Plegridy (PEG-interferon β-1a) / Biogen 
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 11 Diseases   6 Trials   6 Trials   318 News 

  • ||||||||||  Mavenclad (cladribine) / EMD Serono
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  DELIVER-MS: Determining the Effectiveness of earLy Intensive Versus Escalation Approaches for RRMS ( -  Apr 22, 2021   
    P4,  N=800, Recruiting, 
    Trial completion date: Mar 2021 --> Jul 2021 | Initiation date: Dec 2020 --> Apr 2021 | Trial primary completion date: Mar 2021 --> Jul 2021 Trial completion date: Sep 2023 --> Sep 2026 | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2022 --> Dec 2025
  • ||||||||||  Fumaderm (dimethyl fumarate) / Biogen
    Clinical, Journal:  COVID-19 in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: Associations with Disease-Modifying Therapies. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 13, 2021   
    Interferons and glatiramer acetate were associated with a reduced COVID-19 risk, whereas anti-CD20 therapies were associated with an increased risk, within the treated MS cohort. COVID-19 safety reports for patients receiving Biogen MS therapies were consistent with the Explorys database and MS literature, illustrating the replicability and power of this approach.
  • ||||||||||  Kesimpta (ofatumumab subcutaneous) / Novartis, Genmab
    [VIRTUAL] Patient and Nurse Preferences for Sensoready® Autoinjector Pen Versus Other Autoinjectors in Multiple Sclerosis: Results from a Multicenter Survey () -  Mar 6, 2021 - Abstract #ACTRIMSForum2021ACTRIMS_Forum_388;    
    Specialist MS nurses who had ≥3 years of practice, >80% time spent in clinical practice, and experienced in training patients on ≥2-6 MS autoinjector devices (Rebidose/Rebismart [Rebif], Avonex pen [Avonex], Autoject/YpsoMate [Copaxone], Plegridy pen [Plegridy]) were recruited... Results suggest that both MS patients and nurses prefer Sensoready® autoinjector pen for ofatumumab 20 mg SC administration over other autoinjectors for their current treatment(s), mostly driven by ease of administration.
  • ||||||||||  Kesimpta (ofatumumab subcutaneous) / Novartis, Genmab, Zeposia (ozanimod) / BMS, Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi
    Journal:  Ozanimod (Zeposia) for multiple sclerosis. (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 30, 2020   
    Interferon Beta formulations presented with different prescription patterns, persistence, adherence, healthcare resource utilisation and costs, with Rebif® being used in younger patients and with less MS-related hospital admissions. No abstract available
  • ||||||||||  Plegridy (PEG-interferon ?-1a) / Biogen
    Enrollment open, Trial initiation date, Trial primary completion date:  ConCorD-19: The Containing Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19) Trial ( -  Dec 1, 2020   
    P3,  N=1240, Recruiting, 
    No abstract available Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting | Initiation date: Sep 2020 --> Dec 2020 | Trial primary completion date: Sep 2021 --> Apr 2021
  • ||||||||||  [VIRTUAL] Rwe Use of Cladribine Tablets in Portugal- Snapshot of a Cohort Database () -  Oct 3, 2020 - Abstract #ISPOREU2020ISPOR-EU_1505;    
    Characterization of RWE data is possible and should be pursued in order to properly verify real world outcomes. Further analysis should be carried-out over time to properly characterize this patient population and the long-term outcomes resulting from this specific treatment option, such as the time on treatment.
  • ||||||||||  [VIRTUAL] Cladribine Tablets (CT) Versus Other Disease-Modifying Therapies in the Treatment of Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS) - Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. () -  Oct 3, 2020 - Abstract #ISPOREU2020ISPOR-EU_1255;    
    OBJECTIVES To assess the cost-effectiveness of CT (Mavenclad®) as a treatment of high disease activity (HDA) RRMS, compared with alternative 1st line therapies in Poland: interferon beta-1a (IFN-b1a), interferon beta-1b (IFN-b1b), peginterferon beta-1a (pegIFN), dimethyl fumarate (DMF), glatiramer acetate (GA) and teriflunomide (TER)...CONCLUSIONS CT appears as cost-effective MS therapy in Poland, offering good value for money in the Polish healthcare system. Therefore the recent positive reimbursement decision for Mavenclad® issued for restricted population should be reconsidered in the future, so that more patients with HDA RRMS could benefit from CT use, that is firmly grounded in clinical evidence and supported by the financial estimates.
  • ||||||||||  Plegridy (PEG-interferon β-1a) / Biogen, Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) / Sanofi
    [VIRTUAL] New findings from the 2020 MS Barometer on MS prevalence, practicing neurologists and use of disease-modifying drugs across Europe () -  Sep 3, 2020 - Abstract #MSDC2020MSDC_1630;    
    For all questions related to DMDs, respondents were asked to consider the following treatments: interferon-beta 1a, peginterferon-beta 1a, interferon-beta 1b, glatiramer acetate, teriflunomide, dimethyl fumerate, fingolimod, cladribine (oral), siponimod, natalizumab, alemtuzumab, and ocrelizumab...Countries reported a median of 51% of people with MS on DMDs. Across Europe the survey found approximately 61,000 practicing neurologists.
  • ||||||||||  Plegridy (PEG-interferon β-1a) / Biogen
    Clinical, Journal:  Interferons in the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis: A Clinical Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability Update. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 1, 2020   
    Four IFNβ drugs are currently approved to treat relapsing forms of MS: subcutaneous (SC) IFNβ-1b, SC IFNβ-1a, intramuscular IFNβ-1a, and, most recently, SC peginterferon beta-1a...Because the available interferon therapies differ in administration route and frequency of injection, switching among these therapies may be a viable option for patients who experience issues with tolerability. Although a variety of disease-modifying therapies are now available to treat relapsing MS, the efficacy and long-term safety profile of interferons make them an important first-line option for treatment.
  • ||||||||||  Plegridy (PEG-interferon β-1a) / Biogen, Rebif (human IFN-β-1a) / EMD Serono, Avonex (recombinant IFN-β-1a) / Biogen
    [VIRTUAL] Characteristics and clinical outcomes of older patients with MS treated with peginterferon beta-1a or intramuscular interferon beta-1a in MS PATHS () -  Aug 16, 2020 - Abstract #MSDC2020MSDC_882;    
    Approximately half of the ≥60-y and <60-y subgroups were relapse free at 6 mo (57% and 58%), 1 y (48% and 61%) and 2 y (49% and 60%).Conclusions In this RW study of patients with MS aged ≥60 or <60 y treated with peginterferon beta-1a or IM IFN beta-1a, younger patients had significantly improved PST and MDT ≥6 mo post-BL, and approximately equal proportions of patients in both age groups were relapse-free over 2 y. These results indicate that peginterferon beta-1a and IM IFN beta-1a may provide RW treatment benefits to patients with MS, including those aged 60 and above. This study was supported by Biogen.
  • ||||||||||  [VIRTUAL] Comorbid Anxiety, Depression, and Fatigue Symptoms by Disease Modifying Therapy: A National Multiple Sclerosis Cohort () -  Aug 16, 2020 - Abstract #MSDC2020MSDC_519;    
    DMTs were classified in LED (interferon beta-1a, interferon beta-1b, peginterferon beta-1a, glatiramer acetate), MED (teriflunomide, fingolimod, siponimod, dimethyl fumarate), and HED (alemtuzumab, ocrelizumab, rituximab, natalizumab, cladribine)...LED-treated patients had lower fatigue and depression scores compared to those on HED. Indication biases may have influenced our results; longitudinal studies taking into account prior DMT history and indicators for specific DMTs should evaluate whether certain DMT classes affect future depression, anxiety, or fatigue levels.
  • ||||||||||  Clinical, Reimbursement, Journal, Medicaid:  Expenditure, Utilization, and Cost of Specialty Drugs for Multiple Sclerosis in the US Medicaid Population, 2008-2018. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 30, 2020   
    The specialty drugs considered in our analysis included dimethyl fumarate, fingolimod, teriflunomide, cladribine, siponimod, alemtuzumab, natalizumab, ocrelizumab, daclizumab, glatiramer acetate, peginterferon beta-1a, interferon beta-1a, and interferon beta-1b...The growing utilization and spending trends for specialty MS medications are significant and sizable in the US Medicaid programs. Medicaid cost-containment strategy is warranted to control the economic burden of state budgets across the country.
  • ||||||||||  Plegridy (PEG-interferon β-1a) / Biogen
    [VIRTUAL] Pegylated interferon beta strongly reduces all serological and intrahepatic hepatitis B virus parameters in immunodeficient humanized mice (Poster Area) -  May 30, 2020 - Abstract #EASLILCI2020EASL-ILC-I-1818;    
    Human liver chimeric uPA/SCID/IL-R2γ (USG) mice stably infected with HBV (GT-D) received either peg-IFN-beta or peg-IFN-alpha (Plegridy® or Pegasys® 25ng/gr, twice/week) for 6 weeks while a group of infected mice remained untreated... Administration of peg-IFN-beta promoted more profound direct antiviral effects in vivo than peg-IFN-alpha in immunodeficient humanized mice, leading to a strong decline of all viral markers, including HBx and SMC6-associated epigenetic silencing of the persisting cccDNA.
  • ||||||||||  Mavenclad (cladribine) / EMD Serono
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  TREAT-MS: Traditional Versus Early Aggressive Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis Trial ( -  Apr 6, 2020   
    P=N/A,  N=900, Recruiting, 
    Rebif was specifically prescribed in younger and possibly more active patients, and was associated with lower MS-related complications and costs, suggesting an overall better disease control. Trial completion date: Oct 2022 --> Aug 2023 | Trial primary completion date: Oct 2022 --> Aug 2023
  • ||||||||||  Plegridy (PEG-interferon β-1a) / Biogen
    Trial completion date:  Biogen Multiple Sclerosis Pregnancy Exposure Registry ( -  Mar 23, 2020   
    P=N/A,  N=1125, Recruiting, 
    Trial completion date: Oct 2022 --> Aug 2023 | Trial primary completion date: Oct 2022 --> Aug 2023 Trial completion date: May 2028 --> Dec 2028
    In terms of purchases, in the 12 months ending February 2019 three oral DMDs were market leaders: dimethyl fumarate (17.4%), followed by fingolimod (16.2%), and teriflunomide (15.6%)...CONCLUSIONS : DMDs represent a market of more than $585 million dollars in Canada. Market growth in terms of purchases compared to prescriptions reflects the strong uptake and higher prices of some of the newer MS therapies.
  • ||||||||||  Plegridy (PEG-interferon β-1a) / Biogen
    PK/PD data, Journal:  Intact Bioactivities and Improved Pharmacokinetic of the SL335-IFN-β-1a Fusion Protein that Created by Genetic Fusion of SL335, a Human Anti-serum Albumin Fab, and Human Interferon-β. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 20, 2020   
    Recombinant human interferon beta (rIFN-β) has long been used as a first-line treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS), and any attempt to develop a long-acting rIFN-β is desirable since only one pegylated version of long-acting rIFN-β-1a (Plegridy) is currently available in clinics...In vitro functional assays revealed that the fusion protein retained its intrinsic binding capabilities to human serum albumin (HSA) and interferon α/β receptor (IFNAR) that were almost identical to those of parental SL335 and rIFN-β-1a (Rebif)...Finally, a four-week repeated dose toxicity study revealed no abnormal toxicological signs. In conclusion, our results clearly demonstrated that SL335-IFN-β-1a is worthy of further development as an alternative long-acting IFN-β therapeutic.
  • ||||||||||  Plegridy (PEG-interferon β-1a) / Biogen
    Enrollment closed, Enrollment change, Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  PLENO: Evaluate Safety/Tolerability in Portuguese Participants With RRMS Transitioning From Current Therapy ( -  Dec 3, 2019   
    P4,  N=80, Active, not recruiting, 
    These findings may be useful for clinicians considering postpartum treatment options for patients with MS. Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting | N=140 --> 80 | Trial completion date: Mar 2020 --> Sep 2020 | Trial primary completion date: Mar 2020 --> Sep 2020
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Cladribine (Mavenclad) for multiple sclerosis. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 13, 2019   
    Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting | N=140 --> 80 | Trial completion date: Mar 2020 --> Sep 2020 | Trial primary completion date: Mar 2020 --> Sep 2020 No abstract available