AZD1656 / Conduit Pharmaceuticals 
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 10 Diseases   1 Trial   1 Trial   22 News 
  • ||||||||||  AZD1656 / AstraZeneca
    Enrollment closed, Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  ADOPTION: AZD1656 in Transplantation With Diabetes tO PromoTe Immune TOleraNce ( -  Nov 21, 2022   
    P2,  N=50, Active, not recruiting, 
    Trial completion date: May 2023 --> Aug 2023 Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting | Trial completion date: Sep 2022 --> May 2023 | Trial primary completion date: Sep 2022 --> Mar 2023
  • ||||||||||  AZD1656 / AstraZeneca
    Preclinical, Journal:  Chronotherapy with a glucokinase activator profoundly improves metabolism in obese Zucker rats. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 2, 2022   
    In conclusion, intermittent AZD1656 treatment timed to feeding periods promotes glucose disposal when needed the most, restores metabolic flexibility and hepatic insulin sensitivity, and thereby avoids hepatic steatosis. Thus, chronotherapeutic approaches may benefit the development of GKAs and other drugs acting on metabolic targets.
  • ||||||||||  AZD1656 / AstraZeneca
    ADOPTION Study Protocol: AZD1656 in Transplantation With Diabetes to Promote Immune Tolerance () -  Oct 15, 2022 - Abstract #KIDNEYWEEK2022KIDNEY_WEEK_4472;    
    We hope to demonstrate that AZD1656 increases Treg localisation to the renal transplant and provides an effective and safe adjunct for the management of diabetes in the early post-transplant period. A positive signal generated by this pilot study would provide future opportunities for further study and we look forward to sharing our results with the ASN in the near future.
  • ||||||||||  AZD1656 / AstraZeneca
    Development of the glucokinase activator AZD1656: Part 2 (W176a (McCormick Place Convention Center)) -  Aug 9, 2022 - Abstract #ACSFall2022ACS_Fall_7025;    
    Downstream challenges included an amidation reaction with a pyrazine coupling partner made using a Curtius rearrangement performed in batch mode, and the development of crystallization conditions that allowed the reproducible isolation of a slow-growing polymorph of the API. The processes developed were tested as part of a 500kg manufacture of AZD1656.
  • ||||||||||  AZD1656 / AstraZeneca, dorzagliatin (HMS5552) / Hua Medicine
    Journal:  Glucokinase as an emerging anti-diabetes target and recent progress in the development of its agonists. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 23, 2022   
    Among these agents, dorzagliatin is currently being investigated in phase III clinical trials, while PB-201 and AZD-1656 have reached phase II clinical trials. This article describes the mechanism of action of GK in diabetes and of action of GKA at the protein level, and provides a review of the research, trends, and prospects regarding the use of GKA in this setting.