MK-4214 (filgrastim biosimilar) / Merck (MSD) 
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Trial + Data / EventsStatusPhNRegionInterventionsSponsorConditionsPrimary complStudy compl
MK-4214 (filgrastim biosimilar) / Merck (MSD)
2011-003399-36: A Phase III Randomized, Double-Blind, Active-Controlled Clinical Trial to Study the Efficacy and Safety of MK-4214 (filgrastim) and Neupogen™ as an Adjunct to Combination Chemotherapy with Doxorubicin and Docetaxel in Breast Cancer Patients

Filgrastim, Neupogen™, MK-4214, Neupogen™, Neupogen™
Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc.
Breast Cancer

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