levofloxacin / Generic mfg. 
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 0 Diseases   137 Trials   137 Trials   5343 News 

  • ||||||||||  Nuzyra (omadacycline) / Paratek
    Journal:  High Rates of Nonsusceptibility to Common Oral Antibiotics in Streptococcus pneumoniae Clinical Isolates From the United States (2019-2021). (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 4, 2024   
    Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates from the United States (n = 1038; 2019-2021) were susceptible to omadacycline (99.8%), levofloxacin (99.7%), and ceftriaxone (98.1%), whereas doxycycline (80.2%), oral penicillin (63.5%), cefpodoxime (76.8%), and azithromycin (54.4%) activity was limited. Tet(M) did not affect omadacycline activity but altered activity of older tetracyclines including doxycycline, suggesting omadacycline is an important option for treatment of community-acquired bacterial pneumonia.
  • ||||||||||  Taigexyn (nemonoxacin) / TaiGen
    Preclinical, Journal:  Potential effectiveness of parenteral nemonoxacin in the treatment of Clostridioides difficile infections: in vitro, ex vivo, and mouse studies. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 4, 2024   
    However, the standard agent for treating CDIs is limited to oral fidaxomicin or vancomycin...For clinical isolates and laboratory strains, lower MICs of nemonoxacin against C. difficile than levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin were observed, even in those harboring point mutations in the quinolone-resistance determining region...Similarly, no significant differences were found between mice receiving combination therapy of intraperitoneal nemonoxacin plus oral vancomycin and those treated with intraperitoneal nemonoxacin or oral vancomycin alone. The potential role of nemonoxacin, which can be administered parenterally, for treating CDIs was evidenced through the in vitro, ex vivo, and mouse models.
  • ||||||||||  aztreonam / Generic mfg., levofloxacin / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  The Uncommon Suspect: Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Cavitary Lung Lesions in an Immunocompetent Patient. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 3, 2024   
    aeruginosa rarely causes CAP, especially in immunocompetent patients, and cavitary lesions further complicate diagnosis. This case highlights the importance of considering P. aeruginosa in CAP with unusual features and emphasizes the utility of bronchoscopy with BAL for diagnosis and guiding management.
  • ||||||||||  piperacillin sodium/tazobactam sodium / Generic mfg., levofloxacin / Generic mfg.
    Retrospective data, Journal:  Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Patients Undergoing Lung Transplant: Single-Center Cohort Study. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 2, 2024   
    Piperacillin/tazobactam was the most common agent used either as monotherapy (n = 21, 80.7%) or as combination with levofloxacin (n = 79, 92.9%). The impact of PAP duration on EPOIs development was investigated including duration of PAP ?6
  • ||||||||||  levofloxacin / Generic mfg., amikacin sulfate / Generic mfg., tetracycline / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  A protracted cholera outbreak in Nairobi City County accentuated by mass gathering events, Kenya, 2017. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 1, 2024   
    The odds of cholera-related deaths was lower among outpatient cases (aOR: 0.35; [95% CI: 0.17-0.72]), age ?5 years old (aOR: 0.21 [95% CI: 0.09-0.55]), and mass gathering events (aOR: 0.26 [95% CI: 0.07-0.91]) while threefold higher odds among male (aOR: 3.04 [95% CI: 1.30-7.13]). Nairobi City County experienced a protracted and widespread cholera outbreak with a high case fatality rate in 2017.
  • ||||||||||  pretomanid (PA-824) / Global Alliance for TB Drug Development, Lamprene (clofazimine) / Novartis, Sirturo (bedaquiline) / J&J, Pharmstandard
    A CASE SERIES OF MULTIDRUG-RESISTANT TUBERCULOSIS () -  Aug 27, 2024 - Abstract #MTS2024MTS_229;    
    Two patients had an all-oral regimen where amikacin was replaced with bedaquiline...Conclusions Even though the WHO all-oral recommendation regimen is shorter, more acceptable and easier to administer, it remains a challenge for full implementation. Individualized MDRTB treatment based on resource availability and patient characteristics should be considered.
  • ||||||||||  levofloxacin / Generic mfg.
    TREATMENT OUTCOME AND MANAGEMENT OF ISONIAZID  (Foyer, Level 3) -  Aug 27, 2024 - Abstract #MTS2024MTS_134;    
    WHO recommends treatment with Rifampicin, Ethambutol, Pyrazinamide, and Levofloxacin (REZL) for duration of 6 months for patients with confirmed rifampicin-susceptible, isoniazid-resistant tuberculosis (Hr-TB)... Although there is a delay in the diagnosis of isoniazid resistance based on mycobacterial culture and drug susceptibility testing, the majority of the patients are able to comply with the treatment and achieve a good treatment outcome.
  • ||||||||||  levofloxacin / Generic mfg.
    Preclinical, Journal:  Effect of Salbutamol on the Disposition Kinetics of Levofloxacin in the Plasma and Lung of Rats. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 22, 2024   
    SLB administration to rats did not affect the plasma and lung pharmacokinetics and lung penetration ratio of LVX. There is a need to reveal the change in the pharmacokinetics of LVX after multiple administration of both drugs and after administration of SLB by different routes.
  • ||||||||||  levofloxacin / Generic mfg.
    Review, Journal:  Levofloxacin prophylaxis in pediatric oncology and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a literature review. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 20, 2024   
    The use of levofloxacin is indicated in neutropenic children and young adults receiving intensive chemotherapy for leukemia or undergoing HSCT. These results support the efficacy of levofloxacin in pediatric patients with leukemia receiving intensive chemotherapy and should be considered in pediatric patients undergoing HSCT prior to engraftment.
  • ||||||||||  levofloxacin / Generic mfg., rifampicin / Generic mfg., rifampicin/isoniazid/ethambutol/pyrazinamide / Generic mfg.
    Gut Check: Gastrointestinal Tuberculosis a Potential Mimic of Other Disease (Exhibit Hall E) -  Aug 20, 2024 - Abstract #ACG2024ACG_5508;    
    Figure B: H&E section (40x) reveals a non-necrotizing granuloma located at the lamina propria consisting of a few multinucleated giant cells and epithelioid histiocytes surrounded by lymphocytes. Figure C: Coronal CT Abdomen Pelvis depicting diffuse mural thickening and enhancement including the small bowel, cecum, and ascending colon.
  • ||||||||||  Beyond Routine: Challenges in Acute Appendicitis with Gangrenous Perforation and Sepsis Complicated by Hyperbilirubinemia (Exhibit Hall E) -  Aug 20, 2024 - Abstract #ACG2024ACG_5332;    
    Figure: Diagnostic Imaging on right shows the evidence of acute appendicitis and fatty liver disease, while on the left shows Hepatomegaly and Splenomegaly likely secondary to Drug-Induced Liver Injury (DILI) noted after IV Ceftriaxone therapy. Note: The table for this abstract can be viewed in the ePoster Gallery section of the ACG 2024 ePoster Site or in The American Journal of Gastroenterology's abstract supplement issue, both of which will be available starting October 27, 2024.
  • ||||||||||  Yersinia Enterocolitica Hepatic Abscesses Masquerading as Hepatic Metastases (Exhibit Hall E) -  Aug 20, 2024 - Abstract #ACG2024ACG_5205;    
    He was started on cefepime, metronidazole and then discharged on levofloxacin, metronidazole for a combined total of 3 weeks...Our patient was noted to have elevated HbA1c of 8.5% as a risk factor. This case highlights this rare clinical entity and serves as a reminder to consider rare differentials in such cases.
  • ||||||||||  levofloxacin / Generic mfg.
    Acute Phlegmonous Esophagitis: A Rare Case Report (Exhibit Hall E) -  Aug 20, 2024 - Abstract #ACG2024ACG_4511;    
    The patient was discharged on day 6 with oral cephalosporin and levofloxacin...Figure C depicts endoscopy of the esophagus showing ulcer with pus discharge. Figure D depicts endoscopic ultrasound revealing collection in the esophageal wall.
  • ||||||||||  Emphysematous Gastritis: A Rare but Critical Gastrointestinal Condition (Exhibit Hall E) -  Aug 20, 2024 - Abstract #ACG2024ACG_3872;    
    Within 48 hours, the patient's symptoms resolved, blood cultures were negative, and he was discharged shortly afterwards to finish a 14-day course of levofloxacin and metronidazole...Although the mainstay of treatment is supportive, emphysematous gastritis can lead to severe septic shock, gastric perforation, hemorrhage, or gastric wall necrosis if not identified promptly. In such cases, emergent surgical intervention is warranted.
  • ||||||||||  Invanz (ertapenem) / Merck (MSD)
    Copy Cat: Inflammatory Pseudotumors of the Liver (Exhibit Hall E) -  Aug 20, 2024 - Abstract #ACG2024ACG_3626;    
    More research is needed to understand the risk factors for this alarming cancer "copycat". Figure: Panel A: 4 phase CT scan of the liver (axial view, arterial phase) shows enhancing lesions in segments 5/6 Panel B: 4 phase CT scan of the liver (axial view, arterial phase) shows enhancing lesions in segments 4B Panel C: H&E stain at 200X magnification shows presence of lymphohistiocytic inflammatory cells and neutrophils among liver tissue
  • ||||||||||  cefepime hydrochloride / Generic mfg.
    Cefepime-Induced Cholestatic Liver Injury: A Rare Phenomenon (Exhibit Hall E) -  Aug 20, 2024 - Abstract #ACG2024ACG_3563;    
    Given the neutropenic fever, he was started on broad-spectrum antibiotics including vancomycin and cefepime...Upon medication review, cefepime-induced cholestatic LI was suspected (R factor: 1.7), prompting its discontinuation and switch to levofloxacin...While the common culprit of DILI in the cephalosporin class is cefazolin, cefepime-induced LI is rare, with only a few documented cases reported in the literature...This case highlights the importance of identifying hepatotoxicity as a rare adverse effect of cefepime, apart from the known risk of neurotoxicity and nephrotoxicity. Note: The table for this abstract can be viewed in the ePoster Gallery section of the ACG 2024 ePoster Site or in The American Journal of Gastroenterology's abstract supplement issue, both of which will be available starting October 27, 2024.
  • ||||||||||  Rituxan (rituximab) / Roche
    Perforation Risk Versus Mortality Benefit: The Quandary of Rituximab in Treating Post-transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder (Exhibit Hall E) -  Aug 20, 2024 - Abstract #ACG2024ACG_2527;    
    He had a prior admission for PTLD therapy initiation with rituximab, complicated by C. difficile, treated with fidaxomicin...He underwent laparoscopy with ileocecectomy and end ileostomy and started on meropenem and micafungin...However, 5-10% of patients treated with rituximab for malignancy experience a gastrointestinal perforation due to tumor lysis, presenting significant risks and complications, as highlighted by this case. Clinicians must be aware of these risks to ensure prompt intervention and management, potentially avoiding lethal outcomes.
  • ||||||||||  Xifaxan (rifaximin) / Alfa Wassermann, Bausch Health
    Hyperammonemia Syndrome After Combined Liver-Kidney Transplantation (Exhibit Hall E) -  Aug 20, 2024 - Abstract #ACG2024ACG_1780;    
    Despite treatment, prognosis is poor, and mortality can range from 46-69%. Clinicians should have a high index of suspicion for Ureaplasma infection in cases of hyperammonemia after solid organ transplantation.
  • ||||||||||  Sudden Onset Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation With Rapid Resolution Due to Plesiomonas Shigelloides (Exhibit Hall E) -  Aug 20, 2024 - Abstract #ACG2024ACG_1309;    
    Septic shock was suspected, so IV saline, ceftriaxone, and vancomycin were administered, improving her blood pressure...Stool cultures were positive for P. shigelloides , prompting a switch to levofloxacin...DIC is a common complication of P. shigelloides bacteremia, but the presentation rate in patients with negative blood cultures, like the patient in this case, is unknown. Note: The table for this abstract can be viewed in the ePoster Gallery section of the ACG 2024 ePoster Site or in The American Journal of Gastroenterology's abstract supplement issue, both of which will be available starting October 27, 2024.
  • ||||||||||  Simultaneous Clostridium Difficile Infection, Ulcerative Colitis and Colon Adenocarcinoma  (Exhibit Hall E) -  Aug 20, 2024 - Abstract #ACG2024ACG_814;    
    Case Description/ A 46-year-old man with a past medical history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cirrhosis, recent left 5th toe osteomyelitis, presented after recurrent hospitalizations for watery, non-bloody diarrhea while on Levofloxacin...Due to persistent diarrhea, patient was started on IV Metronidazole, Oral Vancomycin along with Vancomycin taper...Our patient was young, not on any treatment for ulcerative colitis or any chemotherapy for cancer and had recurrent CDI. Clinicians should not only be aware that patients with both IBD and colorectal cancer are prone to CDI but also consider underlying untreated cancer or IBD in the setting of difficult to treat CDI.
  • ||||||||||  From Contagion to Containment: Tackling Multidrug-Resistant Shigella in MSM Community (Exhibit Hall E) -  Aug 20, 2024 - Abstract #ACG2024ACG_785;    
    It was sensitive only to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and ceftriaxone...It is crucial to increase awareness of adequate measures such as good hand hygiene practices during and after sexual intercourse, especially in the MSM community, to prevent and minimize the risk of transmission. Public health authorities and clinicians must be vigilant in reporting such cases.
  • ||||||||||  levofloxacin / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  A Case Report of Hematogenous Osteomyelitis of the Manubrium Caused by Seeding from a Colovesicular Fistula. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 19, 2024   
    After a 34-day hospital course, the patient was discharged on two weeks of oral levofloxacin and follow-up appointments with cardiothoracic surgery and infectious disease...It is important to consider other sources that seed in the manubrium and imaging to evaluate multisite infection. Treatment should include intravenous antibiotics and/or surgical intervention for debridement with washout or manubriectomy.