- |||||||||| Halaven (eribulin mesylate) / Eisai
Clinical, Journal: A Case of Advanced Breast Cancer with Altered Biology by Eribulin Chemotherapy (Pubmed Central) - Apr 23, 2020 Subsequent treatment with eribulin was started, and partial response was obtained; however, new lymph node metastasis developed in the axilla after 11 cycles. The primary tumor and axillaryly mph nodes showed stronglypositive ER expression, were PgR-negative and HER2-positive, and showed Ki-67 low expression and HER2-positive conversion.
- |||||||||| letrozole / Generic mfg.
Journal: The Role of Anti-Müllerian Hormone in Testis Differentiation Reveals the Significance of the TGF-β Pathway in Reptilian Sex Determination. (Pubmed Central) - Apr 22, 2020 Moreover, Amh was rapidly up-regulated during female-to-male sex reversal induced by aromatase inhibitor letrozole. Most importantly, Amh loss of function by RNA interference led to complete feminization of genetic male (ZZ) gonads, suppression of the testicular marker Sox9, and upregulation of the ovarian regulator Cyp19a1 Conversely, overexpression of Amh in ZW embryos resulted in female-to-male sex reversal, characterized by the formation of a testis structure, ectopic activation of Sox9, and a remarkable decline in Cyp19a1 Collectively, these findings provide the first solid evidence that Amh is both necessary and sufficient to drive testicular development in a reptilian species, P. sinensis, highlighting the significance of the TGF-β pathway in reptilian sex determination.
- |||||||||| letrozole / Generic mfg.
Journal: Functional Profiling of FSH and Estradiol in Ovarian Granulosa Cell Tumors. (Pubmed Central) - Apr 21, 2020 Letrozole suppressed E2 production in AGCTs; however, it did not impact cell viability. We did not find preclinical evidence to support the clinical use of aromatase inhibitors in AGCT treatment, and thus randomized, prospective clinical studies are needed to clarify the role of hormonal treatments in AGCTs.
- |||||||||| Enrollment closed, Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date, Combination therapy, Metastases: BOLERO-5: A Study of Everolimus Plus Exemestane in Chinese Postmenopausal Women With Estrogen Receptor Positive, Locally Advanced, Recurrent, or Metastatic Breast Cancer After Recurrence or Progression on Non-steroidal Aromatase Inhibitor (clinicaltrials.gov) - Apr 21, 2020
P2, N=159, Active, not recruiting, We did not find preclinical evidence to support the clinical use of aromatase inhibitors in AGCT treatment, and thus randomized, prospective clinical studies are needed to clarify the role of hormonal treatments in AGCTs. Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting | Trial completion date: Sep 2021 --> Jul 2022 | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2019 --> Sep 2020
- |||||||||| Avastin (bevacizumab) / Roche
Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date, Combination therapy: Comparing Letrozole Given Alone to Letrozole Given With Avastin in Post-Menopausal Women Breast Cancer (clinicaltrials.gov) - Apr 17, 2020 P2, N=75, Active, not recruiting, Careful assessment of potential risks and benefits is required before recommending extended letrozole therapy to patients with early-stage breast cancer. Trial completion date: Jan 2020 --> Jan 2021 | Trial primary completion date: Jan 2020 --> Jan 2021