lurasidone / Generic mfg. 
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 23 Diseases   12 Trials   12 Trials   1306 News 

  • ||||||||||  modafinil / Generic mfg., bleomycin / Generic mfg., BMS, lurasidone oral / Generic mfg.
    She had been started on 3 new medications recently: naltrexone, lurasidone 6 days prior; armodafinil 2 weeks prior...She was treated with IV fluids, topical medication and cyclosporine with improvement of her skin initially and was subsequently discharged... This case highlights the need to consider bleomycin toxicity in patients with previous exposure and to avoid unnecessary oxygen therapy.
  • ||||||||||  aripiprazole / Generic mfg., olanzapine / Generic mfg., lurasidone oral / Generic mfg.
    Clinical, Review, Journal, HEOR:  Economic evaluations on the use of aripiprazole for patients with schizophrenia: A systematic review. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 11, 2020   
    Cost drivers, though, were usually related to the relapse rates/probabilities. In addition, poor reporting quality of the studies performing full economic analysis requires further improvement to ensure greater transparency of the findings.
  • ||||||||||  Abilify Maintena (aripiprazole depot formulation) / Otsuka, Lundbeck
    Trial completion date:  Study of the Impact of Aripiprazole (Abilify ( -  Oct 6, 2020   
    P4,  N=47, Completed, 
    In addition, poor reporting quality of the studies performing full economic analysis requires further improvement to ensure greater transparency of the findings. Trial completion date: Dec 2019 --> Jul 2020
  • ||||||||||  Latuda (lurasidone oral) / Sumitomo Dainippon
    [VIRTUAL] Weight Change in Schizophrenic Patients Prescribed with Antipsychotics in United States- A Real-World Evidence Study () -  Oct 3, 2020 - Abstract #ISPOREU2020ISPOR-EU_1919;    
    Patients were classified into ‘medium/high risk weight gain APs’ (MHRWG), ‘low risk weight gain APs’ (LRWG) and lurasidone (LUR) cohorts according to the AP prescribed on the Index Date... These results are consistent with those from clinical trials, which found LUR to be associated with a minor weight gain and a higher likelihood of experiencing a significant weight loss compared to most of the other APs.
  • ||||||||||  Latuda (lurasidone oral) / Sumitomo Dainippon
    [VIRTUAL] Schizophrenia and HTA Decision Making () -  Oct 3, 2020 - Abstract #ISPOREU2020ISPOR-EU_1809;    
    Findings from the analogue assessment show that an appropriate trial comparator is the key value driver and symptom-specific evidence is not considered critical. However, sensitivity to symptom-specific benefit varies across markets and investing in this evidence could have a part to play in differentiation across therapies, but more as a supplementary tool rather than as an access driver.
  • ||||||||||  Latuda (lurasidone oral) / Sumitomo Dainippon
    [VIRTUAL] Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis of Treatments for Schizophrenia () -  Oct 3, 2020 - Abstract #ISPOREU2020ISPOR-EU_1646;    
    Active treatments were generally associated with lower odds of discontinuation due to any cause, and higher odds of experiencing any adverse event. CONCLUSIONS Lurasidone was found to be comparable to brexpiprazole and cariprazine for the efficacy and safety outcomes assessed at 6 weeks.
  • ||||||||||  Clinical, Journal:  Little Agreement on Treating Residual Bipolar Disorder Symptoms in a Child. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 1, 2020   
    Of the child MDs, 75% suggested increasing the 1-mg dose of risperidone, while few adult MDs suggested this...There was little consensus on how to manage ADHD symptoms unresponsive to methylphenidate 36 mg/d...There was wide variation in suggestions on to how to treat persistent symptoms of anxiety, ADHD, and oppositional behavior in a child whose mania and depression had been brought under good control. We surmise that this great diversity in recommendations among experts in child and adult bipolar disorder stems at least partially from inadequate literature on treatment and that a new emphasis on funding and conducting studies on efficacy and effectiveness is needed.
  • ||||||||||  Latuda (lurasidone oral) / Sumitomo Dainippon, quetiapine / Generic mfg.
    [VIRTUAL] Depressive Symptoms – Could It Be Bipolar Depression? An Overview for Primary Care () -  Sep 30, 2020 - Abstract #ACNP2020ACNP_570;    
    Initial misdiagnosis results in a delay of appropriate early treatment, potential mistreatment, kindling malignant course and progression, and poor outcomes. Primary care clinicians are essential for providing mental health care and those who can differentiate presenting symptoms of bipolar depression rapidly and offer appropriate treatment options can optimize their clinical management of these patients.
  • ||||||||||  Review, Journal:  Lumateperone (Caplyta) for schizophrenia. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 20, 2020   
    Although treatment decisions are driven by a number of factors (eg, clinical circumstances and drug costs), choice of OAA may affect health care costs. No abstract available
  • ||||||||||  Latuda (lurasidone oral) / Sumitomo Dainippon
    Clinical, Retrospective data, Journal, HEOR:  The pharmacoeconomic efficacy of lurasidone in the treatment of schizophrenia (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 20, 2020   
    Lurasidone is a more effective drug for treatment of schizophrenia from a pharmacoeconomic point of view in comparison with paliperidone and sertindole. With comparative efficacy with paliperidone and sertindole the use of lurasidone can significantly reduce the burden on budget of state programs of compensation for certain categories of citizens.
  • ||||||||||  Latuda (lurasidone oral) / Sumitomo Dainippon
    Journal:  A Dilute and Shoot LC-MS/MS Method for Antipsychotics in Urine. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 19, 2020   
    Finally, this method has been used to test samples for over a year with the results summarized in this report. While further improvements are certainly possible, this method is selective and sensitive for this group of important compounds.
  • ||||||||||  Saphris (asenapine) / Lundbeck, Meiji Seika, AbbVie, iloperidone / Generic mfg., Latuda (lurasidone oral) / Sumitomo Dainippon
    Retrospective data, Review, Journal:  Medication-Induced Akathisia with Newly Approved Antipsychotics in Patients with a Severe Mental Illness: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 30, 2020   
    Although distinctions between the different NAPs were not clear in placebo-controlled trials, the results of our meta-analyses and systematic review generally indicate that these differences more than likely reflect real differences, with iloperidone showing the most and cariprazine showing the least benign akathisia profile. Moreover, due to patient characteristics and methodological issues, incidence rates of akathisia with NAPs found in this meta-analysis may even be an underestimation of true incidence rates.
  • ||||||||||  Review, Journal:  Treatment of Mixed Features in Bipolar Disorder: an Updated View. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 15, 2020   
    However, adequately powered treatment trials-and studies of maintenance and neurostimulation therapies-are needed. Additionally, data-driven techniques to identify relevant symptom clusters may help improve our conceptualization of mixed presentations.
  • ||||||||||  lurasidone / Generic mfg.
    Enrollment open:  Observational Study on the Effect of Switch to Lurasidone in Subjects With Schizophrenia" ( -  Aug 7, 2020   
    P=N/A,  N=300, Recruiting, 
    The discussed new antipsychotics represent useful therapeutic options but their efficacy and side effect profiles should be considered to personalize prescription. Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting
  • ||||||||||  Latuda (lurasidone oral) / Sumitomo Dainippon
    [VIRTUAL] Beneficial effects of lurasidone treatment during adolescence in rats exposed to stress during gestation. (Poster Area) -  Aug 5, 2020 - Abstract #ECNP2020ECNP_937;    
    Some of these changes show the peak during adolescence, although most of them persist into adulthood. Interestingly, chronic lurasidone treatment during peri-puberty is able to counteract or prevent most of these molecular alterations that are known to contribute to stress-related psychiatric disorders, and thus it may be useful in minimizing the individual vulnerability for psychopathology.
  • ||||||||||  olanzapine / Generic mfg., Latuda (lurasidone oral) / Sumitomo Dainippon
    [VIRTUAL] Lurasidone dosing in a 6-month open label long term extension study (Poster Area) -  Aug 5, 2020 - Abstract #ECNP2020ECNP_900;    
    Conclusion About one third of schizophrenia patients benefited from higher (120 mg/d) dose of lurasidone during 6-months open label extension study. These patients had more severe baseline symptoms as measured by PANSS total score, PANSS negative subscore and CGI-S score at study baseline.
  • ||||||||||  Latuda (lurasidone oral) / Sumitomo Dainippon
    [VIRTUAL] Lurasidone in adolescents with schizophrenia: remission and recovery during 2 years of open-label treatment (Poster Area) -  Aug 5, 2020 - Abstract #ECNP2020ECNP_891;    
    Conclusion Our results showed that open label long-term treatment with flexibly dosed lurasidone 40-80mg/d in schizophrenia patients was associated with sustained improvement noted in PANSS total and CGI-S scores irrespective of previous treatment assigned during 6-week blinded study. For adolescents with schizophrenia, treatment with lurasidone was associated with continued improvement in psychotic symptoms, resulting in high rates of sustained remission and recovery over a two-year period.
  • ||||||||||  Latuda (lurasidone oral) / Sumitomo Dainippon
    [VIRTUAL] Long-term effectiveness of lurasidone in pediatric bipolar depression: response, remission and recovery (Poster Area) -  Aug 5, 2020 - Abstract #ECNP2020ECNP_657;    
    Sustained remission was achieved by 37.2% of patients at one year and 57% of patients after two years. Conclusion In children and adolescents with bipolar depression, up to 2 years of treatment with lurasidone was associated with continued improvement in depressive symptoms, resulting in progressively higher rates of response, remission, and the more rigorously calculated outcome of sustained remission.
  • ||||||||||  Latuda (lurasidone oral) / Sumitomo Dainippon
    [VIRTUAL] Lurasidone monotherapy for bipolar I depression: effect on core depressive symptoms (Poster Area) -  Aug 5, 2020 - Abstract #ECNP2020ECNP_654;    
    Conclusions In this combined analysis of two short-term bipolar I depression studies, we found that lurasidone monotherapy was associated with significant and early improvement in the MADRS total and core 6 score. Lurasidone had a broad antidepressive effect, as shown by improvements on most of the individual MADRS items, and the magnitude of the effect was higher in core depressive symptom items.
  • ||||||||||  [VIRTUAL] Risk/benefit balance of antipsychotics in the treatment of adult patients with major depressive disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis (Poster Area) -  Aug 5, 2020 - Abstract #ECNP2020ECNP_653;    
    Across 16 RCTs (4,835 participants), the antipsychotics listed below had significantly higher treatment response rates in monotherapy compared with placebo in the following order; lurasidone [risk ratio (RR) = 2.16, p < 0.001], amisulpride (RR = 1.99, p < 0.001), sulpiride (RR = 1.50, p = 0.032), and quetiapine (RR = 1.48, p < 0.001)...Across 34 RCTs (8,565 participants), the antipsychotics below had significantly higher treatment response rates in adjunctive therapy compared with placebo in the following order; ziprasidone (RR = 1.80, p = 0.028), risperidone (RR= 1.59, p = 0.002), aripiprazole (RR = 1.54, p < 0.001), brexpiprazole (RR = 1.41, p < 0.001), cariprazine (RR= 1.27, p = 0.007), and quetiapine (RR = 1.23, p = 0.002)...This is the first and largest systematic review and meta-analysis to date evaluating the efficacy and safety/tolerability of antipsychotics in the treatment of patients with MDD. Our findings should inform clinical guidelines and assist the decision making process in the clinical practice on selecting the most appropriate antipsychotic for adults with MDD.
  • ||||||||||  [VIRTUAL] Safety/tolerability of antipsychotics in the treatment of adult patients with major depressive disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis (Poster Area) -  Aug 5, 2020 - Abstract #ECNP2020ECNP_651;    
    Quetiapine (RR=4.22, p<0.001) and olanzapine (RR=3.76, p=0.006) had significantly higher risk for somnolence...Iloperidone (RR=2.45, p=0.008), cariprazine (RR=1.25, p<0.001), quetiapine (RR=1.25, p<0.001), aripiprazole (RR=1.24, p<0.001), and brexpiprazole (RR=1.24, p<0.001) had significantly higher risk for at least one AE...Aripiprazole (RR=5.96, p<0.001), quetiapine (RR=2.57, p=0.011), and brexpiprazole (RR=2.31, p=0.009) had significantly higher risk of ≥7% weight gain.Conclusions Results from this meta-analysis illustrate significant differences in safety and tolerability outcomes between antipsychotics in the treatment of MDD. This information should be taken into consideration while making individualized treatment decisions to improve outcomes in management of MDD.
  • ||||||||||  Review, Journal:  Neuroprotective effects of the second generation antipsychotics. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 4, 2020   
    A review of the literature suggests that in addition to their antipsychotic efficacy and low motoric side effects, SGAs exert measurable neuroprotective effects mediated via multiple molecular mechanisms and often in a dose-dependent manner. The neuroprotective effects of SGAs range from preventative to restorative and may play a salutary role in ameliorating the neurodegenerative effects of psychosis.
  • ||||||||||  Latuda (lurasidone oral) / Sumitomo Dainippon, quetiapine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Pharmacological Treatment of Bipolar Depression: What are the Current and Emerging Options? (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 3, 2020   
    Evidence for some more recent therapeutic options, including lurasidone and cariprazine, suggests that patients' symptoms can be effectively managed without compromising their physical health. In addition, novel agents targeting alternative neurotransmitter pathways and inflammatory processes (such as ketamine and N-acetyl cysteine) are emerging as promising potential options for the treatment of bipolar depression in the future.
  • ||||||||||  Latuda (lurasidone oral) / Sumitomo Dainippon
    Clinical, Journal:  Lurasidone Malabsorption Following Bariatric Surgery: A Case Report. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 26, 2020   
    We describe the case of a patient with incomplete response to lurasidone therapy in the year following a duodenal switch procedure. This case raises concern about the effect that the duodenal switch procedure may have on lurasidone absorption.
  • ||||||||||  Clinical, Journal:  Treating depressive episodes or symptoms in patients with schizophrenia. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 10, 2020   
    A limited number of studies examined the use of antidepressants in depressed patients with schizophrenia showing modest effectiveness. Overall, additional research is needed to determine the most effective treatment approach for patients with schizophrenia and depressive episodes.
  • ||||||||||  Abilify Maintena (aripiprazole depot formulation) / Otsuka, Lundbeck
    Trial completion date:  Study of the Impact of Aripiprazole (Abilify ( -  Jun 9, 2020   
    P4,  N=47, Completed, 
    Overall, additional research is needed to determine the most effective treatment approach for patients with schizophrenia and depressive episodes. Trial completion date: Dec 2018 --> Dec 2019
  • ||||||||||  Retrospective data, Journal:  Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Antipsychotic Drugs for Acute Schizophrenia. (Pubmed Central) -  May 17, 2020   
    The 95% effective doses and the doses equivalent to 1 mg of oral risperidone, respectively, were as follows: amisulpride for patients with positive symptoms, 537 mg/day and 85.8 mg; aripiprazole, 11.5 mg/day and 1.8 mg; aripiprazole LAI (lauroxil), 463 mg every 4 weeks and 264 mg; asenapine, 15.0 mg/day and 2.4 mg; brexpiprazole, 3.36 mg/day and 0.54 mg; haloperidol, 6.3 mg/day and 1.01 mg; iloperidone, 20.13 mg/day and 3.2 mg; lurasidone, 147 mg/day and 23.5 mg; olanzapine, 15.2 mg/day and 2.4 mg; olanzapine LAI, 277 mg every 2 weeks and 3.2 mg; paliperidone, 13.4 mg/day and 2.1 mg; paliperidone LAI, 120 mg every 4 weeks and 1.53 mg; quetiapine, 482 mg/day and 77 mg; risperidone, 6.3 mg/day and 1 mg; risperidone LAI, 36.6 mg every 2 weeks and 0.42 mg; sertindole, 22.5 mg/day and 3.6 mg; and ziprasidone, 186 mg/day and 30 mg...In chronic schizophrenia patients with acute exacerbations, doses higher than the identified 95% effective doses may on average not provide more efficacy. For some drugs, higher than currently licensed doses might be tested in further trials, because their dose-response curves did not plateau.