carmustine / Generic mfg. 
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 245 Diseases   54 Trials   54 Trials   1419 News 

  • ||||||||||  bortezomib / Generic mfg., cyclophosphamide intravenous / Generic mfg., Rituxan (rituximab) / Biogen, Zenyaku Kogyo, Roche
    Clinical, Journal:  Bortezomib Consolidation or Maintenance Following Immunochemotherapy and Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation for Mantle Cell Lymphoma: CALGB/Alliance 50403. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 28, 2020   
    Following augmented-dose R-CHOP/ methotrexate, high-dose cytarabine-based stem cell mobilization, cyclophosphamide/carmustine/etoposide (CBV) autotransplant, and rituximab, patients were randomized to BC (1.3 mg/m IV days 1, 4, 8, 11 of a 3-week cycle for four cycles) or BM (1.6 mg/m IV once weekly × 4 every 8 weeks for 18 months) beginning day 90...Both BM and BC were efficacious and tolerable, although toxicity was significant. The comparison between studies 50403 and 59909 with long-term follow up suggests a PFS benefit from the addition of BC or BM post- transplant.
  • ||||||||||  Thymoglobulin (anti-thymocyte globulin (rabbit)) / Sanofi
    Enrollment open:  Autologous Stem Cell Transplant for Neurologic Autoimmune Diseases ( -  Jun 11, 2020   
    P2,  N=40, Recruiting, 
    Therefore, the results of this study do not support the use of rituximab as a component of standard treatment in primary CNS lymphoma. Suspended --> Recruiting
  • ||||||||||  cyclophosphamide intravenous / Generic mfg.
    Review, Journal:  Strategies to improve outcomes of autologous hematopoietic cell transplant in lymphoma. (Pubmed Central) -  May 18, 2020   
    This article reviews alternative combination conditioning regimens, as well as novel transplant strategies that have been developed, to reduce transplant-related toxicity while maintaining or improving efficacy. These data demonstrate that incorporation of maintenance therapy posttransplant might be the best way to improve outcomes.
  • ||||||||||  Quantifying DNA-protein crosslinks induced by bifunctional alkylating agents in cultured human leukemia cells (Virtual Meeting II: E-Posters) -  May 16, 2020 - Abstract #AACRII2020AACR-II_3311;    
    Other drug candidates such as laromustine (VNP-40101M) and dianhydrogalacticol (VAL-083) have similar DNA-alkylating activities and have shown success in clinical trials against hard-to-treat cancers such as acute myelogenous leukemia and glioblastoma multiforme...The nitrogen mustard mechlorethamine and the chloroethyl nitrosoureas carmustine and lomustine were the most potent agents, yielding significant DPC formation at clinically relevant doses (10-5 M)...Dianyhydrogalacticol, epichlorohydrin, and diepoxybutane, which all rely on epoxide functional groups for attachment to cellular nucleophiles, required at least an order of magnitude higher drug concentrations for significant DPC observation. These data suggest bifunctional alkylating agents featuring halide leaving groups are most apt to crosslink DNA to nuclear proteins and may offer insights into patterns of cytotoxicity and clinical utility for this important class of chemotherapeuric agents.
  • ||||||||||  hydroxyureamethylacylfulvene (LP-184) / Lantern Pharma, paclitaxel / Generic mfg.
    LP-184, a molecule with nanomolar potency, exhibits strong activity in lung cancers with KEAP1 and KRAS mutations (Virtual Meeting II: E-Posters) -  May 16, 2020 - Abstract #AACRII2020AACR-II_188;    
    Using the pattern matching tool from the NCI CellMiner™ platform LP-184 stands out as a unique molecule and is strongly anti-correlated in drug activity with approved DNA alkylating agents such as oxaliplatin, ifosfamide and carmustine...LP-184 IC50 values are 10-3800 fold lower than those seen for cisplatin, paclitaxel and pemetrexed...ML-based gene signature of response allows biomarker-guided selection of lung cancers that might benefit the most with this agent. LP-184 could thus provide focused clinical value in the treatment of lung cancer.
  • ||||||||||  [VIRTUAL] NEUTROPENIC ENTEROCOLITIS AFTER BEAM CONDITIONING () -  May 16, 2020 - Abstract #EHA2020EHA_2322;    
    The true incidence of NE is unknown ranging from 2.6 to 33% and a higher incidence is expected with the use of high dose chemotherapy. In our series, management of NE based on a conservative approach was associated with favorable outcome.
  • ||||||||||  temozolomide / Generic mfg., carmustine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Mapping the Human Kinome in Response to DNA Damage. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 12, 2020   
    To investigate synthetic lethal interactions, we tested the response to carmustine for 25 cell lines by establishing a phenotypic fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) assay designed to validate gene-drug interactions...Furthermore, using global phosphoproteomics on cells lacking MARK3, we provide evidence for its role in the DNA damage response. Our data suggest that cancers with inactivating mutations in kinases, including MARK3, are particularly vulnerable to alkylating chemotherapeutic agents.
  • ||||||||||  cyclophosphamide intravenous / Generic mfg.
    Different conditioning regimens before AHSCT have been used, with the 2 most common being BEAM (carmustine, etoposide, cytarabine, and melphalan) and BUCYVP16 (busulfan, cyclophosphamide, and etoposide)...In this large retrospective comparison, the use of BEAM conditioning prior to AHSCT resulted in a statistically significant improved PFS, OS and lower relapse compared to BUCYVP16. This supports the use of BEAM as a frontline conditioning regimen prior to AHSCT for early relapsed and non-CR HL.
  • ||||||||||  Thymoglobulin (anti-thymocyte globulin (rabbit)) / Sanofi
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  Autologous Stem Cell Transplant for Neurologic Autoimmune Diseases ( -  Apr 6, 2020   
    P2,  N=40, Suspended, 
    Isolated subclinical positivity with no clinical significance can occur in MS after aHSCT; longer follow- up is needed to better understand the significance of SADs. Trial completion date: Dec 2021 --> Dec 2027 | Trial primary completion date: Mar 2020 --> Mar 2026
  • ||||||||||  Avastin (bevacizumab) / Roche
    Biomarker, Review, Journal, Checkpoint inhibition, IO biomarker:  The Role of Checkpoint Inhibitors in Glioblastoma. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 2, 2020   
    Several agents, including bevacizumab, lomustine, and carmustine have been approved in the recurrent setting...Efficacy data are limited, and while a number of late-stage trials are ongoing, early trials showed no benefit in survival. There is a dizzying array of combinations being tested in clinical studies with an urgent need for a rational approach to determine the role of checkpoint inhibitors in glioblastoma, including the optimal combinations, and identification of biomarkers or predictive models to determine which patients may benefit from immunotherapy.
  • ||||||||||  Thymoglobulin (anti-thymocyte globulin (rabbit)) / Sanofi
    Trial suspension:  Autologous Stem Cell Transplant for Neurologic Autoimmune Diseases ( -  Mar 31, 2020   
    P2,  N=40, Suspended, 
    There is a dizzying array of combinations being tested in clinical studies with an urgent need for a rational approach to determine the role of checkpoint inhibitors in glioblastoma, including the optimal combinations, and identification of biomarkers or predictive models to determine which patients may benefit from immunotherapy. Recruiting --> Suspended
  • ||||||||||  Campath (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi
    Journal:  Allogeneic stem cell transplantation as part of front line therapy for Mantle cell lymphoma. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 22, 2020   
    Nine (38%) patients experienced acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and 14 (58%) experienced chronic GVHD, of which 8 were extensive. Front line alloSCT is feasible but should only be considered for patients at high risk of early progression following conventional therapy.
  • ||||||||||  carmustine / Generic mfg.
    Journal, IO Biomarker:  Fisetin effects on cell proliferation and apoptosis in glioma cells. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 22, 2020   
    CASPASE 3, CASPASE 9, CASPASE 8, and BAX expressions were increased by the selected fisetin doses of 25 and 50 μM, while that of BCL-2 and survivin was reduced in T98G cells. These results will serve as an essential basis of future in vitro and in vivo studies, in the continuous search for alternative treatment agents for gliomas.
  • ||||||||||  Rituxan (rituximab) / Roche, Zevalin (ibritumomab tiuxetan) / Servier, Aurobindo
    Trial completion, Enrollment change, Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  Zevalin/BEAM/Rituximab vs BEAM/Rituximab With or Without Rituximab in Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation ( -  Mar 11, 2020   
    P2,  N=30, Completed, 
    Active, not recruiting --> Completed | N=20 --> 27 Active, not recruiting --> Completed | N=50 --> 30 | Trial completion date: Nov 2020 --> Mar 2020 | Trial primary completion date: Nov 2020 --> Mar 2020
  • ||||||||||  carmustine / Generic mfg.
    Clinical, Review, Journal:  Designing Next-Generation Local Drug Delivery Vehicles for Glioblastoma Adjuvant Chemotherapy: Lessons from the Clinic. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 5, 2020   
    The clinical performance of the only FDA-approved local therapy for GB [carmustine (BCNU)-loaded polyanhydride wafers], however, has been disappointing...Several recent approaches are highlighted, and it is proposed that long-lasting soft materials can capture the value of stiff BCNU-loaded wafers while addressing a number of unmet medical needs. Finally, it is suggested that improved communication between materials scientists, biomedical scientists, and clinicians may facilitate translation of these materials into the clinic and ultimately lead to improved clinical outcomes.
  • ||||||||||  carmustine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Cost of early-stage mycosis fungoides treatments in Spain. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 1, 2020   
    However, while considering 3 and 6 months the treatment with the highest associated costs was topical carmustine. The results of this analysis may provide critical information to measure the disease burden, to detect unmet medical needs and to advocate towards better treatments for this rare disease.
  • ||||||||||  bendamustine / Generic mfg.
    Phase classification:  Bendamustine Bridge to Autologous or Allogeneic Transplant for Relapsed/Refractory Lymphoma ( -  Feb 25, 2020   
    P1/2,  N=34, Active, not recruiting, 
    Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting | N=34 --> 47 | Trial completion date: Jul 2020 --> Jul 2021 | Trial primary completion date: Jul 2020 --> Jul 2021 Phase classification: P=N/A --> P1/2
  • ||||||||||  vinorelbine tartrate / Generic mfg., paclitaxel / Generic mfg., doxorubicin hydrochloride / Generic mfg.
    The Prevention of Anticancer Therapy Extravasation Events in the Oncology Clinic Infusion Patient – a Quality Improvement Study (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center - Tower View Registration) -  Feb 17, 2020 - Abstract #ONS2020ONS_920;    
    The team continues to assess for opportunities to reach a stretch goal of 0%. (see image) Innovation: Allegheny Health Network Cancer Institute was able to decrease extravasation events from 0.12% to 0.0006% due to the innovation of this quality improvement team by standardizing supplies, ensuring staff competent with peripheral IV insertion knowledge and skills and by developing a standardized vein assessment tool.
  • ||||||||||  fluorouracil / Generic mfg., paclitaxel / Generic mfg., doxorubicin hydrochloride / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Effect of tissue permeability and drug diffusion anisotropy on convection-enhanced delivery. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 15, 2020   
    The large delivery volumes of fluorouracil, carmustine, cisplatin and doxorubicin could be achieved in relatively isotropic tissue, while paclitaxel and methotrexate are able to cover enlarged regions into anisotropic tissues. Results obtained from this study serve as a guide for the design of CED treatments.
  • ||||||||||  irinotecan / Generic mfg.
    Response of human DNA helicase B to alkylating and cross-linking agents (Exhibit Hall A, Pennsylvania Convention Center) -  Feb 13, 2020 - Abstract #ACSSp2020ACS_Sp_6546;    
    To investigate the role of HELB in a specific DDR pathway we studied the response of HELB to damage caused by the bifunctional chemotherapeutic agent: Carmustine (BCNU) and cross-linking agent: Cisplatin (CDDP)...Using human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293T wild type (WT) and HELB knockout cells (KO), we compared relative concentrations of phospho-replication protein A (P33-RPA) and histone γH2AX produced between each cell line in response to treatment with the various drugs via western blots (WB). A WB performed after treatment with 5mM Hydroxyurea suggested more P33-RPA and γH2AX produced by the HELB-KO cells.
    Adult patients (³ 18 years), admitted to the Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen for treatment with an autologous (a)HCT following conditioning with high-dose melphalan (HDM) or carmustine, etoposide, cytarabine and melphalan (BEAM), were eligible for inclusion. Although preclinical studies suggest a beneficial role of EN in patients with GI mucositis in this RCT with adult HCT recipients tolerability and feasibility was poor and efficacy could not be established (although underpowered).