- |||||||||| Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi
Treating active MS following induction therapies (Hall 12) - Jun 22, 2022 - Abstract #ECTRIMS2022ECTRIMS_150; In conclusion, the accumulated data of long term follow-ups after the use of induction medications in highly active MS support our consideration for this innovative strategy . Only very long term observational studies will allow the completer isk/benefit ratio assessment of this strategy .
- |||||||||| Mavenclad (cladribine) / EMD Serono, Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi
Precision medicine in an unlikely future of multiple sclerosis treatment (Hall 12) - Jun 22, 2022 - Abstract #ECTRIMS2022ECTRIMS_93; We interpret our data to indicate that although DMTs differ quantitatively in their ability to suppress the focal inflammation that is the hallmark of early MS, few if any patients appear to be biologically non-responsive to any drug. This suggests that MS is largely pathogenetically homogenous and indicates that precision medicine may have limited prospects in the treatment of MS.
- |||||||||| Mavenclad (cladribine) / EMD Serono, Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi
Journal, HEOR: Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of 360 Disease-Modifying Treatment Escalation Sequences in Multiple Sclerosis. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 14, 2022 Effectiveness estimates of treatments have overlapping confidence intervals but the treatment sequence that yields most QALYs is not the most cost-effective option, also when taking uncertainty into account. It is important that neurologists are aware of cost constraints and its relationship with prescription behavior, but treatment decisions should be individually tailored.
- |||||||||| Kesimpta (ofatumumab subcutaneous) / Novartis, Genmab, Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi
Review, Journal: Antidrug Antibodies Against Biological Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 9, 2022 Alemtuzumab is immunogenic, but routine measurements of ADAs are not recommended as the antibodies in the pivotal 2-year trials at the population level did not influence lymphocyte depletion or repopulation, efficacy, or safety. However, in some individuals, NAbs led to poor lymphocyte depletion.
- |||||||||| Campath (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi, Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi
Journal: Alemtuzumab-induced immune phenotype and repertoire changes: implications for secondary autoimmunity. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 8, 2022 Those processes were followed by an expansion of memory B-cell clones irrespective of persistence, which we detected shortly after the diagnosis of secondary autoimmune disease. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that (i) peripheral immunological alterations following alemtuzumab are mirrored by longitudinal changes in the CSF; (ii) incomplete T-cell repertoire renewal and reduced thymopoiesis contribute to a proautoimmune state after alemtuzumab; (iii) proteomics and surface immunological phenotyping do not identify patients at risk for secondary autoimmune disorders; (iv) homeostatic proliferation with disparate dynamics of clonal T- and B-cell expansions are associated with secondary autoimmunity; and (v) hyperexpanded T-cell clones at baseline and Month 12 may be used as a biomarker for the risk of alemtuzumab-induced autoimmunity.
- |||||||||| Kesimpta (ofatumumab subcutaneous) / Novartis, Genmab, Mavenclad (cladribine) / EMD Serono, Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi
Timing Disease-Modifying Therapies with COVID-19 Vaccine in Multiple Sclerosis Patients: A Real-World Data (Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - Prince George's Exhibit Hall) - May 9, 2022 - Abstract #CMSC2022CMSC_101; The majority of patients had the correct timing with respect to getting DMTs and their vaccines. However, patients on "Induction DMTs" have postponed BD, probably due to time and method of getting DMTs.
- |||||||||| Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi
Journal: Long-Term Effects of Alemtuzumab on CD4+ Lymphocytes in Multiple Sclerosis Patients: A 72-Month Follow-Up. (Pubmed Central) - May 6, 2022 There was a change in mRNA of cytokines, chemokines, and transcriptional factors related to Th17, Th1, and Treg cell subset changes, consequently suggesting a shift toward immunoregulation and a reduction of T cell recruitment to the central nervous system. These data provide further insight into the mechanism that could contribute to the long-term 6-year persistence of the clinical effect of alemtuzumab on RMS disease activity.
- |||||||||| Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi
Preclinical, Journal: Loss of thymic function promotes EAE relapse in anti-CD52-treated mice. (Pubmed Central) - May 3, 2022 Two-thirds of thymectomized C57BL/6 mice had an EAE relapse post anti-CD52 treatment, while no surgery and sham surgery euthymic controls remained relapse-free. These data demonstrate that thymus function can alter the effectiveness of anti-CD52 treatment.
- |||||||||| Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi
Clinical, Journal, Real-world evidence: Real-world application of autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in 507 patients with multiple sclerosis. (Pubmed Central) - Apr 23, 2022 The findings of differential modulation of the microglia and infiltrating macrophages in the CNS in comparison to the innate immune cells in the peripheral organs support the CNS specific beneficial effect of alemtuzumab treatment on inhibiting neuroinflammation in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. In patients with RRMS, autologous non-myeloablative HSCT is an effective one-time therapy, while HSCT appears of less benefit for newly diagnosed SPMS.
- |||||||||| Mavenclad (cladribine) / EMD Serono, Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi
Journal: Emergency medical care for multiple sclerosis: A five-year population study in the Campania Region (South Italy). (Pubmed Central) - Apr 15, 2022 Following emergency admission, older age was associated with probability of death (n = 63) (odds ratio (OR) = 1.06; p < 0.01) and discharge to long-term facility (n = 65) (OR = 1.03; p = 0.01). With 17% people with MS requiring emergency medical care over 5 years, improved management of DMTs and comorbidities could potentially reduce their medical, social and financial burden.
- |||||||||| Kesimpta (ofatumumab subcutaneous) / Novartis, Genmab, Mavenclad (cladribine) / EMD Serono, Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi
Journal: Safety and Monitoring of the treatment with Disease-Modifying Therapies for Multiple Sclerosis. (Pubmed Central) - Apr 15, 2022 Disease-Modifying Therapies (DMTs) for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) are widely used given their proven efficacy in the relapsing form of the disease, while recently Siponimod and Ocrelizumab have been approved for the progressive forms of the disease...Special attention was paid to guidelines and papers focusing on the safety and monitoring of DMTs. Data for oral (Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) receptor modulators, Fumarates, Teriflunomide, Cladribine), injectables (Interferons, Glatiramer acetate, Ofatumumab), and infusion therapies (Natalizumab, Ocrelizumab, Alemtuzumab) are presented.
- |||||||||| Induction (Room Oslo) - Apr 9, 2022 - Abstract #EAN2022EAN_924;
Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation, cladribine and the monoclonal antibodies alemtuzumab, rituximab and ocrelizumab are frequently categorized as IRTs. The risks of adverse events related to immune suppression (such as opportunistic infections and secondary malignancies) with IRTs are lower and front-loaded, whereas the common side effects of chronic immunomodulation are higher and accumulate with time.
- |||||||||| Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi
Safety of Alemtuzumab in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: Interim Results of a Post-Authorization Safety Study (PASS) (B2) - Apr 9, 2022 - Abstract #EAN2022EAN_539; The risks of adverse events related to immune suppression (such as opportunistic infections and secondary malignancies) with IRTs are lower and front-loaded, whereas the common side effects of chronic immunomodulation are higher and accumulate with time. This first interim analysis supports acceptable safety profile for alemtuzumab consistent with results from the clinical development program.
- |||||||||| Journal: Construction of miRNA-regulated drug-pathway network to screen drug repurposing candidates for multiple sclerosis. (Pubmed Central) - Apr 7, 2022
We analyzed the properties of the miRNA-regulated drug-pathway network through genes and uncovered a number of novel MS agents by assessing their respective Z-values.A total of 20 likely drug candidates were identified, including human immunoglobulin, aspirin, alemtuzumab, minocycline, abciximab, alefacept, palivizumab, bevacizumab, efalizumab, tositumomab, minocycline, etanercept, catumaxomab, and sarilumab. Each of these agents were then explored with regards to their likely mechanism of action in treating MS.The current investigation provides a fresh perspective on MS biological mechanisms as well as likely treatment strategies.
- |||||||||| Campath (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi, Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi
Clinical, Journal, Real-world evidence: A real-world study of Alemtuzumab in a cohort of Italian patients. (Pubmed Central) - Apr 5, 2022 Alemtuzumab decreases ARR independent of previous therapy, including patients with disease activity during Natalizumab. Overall, 90% of patients showed no disease progression, and 20% an improvement after two years of Alemtuzumab.
- |||||||||| Zinbryta (daclizumab) / Biogen, AbbVie, Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi
Journal: Decreased Intrathecal Concentrations of Free Light Chains Kappa in Multiple Sclerosis Patients Taking Very High Effective Disease-Modifying Treatment. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 26, 2022 DMT was classified as moderately effective (including INFß-1a, INFß-1b, glatiramer acetate, dimethyl fumarate, teriflunomide, triamcinolone); highly effective (including fingolimod, daclizumab) and very highly effective (alemtuzumab, natalizumab, rituximab/ocrelizumab, mitoxantrone)...There was no difference in the appearance of CSF-specific oligoclonal bands (p = 0.830). Longitudinal analyses are required to confirm these results.
- |||||||||| Campath (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi, Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi
Journal: Alemtuzumab induced red cell aplasia and other immune cytopenias - not so 'pure'. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 18, 2022 While alemtuzumab has several recognized autoimmune complications, little is known about the potential hematological side effects. The combination of red cell aplasia, immune thrombocytic purpura and autoimmune neutropenia has not previously been described in the literature following alemtuzumab immunotherapy and highlights the importance of monthly blood monitoring post alemtuzumab administration.
- |||||||||| Ocrevus (ocrelizumab) / Roche, Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi
Enrollment change, Trial completion date, Trial termination, Trial primary completion date: COAST: Ocrelizumab or Alemtuzumab Compared With Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Multiple Sclerosis - a Phase-2 Randomised Controlled Trial (clinicaltrials.gov) - Mar 16, 2022 P2, N=1, Terminated, The results of this study provide novel evidence that NK cells influence reconstitution of adaptive immune cells upon alemtuzumab and that patients with a successful response to alemtuzumab have an early immune reconstitution dominated by NK cells. N=50 --> 1 | Trial completion date: Aug 2027 --> Feb 2022 | Recruiting --> Terminated | Trial primary completion date: Aug 2025 --> Feb 2022; Lack of recruitment due to low acceptance of the control arm.