- |||||||||| Lamprene (clofazimine) / Novartis
Clinical, Journal: Refining MDR-TB treatment regimens for ultra short therapy (TB-TRUST): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 16, 2021 P=N/A It's foreseeable that not only novel developed medicines, but also traditional powerful medicines with the susceptibility confirmed by DST are the key factors to ensure the effect of anti-MDR-TB drugs. As a DST-guided precision treatment, TB-TRUST are expected to optimize therapy outcome in more patients who cannot afford the expensive new medicines and minimize and even avoid resistance amplification with the rational use of anti-TB drugs.
- |||||||||| levofloxacin / Generic mfg., tetracycline / Generic mfg.
[VIRTUAL] A Rare Case of Salmonella Enterica Dublin Bacteremia Leading to Septic Pulmonary Emboli () - Mar 14, 2021 - Abstract #ATS2021ATS_4838; She was treated with levofloxacin for two weeks with resolution of symptoms...In one study, after an outbreak in 1988, many strains were resistant to commonly used antibiotics, including ampicillin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, and neomycin...A CT chest illustrates pulmonary infiltrates, bilateral peripheral or subpleural zone nodules, or cavitary lesions. Four criteria have been described in previous studies to diagnose SPE: (1) focal or multifocal lung infiltrates on ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) scan plus chest CT and/or CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA), (2) the presence of active extrapulmonary infection as a potential embolic source, (3) the exclusion of other potential explanations for lung infiltrates, and (4) the resolution of lung infiltrates with appropriate antimicrobial therapy.
- |||||||||| levofloxacin / Generic mfg.
[VIRTUAL] Cough and Dyspnea: Navigating the Differential During a Pandemic () - Mar 14, 2021 - Abstract #ATS2021ATS_4746; She was since treated with levofloxacin twice for bronchial infections...In this particular case, COVID-19 was strongly suspected amongst an array of possible diagnoses; however, a thorough history along with strategic lab testing narrowed the differential. This case highlights the importance of maintaining a broad differential diagnosis especially in the setting of a global health crisis such as the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
- |||||||||| rifampicin / Generic mfg.
[VIRTUAL] Co-Infection Tuberculosis/Covid 19. An Announced Tragedy? () - Mar 14, 2021 - Abstract #ATS2021ATS_4495; The therapy established at the time was capreomycin (CM), ethambutol (E), levofloxacin (Lvx), pyrazinamide (P), and terizidone (Tzd)...Patients will need close follow-up to assess possible late respiratory and systemic repercussions. Furthermore, effective public power and health system actions will be necessary for the most vulnerable populations to avoid cases as serious as the one presented here.
- |||||||||| ceftriaxone / Generic mfg., amiodarone / Generic mfg.
[VIRTUAL] A Rare Case of ARDS Caused by Amiodarone () - Mar 14, 2021 - Abstract #ATS2021ATS_4313; He was treated for community acquired pneumonia prior to admission with steroids, Azithromycin, Ceftriaxone and Levofloxacin...Amiodarone was discontinued and the patient was started on Diltiazem and pulse dose steroids...Imaging is key for diagnosis, demonstrating diffuse patchy infiltrates; with a preference to the right lung and upper lobes. Treatment centers on discontinuation of the drug and 40 - 60 mg of Prednisone per day tapered over the period of a few months2.
- |||||||||| rifampicin / Generic mfg.
[VIRTUAL] Tuberculous Otomastoiditis Associated with Miliary Tuberculosis and Panhypopituitarism () - Mar 14, 2021 - Abstract #ATS2021ATS_3958; Patient with tuberculosis contact comes to the emergency room (ER) with a 10-month disease with a brownish secretion from the right ear lobe, mild otalgia, hearing loss, not improve with local and systemic antibiotic therapy (Levofloxacin)...In lab-test presents severe Hypoalbuminemia, Pancytopenia, increased inflammatory markers (PCR, VSG), Panhypopituitarism (Ca+ 1.61, IGF-1: 21, free testosterone: 19.4, TSH: 1.26, T4: 0.61) A Smear was taken from the ear discharge with results BARR 3+ and sputum show GenXpert positive to Mycobacterium tuberculosis sensitive to rifampicin.The thorax CT-scan showing diffuse micronodules lesions are observed, compatible with hematogenous dissemination.We start treatment (HRZE) with improvement in ear discharge and dyspnea...MRI shows incomplete empty Sella turcica. Due to thrombocytopenia, patient refused lumbar puncture.
- |||||||||| levofloxacin / Generic mfg.
[VIRTUAL] The Diagnosis Less Traveled: Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformation Disguised as Resistant Pneumonia () - Mar 14, 2021 - Abstract #ATS2021ATS_3500; She was treated with a one-week course of levofloxacin, albuterol and steroids, after which she was given a second course of steroids for persistent cough and SOB...Prevention of these complications underscores the need for early detection and treatment of pulmonary AVMs, particularly in asymptomatic patients. This case highlights the importance of CT scans in patients with non-resolving suspected pneumonia to avoid overlooking these masquerading lesions.
- |||||||||| levofloxacin / Generic mfg., doxycycline / Generic mfg., gentamicin sulfate / Generic mfg.
[VIRTUAL] Plague in the Modern Day () - Mar 14, 2021 - Abstract #ATS2021ATS_3049; Treatment consists of 10-14 days of a fluoroquinolone or gentamicin antibiotic. Although very rare, given the high mortality, plague should be on the differential for any zoonotic infection leading to sepsis or respiratory failure, particularly within the western US.
- |||||||||| levofloxacin / Generic mfg.
[VIRTUAL] Actively Caseating Endobronchial Tuberculosis in an Elderly South Asian Male: A Rare Presentation () - Mar 14, 2021 - Abstract #ATS2021ATS_1748; The patient was diagnosed with endobronchial and parenchymal TB and treated with anti-tubercular therapy along with levofloxacin to cover for suspected superimposed bacterial infection...Upon extensive review of literature up to October 2020, PubMed revealed only 4 published cases of EBTB in people aged above 50 years. The high rate of fibrostenotic complications along with a grave prognosis should alarm the physician to maintain a low threshold for diagnostic bronchoscopy in patients with known or suspected EBTB.
- |||||||||| Humira (adalimumab) / Eisai, AbbVie
[VIRTUAL] Adalimumab-Induced Chronic Organizing Pneumonia in a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis () - Mar 14, 2021 - Abstract #ATS2021ATS_1496; The patient had previously been prescribed courses of levofloxacin and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid with no clinical improvement seen...The patient was prescribed a one-month course of prednisone and adalimumab was switched to tofacitinib for suspected adalimumab-induced chronic organizing pneumonia, with subsequent swift complete cough cessation and resolution of the previously seen RLL airspace opacities on chest CT...Interestingly, this patient presented with an insidious course rather than acute respiratory symptoms. Furthermore, the lack of recurrence seen after medication discontinuation supports the notion of drug-induced toxicity in this patient with RA.
- |||||||||| [VIRTUAL] Female with the Full Classical Triad of Yellow Nail Syndrome () - Mar 14, 2021 - Abstract #ATS2021ATS_622;
She was treated for pneumonia with levofloxacin with no response...Patient was started on Vancomycin and Piperacillin-tazobactam...Antibiotics were deescalated to ampicillin-sulbactam only in the presence of clinical improvement and negative pleural fluid and blood cultures.ConclusionAlthough Yellow nail syndrome is a clinical triad, only 30% of cases present with the classical triad simultaneously as in this case, that’s why it’s difficult to be diagnosed and needs yellow nail syndrome minded physicians...More research is needed for better understanding of its pathophysiology, and to reach a definitive curative treatment."This research was supported by HCA. The views expressed in this publication represent those of the author(s) and not the official views of HCA"
- |||||||||| enoxaparin sodium / Generic mfg.
[VIRTUAL] Looking for Unusual Subjects: Elizabethkingia Meningoseptica Pneumonia in ICU () - Mar 14, 2021 - Abstract #ATS2021ATS_372; Since newer fluoroquinolones carry best MICs, levofloxacin was initiated resulting in remarkable clinical improvement...It remains a relatively uncommon pathogen on many hospitals. Clinically and administratively we must increase awareness of the possibility of this pathogen and its ability to create serious outbreaks.
- |||||||||| levofloxacin / Generic mfg.
Journal: Time-Dependent Phosphorescence Colors from Carbon Dots for Advanced Dynamic Information Encryption. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 13, 2021 In this study, TDPC is realized in carbon dots (CDs) synthesized by the one-pot hydrothermal treatment of levofloxacin...The red and green phosphorescence merge into an orange phosphorescence initially, exhibiting the TDPC phenomenon. Based on the unusual phosphorescent properties of the CDs, a kind of multilevel, dynamic phosphorescence colored 3D code is designed for advanced dynamic information encryption.
- |||||||||| levofloxacin / Generic mfg.
Clinical, Retrospective data, Journal: An evaluation of six-year Stenotrophomonas maltophilia infections in a university hospital. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 12, 2021 The most important risk factors for S.maltophilia infection in patients are previous exposure to antibiotics, prolonged hospitalization and invasive procedures such as mechanic ventilation. Discharging patients as early as possible with the rational use of antibiotics may be effective in reducing S. maltophilia infections and resistance rates.
- |||||||||| levofloxacin / Generic mfg.
Clinical, Journal: Frequency of and risk factors for carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 11, 2021 The most common source of CRE in infected patients was the blood compared to respiratory sources in colonized patients.Conclusion. CRE infection as opposed to colonization was more common in patients with previous exposure to levofloxacin and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and those with higher actual body weight.
- |||||||||| levofloxacin / Generic mfg., erythromycin / Generic mfg.
Journal: Prevalence of nasal carriers of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in primary health care units in Brazil. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 10, 2021 These observations highlight the importance of broadening the perspective of Health Care-Associated Infections prevention, including all health care levels, which are currently little explored. In addition, the dynamics and resistance mechanisms of S. aureus transmission still need to be further clarified to enable the implementation of more effective prevention measures.
- |||||||||| cefotaxime / Sedico
Clinical, Journal: Prevalence and Characterization of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus from Community- and Hospital-Associated Infections: A Tertiary Care Center Study. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 7, 2021 CA-MRSA was predominantly resistant to ciprofloxacin (86.4%), erythromycin (66.7%), ofloxacin (49.4%), cefotaxime (44.4%), gentamicin (40.7%) and clindamycin (40.7%), while HA-MRSA showed resistance against ciprofloxacin (80.4%), erythromycin (80.1%), cefotaxime (70.6%),ofloxacin (58.8%), clindamycin (47.1%) and levofloxacin (41.2%).This study reports the prevalence of CA-MRSA in community and hospital settings and the possibility of multidrug-resistant CA-MRSA replacing HA-MRSA in hospitals. The observations from our study emphasize the need for urgent measures to manage this emerging crisis in healthcare settings.
- |||||||||| clarithromycin / Generic mfg.
Preclinical, Journal: In Vitro Effects of Lactobacillus plantarum LN66 and Antibiotics Used Alone or in Combination on Helicobacter pylori Mature Biofilm. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 7, 2021 We speculate that the different effects of CFS and antibiotic combinations on biofilms may be related to changes in the content of proteins and polysaccharides in EPS and that the combination of CFS and CLR might promote the secretion of EPS, while the combination of CFS and LVX might have the opposite effect. Accordingly, we suggest that supplementation with L. plantarum LN66 may provide additional help when therapy involving LVX is used for clinical H. pylori biofilm eradication, whereas it may impair CLR efficacy when therapy involving CLR is used.
- |||||||||| Avelox (moxifloxacin) / Bayer
Journal: Candidatus Mycoplasma haemohominis in Human, Japan. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 6, 2021 We identified Candidatus M. haemohominis in a patient who had life-threatening symptoms related to multiple organ infection. Human infection with this mycoplasma might occur more frequently than has been generally recognized.
- |||||||||| levofloxacin / Generic mfg., griseofulvin / Generic mfg.
Journal: Occurrence of pharmaceutical and personal care products in Cau River, Vietnam. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 5, 2021 The water-sediment partition coefficient (K) was estimated to explore the fate of PPCP in the river, and the observed K mean values for lincomycin, sulfamethoxazole, and griseofulvin were 223.0, 7.6, and 997.0 kg/L, respectively. Risk assessment was initially conducted by applying a semi-quantitative assessment risk quotient (RQ); the potential ecological risk to the aquatic organism of PPCPs posed a moderate risk.
- |||||||||| vancomycin / Generic mfg., levofloxacin / Generic mfg.
Journal: Design and synthesis of novel desfluoroquinolone-aminopyrimidine hybrids as potent anti-MRSA agents with low hERG activity. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 3, 2021 The docking study revealed that two hydrogen bonds were formed between the C-7 substituent and the surrounding DNA bases, which might contribute to overcome resistance by reducing the dependence on the magnesium-water bridge interactions with topoisomerase IV. These results indicate a promising strategy for developing new antibiotic quinolones to combat multidrug resistance and cardiotoxicity.
- |||||||||| levofloxacin / Generic mfg.
PK/PD data, Journal: Levofloxacin pharmacokinetics and tissue residue concentrations after oral administration in Bilgorajska geese. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 2, 2021 According to the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic surrogate index (AUC/MIC) the levofloxacin dose regimen (after oral administration) used in the present study could be active against bacteria at a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) <0.24 μg/ml in geese. In addition, drug accumulation in the liver might be controlled using an estimated preliminary withdrawal time of 90 h.