Winrevair (sotatercept-csrk) / BMS, Merck (MSD) 
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 16 Diseases   13 Trials   13 Trials   579 News 

  • ||||||||||  Review, Journal:  Developmental Therapeutics in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 24, 2018   
    In polycythemia vera, a novel interferon administered every 2 weeks is being developed for front-line therapy in high-risk individuals, and inhibitors of human double minute 2 (HDM2) have shown promise in preclinical studies, as have HDAC inhibitors such as givinostat (both in the laboratory and in the clinic). Ruxolitinib is approved for second-line therapy of polycythemia vera and is being developed for essential thrombocythemia.
  • ||||||||||  sotatercept (MK-7962) / BMS, Merck (MSD)
    Enrollment closed, Phase classification, Enrollment change, Trial initiation date:  Study to Determine the Safety and Tolerability of Sotatercept (ACE-011) in Adults With Beta( ?)- Thalassemia. ( -  Aug 19, 2015   
    P2a,  N=46, Active, not recruiting, 
    Trial primary completion date: Jul 2015 --> Jan 2016 Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting | Phase classification: P2 --> P2a | N=85 --> 46 | Initiation date: Mar 2012 --> Oct 2012