- |||||||||| Toujeo (Long-acting Recombinant Human Insulin Analogue) / Sanofi, Lantus (insulin glargine) / Sanofi
Trial termination: TRENT: Gla-300 and IDeg-100 in Insulin-Na (clinicaltrials.gov) - Sep 6, 2023 P4, N=62, Terminated, Active, not recruiting --> Terminated; Sponsor decision to cancel trial due to poor recruitment/ severe recruitment delay and not related to safety concern.
- |||||||||| Victoza (liraglutide) / Novo Nordisk, Lantus (insulin glargine) / Sanofi
A Yellow Flower With Jaundice Power: A Case of Severe Liver Injury Attributed to Greater Celandine (Exhibit Hall) - Jul 29, 2023 - Abstract #ACG2023ACG_1542; His medications were acetaminophen-hydrocodone, aspirin, atorvastatin, glipizide, lantus, and metformin...Despite the temporal association of liraglutide initiation and liver injury, DILI from GLP-1 agonists is quite rare (likelihood score E)...Gastroenterologists should be aware of GC given its use for common gastrointestinal symptoms and provide counseling on the potential risks of this herbal remedy. Table: Table 1
- |||||||||| Toujeo (Long-acting Recombinant Human Insulin Analogue) / Sanofi, Lantus (insulin glargine) / Sanofi
Enrollment closed, Enrollment change, Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date: TRENT: Gla-300 and IDeg-100 in Insulin-Na (clinicaltrials.gov) - Jul 27, 2023 P4, N=62, Active, not recruiting, Table: Table 1 Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting | N=630 --> 62 | Trial completion date: Mar 2024 --> Aug 2023 | Trial primary completion date: Mar 2024 --> Jul 2023
- |||||||||| Lantus (insulin glargine) / Sanofi
Lvad Patient Presenting For Urgent Laparoscopic Surgery (South: Hall D-7) - Jul 20, 2023 - Abstract #ASA2023ASA_2778; If the patient's mental status is normal after awakening, would you extubate? If the patient does not awaken, how would you proceed?
- |||||||||| Lantus (insulin glargine) / Sanofi
Lvad Patient Presenting For Urgent Laparoscopic Surgery (South: Hall D-7) - Jul 20, 2023 - Abstract #ASA2023ASA_352; If the patient's mental status is normal after awakening, would you extubate? If the patient does not awaken, how would you proceed?
- |||||||||| Lantus (insulin glargine) / Sanofi
Pheochromocytoma - A Silent Killer (ENDOExpo) - May 11, 2023 - Abstract #ENDO2023ENDO_1956; Interestingly, prior to admission, patient's BP was not controlled (ranges 140s-170s/60s-90s) even on three antihypertensives (Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ), Valsartan, & Amlodipine)...On discharge he was maintained on Prazosin, valsartan, and amlodipine for hypertension and Lantus 28-unit qAM along with Aspart 4-unit premeal for diabetes. This case highlights the importance of familiarity with the different presentations of pheochromocytoma (i.e. uncontrolled and challenging hyperglycemia, persistent uncontrolled hypertension, without any obvious physical signs) to healthcare providers as it can be mistreated if left undiagnosed.
- |||||||||| Lantus (insulin glargine) / Sanofi
Glucagon Like Peptide-1 Analogue Therapy in Obese Patients With Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes (ENDOExpo) - May 11, 2023 - Abstract #ENDO2023ENDO_1778; She was initially on lantus 14 units daily with HbA1c of 6.7%...GLP-1 RA should be considered in obese, PI patients with CFRD as an add-on therapy to insulin. However, larger studies with long-term follow up are required to study the full impact of GLP-1RA to establish it as a treatment option in CFRD.
- |||||||||| Lantus (insulin glargine) / Sanofi, Humalog pen (insulin lispro) / Eli Lilly
Deep Vein Thrombosis as the Presenting Symptom in an Adolescent with New-Onset Type 2 Diabetes (ENDOExpo) - May 11, 2023 - Abstract #ENDO2023ENDO_1734; Our patient's hyperglycemia caused by his new onset type 2 diabetes may have led to onset of an extensive DVT thrombosis at an usually young age, since he had an underlying prothrombin G20210A mutation. Our case also illustrates the need for a multidisciplinary approach (involving endocrinology, hematology, pediatric intensive care, and interventional radiology) for successful outcomes in these patients.
- |||||||||| Lantus (insulin glargine) / Sanofi, Humalog pen (insulin lispro) / Eli Lilly, Trulicity + Lantus (insulin dulaglutide + insulin glargine) / Eli Lilly
A Case of Mature Onset Diabetes of the Young (ENDOExpo) - May 11, 2023 - Abstract #ENDO2023ENDO_1545; Mutations of HNF1A can lead to abnormal insulin secretion and a low renal threshold for glucose. These patients are at risk for micro- and macrovascular complications of diabetes.
- |||||||||| Lantus (insulin glargine) / Sanofi, Humalog pen (insulin lispro) / Eli Lilly
A Case Of Latent Autoimmune Diabetes In Adults (LADA) Managed By Lifestyle And Dietary Intervention Alone (ENDOExpo) - May 11, 2023 - Abstract #ENDO2023ENDO_186; In our case, there are several fasting cpeptide levels that are less than 1.0, which typically would indicate initiation of insulin therapy. Our patient has managed to control hyperglycemia with dietary changes alone and has not been in diabetic ketoacidosis for greater than 2 years.
- |||||||||| Keytruda (pembrolizumab) / Merck (MSD), Lantus (insulin glargine) / Sanofi, NovoLog (insulin aspart) / Novo Nordisk
Late Onset of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-related Diabetes after 3 years (ENDOExpo) - May 11, 2023 - Abstract #ENDO2023ENDO_181; He had recent evidence of progression, so chemotherapy adjustment was planned, and he started dexamethasone 4mg on the day prior to presentation...He continued to have hyperglycaemia while on NPH /Novolog regimen, thus he was switched to Lantus and Novolog regimen with better glycaemic control... Although the mean interval between the first ICI administration and T1DM development was found to be 201
- |||||||||| Victoza (liraglutide) / Novo Nordisk, Lantus (insulin glargine) / Sanofi
Trial completion: RISE Adult Medication Study (clinicaltrials.gov) - May 11, 2023 P3, N=267, Completed, Although the mean interval between the first ICI administration and T1DM development was found to be 201 Unknown status --> Completed
- |||||||||| Afrezza (recombinant human insulin inhalation) / MannKind
Trial primary completion date, Combination therapy: Afrezza (clinicaltrials.gov) - May 8, 2023 P3, N=264, Recruiting, Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting | Trial completion date: Sep 2021 --> Dec 2023 | Trial primary completion date: Sep 2021 --> Sep 2022 Trial primary completion date: Apr 2023 --> Aug 2023
- |||||||||| Lantus (insulin glargine) / Sanofi
Total pancreatectomy: Experience within an integrated health care system. () - Apr 26, 2023 - Abstract #ASCO2023ASCO_5239; Blood sugar control after one year was similar among the various indication groups as well the type of insulin use. Although Lantus insulin was associated with improved overall survival for patients with pancreatic cancer, the exact reason is unclear and requires further studies.
- |||||||||| Fiasp (fast-acting insulin aspart) / Novo Nordisk, NovoLog (insulin aspart) / Novo Nordisk
Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date: Novolog vs. Fiasp Insulin in Non-critically Ill Hospitalized Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (clinicaltrials.gov) - Apr 25, 2023 P3, N=160, Recruiting, Although Lantus insulin was associated with improved overall survival for patients with pancreatic cancer, the exact reason is unclear and requires further studies. Trial completion date: May 2023 --> Dec 2023 | Trial primary completion date: May 2023 --> Dec 2023
- |||||||||| Lantus (insulin glargine) / Sanofi
Preclinical, Journal: Assessment of Effects of Rosemary Essential Oil on the Kidney Pathology of Diabetic Adult Male Albino Rats. (Pubmed Central) - Apr 5, 2023 Methods We randomly distributed 36 adult albino rats into 6 groups: normal control (non-diabetic), diabetic (streptozotocin, 55 mg/kg, intraperitoneal), diabetic insulin-treated (Lantus insulin 2 units/day, SC), diabetic REO-treated (REO, 10 ml, nasogastric gavage), and diabetic insulin & REO-treated groups...Furthermore, the detected nephroprotective effects of insulin and REO combined are superior to those of either administered alone. However, further studies are needed to evaluate these conclusions in humans further.
- |||||||||| Lantus (insulin glargine) / Sanofi, Basaglar (insulin glargine biosimilar) / Boehringer Ingelheim, Eli Lilly
Retrospective data, Journal: The price paradox of biosimilar-like long-acting insulin. (Pubmed Central) - Nov 22, 2022 Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting Given our results and the approval of the first interchangeable biosimilar, we recommend the empirical evaluation of biosimilar cost savings to patients and insurers prior to promoting their automatic substitution.
- |||||||||| Toujeo (Long-acting Recombinant Human Insulin Analogue) / Sanofi, Lantus (insulin glargine) / Sanofi
Enrollment open: TRENT: Gla-300 and IDeg-100 in Insulin-Na (clinicaltrials.gov) - Nov 17, 2022 P4, N=630, Recruiting, Given our results and the approval of the first interchangeable biosimilar, we recommend the empirical evaluation of biosimilar cost savings to patients and insurers prior to promoting their automatic substitution. Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting
- |||||||||| Toujeo (Long-acting Recombinant Human Insulin Analogue) / Sanofi, Lantus (insulin glargine) / Sanofi
New P4 trial: TRENT: Gla-300 and IDeg-100 in Insulin-Na (clinicaltrials.gov) - Sep 23, 2022 P4, N=630, Not yet recruiting,
- |||||||||| Lantus (insulin glargine) / Sanofi
Journal: Discrete, Chiral Polymer-Insulin Conjugates. (Pubmed Central) - Sep 22, 2022 Furthermore, IEG-insulin conjugates showed no signs of decreased activity, immunogenicity, or toxicity following repeat dosing. This work represents a significant step toward the synthesis of precise synthetic polymer-biopolymer conjugates and reveals that fine tuning of synthetic polymer structure may be used to optimize such conjugates in the future.
- |||||||||| insulin glargine biosimilar / Lannett, HEC Pharm
Trial completion, Trial completion date: A Study to Demonstrate Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Biosimilarity Between HEC-Glargine and US-Lantus (clinicaltrials.gov) - Sep 15, 2022 P1, N=104, Completed, This work represents a significant step toward the synthesis of precise synthetic polymer-biopolymer conjugates and reveals that fine tuning of synthetic polymer structure may be used to optimize such conjugates in the future. Recruiting --> Completed | Trial completion date: Feb 2023 --> Aug 2022
- |||||||||| Lantus (insulin glargine) / Sanofi, Basaglar (insulin glargine biosimilar) / Boehringer Ingelheim, Eli Lilly
Journal: Effectiveness, safety, and treatment adherence of biosimilar follow-on insulin in diabetes management. (Pubmed Central) - Sep 10, 2022 Based on the above mentioned results, it can be concluded that the PK and PD characteristics of the biosimilar drug developed by Wanbang are similar to those of Lantus. In patients with type 2 diabetes, Basaglar provided similar glycaemic control compared with Lantus, had a similar safety profile and lower drug costs, and showed more favourable adherence.
- |||||||||| Victoza (liraglutide) / Novo Nordisk, Farxiga (dapagliflozin) / Ono Pharma, AstraZeneca
Trial completion: Dapagliflozin As Additional Treatment To Liraglutide And Insulin In Patients With Type 1 Diabetes (clinicaltrials.gov) - Aug 29, 2022 P3, N=30, Completed, Dr Pasquel has received unrestricted research support from Dexcom, Insulet, and Merck and has been a consultant for Medscape, AI Health, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Dexcom. Unknown status --> Completed
- |||||||||| Octreosphere (octreotide extended release) / Xbrane, Lantus (insulin glargine) / Sanofi
REFRACTORY HYPOGLYCEMIA IN THE SETTING OF METASTATIC CARCINOID (Convention Center Exhibit Hall: Poster Area) - Aug 16, 2022 - Abstract #CHEST2022CHEST_2626; This issue is further complicated by the need to use somatostatin analogues in the treatment of carcinoid. We hope to accomplish and recognizing the importance of insulin sensitivity in patients with advanced liver disease, especially in the setting of advanced tumor suppressive therapies