete Mellito Tipo 1 |
| Ongoing | 3 | 62 | Europe | insulina glargine, na, Concentrate for solution for injection, Toujeo, LANTUS - 100 U/ML SOLUZIONE INIETTABILE - USO SOTTOCUTANEO - CARTUCCIA(VETRO) IN PENNA PRE-RIEMPITA (SOLOSTAR)3 ML 6 PENNE PRERIEMPITE | UNIVERSITà DEGLI STUDI DI PERUGIA, Fondi di ricerca e collaborazioni farmaceutiche | Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Diabete Mellito tipo 1, Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Diabete Mellito tipo 1, Diseases [C] - Hormonal diseases [C19] | | | | |
2010-022246-25: Diagnostic clinique et mécanismes physiopathologiques de l'allergie à l'insuline. |
| Not yet recruiting | 3 | 70 | Europe | Actrapid, Insulatard, Insuman Infusat, Humalog, NovoRapid, Apidra, Lantus, Levemir, Latex, Solution for injection, Suspension for injection, Solution for infusion, Actrapid, Insulatard, Novorapid, Levemir | | Allergie à l'insuline | | | | |
2016-001401-16: The SUGAR-DIP trial: Oral medication versus insulin for diabetes in pregnancy De SUGAR-DIP trial: Orale medicatie versus insuline voor zwangerschapsdiabetes |
| Ongoing | 3 | 810 | Europe | Metformin, Glibenclamide, Tablet, Injection, Metformin, Glibenclamide, Insulin: including - fast acting, analog: NovoRapid, Humalog, Apidra - short acting, human: Actrapid, Humuline Regular, Insuman Rapid - medium long acting, human: Insulatard, Humuline NPH, Insuman Basal - long acting analog: Lantus, Levemir | University Medical Center Utrecht, ZonMw | The medical condition to be investigated in this trial is gestational diabetes with insufficient glycemic control by means of dietary adjustments and thus an indication for addiotional pharmacological treatment. In deze trial wordt het ziektebeeld diabetes gravidarum onderzocht, waarbij er met dieetaanpassingen onvoldoende glucosecontrole is bereikt en er dus indicatie is voor aanvullende farmacologische behandeling., Gestational diabetes, also known as gestational diabetes mellitus, is a condition in which women without previously diagnosed diabetes exhibit high blood glucose (blood sugar) levels during pregnancy. Zwangerschapssuikerziekte, ook wel zwangerschapsdiabetes, is een aandoening waarbij vrouwen waarbij niet al eerder suikerziekte is vastgesteld, tijdens de zwangerschap hoge bloedsuikerwaardes hebben., Diseases [C] - Female diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems and pregancy complications [C13] | | | | |
2020-005309-18: A research study to see how well the new weekly medicine IcoSema, which is a combination of insulin icodec and semaglutide, controls blood sugar level in people with type 2 diabetes compared to insulin glargine taken daily with insulin aspart (COMBINE 3) Klinikai vizsgálat annak tanulmányozására, hogy az IcoSema, az ikodek inzulin és a szemaglutid kombinációjából álló, hetente alkalmazott új gyógyszer mennyire kontrollálja jól a 2-es típusú cukorbetegek vércukorszintjét a naponta, aszpart inzulinnal együtt alkalmazott glargin inzulinnal összehasonlítva (COMBINE 3) |
| Ongoing | 3 | 680 | Europe | IcoSema 700 U/mL + 2 mg/mL PDS290, Solution for injection in pre-filled pen, Solution for injection, Lantus SoloStar, NovoRapid FlexPen | Novo Nordisk A/S, Novo Nordisk A/S | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 2-es típusú diabétesz mellitus, Type 2 diabetes, Diseases [C] - Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases [C18] | | | | |
2021-004392-13: A research study to look into how well semaglutide, together with insulin glargine, compares to a higher dose of insulin glargine alone in people with type 2 diabetes SUSTAIN OPTIMIZE - Klinické skúšanie, ktoré skúma ako účinkuje semaglutid pridaný k zníženej dávke inzulínu glargínu a porovnáva ho so samotným inzulínom glargínom vo vyššej dávke u ľudí s cukrovkou 2. typu |
| Ongoing | 3 | 568 | Europe | Semaglutide B 2.68 mg/ml PDS290, [Semaglutide], [N/A], Solution for injection, Lantus SoloStar, Ozempic | Novo Nordisk A/S, NOVO NORDISK. S.P.A., Novo Nordisk A/S | Diabetes Mellitus, type 2, Type 2 diabetes, Diseases [C] - Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases [C18] | | | | |
NCT04460326: Novolog vs. Fiasp Insulin in Non-critically Ill Hospitalized Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus |
| Completed | 3 | 137 | US | Insulin glargine, Lantus®, NovoLog, NovoLog®, Insulin Fiasp, Fiasp®, Standard carbohydrate diet | Boston Medical Center, Novo Nordisk A/S | Type 2 Diabetes Treated With Insulin | 05/23 | 05/23 | | |
| Active, not recruiting | 3 | 319 | US | Afrezza, Technosphere Insulin, Rapid-acting Insulin Analog, insulin aspart, insulin lispro, insulin glulisine, Novolog®, Fiasp®, Humalog®, Admelog®, Apidra®, Basal Insulin, insulin glargine, insulin degludec, insulin detemir, Lantus®, Abasaglar®, Basaglar®, Semglee®, Toujeo®, Tresiba®, Levemir® | Mannkind Corporation, Jaeb Center for Health Research | Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1, Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 | 10/24 | 05/25 | | |
NCT06619301: RCT Glargine vs NPH for Treatment of DM in Pregnancy |
| Recruiting | 3 | 160 | US | Insulin glargine, Lantus, Toujeo, Basaglar, Semglee, insulin NPH, Novolin, Humulin | Loyola University | Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM), Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Class A2 | 04/26 | 01/27 | | |
2005-004754-27: Comparison of insulin detemir and insulin glargine in patients with Type 2 diabetes |
| Ongoing | 2 | 12 | Europe | insulin glargine, insulin detemir, Lantus 100 IU/ml, Levemir 100 U/ml, Lantus 100 IU/ml, Levemir 100 U/ml | Cardiff University | Type 2 Diabetes | | | | |
2015-004723-31: Study to assess the efficacy of treatment of autoimmune diabetes of adults (LADA) with metformin / dapagliflozin / saxagliptin against metformin / insulin glargine (LADA) Studio per valutare l'efficacia della terapia del diabete autoimmune dell'adulto (LADA) con metformina/dapagliflozin/saxagliptin contro metformina/insulina glargine |
| Not yet recruiting | 2 | 100 | Europe | ONGLYZA, FORXIGA, metformina, LANTUS, 039453016, Film-coated tablet, Coated tablet, Solution for injection, ONGLYZA - 5 MG-COMPRESSE RIVESTITE CON FILM -USO ORALE-BLISTER NON PERFORATO(ALU/ALU) 28 COMPRESSE, FORXIGA - 10 MG - COMPRESSE RIVESTITE CON FILM- USO ORALE - BLISTER CALENDARIZZATO (ALU/ALU) - 28 COMPRESSE, LANTUS - 100 IU/ML OPTISET SOLUZIONE INIETTABILE CARTUCCE IN 5 PENNE MONOUSO 3 ML USO SOTTOCUTANEO | UNIVERSITÀ CAMPUS BIO-MEDICO DI ROMA, Astra Zeneca S.p.A. | LADA Diabete autoimmune dell'adulto LADA, autoimmune diabetes of adults diabete autoimmune dell'adulto, Diseases [C] - Hormonal diseases [C19] | | | | |
NCT04591457: The Efficacy, Safety, and Immunogenicity Study Comparing an Insulin Glargine Biosimilar Sansulin Log-G to Lantus |
| Not yet recruiting | 2 | 120 | RoW | Insulin Glargine Sansulin, Sansulin, Insulin Glargine Pen Injector [Lantus], Lantus | Indonesia University | Diabetes Mellitus | 08/21 | 08/21 | | |
NCT06007508: Early Administration of Insulin Glargine in Patients With Diabetic Ketoacidosis |
| Terminated | 2 | 8 | US | Insulin Glargine, Lantus, Basaglar, Semglee | HealthPartners Institute | DKA | 02/23 | 02/23 | | |
NCT05373199: A Trial Comparing the Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics of BC Combo THDB0207 and Lantus® and Humalog® in Subjects With Type 1 Diabetes |
| Completed | 1 | 30 | Europe | Euglycemic clamp with BC Combo THDB0207, Euglycemic clamp with Lantus®, Euglycemic clamp with Humalog® | Adocia, Tonghua Dongbao Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd | Type 1 Diabetes | 10/22 | 10/22 | | |
NCT05373186: A Trial Investigating the Pharmacodynamics of BC Combo THDB0207 Compared With Humalog® Mix25 and Simultaneous Injections of Humalog® and Lantus® in Healthy Chinese Volunteers |
| Completed | 1 | 27 | Europe | Euglycemic clamp with BC Combo THDB0207, Euglycemic clamp with Humalog® Mix25, Euglycemic clamp with Humalog® and Lantus® | Adocia, Tonghua Dongbao Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd | Healthy | 12/22 | 12/22 | | |
ChiCTR2400083105: Primary Study on the Redifferentiation of Pancreatic Islet Function: Intensive Treatment of New Type 2 diabetes with Peripheral Blood CD14 Monocytes, FOXO1, TNF- α NF- κ The expression of B and its impact on quality of life |
| Completed | 1 | 60 | | Patients in the control group were treated with conventional multiple subcutaneous insulin injections. NovoRapid was injected subcutaneously before meals, and glucagon insulin (Lantus) was injected at bedtime according to pre-bedtime and fasting glucose (FPG) levels.; Patients in the treatment group were given a patch insulin pump from MicroTech Medical. The treatment regimen consisted of the basic dosage of continuous short-acting insulin (NovoRapid). Large doses were given before meals, and the basic dosage was a continuous infusion of insulin in hours, usually 50% of the total amount of the whole day. The remaining 50% is evenly distributed before three meals. The dosage was adjusted according to the blood sugar. After 2 weeks of treatment, the insulin dosage was changed to multiple subcutaneous injections based on the previous day’s insulin dosage and the regimen was continued for 10 weeks. | Lanzhou First People's Hospital; Lanzhou First People's Hospital, Ethics Committee of Lanzhou First People's Hospital | type 2 diabetes mellitus | | | | |
CORRECT, NCT02587741: Comparison of Diabetes Retinopathy Among Type 2 Diabetic Patients Treated With Different Regimens |
| Recruiting | 1 | 600 | RoW | Metformin, gliclazide modified release tablets, acarbose, Lantus, Novomix30 | Third Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University | Diabetic Retinopathy | 07/23 | 07/25 | | |
NCT06627478: Study to Demonstrate Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Similarity Between NKF-INS Glargine (G), United States (US)-Lantus®, and European Union (EU)-Lantus® |
| Recruiting | 1 | 114 | RoW | NKF-INS(G), US-Lantus®, EU-Lantus® | Xentria, Inc. | Healthy Participants | 06/25 | 07/25 | | |
NCT04965051: Safety and Efficacy of Insulin Degludec/Insulin Aspart in Patients With T1DM |
| Recruiting | N/A | 40 | RoW | insulin degludec/insulin aspart (IDegAsp), Ryzodeg, basal insulin plus pre-prandial insulin, Levemir/Lantus/Tresiba plus NovoLog/Humalog/Apidra | Second Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University | Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus With Diabetic Gastroparesis, HbA1c, Time in Range | 12/23 | 12/23 | | |
ELDERLY-T, NCT05607160: A Study to Observe How Insulin Glargine 300 U/ml is Working and is Tolerated in Elderly Patients ≥75 Years of Age With Type 2 Diabetes |
| Completed | N/A | 82 | Europe | | Sanofi | Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) | 12/23 | 12/23 | | |
START2, NCT06419803: Strict Versus Permissive Thresholds for Initiation of Pharmacotherapy in Gestational Diabetes (START 2) |
| Recruiting | N/A | 430 | US | Insulin, Lantus, Lispro, NPH, Levemir, Humalog | Thomas Jefferson University, University of Rochester | Gestational Diabetes, Pregnancy Related | 05/26 | 05/26 | | |
START 1, NCT06419777: Strict Versus Permissive Thresholds for Initiation of Pharmacotherapy in Gestational Diabetes |
| Recruiting | N/A | 430 | US | Insulin, Lantus, Lispro, NPH, Levemir, Humalog | Thomas Jefferson University, University of Rochester | Gestational Diabetes, Pregnancy Related | 05/26 | 05/26 | | |
NCT06107153: Effect of Short-term Basal Insulin Initiation in Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes on 1-year Glycemic Control |
| Recruiting | N/A | 200 | RoW | Insulin Glargine 100 UNT/ML Pen Injector [Lantus], Lantus, Saxagliptin 2.5 mg/ Metformin Hydrochloride extended release 1000 mg, Kombiglyze, Pioglitazone 30mg, Actos | University of Basrah | Type2diabetes | 04/25 | 05/25 | | |
ACTRN12607000408482: Is supper necessary to prevent overnight hypoglycaemia when using Lantus insulin? |
| Not yet recruiting | N/A | 35 | | | Fergus Cameron, Pending: Application submitted to Dietetics Association of Australia: DAA-Vic Small Grants Program. | Type 1 Diabetes | | | | |