oxcarbazepine / Generic mfg. 
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 51 Diseases   15 Trials   15 Trials   1554 News 

  • ||||||||||  hydralazine hydrochloride / Generic mfg., oxcarbazepine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  The numerical probability of carcinogenicity to humans of some pharmaceutical drugs: alkylating agents, topoisomerase inhibitors or poisons, and DNA intercalators. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 14, 2022   
    From this appraisal results, the following is suggested 1) for the pharmaceuticals listed in this report, to include significant carcinogenicity warnings in the prescribing information; 2) to conduct pharmacoepidemiology studies or risk-benefit analyses (as warranted), and 3) based on the respective risk-benefit analyses, to re-evaluate the authorization of hydralazine and phenoxybenzamine as antihypertensives, oxcarbazepine as an anticonvulsant, and phenazopyridine as a urinary tract antimicrobial or analgesic. For those four latter drugs (e.g., phenoxybenzamine), a 99.5% probability of carcinogenicity to humans was estimated.
  • ||||||||||  carbamazepine / Generic mfg., irinotecan / Generic mfg.
    Biomarker, Clinical, Review, Journal:  Pharmacogenomics research and its clinical implementation in Thailand: Lessons learned from the resource-limited settings. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 4, 2022   
    This review will provide an overview of the current pharmacogenomics practices and research in Thailand, address the challenges and lessons learned from delivering clinical pharmacogenomic services in Thailand, emphasize the pharmacogenomics implementation issues that must be overcome, and identify current pharmacogenomic initiatives and plans to facilitate clinical implementation of pharmacogenomics in Thailand. Ever since the pharmacogenomics research began in 2004 in Thailand, a multitude of pharmacogenomics variants associated with drug responses have been identified in the Thai population, such as HLA-B∗15:02 for carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine, HLA-B∗58:01 for allopurinol, HLA-B∗13:01 for dapsone and cotrimoxazole, CYP2B6 variants for efavirenz, CYP2C9∗3 for phenytoin and warfarin, CYP3A5∗3 for tacrolimus, and UGT1A1∗6 and UGT1A1∗28 for irinotecan, etc. The future of pharmacogenomics guided therapy in clinical settings across Thailand appears promising because of the availability of evidence of clinical validity of the pharmacogenomics testing and support for reimbursement of pharmacogenomics testing.
  • ||||||||||  carbamazepine / Generic mfg., oxcarbazepine / Generic mfg.
    Clinical, Journal:  A Case Series of Patients With Central Hypothyroidism From Oxcarbazepine Therapy. (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 16, 2021   
    Oxcarbazepine is an analog of carbamazepine designed to minimize effects from the hepatic P450 metabolic enzymes. We have found that in the pediatric population, serum free thyroxine is reduced and thyroid-stimulating hormone concentrations are unchanged in patients taking oxcarbazepine with the mechanism thus being central hypothyroidism.
  • ||||||||||  levetiracetam / Generic mfg., oxcarbazepine / Generic mfg.
    Clinical, Journal:  A novel de novo hemizygous ARHGEF9 mutation associated with severe intellectual disability and epilepsy: a case report. (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 16, 2021   
    Oxcarbazepine and levetiracetam reduced the frequency of the patient's epileptic seizures to a certain extent, but psychomotor developmental delay and developmental regression became more obvious with age. This case study seeks to report a de novo loss-of-function mutation of ARHGEF9, aiming to emphasize the genetic diagnosis of X-linked intellectual disability and further improve knowledge of the ethnic distribution of ARHGEF9 mutations.
  • ||||||||||  carbamazepine / Generic mfg.
    Lamotrigine and Other Sodium Channel Blocking Antiseizure Medication Use and Risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy () -  Dec 12, 2021 - Abstract #AES2021AES_1602;    
    These data demonstrated comparable use of lamotrigine and other sodium channel modulating ASMs at the time of EMU admission between future SUDEP cases and controls. Although the study is limited by a lack of information about any changes in ASMs after the EMU admission, it provides reassurance for clinicians that use of these drugs may be not associated with an increase risk of SUDEP.
  • ||||||||||  Aptiom (eslicarbazepine) / Sumitomo Dainippon, BIAL
    Effects of Eslicarbazepine Acetate on Bone Density and on Bone Metabolism () -  Dec 12, 2021 - Abstract #AES2021AES_1469;    
    Neither osteodensitometry nor bone metabolism parameters showed significant group effects after one year of treatment with eslicarbazepine acetate. Individual fluctuations were observed, however, which may warrant monitoring particularly in patients under polytherapy.
  • ||||||||||  Briviact (brivaracetam) / UCB
    Brivaracetam Clearance Changes During Pregnancy in Women with Epilepsy () -  Dec 12, 2021 - Abstract #AES2021AES_1325;    
    Further investigation is necessary to assess BRV use in larger cohorts, with baseline measurements, formal pharmacokinetic modeling with hours post-dose, and assessment of seizure control relative to alterations in concentrations. Based on our observed clearance fluctuations, TDM is recommended for patients on BRV.
  • ||||||||||  Briviact (brivaracetam) / UCB
    Real-World Study of Brivaracetam in the United States () -  Dec 12, 2021 - Abstract #AES2021AES_1136;    
    Main eligibility criteria included a history of focal seizures, age ≥ 16 years, and lifetime history or current concomitant use of ≥ 1 of four specific antiseizure medications (ASMs): levetiracetam, lamotrigine, oxcarbazepine, or carbamazepine. BRV was well tolerated and effective in one of the first US real-world evidence studies examining BRV in a real-world setting, as reflected by a 12-month retention of 57.1%.
  • ||||||||||  gabapentin / Generic mfg., carbamazepine / Generic mfg.
    Nonconvulsive Status Epilepticus in the Setting of Cannabidiol Adjunctive Therapy () -  Dec 12, 2021 - Abstract #AES2021AES_1048;    
    CBD may have also triggered NCSE in our patient because of its pharmacokinetic interactions with his other ASMs, specifically by increasing tiagabine levels. There is still a need to better understand CBD’s molecular targets to prevent this rare complication.
  • ||||||||||  oxcarbazepine / Generic mfg.
    Oxcarbazepine Use and the Risk of Infantile Spasms Among Children with Epilepsy () -  Dec 12, 2021 - Abstract #AES2021AES_1003;    
    In this preliminary analysis, oxcarbazepine was associated with a greater risk of ISS compared to levetiracetam. Though the sample size was small and residual confounding cannot be ruled out, our study results warrant further investigation on whether sodium channel blockers may be causally linked to ISS in infants.
  • ||||||||||  levetiracetam / Generic mfg., oxcarbazepine / Generic mfg.
    Clinical Significance of Postmortem AED Level Determination in SUDEP Patients () -  Dec 12, 2021 - Abstract #AES2021AES_785;    
    The level of AED detected postmortem is dependent on many variables including the time when the drug was last taken antemortem, the time when sample is drawn PM and the individual pharmacokinetics of a particular AED pre and post death. Detection of AED level PM gives no clinically significant information about AED compliance, whether SUDEP can be attributed to AED noncompliance or to any particular AED.
  • ||||||||||  levetiracetam / Generic mfg., oxcarbazepine / Generic mfg.
    Epilepsy in Malan Syndrome: Prevalence, Impact and Management Strategies () -  Dec 12, 2021 - Abstract #AES2021AES_727;    
    Seizures are common in Malan Syndrome and were reported in most patients. Information regarding seizure frequency, duration and treatment will improve our understanding and assist practitioners in the betterment of epilepsy care provided to children with Malan syndrome.
  • ||||||||||  sodium valproate / Generic mfg., oxcarbazepine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Unmasking the entity of 'drug-resistant' perioral myoclonia with absences: the twitches, darts and domes! (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 1, 2021   
    Four (80%) had a referral diagnosis of focal epilepsy based on historical focal features with exacerbation of seizures on oxcarbazepine...Therapeutic response to introduction of sodium valproate was noted in all five patients...Background-slowing, atypical ictal rhythms and valproate unresponsiveness are not consistent with the diagnosis of this unique absence epilepsy. [Published with video sequences].
  • ||||||||||  carbamazepine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Comparison of high resolution mrm and sequential window acquisition of all theoretical fragment-ion acquisition modes for the quantitation of 48 wastewater-borne pollutants in lettuce. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 29, 2021   
    During extraction, the use of formic acid was adopted to further improve the results of some problematic compounds (e.g., fenofibrate, furosemide, metronidazole, oxcarbazepine, sulfanilamide)...Both methods provided similar recoveries between 80 and 120% in lettuce leaves, although sulfanilamide, ciprofloxacin, and sulfamethazine presenting values of 26.8, 27.8, and 28.4% in MRM and 25, 33.9, and 35% in SWATH, respectively...Application of the present method to lettuce crops growth in controlled conditions showed the presence of 14 out 48 studied compounds with similar concentrations in both acquisition modes ranging from 3.3 and 1.3 ng g   for climbazole (for MRM and SWATH, respectively) to 33.2 and 17.7 ng g   for sulfamethazine. Drug residues such as carbamazepine (6.0 and 8.5 ng g  ), and its metabolite carbamazepine epoxide (18.1 and 16.5 ng g  ), frequently found in wastewater effluents, were also detected.
  • ||||||||||  pregabalin / Generic mfg., gabapentin / Generic mfg., carbamazepine / Generic mfg.
    Review, Journal:  Trigeminal neuralgia: a practical guide. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 29, 2021   
    Surgery should be considered if the pain is poorly controlled or the medical treatments are poorly tolerated. Trigeminal microvascular decompression is the first-line surgery in patients with trigeminal neurovascular conflict while neuroablative surgical treatments can be offered if MR does not show any neurovascular contact or where patients are considered too frail for microvascular decompression or do not wish to take the risk.
  • ||||||||||  Review, Journal:  Neurodevelopment following exposure to antiseizure medications in utero: a review. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 29, 2021   
    This slow accumulation of evidence impacts the safest use of medications in pregnancy and makes counseling women regarding the risks and benefits of specific antiseizure drugs difficult. Improved focus, funding, and research methodologies are urgently needed.
  • ||||||||||  carbamazepine / Generic mfg.
    Biomarker, Journal:  The use of pharmacogenetic testing in psychiatry. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 29, 2021   
    Evidence is limited for psychiatric pharmacogenetic testing. Clinicians should continue to follow best practice and clinical practice guidelines.
  • ||||||||||  oxcarbazepine / Generic mfg.
    Clinical, Retrospective data, Journal:  The spectrum of epilepsy in children with 15q13.3 microdeletion syndrome. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 18, 2021   
    Focal seizures and focal EEG findings may be observed and should be treated cautiously, given the possibility of combined seizure types. Valproate appeared effective, although other treatments must be explored further.
  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    Review, Journal:  Feasibility of Using Oral Fluid for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Antiepileptic Drugs. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 4, 2021   
    Using OF may improve the acceptability and accessibility and reduce the cost of AED TDM. Clinical implementation requires standardized collection protocols, more rigorously defined OF reference ranges, and further studies to determine the relevance to clinically important outcomes.
  • ||||||||||  carbamazepine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Psychotropic drug-induced hyponatremia: results from a drug surveillance program-an update. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 29, 2021   
    Antipsychotic drugs, tricyclic antidepressants, and mirtazapine exhibited a significantly lower incidence of HN...Female SSNRI-users aged  ≥ 65 years concomitantly using other HN-inducing drugs were the population subgroup with the highest risk of developing HN. The identification of high-risk drug combinations and vulnerable patient subgroups represents a significant step in the improvement of drug safety and facilitates the implementation of precautionary measures.
  • ||||||||||  [VIRTUAL] Treatment Resistant Case of Morvan Syndrome () -  Oct 21, 2021 - Abstract #ANA2021ANA_414;    
    It is important to note that the diagnosis is solely clinical. We recognize this case is atypical since our patient has hypersomnia instead of insomnia (which still fulfills criteria of sleep disturbance) but the other findings are highly sugges tive of Morvan Syndrome.
  • ||||||||||  carbamazepine / Generic mfg.
    [VIRTUAL] Total Daily Dosage of Anti-Epileptic Drugs in Women with Epilepsy with Subsequent Pregnancies () -  Oct 21, 2021 - Abstract #ANA2021ANA_222;    
    This variation may reflect differences in the timing of level testing, variability in practitioner dosage change during different pregnancies amongst other factors. The doses used during an initial pregnancy may be useful in guiding dose management in successive pregnancies, but frequent testing of levels may still be needed.
  • ||||||||||  ketamine / Generic mfg., lorazepam / Generic mfg.
    [VIRTUAL] Testing the Salzburg Criteria in Cefepime Induced Non-Convulsive Status Epilepticus () -  Oct 21, 2021 - Abstract #ANA2021ANA_201;    
    Initial attempt to classify the pattern as ictal using clinical and EEG improvement from IV anti-seizure medications in this case failed, but both EEG and clinical improvement was seen after 24 hours of IV ketamine infusion. Our report highlights need to quantify the time interval that should be used to define NCSE in the Salzburg criteria through the trial of IV anti-seizure medication.
  • ||||||||||  sodium valproate / Generic mfg., levetiracetam / Generic mfg., oxcarbazepine / Generic mfg.
    Clinical, Journal:  Influence of Different Antiepileptic Drugs on Blood Ammonia and Homocysteine Levels in Children with Epilepsy. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 15, 2021   
    However, compared with sodium valproate, levetiracetam and oxcarbazepine have a lower incidence of adverse drug reactions and do not cause an increase in blood ammonia and Hcy levels, so they have higher safety of drug treatment. In addition, compared with sodium valproate, levetiracetam and oxcarbazepine have better recovery of cognitive function in children with epilepsy and so they have better application value.